The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 15, 1898, Image 4

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    m mi
ONG enjoys
Both the moth 3 and result? when
Svruo of Fiz? is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
gentlv vet prompter on the Kidneys,
Liver and Boweb." cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers 3nd enres habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of "its kind ever pro- i
dnced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ;
cep table to the stomach, prompt in
its action and troly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most ,
healthy and agreeable substances, its
rnanv excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrnp of Figs is for sale in 50
cent bottles bv all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who 4
mav not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who j
wishes to try it Do not accept any
mam nuMcmco. ml
tmimrni. a. tern torn, .r.
J. ". Jones of Saerar Bridge is in the
Leon Landeau, one of Kingley's wheat
kings is in the city.
C. T. Kayster, the Blockbonse mer
chant is in the citr.
Mr. end' Mrs. Frank Fulton vrere vis
itors in the city yesterday.
Mr. We. Sireeter of Portland was in
the citv yesterdav and attended the
Elks' ball last nigh't.
"Mrs, D. M. French and little dangh.
ter Constance, left on the morning train
for Portland.
Mr. J. B. Eddy, of the P.osebnrj:
PlaindeIer, came np on last evening's
train, returning to Portland this morn
iagj. f Mr. Harry Wentz, a former Dalles
boy, is up from Portland, and bis friends
e"re pleased to greet him at the party
last night.
Kear this city, on Friday, January
44, 1S3S, to Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Gustin,
a daughter.
oaael Related to Fat Iiffe and Kill
tther on the Stand,
Conasel for E. Kiiifeather and I. H.
Ie5e, on trial for conspiring to corrupt
ly influence a petit jury, and for can
Epirine to deiraud the United States by
endeavorinc to secure an exorbitant ver
dict in the Cehlo boat railway right-of-way
condemnation proceedings, virtu
ally threw up the sponge yesterday, in
.refusing to put the defendants on the
etand. Since J. W. Walker entered a
plea of guilty, the defendants have bad
bet little ground to stand on, and this
has been demonstrated by the tactics
pursued by their counsel.
The greater part of yesterday aitei-
3ioon was devoted to the testimony of C. ,
fi. Brattan. the iaror who first confessed
to the crime of having accepted a bribe
from TaSe, and J. W. Walter, whose
plea of guilty created consternation in
the camp of the defense at the opening
of court yesterday morning. Erattan
again rehearsed the details of hie meet
ing with Taffe, Walker and KillfeatLer
in the back room of a saloon, and to the
agreement entered into by him with
Killfeather and Taffe to use their influ
ence to secure a large verdict in consid
eration of 15000,
Walker is the man who brought Taffe,
the alleged bribe-eLver, and Brattan
and EiHfeatber, the alleged bribe-takers, !
together. He drew, up the notes that
operated as a contingent consideration
and in a general way engineer the deal.
Hi; teetimocy, though varying in de
tails, was largely in corroboration of the
Etory told by Brattan.
Before the attornevs commenced with
their argument, the court ruled that the
objection to the first count in the indict-:
' . . .,
ment alleging conspiracy to corruptly:
influence a jury would be sustained, and ;
teat consequently mis cnarge neea not :
l considered by the jury. Judge Julius I
G. Moreland made the opening argu
ment on behalf of the government. He
was followed by Attorney Bufus Mai
lory for the defense, and United States
Attorney H&ll will conclude the argu
ment In behalf of the prosecution.
Portland Evening Telegram.
A special bulletin received today saya
that the jury brought in a verdict in the
above caae of guilty of 'the crime aa
HlWWWafapwiaWWpMW i an1 , . mammmr ii w 1 ;.--inii wirrm'.un
The Hoat
ruxnUhed i:Trythlnf for llli
A voucjj woman has eonSded to a
writer in the "cw York Tirus a some--v
hat extraordinary account of the man-.
ner in which a wealthy aud veil-know n
Xcw Yorker treats thos-i who .re in-:
ited to the bou.e parties at hi .utttrb-j
an bom. She wu informed by a note
from her hostess that a carriage would '
call for her sad her lntrsrajre at a certain
hour to take ln-r to the ferry, where,
-jr x would meet ami take charge j
i f ber. At he ferry h found the rn-j
lire hcne party, including matron,
:h their husbands yne men and,
i.-atiens. as?.niried to be looked after f
v Mr X "Khe vrfet cheeked their,
' liTCfT' and in each instance a rour.d-j
t..vket was returned with the J
hfc-ks At the hoese. io each room
hp tritinc-desk wa. supplied not only,
v. -h ac .-.tuple stock of letter-paper.
r.r"artd w irh the estate aaiae.bat al
w:h a r- filled with pnstare stamps
, i jnmis denominations, inelndincj
si -....i-delivery ones. A knc-ditancs
' ; base, conneetinr with, amor-::
other places, the station telccrapb of-i--e.
ma-Je it jossible to talk or wire all
"ver the country and quite iopossible to
pay for the service. On the little pie.t
rard in each room, which rave tb
bau-s nf meals and the schedule of
rc?V and trains, was a little notice:
"Visitor are kindly requested not to
fee the servants.- Finally, to cap tb
clxinax. on Sunday morniiir a maid
bronchi to the younc woman's door,
on a tray whirh was loaded with sim
ilar miss: ves. n small envelope wh ieh .-he
profTered with the simple mesare:
"For the church box." It contained
mcney for the offertory plate and one of
hese envelopes was left with each
"aturl Spring Which Enables! Him to
Slake th Ark "Water TlRht.
An Enrlish explorer has recently
reached Hit, in Syria, the locality in
which oah dwelt. Here he found a
remarka-ble croup of bitumen spnncs.
says the New York Journal.
From these sprincs. he say?, it is
probable that foah obtained his supply
of material to "pitch it within and with
out." In a basin, undoubtedly of vol
canic origin, a spring of warm water
bubbles up. and with the water come-,
the bitumen or pitch, in a plastic form,
of the consistency of rather moist put
ty: and the Arabs rather it by simply
scrapinr it o2 the surface of the water
with their bare hands and pressing it
into panniers carried by patient little
donkeys, who then struggle up the
rocky sides of the basin and tak the
material off to the boat-building yards,
where it is used for covering the boats
tad gouphas. after undergoing a cer
tain reSning process.
The "bitumen is continually rising,
but owing to the formation of the basin
into which it rises with th; stream
very little of it can escape, and it re
mains floating on the surface of the wa
ter till taken off by the Arab. The wa
ter itself tastes slightly of sulphur, is
quite w-arm and apparently charged
with some mineral which it deposits
in its rocky bed as it flows away
through channel and crevices which
the "bitumen cannot pas') from the
basin, coating it with a lovely lilae
color, which further down the stream
becomes a "peacock" blue.
Mlcrob- Devocr f-iras.
A novel disposition of sewage is made
at Exeter, England. The method con
cists of four tacks, a fourth of the
sewage passing into each. Light and
air are excluded from the tanks.; putre
faction and decomposition axe rapidly
set up: the microbes multiply and the
solid portions of the sewace are con-
and the outflow from the tanks
is nothimr but slightly colored water.
which, after pasftiO? tbrough nlterh
loies all color and taste. ICo chemical
i used and no attention to the tacks
of any Mn is needed. Each filter ixi
automatically cleanses it-self by leing
out, of use for a short time-
The Fop Instated That a Nude Statue Be
One cf the most curious instances
of the struggle between art and pro
priety is shown in St. Peter's. The
writer, says the Trov Press, was ram
bling through the great cathedral one
day whnn he suddenl.v came upon cn
enormity. It was the superbly sculp-
iurcu iu.uj ui u ucuumui woman, me
head, hands, neck, ankles and feet sep
arate masterworks of art. The word
separate is uted advhedly, for the torso
and legs were modest! hidden under a
tin petticoat painted to represent mar
ble, but so ill in color and draperv line
that the entire btatue Mreiaed disjoint-
( at ar J component pans.
. b""t! , . u"l?. if'
ically, "It is the impossible. Verv
tm But wbat Ci.n heIj? The
ECUPtor be make b-autiful model nude.
It will not do. It is on the pote's tomb.
The pope, he comes to bee his tomb
two, three hundred years ago. He say
no. We will not have such thing, fie
tell the fcculptor to put on the drapery.
The artist, he say no It is imps'lilc.
Then the pope call a workman ana lie
nay put on the clothes on the fig-ure.
The workman not an artist, only a
workman. He put on the tin petticoat
and paint it. The pope satisfied, lie
die and is buried in the tomb. But
everybody wonder two, three hundred
years at the figure,"
The Edocat! rron Who Talk nrtlaB
Well Vr About Two Thousand.
Few people realize hem l.rr ed arc
ther vocabularies despite th. ramy
thousauds of words n the Eturllhlan
rtu'Ce. ssys the Ccw York Journal.
H :s said that a person of cdn-atlon
-rneraHy rts alone very coiafo-tchly
;th a vocabulary of less thtrn
:fferen words. On the other --r- !,
unedtva'cd popl manare to 'v r -their
i leas al! their liv? w ith . u-.
Hit a few htrrxirttl wonl. refseat -per
or two of tbeve. bo erer. a crest roan
A recruit cxporisaent prove how ap
cur m;nd are to mo-is rroove. Twer
y-5v roea nod 2& wosnen student ir
ycholotrT clas were bidden '. j -1 It.
t' nvn a full speed too wordu, i ' ho - -:f
random. Tt-'y d so. with t V cr--vn
tult t.'.nt cf of the tov 1
wordn there v. e-f only lT wlilch
rnrred tut otct . .0K of ths renia'- d. r
beine rrpet It of Ti words. Of "v
i.2&& writteti on!v nce. T-W were ft
down by thf en. Rjrahist 520 In r
women. Of -he T-Z'i article ct 'n'
enumerate. C24 were found !n t' wop1
ra'f pa-rs, while of the " ar:
f-vxl'tb v c5atmed 179. ClearH t-wfr-'
no; rv wonrn or their rar.p
The Hour of the Day struck Off by Grin
nlnc keleton.
"Machinery" is a monthly journa'
published at Johannesburg, South Afri
ca. In a recent number is an -.ccour
of a rnoit remarkable clock belonging
to a Hindoo prince which th x:,t.
thinks the strangest piece of mcl ni -
in India. Near the dial of an ord ua-v
looking clock is a large gong Ldi.g or
poles, while underneath, scat tired
the ground, is a pile of artincia' skultv
ribs, legs and arms, the whole nuilx "
of botR-s in the pile being equa' to the
r -amber of bones in 1" human sk"i tor.v
When the hands of the clock t
the hour of one, the number of lwnes
needed to form a complete human
skeleton come together with a rnap.
by some mechanical contrivance th'
skeleton springs rp. seizes a mallet ac
walking up to the gong, strikes or.
blow. This nnihed. it return" to th
pile and again falls to p'eces. When
two o'clock, two skeletons tret up and
strike, while at the hours of noon at--.!
midnight the entire heap spr'nr up
in the shape of 12 skeletons and strike,
each one after the other, a blow on th
gong, and then fall to pieces, a Iwfor'-.
The roosts should be low, especially
for large, heavy fowls, and should ail
be of the same height.
When the hens stop laying perhaps
they can be started again by changing
the feed. Give less grain a:sd more meat
wild skim milk.
Turkeys must have a good range to
be profitable. They are bus: eaters by
nature, and must hate a rood stretch of
territory to forage in order to do well.
The revival of activity in the poultry
business is ratifying, and its trood ef
fects are shown in the energy with
which enthusiastic poultrymen are tak
ing hold of shows and exhibitions and
pushing them to success.
Chickens must have grit, and they
seem to like a variety. Glass is qnite a
dainty for them and they will swallow
large pieces. Pounded glass is as good
a grit as ounded oyster shell and makes
a pleasing variety.
.Maklnc War Ualloun
Womfii anaVe the aercstats. or war
balloon, u.sed by the Hritith p''.ri-u-raent,
and also do some part of th- t p
ing' of the balloon?. They vor u 1
sheds built speoially for the purpo e. '
There are about 35 women enp.-gwi. !
and all earn pood ware.. They n-e
mostly the wives and daughters f s-c:-diens,
and have all been carefti"j
trained by the superintendent cf he
bnlloon department. The making "f
th- balloon? requires a very depute
touch, one thin flim of bullock f km
having to le laid over another with the
CTea-t care. The ends of the tope
have also to be woven into each other
with extraordinary deftnese.
Tamarlak a Durable Wood.
Timber of the tamarisk or Fhittira
wood has been found perfectly bound
the ancient temples of Ecypt in con
nection with the rtonework, whirh iu
l.nown to ! at least 4.000 vears old.
Hj.x'U; attcntiun jlvea to turgery.
Kooicj 21 and 2i, Tel Voct lilrxji
and SllOCS
Hade to Order.
A Perfect fit guaranteed.
Repairing neatly done at
abort notice.
Union St bt 1st and 2d i
m Weekly Inter Ocean lis
'l "gest npmiTioijMnmiM piper n the west:
2 itfa.aiicaflvRcpc&lican.aivr? To"an l
g tlJ ict of that Forty or fair i bonat rcporU o. afl FJ m
in Y I MTR
" c- 7HE: wee
It Is MoraHy Clean ad s? a
Th: Liters: jk
o I
lt tv ;i-t cf ths best tziaa-x;-:
. It is inter:stir.ff to thechll-
J c?r-a sj v. e
. i . -i
T-TKE LN7 ?& OCEAN b a Y2?1?? OT
i 2ni wai!c it brisks to the fanab jSJ? ,
2 wito the iicai ani aipratiaas of JTestcra wople and
5 ,..-, titaturc ani co'utia f.-oa the Wotcrn standpoint...
Jicif ac $,co-PaiCE ONE DOLLAR KR YEAR-SI.00 fi'Vyj
:V :
Price of railr by raall
lrlcr ofSntiitay by mall
"77 J Dally and Sunday by roau
Foimore than fifty-six years it has never failed in
its weekly visits to the homes of farmers and
villagers throughout the United States.
IT HAS faithfully labored for their prosperity and happi
ness, for the improvement of their busiue?? and home
interest?, for education, for the elevation of American
manhood and true womanhood.
IT HAS told at the fireside, interesting and instructive
stones of the doings of the world, the nation and states.
IT HAS advised the farmer as to the most approved meth
ods of cultivating and harvesting his crops, and the
proper time to convert them into the largest possible
amount of money.
IT HAS led in all matters pertaining to the welfare of
farmers and villagers, and for over half a century has
held their confidence and esteem.
and we furnish it with the Semi-Weekly Chronicle one
year for $1.75, cash in advance.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of au kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, XiuiSio
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOH FlOUr onr ,8 mannfactored expressly for family
tuil 4VUJ" ub: everv sack is iruarunteed to give eat it (action.
We eell our poodg lower than any bonse in the trade, and if you don't think eo
call and ct our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for What, Barley and Oats.
"There is a tide injke affairs
leads on
The poet unauestlonablv had reference to the
! fi ' AJ H 1 ft
lilOSlDg W M Ot
Who are selling these eoods
i Patronize the
All kind ol work. White Bhlrti a apedalty.
Family work at reduced ratea. Waifa collected
and delivered (ret, TiltakoM M.U1,
Family P--cr 1 Without a Peer.
of its columns is
the psrsr.ts.
.l. j... u : t.i svmnaxav
4.O0 fwr year
9t (Mi per year
' W " "
ffi.OO per j ear
18, !
of men which, taken at its Jlooa
to fortune."
(llTDlM M
out at greatlv-reduced rat
- . T.
Chickens Drejeed to Order.
Promt Delivery to any part
of the city.
Pboac 12, Third and Waahlngton Hit
TWO Transcontinental ROUTES
St. Paul
Salt Lake
Kansas City
Low Rates;to all Eastern Cities
Errr " a tor
Steamers monthly from Portland to
. Yokohama and Hone Kong via North
ern pHcifie Steamship Co., in connection
with 0. K. & N.
' For fell detail call oa O. K A Co. Acent a
' Tae Dalit, or aJirv
DODsOS, CAR1JIX A CO . lien. ARt .
I .North raclfiC?toitntiHto.
1 No , to Jioiane and Oreat Northern arrlrea
at 5 .p. m.. lcav at S .10 p. in. Ni. .'. tn JVndle
toa. Baker City and t.nUia l'acltic,arrtrcs at 12 IS
a rn , dfjurt at II jO a. m.
So ilrotn jolDe and Orcat Northern, ar
' rtve!,ti J0 a m.. dej'' t - a. ja. No. I, Batr cltj and fr.lo.i I'aciac, arrlre t
I 3 JU a. ta , dejiart nt Z TO ta.
i No. 23 and Jt. murine east ol The I)alle, wtll
' rarrj jM!ner. No. J3 arrttc at S p. ta,
i dejtirt at 1 . IS p. ta.
Pawnccr tor HiTpoci tte No 2, leaTliw
! htrt at U' 0 r. ra.
i, u. riur.urr.T, r.m. j-a. Act
Portland. Orrroa
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
or THE
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Tralui leave and are due to amvc at l"ortIaad
a KKivt
' tarr, Athland, rae- j
Atkland, rae- I
ito, ORdeajjan I
i . . Ta... t
&:t0 V.ii.
i 1 Atig-if,t.i raao. I
1 New Orleaat and
lEat )
...n i vf .I.owburc and war ta-
. .M A. M-ia0UJ, ....
If'ia Woodburn fori
P. M 1 ' Mt-Anfret, sllrerton, DaHy
't rtlo, Brown eict
"'J'L' ' vllle.sprtn5field and Sunday.
ouua3r , v,m)n ....
t- i i ! (Corvallli and war
t. ..TO A. M. ,u.jon, ,
INDEI'ENUKNf'E I'ArsENUEIt. Exprr train
Uallv (eirep: enndar,
I Wi. tl.r. I'ortUnd Ar i
T3)ua Al McMintivitle Lv
30 ju m. f Ar Iadrdfflcc L '
i 2 a nt
. .'O a, tn
I ;Oa ta
Dallj-. Uailj-, cicc;t Sunday
Attached to all Thnmjh Tralu.
Dirwt coojH-cUnn at ran Franriwo with fcc
dental atxl urli-i.u! .nd 1'witlc mall tvanihii
iluwi lor JAl'A.N and (. 1I1NA. rnlimc date or
a; plication.
Katw kivd llfkcu to Eauteru pnt and Eu
Alo JAl'A.V. rlU.NA, HO-SOLt U' anl
At'uTRAlJA.can U- ottalniil Irom
J IS. KIKK1.AM), Ticket Aceut.
Thnmsb Tlekot Ostct, HI Thlrtl rtrwt, where
throust Ui'tetK tn all i'dnt In tbv Eastern
statu, Canada and fcuro;-: un be obtained at
luueit rutin from
I. 11. KIHKlND, Tifkit Asetit.
All above trnln arrive at and deoart lmir
j Orand Central otatlou. Filth and lnrat atrvet
l'no:)Etr Dcjwt. IwH o JcCvrwa atrvet.
Ix-are (or OWEW, daily, firejt rundar, at
7 Si a. rn.. U JO. I Ki. 6 U C X, 05 . tn
(and 11 Mi ji. in. on paturdnjr onlr. and V.(W a ro
and 3:30 ji. m. on fundav ouly). Anlre at
Portland dally al 'C: Ki and s:30 a ra. . and 1 35., C.'JO and T &S j.. ui.. (aud lU.Oi a. m , 3 li
S 10 ). m. uu eunday only).
teare for Sheridan, wrek day, at 1.30 p. ra
Arrive a. I'orttaud, : a. in.
ItTC lor AIP.LIK on Monday, WnJneday and
' J. " w a. la. Arnv at 1'ortiaua, iuw
l dav, Thuritday and Saturday it 3 06 j. in.
I 'Kicejit :-anday. Kxwjit riaturduy.
(i, 11 MARK'HAM
Aunt. O. K. A 1'kw. Att
! Dalles, Mora and Antelope.
Throusli by daylight via Grant Valley, Kent
and Croin HtUo.
DOUGLAS ALLEN. The liallea.
O. M. IUTELAW. Antlo.
; 8uge leave The D&lhn Irom I'matllla Home
at , a. in. aUo (rom Antolot n 7 ao a, ro. every
Monday, edneiday and Friday. (Jonuuetion
.made atAnteloK- (or I'rliicvllle, Mitchell anl
Mlau beyond. 0loe c nnection made at The
I jiu raua, trainn and boaU.
Blaeea from Mil.-ln.... r.ih Tl... ii-ll,.. Tum
dayn, 1 humd and balurdaya at 1 .30 . m.
Oallea to Uvachutea ... ,l 00
do Moro. ... 1 50
do Gia Valley '2
So Kent 8 CO
, dp criwa Hallowi . I M
Antcloj to Crow ilollom . . IW
lo Kent V 00
do Oraa Valley .8 0
do Moro 3 60
do L)echue , 4 Ou
do Uallna , , 6 00
, TUB liALUKd,
OOicc oei First Nat. Bank.