The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 15, 1898, Image 3

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We have j list received
another shipment of
Tho Greatest value ever offered.
A Good heavy Comfort for
50 cents.
licltur grades proportionately reduced.
Children's Hose
All Wool.'
Sizes f, oh, 0, Gh are going at
16 a cents.
These are our regular -o cent goods.
We have these Overcoats and Ulsters in Frieze and
plain goods; either Grey, Brown or Black in color. '
The DallgrDafly Chronicle.
Sturgeon hooka, cotton and sisal rope
at Muter fc Benton's. 13
Weuther Tonight, fair; Sunday,
occasional snow, colder.
Go to the Columbia Candy Factory for
freBh oysters in every Btyle. tf
Buy choice green groceries, fish and
poultry from the Commission Com
pany, 4-tf
The subject lor discussion at the Chris
tian church tonight is "Tho Necessity of
The Prize Medal cigar is strictly hand
made und filled with the finest grade of
Havana tobacco. C-tf
King Cole brand Baltin.ore oysters,
the best on the market; Medium,
Standurd and Kxtni Select. Try them.
At Vurney & Co.'s. 11-tf ;
A black astrachan cupe, marked "J.'
E. A., which wus left ut tho opera liousa
last night, can be hud by calling atj
Harry O. Llcbe's jewelry store.
This (Saturday) evening the Salva
tion Army will give a representation of!
their work in Chicago slums. An in
teresting meeting is expected. .'
Hev. A. llronseeest, who went to.
Portland n few days ago, will return on'
this afternoon's train. Sunday services
ut the Catholic church us usual.
Persons having trouble with their
eyes should call und have them exam
ined by Dr. A. B. Blchmond. OHiee,
second door from como? of Court and
Second streets. 12-1 w
A few days ago a lonir distance tele
phone office was established ut Vieuto, a
few miles west of this place, und Mr.
Early, who is O. K. & N. agent ut that
point, will have charge of tho office.
Yestorday Captain Wnud changed
places with Cn plain Johnson and re
turned on the Dalles City to bo present
SATURDAji IJAjfUAKY 15, 1898
i i i j . .
ut the Klks' ball. Jle took his old place
today and will bring up the Regulator
this evenlngj, '
"bTfuh"eral of tho lato George Harri
son, who died yostcrday morning, took
place from Crundull & Burget's under
taking parlors this uftemoou, and wns
attended by numorous friends of the
I F. W. L. Skibbee, proprietor of the
Skibbee Hotel in this city left on the
boat this morning for Portland. Mr.
Skibbee intends going to Skuguay in a
short time, and has gone to make neces
sary preparations. lie will either rent
or sell his hotel in this city and go into
i buaUmflBof so uidiui JitAlABk.a . pVhut
it will be he has not yet decided, find
ho may go into the mining districts;
but at present ho thinks that his future
place of business will brDyea or Skug
uay. Harry Heppner of Hep pner arrived
In the city yesterday and spent the day
shaking hands with his many old
friends in this vicinity. Harry intends
Our $1.00,
This is one
and Ulsters ...
Our regular $10 values for. ...$.7. 85
Our regular $18.50 values $9.65
Our regular $15 values for $11.35
taking a trip to Klondike, but as he haB
not navigated in anything nearer to a
water craft than a prairie schooner for
a long time, Ike fears sea-sickness, and
us an experiment he went down on the
Regulator today. If the trial trip suits!
him, he will, in all probability, go to'
Alaska, and if he ib not the Barney Bar
netto ot Alaeka before many years hence,
we will greatly miss out- guess.
(fOCast night a dance was held in the
North Dalles corset factory building, and
jBome oi our young people decided to at
tend it. One genial young fellow In
company with a young lady, started tor
this suburban resort with the hearts of
both set on the pleasures they were
about to enjoy, but where they had
their eyes cast we do not know, as in go-
ling to their boat which was near the
Regulator wharl, they advanced too far
land with a Bplaeh, both fell into the icy
'water. As they rose to tne surface he
grasped her with one hund and a rope
which chanced to be hanging from one
side of the boat, in the other. Parties
who were neur by and heard their cries,
QBhed them out, and they were the wet
est pair of enckers that have been caught
atJlUtt-uharf for a long time.
' Pen Butty left on the early morning
train for Portland today, and rumor says
that his object in going is to purchase
Klondike supplies. Such is undoubted
ly the case, as he has been making some
.extensive preparations of late.J He has
spent hours in training his favorito dog,
"Lord Fontleroy," to drive with a jerk-'
line, and the remainder of his p pare
time was spent in looking up nice large
canines suitable for the Chilcoot. We
do not mean to say that ho swipped any
of those dogs, but we must admit that
several disappeared very mysteriously,
among them Billy Gribble's old dog,
"Shag." Of course souio unscrupulous
sausage-make may have taken them,
but the Bounds that were said to have
been heard in the Umatilla House
chicken coop a few nights since would
have been sufficient to convince the
loser where the most likely place to
Und a Chilcoot roadster would be.
The largest, miunmoth found In the
Siberian lee llehl.s measured 17 feet in
length nil was t4-ii feet hlffh.
Talcinsr it yeo.r In und year out., the
roldett hour of each 24 Ik lhe o'clock in
ihe nmrnllitf.
Some iiutiinilltttK are of the opinion
that the wlinle was once a land iininiul,
and that it wus forced to tuku to wuter
mi a means (if protection.
The eye of the vulture la so i:onntruot
cd that It is a hljfh-poww telescope,
euabliiiK the biid to nee objects ut un
almost Incredible distance.
Jupiter perforins ltn journey round
the sun in u period of 1J years, 10 1-3
mouths. Its average rate of travel it
a trille. over eight miles a htcond, less
Hum one-half of the earth's rat-18
miles a bueoud.
Three nunc wnall planets were, It up
puarn, discovered by M. Charlols, of
.Vice, on December 31, maJdntf, if all
recent announcement are verified, SO
riUcoverUw for 18t0, and n total of 429.
Twenty years njro only 10U were known,
Seasonable Offer
$1.25 and $1.50 values for
75 cents.
of tho best offers of the Year.
The Great Social Kvent or the TVlnter--Larce
Crowd and a Fine Time.
The saying that the Elks never do
anything by halves was never better
verified than last night at the grand
charity ball. We Bpoke a few days ago
concerning the decorations, and since
that time many improvements were
made in that line, so that the hall
ottered a more beautiful appearance than
we predicted. Especially artistic was
tbq Btage decoration, the back of which
represented a forest, with elk browsing
among the -trees. The front was bor
dered with palms and potted plants,
in the center of which was a large elk's
head, while lrom each antler was hung
electric lights. In the center of the
stage was Eeated the orchestra, and
everyone present not only enjoyed the
playing, but had a pride that suchmusic
could be furnished by our home musi
cians. Many of the latest popular airs
were played, giving renewed zest to the
The lights were, with a few excep
tions, purple, and theEoft light cast by
the many-colored globes hud a very
pretty effect.
" "Tlie" grand march commenced at a few
minutes pa'st 9, and about a hundred
couples kept time to the delightful
music played by Birgfeld's orchestra.
The march was led by Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Blakeley, under tho stipei vision of
Mr. Phillips. jTt"wa8 bmuifully ar
ranged, andTrom beginning to end there
was not a blunder worthy of uote. The
floor was well filled with dancers, but it
could not be said that It was crowded to
tho extent that dancing was not pleas
ant; on the contrury, everyone seemed
to enjoy it to the fullest extent.
With scarcely a single exception tho
ladies who danced wero attired in beau
tiful full dress costumes, while the ma
jority of the gentlemen appeared in
evening dress, so that tho ball wua as
admirable. In this regard as in others.
It was remarkable how many who
usually do not care to dance, were so
highly enthused last night. No matter
what tho number was, whether a two
step, a waltz, a lancers or a schottische,
everyone joined in, und it wus this
spirit that mude the party tho enjoyablo
event and tho social sucde&s that It
Tho Klks deseryo much credit for tho
pains they took in making the ball
what it was, and surely they must feel
more than repaid by the success of tho
party. From a financial standpoint wo
can say nothing regarding it, since no
report has yet been made; hut we can
remark emphatically that it was in
every regard u social success, and u
fluttering one.
The steamer George VV. Elder that
started for Alaska last night, went
aground opposite the Portland Flouring
Mills, und at last reports had not gotten
The senate committee has decided that
Corbett is not entitled to a seat in the
During January and Feb
ruary we will give to every
person buying One Dollar's
worth of goods at our store a
chance on a Sixty-Dollar
Which was manufactured
by the Michigan Stove Co.
Drawing to come on the 2oth
day of February, 1898.
senate. His chances look blue at pres
ent. McKean, the Portland embezzler, was
discharged, as the evidence against him
was not strong enough to incriminate
This morning's bulletin states that a
furious riot wbb raging in Havana last
An estimate of the state tax for the
year haB been made. It will be less
than usual.
The house Thursday completed the
consideration of the agricultural bill in
committee of the whole, and then ad
journed, on motion of those opposed to
the printing of another edition of the
famous "Horse-book."
The warships at Key West have taken
on coal and provisions, and are being
held in readiness to proceed to sea,
should occasion require. The Marble
head will proceed to Navassa island
upon the arrival of the Detroit from
The latest official death list shows a
total of forty-three lives lost in the tor
nado which swept through Fort Smith,
Ark., Tuesday night. Not less than
seventy others are injured, a large num
ber of them seriously, and several are
expected to die.
It is reported that an important en
gagement has taken place between tho
Spaniards and tiie insurgents under
General Rabi, in the district of Manzu
nillo, in which the insurgents lost 1U0
men killed and the Spaniards 110 killed
and wounded.
Calvary Baptist church, Elder Wil
burn pastor At 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m,
regulur services: Sunday school at. 10 a.
m. ; young people's meeting at ti:30.
Lutheran services in tho basement of
the new church tomorrow as follows:
Morning services at 11:00, Sunday
school at 10:12. Class meeting in the
evening ut 7:.'50.
M. E. church, corner Fifth and Wash
ington streets, J, II. Wood, pastor Ser
vices as follows : Class meeting at 10
a. m.; morning service ut 11 ; Sunday
school 12:20; Junior League 4; Ep
worth League at 0:150; evening service
at 7:30. All are invited.
At the Christian church tomorrow
there will bo the usual service of Stinduy
school and Endeavor, at 10 a. in. and 0
p. m. respectively. Church services at
11 a. in. und 7:30 p.m. Subject for
morning sermon will ho "Why I Am a
Christian;" evening, "God and Man in
Sunday services at the Congregational
church, corner Court und Fifth streets,
as usual: At 11 a. in. und 7:30 p. in.
worship, und a sermon by the pastor,
W. O. Curtis. Sunday school immedi
ately after the morning service; meet
ing of the Junior Christian Endeavor ut
3 :30 p. in ; of the Young People's Soci
ety at 0:30. Topic for both, Fishers of
Men ; how to win souls ; II Tim iy :l-8.
All persons not worshipping else
where are cordially invited,
And can now supply our customers.
The UHsoq is the only Air Tight stove
with Outside Tube draft. Sold only by
We have strictly First-Class
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To be sold at the Lowest Market Kates.
phone 25. J- T. Peters & Co.
And reap the benefit of the following
CHRONICLE and N. Y. Thrice-a-Week World $2 00
CHRONICLE and N. Y. Weekly Tribune 1 75
CHRONICLE and Weekly Oregonian 2 25
CHRONICLE and S. F. Weekly Examiner 2 25
In Olden Times.
People overlooked the importance of
permanently beneficial effects, and wore
satisfied with transient action ; but now
that it is generally known Unit Syrup of
Figs will permanently overcomo habit
ual constipations, well informed people
will not buy other laxatives, which act
for a time, but finally injuro tho system.
Buy the genuine made by- the California
Fig Syrup Co.
iUeiiiliem of thu AloKlnloy Club of Tho
You are hereby requested to bo pres
ent at a meeting of the McKinloy club,
to be held at the court hoiiBO, Saturday
evening January 15th, at 8 o'clock
for thu purpose of electing representa
tives to attend a meeting of tho repub
lican league of Oregon, to bo hold in
Portland, Tuesday Fobruary 1, 1808.
L. E. Ciiowu, Pros.
G. J. Faiuky, Sec.
Caali In Your Cliuokg.
All county warrants registered prior
to Nov. l.i, IBM, will ho paid at my
office. Interest ceases after Jan. 15th,
1898. O. L. Pmixii'S,
County Treasurer.
Choice Shoal water IUy oysters served
in every style at the Columbia Candy
Factory. Give us a trial and wo will
endeavor to please you,
When you want a good smoko, be sure
aud call for Fouts' high-grade cigars,
For sale by all first-class dealers, tf
Call aud see what the Commission Co.
doforcan you on fresh groceries. 4-tf
Uioplir-Jitatrs I
IUiIm Vant!(l.
Bids for furnishinc 150 cubic vards
building sand will bo received by tho
Wasco warebouso up to January Ibth.
Thoriirht is received to reioct anv or
all bids. Uids mnst bo accompanied
witli a samplo of sand.
Tlie JJ.Ules, Jan. 11, isos.
Deep In It.
That's what we aro, We've got mora
books than wo know what to do with.
Help us to lussun our stock. Of i'uurto
wu must oll'tir soinu inducement to you.
Wo huvo a full lino of all tho new and
interesting novels, Wo will sell them
ut a reduced price, with exception of
Webster's Dictionaries and School Hooks.
I will sell all Hooks during this
at COST.
1. C. Nickelsen
Book & musie Company.
lift i