I - : i iii atiii mmm r The Dalles Daily Chitmiele. The only Republiean Daily Sevspapti on Wasco County. ASTERS OFFICE 30 to SSJ TtmpU can intervention in the Cuban Strug-, Cwri.Xr.Cilu. . iM7V?, .-lHMglc. An attack on the American ( Weekly CJnbblDK Kate. Chronicle and Oregonian A- 25 Chronicle and Examiner - 25 Chronicle and Inter Ocean 1.83 Chronicle and Tribune 1 75 Chronicle and X. Y. World 2 00 SATURDAY - - JANUARY 15. 1S9S THE YAWP OF DAVID. Men with good memories, and -who are the sort that delve into the obscurities of mugwumpian lore, re member thai in 1S92, cr thereabouts, a person known to folly as David A. "Wells published in a free trade mag azine an article under the head of "Death in the Pot" Death was taken to mean shoddy, and the pot was the McKinley bill. That bill placed a high, and all but prohibit ory, duty on shoddy, and moderately protective duties on wools. David truly dessnbed shoddy to be the product of rags cast off by lepers and rejected by the hospitals of the old world, a vile refuse, fetid and foul, and carrying with it germs of disease. But how, now that the people have recovered from the tem porary insanity that afflicted many in 1892, do you think that David proposed to restrict the importation of shoddy to the United States? By making the duty upon it still more onerous? Oh, no! Such a scheme would have been open to suspicion of sanity. David gravely proposed to elimin ate shoddy by making it and wool alike free of duty. "When both are admitted free," argued, or rather said, David, "men will choose and use the better, and the worse will be rejectsd.' A sane person would have said, "When two articles, one Tile and cheap, and the other excel lent but more costly, can be import d on equal terms of tariff, and when the vile can be made to look, but not to wear, as well as the good, then dealers will force the vile upon the market at just a shade below the price of the good." Bat David never yet spake m the language of reason. However, 1892 was a season of temporary aberration, and it happened as David desired. The Democrats and mugwumps prevailed, and made a tariff bill wherein wool was free. Did free wool chase shoddy out of the field? Not at all. Far other wise. Cheap shoddy came near to chasing pure wool out of the market. During the last year of t'ie opera tion of the McKinley tariff our im ports of shoddy were, practically, nothing; 143,000 pounds were all that came in during twelve months. But in the Grst year of the Wilson-Gorman-Wells tariff our imports of shoddy rose to 14,000,000 pounds, ' next year to 18,000,000, and for the ! year epding June 30, 1897, the last) of that miserable tariff to 48,0n,-! 000 pounds. And while the rotten I cr" uugui3i:ti iuc sem blance of good cloth, were being dumped by shiploads on our shores and sold as "all wool clothing," thousands of bales of pure wool were rotting along the railway routes of Montana, Texas and Wyoming, un-1 , t A -r n I UlIirkPT .1 fil P n r nrveT nf f rnirvltf I i iu .uSl. iuoreover, , o per ceiuoruie woolen workers of this country were idle, because the pro-1 with the cheap shoddies imported ' from Lngland. The English pot Loiled merrilly, and '.he shoddy that David had likened uuto death, was cooked in it for American consump tion. Why do we write this Because Davis has been silent for the space of three months, and it is about time for him to open his mouth again. We areanxious that when he next doth yaup his yaup on shoddy shall ' be remembered against him. Iutcr Ocean. Whatever the administration may thTr?:: j(, UiU vv " '-J ... ... - consulate in Havana nugut percipi-, tate this, and then the white squad tnn would be much in es-idetisc Nothing nobler is recorded in history ( than the porservornnee of the Cuban patriots. Their deeds deserve chron icling with those of their American prototypes who won independence one hundred years ago. The victory will be all the sweeter if they win it unaided; but the nation is weary of seeinc the unnecessary butchery con tinue. Cuba is destined to be free, and, as liberty-loving Americans, we pray that the day of deliverance mav be hastened. GATHERED ABROAD. Mr. F. Lowky, who is about to leave the London Daily Telegraph after 30 years' service, is writing a life of .ludah P. Benjamin. "Parsifal" oa July 10 will open the Baireuth serwou this year, and will be followed by the Nibel unpen Cycle." In all there will beeicht performances of "Parsifal" and three of the"'ibelun pen" seriss. M. Mannheim, the expert, officially employed t appraise the Spitzer col lection before it was offered for sale, has put in a bill for SfiO.000 for hw serv ices, which the heirs refuse to pay, as beinrr excessive. Tiicht Hon. Sir William George Ven ablei Vernon Uaroourt, M. P., liberal leader in the hou.-; of commons, has been fined tea shillings and costs in a London police court for allowing his chimney to catch fire throuch not hav irur been cleaned. .-- Lord Chief Justke Kussell recently urpried the English lawyers by po int: to London, on finding that he hud finished trp his assize cat-es a couple of days sooner than he expected, taking a number of cases from the other judges' lists, and winding up five of them in one day. Germany is following the lead of Lon don in putting religious plays upon the s--ige. Adolf Wilbrandt's "Hairau." un der which Christ is represented, has just been, presented at Berlin and re ceived coldly, while Gerhardt Haupt niann is at work on a drama whose sub ject is the Passion. In the 93 years since its establishment the British and Foreign Bihie society has distributed 14T.3GC.669 Bibles, testa ments, and books of extracts from the ..... . c-ut that in Persia these publications are utilized by the natives in the manufae- ture of papier niauhe articles. A Siberian March. A remarkable marcli of 4.7PO miles across Siberia, occupying almost a year, has just been completed by two Russian battalions of line infantry and two battfr.es of artillery, which lately reached their camp on the Amur. The troops marched 4.000 vervts by land and mode their way for 3,000 versts by water, half the distance on rafts con structed by thinslws. Their leases v. pre 6 men dead. 27 left behind in hos- i pitals and 29 horses. The others ar- ! rived in good condition and excellent i spirits. I If you have money to burn, burn it by smoking Fouts' Prize Medal and P. ose Queen cigar?. 6-tf Fresh Columbia river dtueit at Varn y iCo.'e. lOlwk ONLY ONE FOK DOSC cS?lfciW LI DDPOSSDN XI. . ccaarrorTi. i .creel In 15toS& dars. hosse f or same price under Borne cna ran tV If TOUDrwfer tOPfitcehem vrviiim wBwi1U3S?oa5l!i ' eurr. lotlidn nnt.-uh . And mu v,.n pin.3iacougT'atcheinn:outii.soreThVoat; raTeS MtSffi'JSSSrM.ftSS JOSEPH SHANNON has ope::ed a HARNESS SHOP; IK THE EAST END, In the Colura bla '1 Yurd, ftipflt Sultmaruhe a dockyards, where be it ready to do fill Kinds of Harness Work. Dr.GUNN'S ForPeoplo That Aref gk Sick or "Just Dont I V Peel WelL" I ILLtJ A aaasas-i -isaaegr- -niie-. Regulator LineV Date PortM ail Astoria Navigation Co.' strs. Resulator Dalles City ; FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE . t BETWEEN The Dalles, Hood River, Cacde Locks and Purt land dally, ortvnt aundny. ( DOIH THE TA11ET Are you going ( EASTERN OREGON ? If so. save money and enjoy a Seaniliul trip on j the Columbia. TDe wesl-DOunc train arrivi-? at The Dalles in ample time for pas.enrers to UXt the steamer, arririnc In Portland In time lor the outgoing Southern and Northern-trains: East bound passengers arriving in The Dalles In time to take the East-bound train. For further information apply to J. X. HAKKEY, Agent, Oak Street Dock. Portland. Oregon. Or W C. AIAAWAY. Gen. Afrt.. The Dalles. Oregon Jieux Year Experiences. Let the memory of the old year be the experience that shall guide yon through the new. You remember where you have pains and pleasures. Good health brought the pleasure, bad health brought the pain. If you want good health von will cet it through good medicine. We use nothing but the best .and finest drugs in Compounding. RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 Second Street THE DALLES, jjfoliday Improuemer?ts. Vnnfflln) rt,!nl, mi-Q. your holiday enjoyment greater. You ' w,anl pBper w,ch mak!.s your horae' shades and designs as will give more ,1 beauty and more comfort in your home. Weshow yon styles that exceed any erer eeen be? at Pce8 never attempted D. W. VATJSE, Third St. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Watchmakerf Jeweler All work promptly attended to, ud warranted. ' 174 VOGT BLOCK. m P. Blackwell's BULL DURHAM You will 0ml ono coupon fti.lilooncu 5 nunci- lluy a tS. rwul the coupon and .' how to pit Wholesale. JVIflLtT LtlQUOftS, Olines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED ANHEUSER - HOP GOLD Anheuser-Buscli Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic "beverage, nneqnaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. Closing -OF- FURNITURE CARPETS PRINZ & NITSCHKE Are going to close out their hnsiness, and they are oQerinc their large stock at COST PRICES. Xo- is the time to buv good Furniture cheap. Ail persons knowing themseires indebted to said firm are requested to call and settle their account. postoffiee pi?arma(;y, CLARKE & FALK, Proprietors. Pure Drugs and Medicines. Toilet Article and J'erfurnery, pipst Ijp of Imported ar?d Domestic $iars. Telephone, 333. New Vogt Block. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. GEORGE RUCH, Pionr v 7VI. Z. DONNELL. j PRESCRIPTION ' ftPTlrTQX T TOILET ARTICLES Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., Subscribe for The Chronicle p,jjajawjajaawwawj This is the very best Smoking Tobacco made. Genuine las and Vim coupons Inside each 4 ounce bac your naarv or lixi.uw in pmrau. BUSCH and BEER on draught and In Dottles. Out Sale '"'i - W JL AND PERFUMERY. THE ALLES, OR QRTHERN PACIFIC RY. s Pullman Elegent Toui'ist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car NT. I'AUI. MINNKAI'OM IH'l.UTH (IRANI) FOIt CICOOKSTON WOMl'EO IIK1.ENA an Itl'TTE TO Through Tickets CHICAOO Vf AHHINOTON riiu.Anr.Li'iiiA EW VOKK IHIHTON AM AM, I'OINTH EAST mini SOOTH Fnr Iniurtnutlon. Unit cnli, nmjvKtid tkfceu, cl on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent. The Dalle, Oregon Oh A. n. CHARLTON. Asst. G. P. A.. 'AVS. Morrlmi Cor. Third. I'lirtUiid Oruton Drugs Paints Oils Wall Paper Window Glass Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. 129 Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. HI. GLE 1ST N- J. ti. hCHKSK, I'u-Mileiit. if I llrll. , First National Bank, THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted "vftwuttc lowimu, nuuievi iu iran or uuecK. CollectiotiB made and proceeds promptly icmtiivu uu unv oi coueciiou, bicht and Telegraphic Exchange sold oi New York, Kan Francisco and port- :anti. D. P. TllOMJ'SON. Jmo. B. BCHENClt KV. m. IU.IAMH, Gko. A. Lik. H. M. BnAt.L Strayed. Strayed from Dufur, Or., about tW Ia8t ot July, two bay horses, of aboot 1000 pouuds weight, both geldings; op a light bay, branded 5 on right hip; tb other a dark bay, branded HF fconnect ed) on left shoulder. Information lew lntf In till VAAAHMtl '-I ..! . 1. ItSttll O these horses will be rewarded by tb owner. Kev. j0Un Evans. decll-lm-11 Columbus, Wash, N