ffMGTJS BXTOYS Both the method and results -when Syrup of Fics is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet prompt'y on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of "its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its nction and truly beneficial in its effec .3. prepared only from the most iealthvand agreeablesubstances, its man v excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro care it promptly for any one who -wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FK SYRUP CO. SAM FXAKJSCO, CAL LDU!SYU1, IX. MEW rOOC, M.T. The Dalles Baity Cbtctete. THE UALX.ES, OREOUS f i Advertlslns Kate. i Per lack One l&ch or less in Daily Jl SO Over two inches and undar (our inches 1 CO Over four inches and under twelvs inches. To i Over twelve inches cO DAILY AKD WEEX1X One inch or less, tier inch J2 SO Over one inch and under (our Inches. . . 2 CO Over four inches and under twelye inchss 1 &) 07er welve laches IP) 1'EltSOJ.Al. 3IESTIOX. J. A. Fawcett of Nansene is in the city. Justice A. J. Swift of Waaiic ia :n the city. Harrison Dufar of 15-Mile is in this city today. T. H. Johnston of Dnfur is in the city. He will attend the Elks' ball. jSert Graham, a prominet contractor 3nd builder, of Hood River, is at the Umatilla. H. HiHgen and wife of Kingslev are In the city attending to business matters and visiting friends. Irs. G. Lownsdale and daughter, Sirs. H. McNary, left on the delayed train today on their way to Salem. Mrs, Geo. Small, wife of the editor of the Baker City Democrat, Is in the city -today, on her W3y home from Portland. Miss Jessie L. Mclntyre arrived from Indianapolis, Indiana," last night, and this morning left for the agency to visit ihe family of Captain Cowan. NEWS NOTES. The George W. Elder leaves tonight on another trip to Alaska. She will bs 2catleti to the guards, having 300 pa Bengera and a large amount of freight. A special report received this morn ing etates that Hanna'e opponents are jroing to contest his rights to a seat in "fiie senate on account of the charge of bribery. Their success is to be seen. Latest reports from Havana ttate that all is quiet at that place, and that the rioting is over. Further trouble is ex pected at any time, and our government is in readiness to send a gunboat there at a moment's notice on the slightest intimation of trouble. The tornado that descended upon Fort Smith Tuesday night crossed the Ar kansas river one-half mile south of Van Buren, and tore a path 200 ya-ds wide through Crawford county, and dealt death and devastation to everytning in its path. A score or more of houses were blown down and many persons were hurt. Pirates have been committing depre dations in the French settlements at Haiphong, China, and even in the vlcic ity of Hong Kong itself. On December 15th, a gang of 800 pirates attacked the euburbe of Haiphong, whic is inhabited by Europeans, setting fire to places simultaneously in the four quarters. The desparadoes were fired upon by a party of French marines, and about 150 killed. Choice Shoalwater Bay oysters served in every style at the Columhla Candy Factory. Give us a trial and we will endeavor to please you. Fresh Colombia river smelt at Varney ACo.'a. 10-lwk COLLEGE HIPPODROMING. Th Show BulnM Carried to Tw treme by Entvrnlty Stndnit. There is a sentiment rapidly spread ing and taklnsr root in the minds of the alumni of the different un versr '"s of this country antagonistic to tin -ces-sive amount of slimv business in hich the students of American inst tit ions of learning are permitted to indulge. The feeling, says the Ilullalo Commer cial, is crowing that the only legitimate field for the exercise and e.vhib tioc of the physical, intellectual and musical accomplishments of these young men is to be fonnd in the university athletic grounds, the university theaters and society halls. In other words, the alumni and a large body of thoughtful people not directly connected with ;1e various scats of learning are iMtr.'.Li.- to an agreement that the college youth is altogether too much inevidenot lutsnie vf the college yards, either ior his ov, n good or the legitimate prestige of his particular alma mater. Of course, the conditions under which the rowing matches are held make the selection on a somewhat retired and neutral course like that at 2scw London fit and Droncr: bat the football, like the baseball matches, should be con lined to college grounds, with the avowed intention of reducing the num ber and improving the character of the spectators, reducing the expenses and minimising the publicity and bpeeiacu lar features of the cempctitions. Another desirable result of this policy would be the elimination of meet of the gambling and very demoralizing sport ing" elements that inevitable gather around events I'ike the great football matches that fill the columns of the newspapers for several weeks every autumn. Certainly the students them selves would undergo less excitement and cuffer less distraction from their legitimate college work if the scale on which their athletic rivalries are tested were effectively reduced. When these rivalries become matters of national concern they naturally tend to become dangerouslv intense and injurious to health and morals. We think this policy of restraint should also be applied to the practice that has now become universal among the colleges of sending out troupes of young men organized as glee, banjo and mandolin elubs to give public per formances for money in the leading cities during the holiday recess. These lads travel about the country in special cars, give ten or fifteen concerts in pub lic balls and undergo a succession of 'social attentions calculated to im pair the constitutions of seasoned men, to say nothing of immature youths who are supposed to be resting and recuper ating from the strain of three months of hard work at their lessons and lec tures. Essentially their performances are not to be distinguished from the professional shows, and when they be come an annual affair they are as tire some as they are surely a tax on the good nature of the local alumni, be sides being an unwholesome experience to those who take part in them. We have heard that the authorities at Harvard have served notice to the glee and banjo clubs of that university that their present tour is to be the last one. It is to be hoped that the report is well founded, and that the example will be followed elsewhere, as it de serves to be. Let the college youth at tend their eo'deges and be required to attvnd more exclusively to their regu lar college business. COUNTING OF THE VOTES. In Kecent Election There II a. Been Lit tle Fraud In New York. The counting of votes has been in the past more fruitful of trickery aiH falsification than any other part of .he election process. In l'sOS the car -assers in certain districts reduced the natter to iu lowest terms by simply -eportinsr a unanimous vot- on the:r ide. and then goiiiy out to fling up their hati for the rest of the nipht. In th ?ub:quent election competent r.nd ir corruptible men supervised tfa canvass so strictly that the percentage uf fraud was so small, if nny existed, as never to be heard of. This watching; says a writer in Century, at the coun' not only prevented intentipnal lyinir, but save 1 accidental mistakes. In onu case th board of iiusjiectors confessed they did not kuow how to count the votes, and submitted entirely to the guidance of ii well-informed watcher. The counting in done in public, and it, often an interesting sight. Every or ganization and each, candidate may h;nd a representative to obf-erve i though nobody but the inspectors s permitted to touch the ballots. The straight tickets art- first counted n tenv by four men in f ucceaaion, and a tally is kept by at least two assistants. Each name in credited with as many votes as there are ticket for his side. Then one inspector rends off of thoe tickets which are '"split," or have poatvrs at tached, or upon which names have been rased or new nam' written, and each candidate In credited with a vote every time his name tt' -.ears. When this is finished the most prominent office is taken up, and the sum of the voteu for each candidate is ascertained. A Good SUndlnc Army. The army of .Inp.in, In the opinion of men versed in military affairs, is one of the best organized armies in the world. The rank end file ure the descendants of the famous old Samurai the nturdy men nt arms who followed the fortunes if the early "dainiinn" hereditary sol diers, imbued with all their warlike traditions. Madern Treatment if Consumption The latest work on the treatment of diseases, written by forty eminent American physicians, says: "Cod-liver oil has done more for the con sumptive than all other reme dies put together.' It also savs : u The hvDOphosphites of lime and soda arc regarded At ... M k by many English observers as specifics for consumption. Scott's Emulsion contains the best cod-liver oil in a partially digested form, combined with the Hypophos phHcs of Lime and Soda.. This remedy, a standard for a quarter of a century, is in exact accord with the latest views of the medical profession. Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. Alldruzzuu oc. and St.oo. 9) SCOTT & BOWSE, Chmtiu, New Ycfk. NOTICE. r.VTTED STATES llN '" E tue nALn.-i. or.. p: -D. Ccmpialnt hartER txwn entered nt tbb l!ii bf William Johnson aralna: Oicar a Ratisen Lit afcanrfrmlns his hnmentead enny Nr vH. dteJ ontember Si. l;9i, upon the i1 . NE 4. --K't and yZ'i 5VS, Fectl-n SI. Tnwr.sh'.r .. soutn Kanie IS E. itt Wco County. Oresnn. with a rlc- to the cancellation o( -aid entry the said mrtieare hereby ummmed to wir at lhl ofllee on the Silth dav of October. l-'JC. at IP o'clix:t a. m.. to Hviitid and furnib test! ' niocr concerning ald alteztil abandonment. , spJ6-ii J.Vs. K MOORE. P.etftste- 1 Notice of Final Account. Notire is hereb"r ptven that the underpinned, adnicii'rat-i.x iif the wtatr of Y '.ray. dt ceiuert. has filed her final account lr. tht- ounry Court of the State of Ore-jol., '.or l ountr. and the judze thereof has nppotnted Slondar. tne l"th day of January. li'. a: the hour f ! ,cloeS p. m. as the time for h.u--i:i5 obiee-ioa to Mid final account and the ef.emnt thereof All heirs, creditors and other pc"s Interested in .iid estate ate hereby notified toappi'-r oil or before the dar .-et for said heariu; and -et-tleinentaud (lie 'heir ohaca.Ji. If any tiiev have, to said final account, o- ti. any particular Item thereof, sptclfylnc their .bJc:ion thereto. Da'.lo City. Oregon. Iec. I. l'7 dclMi II. B. URAY. Admlnistratrti. Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby civen that the underfilled has been reiularly appointed administrator of the estate of Ileury A. hater, d'eeas-d. by utile' nf tbe conuty court of the stme of ureRon for Wasco County, dated the 6th day of December, 1?77. All penoni havin? claim aratmt "aid estate are hereby required to pryeiit Ihe same, duly verified, to the admlnitrator a: The lalle. Oregon, within six montlL- from the da!e of this notice, j Dalles City. Orezon, Dec. 10, 197 i C. W DZETZEU decll-Ii Adminhtrator Sheriffs Sale. Notice is hereby slvcn that by virtue of an ex Jeeution issued outof the Circuit lourt of tne State of Ortxon for Waco County, in the suit I therein pending, wherein IS. A. O'sol L plaint iff and Ida Dunn, tepencer W. Dann. deorze II Dunn. Harvey W. Dunn and Mary Dunn and .N ' WhenMon. as administrator of the estate of , William H. Dunn, decea!. are defendants, commanding nie to 4ell tne real property here I ina'ter described. I will on Saturdar. the jn I day of i'ebruary, l3!. at the hour oi j hcIdo in the afternoon, at the cnurthou-e dixir u. j Dalles City. Oreson, vjll to the bighwt bid -c , for caih in hand, all of lot K. and the ea.it imi' -,f lots, in blfjct of Humaou II lull Addition to Dalles Ot;y. Oregon, trfjether with nil and I sinculn- tht tenement, hereditaments and np J purtenanees thereunto belonsiu?. or in an" wit i apf-jnainins, to satisfy the sum of J11U T'i. and I aeerulns interest, and HO attorney s tmi. and I fJj.lv coot. and dlibuuement. and the aefruiu; ci-ats. i . j. m:i t.ti. j inS-li ?herlR of Wh-po f ounty, Ur G-uardianship Notice. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Waico County. In the matter of the guardianship of .-ayre Ktuehart. Karl i'.inehnrt, Cart Ilinehart and 1'nllip Rlnehart, minors. The petition of Emily Ii P.inehart, suanlian of the minors above named, bavins been pre sented to this conrt, prayius ior lleeiie to eli the interest of ald minor in certain real estate situated in lienton comity, Orwn, it i ordered that the hearing thereof be. and It Is hereby set, for Saturday, the yith day of November. lfQT. at the hour of 10 , cli:i a. ra , nt the i.-nunty conrtrcon: in the courthouie in Dalles City. Orezon and It Is further ordered that the next of kin of said minors and all perioua intereiti-d in the eaWte. appear before thi.t Court at said time and place, to ihow cau.-e why a lieenne should not be sranted for the saleof luch estate, and that this order be served by publication thereof for three welc In The Dalle Chronicle. Dulles city. Or., Oct. IiOBERT 31AYS. coCB-ii County Jurt?e. QU8' GEISEMIOKt rKi: i t'.L'UDV, Physicians uiul Surgeons. Special attention given to surjery. Kooras 21 and il, Te: J. Vost IllM.-k 1 .Ljl. A, Boots and Shoes Made to Order. A Perfect fit guaranteed. Repairing neatly done at short notice. Union St. bet. 1st and 2d SMiMtitnMrM-- 'Oil 8m WeeklyInter Ocean iSij f'SsT CIRCULATIOHOFJlOjmL PAPER IR THE WESTg S i . ,,j,..f.. TV-tiMi-ir advocating .But il can always be relied on" O with aK' ani c:-.,eaWS THE WUThTSR USSS - . ,, t-r-c-r m A n it U Merrily C)e& uzd ns a o H The U!ertars of its columns Is ejus to Tbut ttt the best tn.ign zir vs. It U mumtlnz to the c; drt.7 as wcii as ilic parents O) ft M a nTKE INT EP C.T N i a WESTERN. SPAPER. f rnd hSe . brin. o th, family THE NEW OF THE FCr -D ani Rtvts it readers the bat ani ablest disevssiocs of all q.e.uons of the thy, it is in full sympathy with the idias and aspirations of Western people and discusses literature and polities from the Western standpoint.. SI.OO-PKICt ONE DCLUR PER YEAH SI.00 rue III a m TEE DAILY ART) SOCTAJ EDIT1WS OF THE ISTEK OCEAH ARE BEST OF THEIR ElhD. I'rlooof Diillv lv mull ,if s,,ntlH I, v mull tz n iiuny aim .lumiaj uj ,mn Dully uml Sunilaytiy muU For more than fifty-six years it has never failed in its weekly visits to the homes ol farmers and villagers thronghont the United States. IT HAS faithfully labored for their prosperity and happi ne?, for the improvement of their business and home interests, for education, for the elevation of American manhood and true womanhood. IT HAS told at the fireside, interesting and instructive stories of the doings of the world, the nation and states. IT HAS advised the farmer as to the most approved meth ods of cultivating and harvesting his crops, and the proper time to convert them into the largest possible amount of money. IT HAS led in all matters pertaining to the welfare of farmers and villagers, aud for over half a century has held their confidence and esteem. IT IS THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, and we furnish it with the Semi-Weekly Chronicle one year for $1.75, cash in advance. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of au kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, l?ytil0 Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOn FlOUr 'l's 'our ,e manufactured expressly (or family xv- ulx . lJ6e. every pacjj js guaranteed to give satisfaction. We sell our ?ooda lower tlian any house in the trade, and if you don't think so call and get our iinces and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats. "There is a tide tnthe affairs of men which, taken at its flooa leads on to fortune." The poet unauestlonablv Closing Out Sale of at CRANDALl Who are selling those Roods MICHKLBACH BP.I0K. Patronize the Troy IiAUjlDftY, AU kind of wotk. White fihlrui a peeiaUr. I Family work at reduced rutes. Wth collected auu usuTtiw ircv, Aianon no, aoi, A. B. ESTEBENET, Agt. OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL otiBDCMT LITERATURE Famll) Pc-cr Is Without a Peer. -lull 54.01) JUT yrn fi (to nr yi'ii t w w $i;.(M) i,r t BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841. had reference to the i j Furniture and Carpets & BURGET'S, out at greatly-reduced rat . . UNION KT. A NEW MARKET. FRUIT, VEGETABLES, Jt-OTJLTRY, FISH AND GAME. Chickona Dretaed to Order. Tromt Delivery to any part of the city. A. N. VARNEY, Phone 12. Third and Waihington 8ti O.R.aH. 1 TO THE ERST! gives un: c hoick ok TWO Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. . VIA- Spokane ' Minneapolis St. Paul OREGON SHORT LINE. Salt Lake Denver Omaha Kansas City Chicago Low Ratesito all Eastern Cities OCKAN STKAMKHK l,ti I'nrlUud KttT flt I! for SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Siffttnvrt! monthly from ronland to . VoUoluiniii nnti Hone Konc vta North I'm I'm-lfic StraiHulnp Co., in connection '-Uh 0. It. AN. Kor lull detail" call on 0. K A Co. ARcnt I The Iiallen. or addrenn W. II. HUKUll'KT, fin. rn!i. Act l'ortloiid, Orecoa TIME C.HI. No 1, to txikuiic KiuHireut Nortlicrii nrrtvo at S i. t nt. lenven t n SO p. m. No. 2. ti l'cndlp. ton. linker fltr and t'lilon l'neMc,arrlvc ut l; IS u in., depiirtii at 12 W m. No 8, (roni !4Hiknne and Orcnt Northern, ar rlTinHtO :i)n tn.. depart nt 5 m. No, I. from Ilukir City and Tulo.. 1'aeUlc, urrlve nt 3 'JL) a. m.. deiarli at 8 "J) a. in. Nim. 2S and 2i, iuovIiik eut of The Dalle, will rrr jmUMiiicers. No. 2 arrive nt S p. m. depart? at 1 (." p. m l'ticiit!erh lor He(iticr tatc No 2. leavim here at UM. m. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route OK THE Southern Pacific Comp'y. Train leuve nnd ate due to arrive at Portland x r.Kivr. ovkuusi) r.x pre, faletn. l.ime- burt;, Anhlnud, ana- I ..- r,i i u ) rameuto, Osdeii,.San I u.W 1 . M, Kritiicl-t c., Mojave, f Anct'lc.Kl I'uo. I Sew Urlcaii and I Eat . j . 11 i i 'iHneburK and way ta ' A. Jl.-tlm fVla Woodburn lor ) V. M Dully exfvpt SUllllays. Went .cln, Ilmwn. hunday. i " tnctluld and ; i- n i m (CorvallU and wayi uV il 1 1 .31 A. 31. Btllt,m, . -"0 1 H INDKi'EXDK.STK I'ASeKNGKK Clj.rewt train liaur (except aunuiiy,. (I.v. .IVirtland Ar.i i.W p. m. T SO p. in. s .Hi j,. in. h 'S a m 5 ' a, in A a m Ai MnJUmifllie l. (Ar l!ul,'!iide!icc. L Daily. t Daily, except hlinday. DI.VINii CAHS ON OODE.V IlOt'TE. 1'tn.utA.v hcTtkt blkei'KUH ASD KKCOND.CI.Arie HLEEWNO ( AH Attiiulii-d to all ThrouKu Truitu, Direct (rontiiiuliiu at -nu raurnn. with Orel leu tnl and Oriental and i'aettle mai ntecnmhlp Uiieflor JAI'A.N mid CHINA. Hailing datea un uj plication. Hate? and tletet to Knatem titti aud I'll rot;. Alio JAPAN", CHINA. HONOl.i J.l aud Ai'fcTUALlA. can 1 obtaltiHl from J II KIUKLAND, Ticket Aceut, Tbtimgli Tleket Ottlot, ll Third ittreet, where thrmisjh ticket to nil jmiIiiU In the Knatern Htjtt9, Cnnuila nnd hurii tall be obtained at lowent rated from J. H KIUKI.AND, Ticket Acetit. All above train arrive at and depart Iron' Orand Central station, I-'ifth nud Irvttic treet Y A JS II l7.l7l7v I SIO.V. I'ascngtr Dei)t, foot of Jetteron trect Utwe tot OSWKGO. dally, except 8unday at 'M a. m.. 12.. a), 1 66, 6 li, 6 i,, "h OA p, m. (andn::ip m on Saturday only, and 11) a. ro mid 8::W p. m. ou hunday onlyj. Arrive at 1'ortland dally nt MilOaud h;3b m.audl.Xi, 1:11, G.'JunndTi&np. m., (and It 0., a, ttt , J It &.10 p. iu. on eiuudaya only). Umve fur Sheridan, mm: day, t 1.30 p. m Arrive ut Portland, va a. m Iave for AIKME on Monday, Wwlnesday anil rrMay atv 10a. m. Arrlvn at Portland, Tuck dav, Thursday aud naturdiu it a 05 p, in. Except aunday Except Saturday. I! KOEHI.EH, 3!unauer. ti, II MAKKIIAM, AltKt. ll )' it 1'UM, Ak't Dulles, Mofo and Antelope STAGE LINE. Through br' daylight via Ornsa Vallt-y, Ki.nl and Urina IloiUmii. DOtlCI.AN At.I.CN, Thn IlaUna. V. to. I11TK1.AW. Alit!uM. Waxen leijvu The Dall.n Irom I'mntllla linn" at , a in., aln Iroyi Autulopc at 7 :M a. in uverj Mondoy, W wlniaday and Friday. Coniiwtlon mudt at AiitWo; for 1'rlnoTlllc, Mltcholl and iil!iU twyonrt. Clme o ut.tfltloiia made at The lMllt with nillwaj, troin mid UmU. Hl'iKt.1 Irom AnloloiKi reach The Iiallea Tus' daye, I liurMluy anil haturdayt nt 1 :au p, m, , luTEit or fAiir. UallCh to I);hllU: .... Jl 0 do Morn . . , 1 ftO do (inui Valluy '' 'iS do Kunt 3 W) , do Croa Hollow , IM Antuln to (,'r( Hollow 1 to no Kent a i do (ira Valloy . 8 on do Moro y fl do I)ohuii 4) do Dalle , S M ' ATTOBNKV AT IwVW, , v. .T'1K I 'ALUM, ORK00N. OBlcc oei Klrtt Nt. Bin.