The Dalles Daily Chronicle. The only Republican Daily Xeutpapei on Watco County. EASTERN OFFICE SSO to 234 Temple Court, X. Y. City. E. KATZ, Agent. Weekly Clubbing; Kates. Chronicle and Oregoninn Chronicle and Examiner Chronicle und Inter Ocean Chronicle and Tribune an or. . . 2 25 ... 1.85 ... 1 Chronicle and X. Y. World 2 00 PKIIUY JANUARY 14, 1S9S REGGIXG THE QUESTION. The Oregonian, in replying to a remark of The Chkoxiclk, com plains that "it seems to newspapers like The Chronicle and there arc many of them in Oregon perfectly incredible and incomprehensible that there should be, or can be, a newspaper entireh independent of men or factions, governing its own actions according, as in its judgment, public ends are to be served; criti cising and opposing men at one lime, and commending and supporting them ' at another, 'as issues change or as men's relations to' them ' change." It does not seem incredible to The CunoxiCLE that there cau be newspapers with the utter independ ence which the Oregonian men tions, but the Oregonian is rot among them. No ,itleal of journal ism can be higher than that pictured aboye, and were the words applica- j Tale to the paper which printed them the enconium would be a gratifying one. But the course of the 0: nian has shown time and again that it is not "independent of men or factions," but absolutely subservient to them. If this were not the case, why does the Oregoniau support the Simon faction now, when it is known that Simon and his followers have broken the peace of the Republican party in Oregon and wrought havoc on the welfare of the state by their hold up of the legislature last win ter? If the Oregonian.Ls.5Uch a vir tuous organ, why does it not rise superior to factions and condemn the methods used by both the Simon and Mitchell men, and say to the Bepub Jicans of the state, "Let us settle this fratracidal strife, and since it cannot be adjusted while Multnomah county is a factor, let the rest of the state make the party nominations and leave Multnomah county out until she learns how better to behave her self." It is useless for the Oregonian to Bay that Simon is wholly right and Mitchell altogether wrong in this factional fight; it is useless for a Mitchell paper to say the reverse. Both have done things entirely rep rehensible while trying to win the political struggle, and though each justified his action, to himself, from the exigencies of the situation, yet when it comes to fair speaking, both fictions are much to blame. If the Oregonian is such a paragon of independence, why does it not cocdemn this factional Sllirit niifl seek to heal the party's wounds. Tin: Chronicle is showing more indc-' pendence in this one article than the ' Oregonian has exhibited in the last two years, or longer. And yet it wraps itself in the self-assuraed virtue of being independent of all factions. The Oregonian's statements and its actions (if a newspaper has actions) are so inconsistent that fair-minded people place no reliance in neither, A . .i Any yei uie Uregonian could, if it would, be the greatest power in the atate m bringing (about the common good. What has become of one David B. mil of New Yoik? Has he, too, joined the procession to Klondike? He has not even been heard to re mark, of late, that he is still a Dem ocrat. Bryan is keeping up his detcrmin ntlon to talk himself into tho presi dency. His last set speech was fin- islicd nt '2 a. m., though the dispatches do not ay when ho began. It will take moro than Bryan's eloquence to convince the people that prosperity is not already here and promising to come in larger quantities. When, by process of cremation Durrant's remains are turned to ashes, it is to be hoped the San Fran cisco nutvcjnpcrs wiil let them rest in peace. Tne public has had a sur 'lfeitof the morbid details of these famous crimes, though the trial itself will alwavs remain a notable one In local annals. The government customs rccoipts for Wednesday were $889,024, the heaviest since the new tariff law went into effect. All the Dingley bill needs is a fair chance, and it will demonstrate to the country the merit of a moderate protective sys tern. rortlanu is making a record in convicting criminals. Those who seek to argue that juries fail to do their duty will have to seek else where for examples than in Multno mah count- just at present. A COMMON MISQUOTATION. Our Orators Should Rend the Declaration of Independence Again. Probably three out of four Fourth of July orators in their speeches this yeai quoted the Declaration of Independence ns claiming that: All men iire created free and equal." The mistake has been common In the past and it is r.s preva lent now as ever. Presidents of the United States, mentbers of congress, governors and a host of lesser lights have made the blunder, and to their number can be added editors and dis tinguished orators like the late Henry Ward Beecher. Nevertheless, the Dec laration does not Kay that "all men are created free and equal," and it would not be true if it did. No person is created free. He or she is subject for years to the control of parents or puard iaus, and natural .laws recorni.t th's subjection as right. What the Declara tion does say is that: "All men are created equal." There may be some dis sent from that, doctrine, as there is an evident difference among' men in mental and physical endowment at birth. But while the Declaration of Independence is quoted as saying they are, it had bet ter be quoted correctly. Silk from Fish lies' A French chemist has -recently dis covered that eggs of certain species of lish are enveloped in veritnble silken cocoons. Since the learned Frenchman began his experiments in this line (in Js04) he 1ms found seven different spe cies of fish that prtxluce eggs from which a fine qualijv of silk may be rM-n. Cah lu Your Check. All conntv warrants reuiatered prior to Nor. 1. 1893. will bo naid at mv office. Interest ceases after Jan. 10th. 1S98. C. L. Phillips, Conntv Treasurer. If you have money to burn, hum it by smoking Fonts' Prize Medal and Rose Queen cigars. 6 tf Taken Up. Came to my place on 3-Mile, about the 25th of November, a etraw-bav roan mare, branded V Piconuectedjon the left shoulder, about 5 years old. Owner can nave same by paying charges. M. S. Evans. . dec22-lm The Dalles, Or. dr.gunn's; Tor People That Are ft Siok or "Just Don'tllll I V Feel Well." W I LLO OMLY ONE FOR A DOM. Rtmoit Pimple, curM HMdtche, Dnptptto and Costlient j. 25 cli. a box at druggiiu or br mill bamplet I re, addreu Dr. 8Mnko Co. Pblla. LOOP POISON a speciaijTcSS- SiXiZiiZ ."""if"" icon- out, It U tills Secondary IJLOOll l'fjiilVO wo urantco to cure. Wo.ol'clt tho m. til Utl- .?.!?!f , natocageo ond cHaiieV ti " g"??wecannitcure. this Citeum liaTfli,rT. itamnnntoim iffir. IT." w i BIlTHT, . pplicatlon. Addn-M ( UUK ItKMFiiv Joseph sflflfliioji HAS Ol'EJlED A HARNESS SHOP IN THK EAST END, In tho Coliim bla Hel )arU, oppftslto Sultmarbe ii fttockyardt, wlieru be la ready to do fill Kinds of Harness Work. D . i t Regulator Line The Dalles. Portland ani Astoria Navigation Co.' Sirs. Mil FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE The Dalles, Hood Itlver, Caomle Locks anil Port land dully, "tcwdt funduy. DOWN THE VALLEY Are you going On TO EASTERN OREGON? If go. save money and enjoy n beautiful trin ou the Columbia. The nct-bountl train arrlvtHt The Dalles in ample time for pasejiers to take the steamer, arriving In Portland in time for the nureolnc southern and Northern trains: bound pas'enpers arriving In The Dalles la time to uutc tne taji-Douuii tram. For further information apply to N. HARNEY, Afrent, Oak Street Dock. Portland. Oregon, Or W U. ALLAWAY. Hen. Act., The Dalles. Oreson lieuu Yeai Experiences. Let the memory of the old year be the experience that shall guide you through the new. You remember" where yon have pains and pleasures. Good health brought tho pleasure, bad health brought the pain. If yon want good health yon will get it through good medicine. We use Lothing but the best and finest drugs in Compounding, KELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 175 Second 'Street. THE DALLES, J-ioliday Improuemepts. You want jiaper which makes your holiday enjoyment creator. You want paper which makes your homo pleasanter at all times. You need such shades and designs as will ijive more beautv and moro comfort in vnnr im,.,.. . .. .. "'"" n a nw vou fllviefl tlinf. ever seen here nt prices never attempted for such quality. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. - ..w,. Hilt Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL iiator is miles uitj I i If Watchmaker? Jeweler All work promptly attended to, and warranted. I74 VOGT BLOCK. "" . you SmwSB nothing BUT THE GENUINE KWEIL Wholesale. JVIfiliT MQUOfrS, .CHines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED ANHEUSER - HOP GOLD Anheuser-Busch Malt beverage, unequaled as a STUBLING & WILLIAMS. Closing Out Sale OF FURNITURE f CARPETS PRIKTZ t NITSCHHE Are going toclose nut their business, CObT FKICLS. Now is the time to buy good Furniture cheap. persons knowing themselves indebted to said firm nre renuested to call ami settle their account. JI?e postoffiee parmaqy, CLARKE & FALK, Proprietors. Pure Drags and Medicines. Toilet Articles pipst jr; of Imported mi 1 . xeiepnone, drfd. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. GEORGE RUCH, Pionr Z. DONNELL, PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST t TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., THE ALLES, OR Subscribe for The Chroniele STAND Yon will And one coupon Inside each two ou.u-o dug nmltwo cottponn Inside cncli fuurouncobiigofllluckwi'll'H Durham, lltiy a bag or thin celebrated tobacco ami read tho coupon which kIvca a list of valuable nrcntti and bow tofrcttlicm. BUSCK and BEER on draught and in Dottles. Nutrine, a non-alcoholic tonic. and they are offerine their lartre Block . it and .Perfumery, apd Domestic ars wew y0gt Block N ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. s Pullman Elegent Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car HT. I'AHI. M1NNKA POM m:M'TII I'AICfiO 1UM) nut CIttlOKSTON U'lNMI'En Ht'.I.KXA nil IH'TTE TO Through Tickets OIIICAOO WAHIIINIITON rilll.AllKI.I'HIA NKW VOKK HUSTON ASH AM. rOINTN KAHT anil HOUTM Kur Inluruiiitlon, tlmo card, nniphRiiU tlukeu, i'h I on nr wrlti- lo W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dulkn, OrvKon OK A. I). CHARLTON. AoHt. O. V. A., S'A, Morrlxou Cor. Ttilnt. I'urtUiiil Onoa WALL PAPER! WALL PAPEi! Just Received 5000 Rolls of Wall Paper. The host patterns. The most beautiful colors. New Invoice of Paints and Oils. 'Any color or brand supplied. Snipes-Kinersly Drag Co, DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. h:. a- L e isr nsr. i H. KCIIKNK, l'resldunt. 11. M.llliAt. . First National Bank. THE DALLES - OREGON wunoral liunklng UtiHinuHfl trunBucUid jjupumis receivou, Hubjoot to Hiitlit Draft nr fll.J.L- Collectlonii matlo and procw'ida promptly remittal on lnf nt ..nil 8'Kt and TelBKraphic Exclmnge aold oi York, Bun Franclaco mi Port land. n T m una. v "RMFaoM. Jno. B. Bohknc. fcn. M. W iIiLIamh, Gko. A. Likuk. Strayed. istrayod from Dufur, Or., about tM t ol July, two bay lioruuH, of about light bay, branded .q on tlitht bin: tb V'er B,drk. l'y. branded I1F (connect ed) on left sliouldor. Information lead ing to the recovery of either, or both, o theie horaea will .be rewarded bv tb wer. Ruv. .inn v.vahh. declMm-ll Colnmbua, Wah.