The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 13, 1898, Image 3

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Wfe have just received
j 1 i i n
anomer snipmenx 01
The Clroalest value ever offered.
A Good licavy Comfort for
50 cents.
Hotter yitidc1 proportionately reduced.
Children's Hose
All Wool.
Sizes 5, ol, (, Ch are going at
161 cents.
Thece ure our regular Uo cent goods.
We have these Overcoats and Ulsters in Frieze and
plain goods; either Grey, Brown or Black in color.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Tomorrow night
At this Votft' opera house
The IClks' p-and churity hull.
Weather Tonight mid Friday, rain.
Sturgeon hooka, cotton und sisal rope
nt Muier & ituutoii'H. W
Go to the Golunihlu Candy Factory for
fresh oysters in every style. tf
Buy choice green groceries, Huh and
poultry from the Commission Com
pauy, 4-tf
The Prize Medal cigar is strictly hand
made and filled with the finest grade of
Havana tohacco. ti-tf
Marriage license was today issued to
Alton II. CiimmiiigH and Miss Lnuru L.
Wiokhani, both of Hood Uiver.
The regular monthly meeting of Mt.
Hood Hose Co., No. 4, will beheld at
the hose house tomorrow (Friday) even
ing at 7:110 o'clock.
King Colo brand Baltimore oysters,
the best on the market; Medium,
Standard and Extra Select. Try them.
At Varney & Co.'a. 11-tf
"".lohn Leslie recently bought 120 'head
of lambs, including a few yearlings, from
V. Henry Hughes, of Lost Valley, Gilliam
wuijityjfor $2 a head.
License to wed was issued in Portland
on Tuesday, to V. L. Nieholsnnd Annie
Urquhart, both of this city, and aged
respectively 24 and 30 years.
Annual roll-call at the Congregational
church this evening at 7:30. All mem
burs of the church uio urged to be pres
ent and respond to the reading of their
I'orfions having trouble with their
eyes should call and have them exam
ined by Dr. A. 15. Richmond. Olllce,
second door from corner of Court and
Second streets. ' 12-1 w
Tho bridge gang are nil laid oil today
waiting for lumber, and until such time
as It arrlvtis, tho moil will bo forced to
stand their own expenses and receive no
recompense, which makes them feel
rather discontented.
J, II. Laird, forinorly a real estate
man of Tacomn, concerning whom the
Tacotnu Dally Ledger printed an article
on or about December Cth last, has be
gun suit for libel against tho paper, de
manding if 10,000 damages for defamation
of character.
J. L. Harper, late of tho Noz Perce
News, has aslumed editorial charge of the
Oakfldale Sun mid the editorial column
bears tho names of Lanning & Harper
as editors and publishers. Mr. Limning,
who lias published tho Sun for several
years, retains the business management
of tho paper.
It Is expected by everyone that our
wen and maidens will turn out tomor
row night in costumes of the finest. The
ladies especially are endeavoring to
look 'their best, and that they will suc
ceed we doubt not. We hope, however,
that neither the ladies nor the men will
spend so much time arranging their
j toilet as to make them lute for the grand
march, which begins at 9 o'clock Bbarp,
The Bubject for discourse at the Chris
tian oharoh tonight will be "Infant
Baptism Examined in the Light of God's
Word." All are invited.
Those who take part in the Elks' ball
tomorrow night will he admitted at the
rear entrance. Two walks have beet;
laid, one from Third and the other from
Federal streetB, which will be well light
ed, and those who intend to dance will
confer u favor by coming by this en
trance. The three gamblers who held up and
robbed of $000 three others, who hud
beaten them out of the money at tho
gambling tabling tables in Bourne, in
Baker county, are supposed to be in
hiding near that pluce. It is thought
that their sympathizers will help them
t The property owners along Second
qtrootaie doing meritorious work today.
Several teams are hauling the crushed
rock from -the quarry on tho brewery
(hill and putting it in places where it is
needed along the street. This is the
season for such improvement, and we
are cure it will prove a good investment.
Tho careless way in which the town
cows are allowed to roam about the city
urges us to remind the owners of these
bovines that if they do not keep them
where they belong tho pound-master
will be forced to take charge of them,
and the fee that they will have to pay
will force them to take better care of
their cattle.
Mr. Tony Charing uiod at tho homo of
his part nts in Oregon City Sunday, Jan.
0th, of consumption, after an illness of
three months. He was well known in
this city, having boon employed in the
barber shop of his half-brother, Julius
Fisher, for some time, and 'ater running
a shop of his own in the East End. His
friends will learn of his death with deep
was ofuciallv announced Tuesday
that tho stoamship Oregou would leave
i'ortland on her iirsl trip to Alaska on
j tho evening of Suudayi January 23d
J She will carry tho first installment of tho
; government relief expedition, consisting
i of eighty-six men, 10o mules and 200
tons ol freight. Major Jacobs, chief
iinariermaster at Fort Vancouver, was
in Portland Tuoedaj? afternoon, and
completed all the arrangements for the
transportation of the government expe
dition, Dyea will bp the port of debark
ation. Of course the Oregon will carry
much moro than the government will
sond on this trip, und her accommoda
tions to the full limit are open to tho
When you can not sleep for coughing
take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It
always gives prompt relief. It is most
excellent for colds, too, as it aide ex
pectoration, relieves the lungs and pre
uonts any tendency toward pneumonia.
For sale by Blakeloy & Houghton.
Ladies' Underwear
A Seasonable Otter
Our $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 values for
75 cents.
Thie ir one of the beat offers of the Year.
and Ulsters....
Our regular $10 values for. ...$.7. 85
Our regular $13.50 values ...$9.65
Our regular $15 values for.. ...$11.35
KxtDtiHlre Preparations In the Way or
IlecortttloiiK and Otherwise.
Never before have such, extensive
'reparations been made for a ball in
his city as are being made for that of
jthe Elks tomorrow night. All the com
fmittees are doing their utmost towards
the success of the ball, and the commit
tee on decorations is almost surpassing
jjtselLy In the center of thehall
iBalarge cluster of electric lights with
purple globes, and from those to each
corner reach streamers of white and
purple bunting, the Elks' colors. Other
streamers with the stars and stripeB
are draped in all directions from the
centerpiece, making on the whole the
most beautiful effect that it has ever
been our good luck to see. On all sides
one is greeted by a profusion of elks'
heads, while a magnificent elk is placed
on the front( of the stage. Ever point
on those numerous pairs of antlers will
be lit by colored electric lights, makiug
them appear beautiful in the extreme.
Tho floor will be in perfect shape for
all who wish to dance, while all
the spectators will be furnished with
seats and treated with all courtesies by
the committee.
Thirteen new selections are being
practiced by the orchestra for tho occa
sion, and the music will be the very
County Court l'ruc!tiii;K.
The petition of E B Wood and others
for county road, was coueidered and al
lowed. Petition of G E Johnston and others
for county road was set aside to be con
sidered Tuesday, February 1st, at which
time the viewers will hold meeting.
In the petition of H C Henget et al
for county road, Henry Prlgge was ap
polutod viewer and J B Goit surveyor, to
meet February 1st.
The petition of J 13 Rand was dis
missed. O S Waller's petition for road of pub
lic easement was considered and dis
missed. Petitions for appointment of road
supervisors were made by G P Barrett
et ul, H Stoneman et al, II V Taylor et
al, and A M Newell et ul.
In'the matter of the petition of James
A Knox and others for county road, S
Arnold, W M Jackson, and J Wiisou
were appointed viewers, and J B Goit
surveyor, to meet at commencement of
road February 2d.
The Woolen Mill Quutitluii.
Wo notice in Tesdiiy's Orogonian that
a representative of a syndicate who pro
poses to build woolen mills in tiie North
west, thinks seriously of so doing in
Portland, The property owners of the
east Bide are trying hard to induce him
to build such a mill, and are negotiating
to donate such a site, Why this man
should pick out Portland for such au in
dustry, is more than we can see, Why
not build in a town like The Dalles,
where about 7,000,000 pounds of wool of
different grades are annually unloaded
During January and Feb
ruary we will give to every
person buying One Dollar's
worth of goods at our stove a
chance on a Sixty-Dollar
Which was manufactured
by the Michigan Stove Co.
Drawing to come off the 28th
day of February, 1898.
from the freighters' w agone, and thus
save transportation to other points.
We have all the requirements for mills
and factories in the ay of almost un
limited water power, aB well as abund
ant fuel, and with freight rates almost
terminal, in some cases terminal. We
enjoy all these advantages and many
more, and for that reason it seems un
accountable that a woolen mill has not
been built hero years ago.
If one enterprise of this kind were be
gun, outside capitalists would awake to
the fact of The Dalles being a superior
place as a manufacturing center and
others will be induced to invest in like
enterprises. Without doubt our prop
erty owners will do as much, and more,
than those of any other city in the -state
towards donating a suitable site and
offering other encouragement towards
such an enterprise. If a move is but
made in this direction, they will be suc
Thethree men, Mulligan, Murphy and
Kelley, who held up and robbed three
men who had broken all the crap game?
in Bourne, near that place, last week
were captured Sunday in a dug-out
near Excelsior mill, by Sheriff Kilburn.
They were lodged in the Baker City jail.
Latest reports from Havana state that
rioting is going on at that place. Great
excitement prevails, and tho American
citizens are thought to be in danger.
General Lee has reported the condition
of affairs to the president, and it was
supposed this morning that a war ship
would be sent to Cuba at once.
A telegram was received by Adjutant
General Breck at Washington, from
Geueral Merriam, commanding tho de
partment of the Columbia at Vancouver
barracks, that may have some efffct on
the policy of the war department in ex
tending relief to tho miners of the Klon
dike. The general reports that passen
gers on two steamers, which have re
cently arrived from Alaska, state that
the miners will get through the winter
in safety.
In Olcleu Timed.
People overlooked tho importance of
permanently beneficial effects, and were
satisfied with transient action ; but now
that It is generally known tiiut Syrup of
Figs will permanently overcome habit
ual constipations, well informed people
will not buy other laxatives, which act
for a time, but finally injure the system.
Buy the genuine made by the California
Fig Syrup Co.
Mentbern of tho MuKtuley Club uf The
Yon aro hereby requested to bo pres
ent at a meeting of the McKinley 'club,
to be held at the court house, Saturday
evening January 15th, at 8 o'clock
for the purpose of electing representa
tives to attend a meeting of the repub
lican league of Oregon, to be held in
Portland, Tuesday February 1, 1898.
L, E, CitowK, ProB.
G. J, Faklkv, Sec.
Freeh Columbia river smelt at Varney
l&Co.'e. lOlwk
1111509 Hr-Jit JTatrs
And can now supply our customers.
The UVilson is tho only Air Tight stovo
with Outside Tube draft. Sold only by
We have strictly First-Class
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To "be sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
Phone 25. J. T. Peters & Co.
Fir Sweet Clarity's Sate.
January 14th, 1898.
The entire net proceeds will be devoted to Charity, and
those who wish to give for the sake of giving may find this
a good opportunity
The Charity Ball will be the grand social event of tho
season The following committees will have charge of tho
various arrangements.
GENEKA1, EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE-Judil S Fifth, O I. I'hillips, W L llrmlshnw, U II
Lonsdale, F W Wii.son.
INVITATION COMM1TTKE Grant Muys, T J Senfert, J A Douthit, W II Moody, V F Johnson.
FINANCE COMMITTEE J F Hampshire, Geo C Hhikelcy, L E Crowe.
DECORATION COMMLTTEE If W French, P W De Huff, J A Mao Arthur, E M Wingate, Gas
Bonn, George Fcrgusson, T J Driver.
KECEI'TION COMMITTEE John Michell, A M Kelsuy, J 11 Crocki'ii, A S Mnc Alllstor, John O
Hertz, E.l M Williams.
FLOOR AND MUSIC COMMITTEE O I. Phillips, Max A Vogt, Joseph lloun, Fred W Wil.son,
H II Ixjiisdtile.
COMMITTEE ON TICKETS-Fletcher Faulkner, W A Johnston, W E Wlther, E O McCov,
Albert liottingen.
Tickets may be secured from
Novel Tale from the Fur-Awiiy I'mtneaslon
ol tilt' (JiilU'd Ktulc.
H. J. Hurling, who is identified with
the salmon industty of Alaska, us the
owner of an extensiw" plant tit
Karlulc, Kodiulc island, lately arrived
from the north. Ho brought down
with him ioine of the largest bearskins
ever been in San Francisco. One of
them, a perfect and unblemished skin
o an enormous grizzly, measured I'J
ieet from tip to tip.
Air. Barling has a marvelous t-jile to
i elate of the native way of killing a
"There are many grizzlies on Kodiak
if hind," he said, "as well as a large num
ber of cinnamon bears. I wn.s.eruKsing
in n launch in an unfrequented cove one
day w hen I spied two immense grizzlies.
They wore so large I did not care to go
rfter them, but when I got back to
Knrluk I communicated the, fact to an
Indian, who bore tJie reputation of b
ing one of the best bear hunter: in that
section. Although 02 year old, he had
to ask his mother's permission, vt hieli.
being grunted, he started across the
country after the bears. He dimply
armed himself with n long spear. He
greased his head and got to the wind
ward of the nniinals. Pretty soon he
heard n tramping in the brmsh and
knew the prey was approaching. lie
dug a hole in the ground, planted one
end of the spenr irmly with the point
in tJie direction of the bear and then
crouched down. The bear came along
and dashed for the head (if the Indian.
With a swift and dexterous movevient
tho native cut a gash in the bear's neek
with 1 he sharp spear point, The an
gered animal drew back a few yards
and mode a rush, He. impaled him
self on the and nil wan over."
the Committeo on Ticket.".
Illdh U'uilti'il.
Wd8 for furnishing 150 cubic yards
building sand will be received by tho
Wasco warehouse up to January 18th.
The riebt is received to reject any or
all bids. Ilids must be accompanied
with a cample of sand.
The D.illes, Jan. 11, 1S9S.
Deep In It.
That's what we aro. We've got inoro
books than we know what to do witii.
Help us to lcfason our stock. Uf cuurso
we must oiler eoine inducement to you.
We have a full line of ull the new " I
interesting novels. We will tell tin .n
ut a reduced price, with exception of
Webfater's Dictionaries and School Hooka.
1 will sell all liooks during this month
at COST.
I. C. Nickelsen
Book & musie Company,