c The Dalles Daily Chronicle. JV oni Jfcj-u&fican Daily Xeu-spapet on Yatco Cotiiiiv. EASTERN OFFICE SSO to C34 Temple Court, X. Y. City. E. KATZ, Agent. Weekly Clubbing Kate. Chronicle and Oregonian. ?2 25 Cbrouiclc and Examiner 2 25 Chronicle and Inter Ocean 1.S5 Chronicle and Tribune . 1 75 Chronicle nnd X. Y. World 2 00 THUKSDAY JANUARY 13, 1S9S THE MARCH OF PROSPERITY. A little comparative consideration of the coniniercinl and industrial con ditions that prevailed at the begin ning and at the end of 1897 should convince any person that the latter was a very paradise of prosperity. The year commenced, says the Pen dlcton Fribune, with a deplorable lack of trust in the stability of the nation, There was but little business being done, and all sorts of indus tries were at the lowest ebb to which they had sunk in many years. But bv degrees the people began to see that there was a solid, trustworthy helmsman at the tiller of government, and began to move a litter treer. Then a spurt commenced, and the last six months of the year were a rapid succession of bounds toward the commanding position of prosper ity. Not in the history of the Uuited States has the export trade so loftily scaled the heights of well being. The total exports for the first eleven months of the year amounted to 4947,500,000, to $S88,G00,000 in 189G, 732,300,000 in 1895, and $740,200,000 in 1894, showing a steady increase. The exports of merchandise and silver for the 'period exceeded the imports by $325,000, 000. In every branch of commerce there has been the same gratifying revival of business. Even on Wall street, the great thoroughfare whose inhabitants are first to feel a change in conditions, the stock exchange dealings amounted to 77,401,720 shares, as against 54,490,643 in 189C, and sales of bonds amounted to $54 1, 330,530, an increase over 189C of $140,405,430, or nearly thirty per cent. The earnings of the railroad com panies are a gocd index of the gen eral business conditions throughout the country. During the month of November the Pennsylvania railroad system showed an increase of nearly Sl,a00,000, of which about 7GO,000 was net. The company's business for eleven months of the present fiscal year shows increased net earn ings of over 4,000,000. For the five months ending November 30th the Atchison, Topeka and Santo Fe system shows an income from opera tion of $4,401,1 01.7-1, an increase of 4900,241.33 over the corresponding months of last year. The net earn ings, for the same period have in creased 740,813.80. The same satisfactory condition which exists in the East is found also m the West, as the recently declared dividend of the O. It. ifc N. Co. indicates. Pros perity has struck the capitalist as well as the farmer. But does each begrudse the other his good fortune? A telegram from PittstJurg states that an order tins been pluccdQwith a house in Cleveland, O., by Sir Lo thinn Bell, the great English iron king, for 4,000,000 tons of Mesaba iron ore, to be delivered .U Cardiff, Wales, nt fco.15 a ton. This is an entering wedge, it being the first in stance in which American ore has entered Europe. It is hoped thut the result of this order will be that American ore will shut out Spanish nnd African from the English market. The favorable winter which East ern Oregon is experiencing so far tbis icason is proving of incalculable benefit to fanners and stockmen. The ground is thoroughly moistened and the fall wheat has received a good start. In many places the stockmen have not fed their sheop or cattle, the native grass is supplying all ' necessary food. Should present in dications continue, this section will be favored again with bountiful liar vests, nnd the hum of prosperity be come all the louder. Ohio is. fortunate m the speedy termination of its senatorial election, With six years before him in the senate and the friendliness of the national administration, Senator Han na will lie able to repay some of his political enemies with interest. Now that the chances of Mr. Cov- bett being seated have vanished, will Governor Lord call an extra session? or is he afraid Mr. Mitchell would c elected : DWELLING BUILT OF TUBES. Bamarkable Strnetnr Put Up by m C.er. man Inrantor 1U Adrantecw. A German inventor has built a house of hollow tubes, whose advantages are, he says, a constant temperature and in cidentally strength, durability, com fort and beauty, says the New York Sun. He first put up a frame of water tubing, allowing continuous circula tion to a stream of water. Around this frame he put up his house in the or dinary way. The peculiarity is that all floors and ceilings are crossed and re crotssed by the water pipes. The water, having passed through horizontal tubes under the floor and ceiling3, passes through the vertical tubes until all have been gone through. In summer, freah cool water circulates under pressure through the network of tubes, cools off the walls, and. after having run its course, flows considerably warmer than when it entered. In its course it has absorbed much heat, which it carries away. During the long and severe winter the water en tering through the basement is first heated to nearly one hundred decrees and then forced through the tubing. Of course much of the heat is left all over the house, and at the outlet the temperature of the water is about forty degrees. The speed of the cir culation of water can be regulated so as to allow the fixinrr of a certain tem perature, which is equal throughout the miiiumr. Cuh tn lour Chech. All conntv warrants registered prior to iiov. i, wnt w pain at my office. Intoreet ceases after Jan. 10th, 1S93. C. L. Phillips, Countv Treasurer. Choice Shoalwater Bay oysters served in every style at the Columbia Candy Factory. Give us a trial and we will endeavor to please you. If you have money to burn, burn it by smoking Fouts' Prize Medal and Rose Queen cigars. 0 tf Taken Up. Came to my place on 0-Mile, about the "oth ol jNoverooer, a straw-bay roan mare, branded V P(connected)ou the left shoulder, about o year? old. Owner can have same by paying charges. M. S. Evans. dec22-lm The Dalles, Or. Executor's Notice. Notice is hereby Riven that the un(deri;rned has been duly uppuinted executor o the last will and testament o( Mary Blll.decej'ed. All perHMis having claims aaainn :he estate of said deceased are hereby notltied to present the tame, with thejirwer vouchers therefor, to me at my office in The Dalles, Oregon, within six mouths from the date of this notice. Dated September 10. 1'J7. splMi JOH.S" MAUDES'. Kxcculor, n- Minnie JSA? UK- UUHROlw For People That Arofll 'PILLS Sick or " Just Don't I Peel Well." ONLY ONE FOR A DQ8E. Hemoro Pimples, curt HMath, Ojtpcpsla art I CostlienfM. 25 eta. a boxatdruggimor ,r mall bampiea tin, aaurew ur. DOMnio to. raua. ra. MRU ft SPECIALTY"!".''"")- tlary ULuuu l'OISOH permaaCDtly cured lu 15 t3o dars. Vou can to treated aomoiorsanjoprjco under eanioituaran I ty. If jrou profer to como hero we nil 1 con. nocharpe. If wo lall to cure. 1 1 rra baro taken me r cury, Iodide potusli, ond etiH haro aches and pains. Mucousl'ntchefi in icouth. Soro Tlj rout, Vimplca. Cupiier Colored Himtf, Ulcer oa cnTF-rtothabod7,liuirori''yeljrow8 falling out, it if this Secondary JlLdOU 1'OJiioR we (runranteo to cure. Wo eoliclt tbo moit b3ti nale cuses and ctutllcngo tfio world fop a oao we cannot ;ciiro. 'Ihla dl(eMi has nlirara baCleatliflHklllo(tIioiuustiidnentiiliyiil Ciaiis. V30O.U0U caniui behlpa our u'icoatfl. JOSEPH SflfllW HAS Ol'EIIED A HARNESS SHOP IN THK EAST END, In the Colutn bia Keeil Yard, opponlte Salttnanbe'K BtockyarUi, where he is ready to do All Kinds of Harness Work. Regulator Line Be Dalles, PortlanJ anfl Astoria Navigation Co.' ste. Regulator & Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE BETWEEN The Dalles. Hood Ktver, Cascade Locks anil l'ort land dally, c" auuuny. , DOWN THE VALLEY Are you going EASTERN OREGON ? , , AnA,. rwt.iti H fn1 trtn nil t 11 so. snu uiuiivj Him iiijuj rtitMii ... , . t li.. fl... .-.,.t WahhiI ImIii nrrk'l rit lilt LUIUIUU1U. ? w-ivm4 . , The Dalles in ample time for i-assemrer to tiue me steamer, arriving m i miiuim m .....v .... outpoint; Southern nnd Northern train"; fcmt bounil pass-engers artlvinc in The Dalles In time to take the East-bound train. For lurther miormniion appiy 10 J. X. HAKNKY, ARcnt, IMS Bireei iock. riuuunui wivmt. Or V C. ALLAWAY. Ceil. ARt., The Dalles. Urtvon fieua Yeat Experiences. Let the memory of the old year be the experience that shall euide you through the new. You remember where yon have pains and pleasures. Good health brought the pleasure, bad health brought the pain. If you want good health you will set it through good medicine. We use nothing but the best and finest drugs in Compounding. RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 115 Second SirecL THE DALLES, holiday Improuemepts. You want paper which makes your holiday enjoyment ureator. You want paper which makes your home plejsaiiter at all times. You need such shades and designs as will give more beauty and more comfort in your home. Wo show you styles that exceed any ever teen here at prices never attempted for such quality. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL lfiu. WfJii s WatchmakerMewelcr All work promptly attended to, ud warrauted. 174 VOGT BLOCK. The Inchest tobaccos" is "Just ns good as Durham." Every old smoker knows there as good Ulackwell's BULL iURHAM Smelling Yoti will find otic each tv, o oimtv pon. ' f t lingt I j acKvcu t ijunmiii. Huy u ltf :.f litis tclc-linit.-d to! c-o nutl raid the ft 1 coupon wlncli of valuable present. ..ml jov lo-;,'ct Wholesale MAIiT LtlQUOftS, Olines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED ANHEUSER HOP GOLD Anheuser-Busch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic "beverage, unequaled as a tonic. STUBL1NG & WILLIAMS. Closing FURNITURE CARPETS PRINZ c NITSCHKE Are Ki"P to c)n?i out their liusinesg, and they aru oUuriiie thmr luriro stock at COST PRICES. Now is the timo to huy t'ood Furniture cheap. All persona knowinc themseivea intli'litcd to said firm are reiia'Hted to call and tettle their account. Jtye postoffiee pi;arma(;y, CLARKE & FALK, Proprietors. Pure Drags and Medicines. Toilet Articles and .Perfumery, pii7st Iji of Imported apd Domestic iars. Telephone, 333. New Vogt Block. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. GEORGE RUCH, Pionr 7VL Z. DONNELL, PESCniPTIO DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., THE ALLES, OR Subscribe for The Chronicle claim for other k is none just as tobacco coupon inside ixig.mtd two cou cr-cii lour ounce 'ves a list tucr.i. - BUSCH and BEER SSddEuDB8W Out Sale OF- QRTHERN PACIFIC RY. H s Pullman Elegent l Sleeping Cars Dining Oars Sleeping Car NT. 1'Alll. .M1NNRA1MM.I mri.l'TII KAKOII IIIUNI) roit UHOOKSTON AVINMI'KO IIKI.KNA mi IttlTTK Tourist TO Thpough Tickets OHICAOO WAHII1NJITON rilll.AIKI.I'lllA KEtV VIIKK IIOHTON AM AI.I. I'OIMh KAHT mid HOOTH Knr lufiirmntlnn. time canln, mapMHid tlckeu, cal on or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent, The Dallas Otexon on A. I). OUAULTON. AsHt. G. 1'. A., MiirrUmi Cur. Thinl. I'Dttlaud Oreuoo WALL PflPERI WALL PAPEHI Just Received 5000 KolbV Wall Paper. The .best patterns. The most beautiful colors. New Invoice of Faints and Oils. Any color or brand supplied. ipes-Kinersly Drug Co, DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. T3l. g-Xi ib ustit. J. H. tiCIIKNK, rcutlriuiit. II XI IlKlI. (;iuhlcr First National Baok. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A (ittnurul Bunking lUialnoss truneitctw jjupoBiiB received, an meet to sikih uruii or uuevK. CollectioiiB miulu und jiroeoeda promptly rmnltted on dav of collection. SlKht and Telegraphic Exchange Bold oa Nnur VnrV Can C.n..lo.. n.. J Pnrt land. HIM KOTTl M M D. P. Thomphon. Jno. B. Schknc CI). Al, ll.IiIAMfl. GKO. A. LlKUX. '.H.M.BKAI.L. Strayed. Htraycd from Dufur, Or., about tb luat ot July, two bay horseo, of ubout 1000 muua welKht, both KeldinKH; op' a light bay, branded on right hip; t' other a dark bay, branded HF (connect- i'u; on.ieit anouiuor. Intoriuatlon it" theie horsea will be rewarded by tb N Sd owner. kkv. John Evanh, (leel Columbus, Waal)