The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 13, 1898, Image 1

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l)c Hallos
Terrible Tornado a! Fort
Smilli, Arkansas.
Ilamngn l liinuunn Soornn of IIouhuh
Doxtroyml or rrtllly
Wriic lend.
Four Smith, Ark.. Jan. 12. One of
tho most terrible HtonuB that ever Btruck
thin Beetion of tho country toro through
HiIh city nliortly before midnight last
niht. Everything 1h in confusion ub
Hid ruHiilt of tiio great destruction of
life and property and hh yet it is impos
sible to give-tiiiythine liko uu accurate'
estimate of the mini bur killed und in
jured. Fifty porsotiB nro reported uu
dead and as muny minfiinK, homes hav
ing heen wrecked by the score, and hun
dreds of people were left without food or
Two of the largest Iiousob of worship
in the city, the Baptist and Central
Mothodiat churches, wore completely
destroyed, thu llrownBcomo church wiib
badly damaged, and thu tower and roof
of the htoh school building were blown
The storm struck the city in the
southwestern section, a point where the
rivorB conio together und near the old
fort. From thuro it spreud out over the
whole city, dipping down and scattering
destruction everywhere. There is a rise
in the city toward thu east to meet the
hills on that side, und most of the dam
age to property and loss of Hie wiib in
that suction.
After leaving Fort Smith the tornado
veered and touched at Aluma, nine
miles northeast, doing considerable dam
.uge, but whether there is any loss of life
is not known.
The debris of many buildings in the
lodging-house section caught on lire und
those unfortunates who were iiot at once
extricated ulive, perished miserably by
being burned or'smuthered to death.
Many people in tho outside districts
were killed in the crush of falling resi
dences. All the nursus and doctors that
can lie pressed into service are being
utilized, und there are scores of tempo
rary hospitals throughout the city. The
morgue is taxed to Ub utmost capacity,
and additional bodies are being brought
iu every few minutes.
Altogether the scene at tho place is
Hickening and horrible. A heuvy rain
followed thu terrible tornado and it was
probably twenty minutes before the city
awoke to the fact that it hud been vis
ited by a calamity. The fire department
was called out and iu Icbh tliun twenty
minutes tho Btruots were crowded with
people and willing hands were ready to
render nil tho aid tho uinorgoncy re
quired. Tho scene is one of tliu inost appalling
and destructive witnessed in the coun
try, and it is without parallel in this sec
tion of the southwest.
At noon it looks ak though llfty per
sons have at least been killed, and the
do.Uh list is growing grudually. Hun
dreds of persons have been injured,
some seriously, and othora not so badly.
Many fine residences were razed to tho
The tornado after passing through the
residence district, did its worst work in
that portion of the business district in
which the older buildings tire located
and the totals of damage do not mount
up very rapidly, although many build
ings were partly or wholly ruined. For
this reason it is probable that $500,000
will nearly cover thu loss of buildings
A hiinitiln of (lurlaml'H
'Id miv mlilrusH. Try it.
then If It nultH you buy u Jar
Prlco 50 conbt,
Royal make the lood pure,
wholesome nnil delicious.
Absolutely Pure
norm uakikq powder CO., New YORK.
and contents, including 'tho new high
school building, which cob'i $50,000, and
boing directly in the path of the storm,
wus badly wrecked.
NiiuiuurilH Not riHN,il.
Madhid, Jan. 12. A dispatch to the
lmpnrciitl from Havana Buys:
The sending ot supplies from the
United StateB to tho indigent population
of Cuba has nroused deep animosity
aiuoug the Spaniards, who, it is alleged,
"are incensed at the pretext given to
the American consul nnd the Yankee
element to interfere in Cuban affairs."
It is further assorted thut the Ameri
can newspaper correspondents have
been iiiBtructed to exaggerate the suffer
ings of the peasantry iu order to again
arouse public feeling iu the United
States, bo ub to provideWushiugton with
an excuse to intervene.
Freu of Uliureo Lit NulVemr.
Cut th'iB out and take it to your drug
gist nnd get a Bitmplo bottle free of Dr.
King's New Discovery, for Consumption,
Coughsund Colds. They do not ask you
to buy beforu trying. This will ehow
you the great merits of this truly won
derful remedy, and show you what can
he accomplished by the regular size bot
tle. This is no experiment, und would
lie disastrous to the proprietors, did they
not know it would invoriablv cure.
Muny of the best physicians are now
using it in their practice with great re
sults and are relying on it in tho most
severe cases. It is guaranteed. Trial
bottles free at Blakoley A Houghton's. 1
Uow'h Till:
Wo otl'er ono hundred dollars reward
for any case of Catarrh that can not be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Ciii:ni:v & Co. Props., Toledo, O.
We, tho undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the lust 15 yeure, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable iu all busi
ness transactions und lluunciully able to
curry out any obligations made by their
West & Truux, Wholesale Druggists, To
ledo, O., Waldiug, Kituiun & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, uuting directly upon tho blood and
mucoiiB surfaces of tho system. Pricot
7Gc. per bottlu. Sold by all druggists.
lestimoniuls free. 1-o-tt
A- KrltlHh Vluw of It.
London', Jan. 12. The Morning Post,
iu an editorial on the dispatch from
the TimoB' correspondent at Now York,
"President McKinley is drifting hope
lessly and trying to sutisfy overybody.
lho result is chaos in tho Kepublicnn
camp and ths rapid growth of Bryan-
iHtn. In tho meantime, the Dingley tar
ill' policy has proved a a rediculous fail
Itiiftklou'a Annua Halve.
The best salve in tiie world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped bunds, chilblains,
corns, und ull akin eruptions, and posi
tively cm cs piles, or ho pay required
It iu guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Blakoley und
Houghton, druggists.
Itrynu Muy lie Truimfnrrnd.
Wabuinoton, Jan. 12. President Mc
Kinley has under serious advisement
thu trimeter of Charles Bryan from thu
Chinese to some other mission, and to
this end it is understood overtures have
been made to Conger, our minister to
Brazil, to exchange posts with Mr. Bry
an. Try BonUUng'a Stat !' aud baiting powflur.
Chin it In Dilatory.
Paiiis, Jan. 12. H is probable that
the negotiations for tho Chinese loan
will be consideralriy delayed on account
of the dilutoriness of tho Chinese gov
ernment. Moreover, it is uncertain as
to whether or not tho security will be
ntiNi.lniHiiii Treaty.
London, Jan. 12. A dispatch from
Shanghai says it is reported that the
Russo-Japanese agreement as to Korea
involves the recognition of Port Lazar
off the const north of Genzan, as within
the sphere of Russian intiuencc.
Terrible Kurttiquake.
Tint Habuk, Jan. 12. An official dis
patch from Bittavia announces that the
capita of the Amboyna, one of the Mo
luccas islands, has been completely de
molished by an earthquake. Fifty per
sons were killed.
The Coming W cumin
Who goes to the club while her hus
baud tends the baby, as well as the good
old-fashioned woman who looks after
her home, will both at times get run
d'olvTrrrTtfealJliT Thoywill be troubled
with loss of appetite, headaches, sleep
lessness, fainting or dizzy bpells. The
most wonderful remedy for these women
iB Electric Bitters. Thousands of suffer
ers from Lame Back and Weak Kidneys
rise up and call it blessed. Ii is the
medicine for women. Female com
plaints and nervous troubles of all kinds
are soon relieved by the use' of Electric
Bitters. Delicate woman should keep
this remedy on hand to build up the
syeteni. Only 50c per bottle. For sale
by Bltikeley & Houghton. 1
ilow Twenty Thouwnd Dollars In Gold
Was round Hurled in Alabama.
Chauip Cornelius was a rich Blount
county fanner, who lived near Chepol
topec before the war. When that con
flict came on he had twenty thousand
dollars in gold, which he buried in a
pot on his premises. One night during
the war, while lie was at home on a
furlough, a gang of robbers entered
his house and endeavored to extort
from him by torture the hiding place
of his treasure. They liiing him up
four times, says the St. Louis Republic,
but each time when taken down lie re
fused to divulge 'the secret. The fourth
time they left him for dead, fired the
house and fled. A fuithful negro
slave dragged his muster out, but Cor
nelius died from his injuries leaving
the whereabouts of the buried treasure
a mystery. Yesterday three strange
men visited the place, which is now
owned by John Findley, and said that
as one of them was uu adept hi the use
of the hazel switch, with which to lo
cate streams of water, gold and silver,
they desired to search for the missing
treasure, Findley to pay for all cost of
the search and ull to share in tho pro
ceeds. Findley laughed at them, and
told them that they were free to dig
und keep all the gold they could find.
They went to the spot where the two
old chimneys, all that remained of the
decayed Corneliiis mansion, stand, and
dug all that day without avail, but dur
ing last night, Findley found upon in
vestigation this morning, the strangers
returned, and at the bottom of a fresh
hole they had dug was found, carefully
covered up, n rusty old pot dug in the
ground. The contents of the pot were
missing, but a note left by the men
buid they hud scoured the treasure by
the hazel switches' use and had kept it,
according to Findley's permission.
When you waut n good smoke, be sure
and call for Fouls' high-grade cigars.
For sale by ull lirst-class dealers. tf
To Kxi'luiugu.
Twenty-four milea west of Spokane
and two and one-half from Deer Park,
on tho Spokane Falls & Northern, is the
following tract of land, which I desire to
exchange for residence property in The
Dalles: One hundred and forty acres
seventeen cleared, one paled in garden.
Five-room, now house; two-story barn,
and several other buildings. Value,
$2,000. Call at Sentinel office. 0-lw
Call nnd see what the Commission Co.
can' do for you on fresh groceries. 4-tf
Mr. EUbIiii Berry, of this place Bays he
never had anything do lnui so much
good and give such quick relief from
rheumatism uu Chamberluin'e Puiu
Balm. He wae bothered greatly with
shooting pains from hip to knee until he
used this liniment, which affords prompt
relief. B. F, Buker, druggist, St. Paris,
Ohio, For sale by Blakeley & Hough
ton. ,
To Cure Cold Iu Oue Day.
Take Laxative Brotno Quinine Tab
lets. All druygiBtB refund tLe money if
they fail to cure. .20c,
18 rnRflR a Week. 106 Paper a Year
It Hands first among "weekly" papers
in size, frequency of publication
freshness, variety and leliability of cor.
tents. It is practically a daily at tho low
price o a weekly : and its vast list of
subscribers, extending to every state and
territory of the Union and foreign coun
tries, will vouch for the accuracy and
fairness of its news columns.
It is splendidly illustrated, and among
its special features are a fine humor
page, exhaustive market report, all the
latest fashions for women and a Ion
seriea of stories by tho greatest .living
American and English authors,
Cnnan Doyle, Jerome K. .Icroma,
Stanley Weyman, Mary K. Wilkin
Anthony Ilnpe, Itret Hartc,
Itrander Matthew, Ktc.
We offer this unequaled newspaper and
The Dalles Twice-a-Week Chronicle to
gether one year for $2.00. The rtgulat
price of the two papers is $3.00.
..CUBS. FW..
and Fapmefs
Keois on draught the celebrated
COLUSlUIA liEER, acknowl
edged the best beer iu The Dalles,
at the usual price. Come in, try
it and be convinced. Also the
Finest brands! of Wines, Liquors
and Clears.
toI nil Kinds nlwnys on hand.
TBe GoiumDia PacRingco..
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of BRAND
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wash,, and varioue points
m Oregon auu Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice is hereby given Mutt under und by vir
tue ol'itn execution and order ot nle, issued
out of the Circuit Court of thu Statu of Oregon,
for Wasco County, on the 1 Ith day of December,
1M17, upon a decree and JudKinent , rendered
therein on the tlrst day of December, 1KJ7, in a
suit then aud theretofore tending, wherein
Northern Counties Investment Trust, Limited, a
Corporation, was iilalntill', aud Mary J. Smith
James M, Smith, Jr., Klum A. Smith and Clem
Smith, were defendants, 1 did on tho 11th day of
December, 1M7, duly levy upon, and will, on
Wednesday, the loth day of January, 1MM, at the
hour Jot one o'clock iu tho afteruoon of said day,
at the front door of tho county court houso in
Dalles City, Wusoo County, Oregon, sell at pub
11c miction, to tho highest bidder, for cash in
hand, tnu following described real estate, to
ult: Lots & and 0 in block !S. UuiKhllii's Addi
tion to Thu Dalles City, aud J.ot '1 in lllook '., In
Trovitt'H Addition to Tho Dalles City, all in
Wusco County, Oresou, together with all und
singular the tenements, hereditaments', and ap
lertonuuce!. thereunto belonging or Iu uny wise
appertaining, or so much thereof as Miall bo
necessary to Mitlsfy and pay the said several
buuu due to plnlutlir mentioned iu said writ, to
wit: fVKVi.Od, and interest theieon from the
first day of December, lb'J7. at thu rate of eight
percent, per annum; tho further sum of 2fi0.l)0
as n reasonable attorney's fee, and tho costs and
disbursements of said suit, taxed and u I lowed
at f.'li.OO, together with accrulug cost aud ex
penses of such sale.
Dated at Dalles City, Oregou, Mils 15th day of
December, 1N7.
Sheriff ot Wasco County, Oregou.
Office over First Nat. Bunk,
Offerings which no one in need of
Cloak can afford to overlook.
...A Sample...
TTino ninth .Inr-kpt 111. i (In of nn
mvjlifv timllnn pnlur a Inlit tun ! flv
storm collar, cull's, pockets and
trimmed witn stripes 01 same cioin, una
finished in soutache braid. Value $13.50.
Clearance Price $8.95
...Men's Suits...
'Just because an over proportion
of small frame meu came for the
$12.00, $13.50 and $15.00 suits, we
have a hundred and fifty of the
larger sizes (40 aud 42) left. To
clear our counters we mark them,
sizes 40 and 42.
$12.00 Suits $8.00
$13.50 " $9.00
$15.00 " ...$1Q.00
SI waists
Conveniently displayed, priced
and ticketed. Seeinjj fiee. Black
Silk WaistB, as cut
$5.00, ,
$0.50 ,
, . Now
. . Now
.. Now
...A Pew Left...
Fancy Silk Waist, cliangeahle,
plain and figured Tnffetta Bilks,
made up with silk or linen collur.
Elegant styles.
$0.00 Values now $4.45
$7,50 Values . . .now $5.95
$8.50 Valves now $0.45
has the best Dress Goods
has the best Shoes
has everything to "be found in a
flrst-olass Dry Goods Store.