The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 12, 1898, Image 4

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    25 ENJOYS
Bath, ttiu -.utlici. ami results -vuen
Srio . Fais -s ru...,ar i- m pltiaHaac
and rnfrasliijur V taiu taata. :iad
gcatij j-at -:'-nagr-.7 in tin: iMdnura.
LiYer aid tow. -.ieaaseatha sjs-
aiiea azd foivera rail ciirsa tabfeial
consripiition.. 5-r.: a Fica ia the
nW wrniiT o kind ever pro-
dnckiL plaaainsr ta tiie tasu; antt ai:- t nary nv "
cepta&Ie the atataach. prcmpt in ; -ne a2 f.tian. .uw.,.,-U u.
acden ind ealv benenuial in its ; lJ anflnt. .
eiBaeta. rsnarai amy trsni taemust lu .. n,,,-.
health-rand agr2iia.i3Le3iihstanees. ita .. .. .. ,lt1a ,i.:uJnr- .us hw -aiaay
iseIent: qnaSciea commend it , P,1T gh tcudusaienatRnitnnif roobm!
to all and have nnuie it the stcst j 1,iSr. .t tnm-li tl itj anHiea?. w
pacniir remedy known. jj. th way of .;arvisu- bwivy iines a.-:.:
iaa ct Pura u far sale in 5Q iwfiin:r w ae. Ui-!B'aUr,ci' bolder "-.'!
cent fao'udea bV a2 leaciinrr drac- at rjie mbif wwh :iii e agnif
jnms. An-v reliable dmmnHt ho '" pihoih enftui
gOTS. ny ... fSi rUe Uuffth. cf a dinner mnm&tm
may not nave vs an oaad wni pro- w.tJi 3it MiI nrm&w
enrs it pramptiyiar anyone wtm- :nai?r. For a. Uikts and aersnion-
-snaces to cry it. Lro ace aoeepcaay
jm fwmca. ate
jawsv:u. ir. rcn .tit
Tbe Dalles My
TH3 D LI.E.2LS,, nr Uisk in Dnilr SI St'
Crer tsra inciiax aail aaUur ftmr laciiiis. I '10
Crermirlnctti!S :uiii unilur cralva iaciius. 75
Over avelva Jiclita - jS
Qnu inch ar Utss. Tier mall
. nt
Over emu iauii iuut aniUtr ftnir uicJiei.
Over fimr jiuiiia aniLamter f.wslre inelira. 1-
i on
Ovr tcIto manes
fr. GT.. iL Jaiiastnn arrivsd fram
xieppner last aigat.
Qan. Glenn left this naaminir fcr
Eafnier aftar a fev day3 spent with hia
3Ir. X. E. Biiraet; lefc tnr Sua Fran
jciaca and Southern CnJirnrnia siiiay,
-5a ill be zane about mantis.
Mr".. Jasepo- cnide, wha has been
vifimntf rneniia m runiiad Snr iwtne
unja porit. irnvw in tbe dry laan mans.
anti lefir ar ber honieat Prineville tcday.
3Chs Etra Lord ai ChilHcatne. Ohio,
!? vifiisiatr the feiaiiiv a her ancle. 3r.
W. Lard, at this place,. ?he hainij met
3tr. anil 3fr?. Lorl in California and at:
sctnpanieti ibeia hers..
jfra. Fatter and danchter of Hood
Eiver, wno fcavi been -raitinij Urs.
Fncar'i daughcar, Mia., McFariandot
JEeapner, stopped avr ia taia city last
njixiitan tbeir -vay bnme.
i thffl dtT cn 'S'edhisday, Jaanary
12, LS9H. to the wife of . a. Haworib,
The Elder arri-wsd fram Alaska mat
ainiit, ariaajaif wita her very hide 30I1I
dnst or new?.
A report received tbiH aiorninif, states
ihat die Seminole Indiana ar an. the
Tvurpota in tae Indian terricary. It
stated fnrtter that they have already
IriSIed trwenty-Svu people.
The prsHident af the Hcnsana State
Eaait was kiiled ysatertiay by a crank
Tba xaa ant of woric- The enly reason
fcr the crime, aa far aa learned,
wa that tie bank nn-ident reftiHeti him
Senate r OrtKr, of tae senate cumra it
tee ca terruaries, and Chafrmaa Coa of
the hocae C3mmitter had a conference
yesterday, -.jaini; over what iesialariria ia
aetiesaary for Aluakiu It waa agreed
that nothin!; shonid yet be done ia the
Tpaycfivuis olaaka a terriiurlai form
of government, ia vittvr of the diderenc
character of the population af that dia
diutrict.. It 'vu deuiiLid" that action
should be taken, riviaif mnre United
Scatea cauimiaHioner3 for the din trie t.
3i.rN at Out atoCltilBy Cluij uf Tile
Ton are hersby reqaeHted to be prea
eot at a meerin, of the McKInley clabr
to be held at the uutirt hoaee, Saturday
venlatf January 13th, at 3 o'clock
for the purpose of electing reprenenta
tived tn atui a aieerinif of the repub
lican Ie-gae of Orwjon, to be held' ia
Portland t Tueitday Febrxary L, 1308.
JL E Caow Pre..
G. J.. Fa at av, Sec
Froth Caluaibia nyr smelt at Vaney
dk Ga.'s. 10-lvk
Vttlnm at 9m tWiiwrviHt or BUl Hn-tn-N
nit txntwr.
The dinnejr ih the. most. iaipun:m6 at
.wiciiU ncre-uinies. It. ia a. ran-tiun. an
olwaraiiuf. :- soleinnitry. the. uuwt. rkis
uiruur tai of enter tninnonr. tfluu. o:ui
iw aiTorwl t .i inuist.: ami .u sue a it
should be. dttiy r"ji)M:tti t.ui avwre
uiiMtL. Uliit air. jrv.ntr dan:ieis -.lui
jr .u. .mutt dilniried. duliirUrful and di--unriHHliwi.
a- "Ul, y",', " IS P"-"1'
!i tn achieve it. witfli a mere -spend.
vr time, .tail pinna .w weii ,tud ?ut
-,miT. it' w :i marvel rdnu.mutll dinners are
'. rtxocprann and hui she rule nairne
is. A.- a mil'. 1u dinner m rajirirrut
i.- in .ulu-r (f ree.iprrmiy. anil nt-nnie
v'uj (o aii.rifiaci-rs nin-nwrcs u-.;
n:. !di:n .saki'i! twdino, e-err. ,a rm1
.:te " -t.'TJ.y irirls or bnvue,'or. .isi'il
any ro .tup it pip. Wuner-iP'i'uiiris
i unit, r.ue anjati unuy form i.f .joHpirai--.-
'.n-n. : Is lurjrriy iaiM.ii :i-d
:ein:le van atomic cW 'i:a:wrs its ttiT
-mi.d ui' jiv.v.n bmi .ui'h'eir..'ruoT..ii
.mit.ji. taeui as all. but. iimiiw tiiera--elves
ro ftruiiU ensiertu-nrmnt" .t
1 iutnee. hmeihttnf. brenhiastw ami m-i'-
'ji 'tni two w -ira" aoTiii".' i rwirt..
vui s EDriL-.' w smai'tinies a-. suit:
m dmiMtt riiat. tami. Far sniuiU .iad
.orumi (Ssekto. frnm Se t rn da.-.V
iiUaiia La auiHi'M'nl- PrinOEnJ .-artiH aiv
be Ui-ed. an. whiuh. bianJis jsrs left, i" :r
tie aniaes af tb bosr lioowss
j-iei-a: data. .nidresH and hour Ta,'
nr; is or?. :u a ruui, oniy raen rie
i:aaer in 'ine- of iwmony. InTi-j j:3ii!
) Ta dinners are Tenerafly wrirtrn.
i and rary in- fru'niiline-f :a '2-
ftjrmalirr cji tie eaarrajnisfnl. tat-y
art wriwwi in tie "hirrl pewn. if ir is
a frendly and imprainpru siawr. In
aoT esse,. wherJits: rJie- ;n-' Ik'
friundlv or fonaoE. ia htwUd an-
wtersd wLsfiis 2 aonrsifVr r hashwsn ,
i'caivf-L Dinner-iriviiisr is uafilns ;ioiy
cwher peeuts of eMierainmeni: m that ,
;-. :s ai!-3icorTa3iB ra to' 1 certain
50-HBiiinJjHr at jrui-srs svcihulh upon and
S4,lex,E rieni vr.m. iliwiritiDn. It. m aei.'-
saw To allow a njosTiess aaik- time to
infiTrf ariusr irnests r.- till the- plains of
any who may tfitsippoinr. her. Aa 'jm
taaun To dinner, iti has een saiii. -a
issued in rhe joins names af hiiKr. anir
hoHT-es". Tdnmirn. of course. Tie- hmtt.
Txziitis Shu nr.te. if a notie eocve-i it..
The- answer must; be atldr-eised tit b.T.
Tinutrh tie hostfs rnrrte' ia menTaunmi
in. atieeprinir or reatinimr: The inviia
tian may btt sv.nX and.' anatrirul eichei
by pi:KT. or by the hnntr cf a serwuts.
Sice pe-iple ar perperosaJJy mik-l
mz za dine. anr. beeruise they jriw nuinr
dinners in. rsimm.'bus biMiasxtie tihi-y arf
rfi;niraiz?'I aa trzniT 'iinnerg-iesrs. Tbe-r j
ar? 'fxemJTy praridwii w-tih. plen7" of '
"iirns tmaJ3 taifc ami rhf -sin of tai j
lay: ara plcasans. popiitar and gifV'i !
wirii rJiat. tiaer. wnieh its uae ?f Tihe rae-"r.
if. ifKine af Tihe nussli vainabl'. it s
u,n. Ther- ar-,oter, who tnr (W !
aslnj aa a iiw. on. aceounr. of the din
ners nhey Thmwvi iriw. aati wbo wx
The ritniliMiK "joui of a. hoKfittsH ) of-fn
ut ae ban K kudude Cbeir nnimea aninntr
che 'Iss of his" frit!T3. !?he wiv t'
limeil thnr. tbiur met-; pcewnee wji eaii
for a miirirry esSttrc mv Iijeep rjj,- -vbiiie
dinner frnm! '; -iHTv" anil tiut
tbKy will proti;lly onnvwitrh al her f
fiarta. Pbifculelnhiit. Teearriai.
jl araetn vtHiLa ThUh How Hm
3-ttlim ,-!hxiriat 3 chi,
"Tau woat t kaow somtiihinq- afconr,
The waTraieioa rop, and not, pollides.
Well, bltiss ycur soui ur thas; is ia a
relief irain the awfai monotony of cam-
pira T.'i.iy.
AU3aa wutereloci wjil be a j
aiod uhia yes r oa thi?y ever writ," ayi !
the St. Louin PotDwpata, "'and per-
hap liettnr, but Ti eat a unacimu meiiin
ia auwti ili'rin2'. Tiv.r euc a wn-
tieraielon; is spoilt) ic Let i tiron ac 1
raea picic up the pieces aad eas -beat .
TV'Ch your iLairtn. Jtihc nnffjte bijnr
a eh-ialc 4ut iff the ripe sti hejicr; uw
er thus spnrkiis all arr Tvifca ltrr.'
."-'obulisi o hom water, ami vre. yiju j
r. .. is. your douch itewtp-ocaT- a! ,
uflpea, but leases there the '--st
Cora that driwitt ease away uad 1
amluts the whtlit vrocki joni. But. f
i.r course. Til admus ut to aJil) '
nimt fiteiia Iur any Ienca t tdsae i
.3 aeeesary eas more thua un-
"Yes. I havv eavo the heartst :f 1
meioaii wtthcus awppiaa-. but I reelwn
I 'Uiuki nniah -iererai more. When f
iiade thas reeo-rd' 'ae supply gae w 1
and I had tj stup. 1
"People in the north. I iiatlersTEind, -1
nxic eat the seeda.. I they hati a ntutn
a:h Kite mine, maiie in the boiler w;rk.4.
thiey e.ouid eat mot aayth-njf. and '
am piir-iimiariy fond of the ieel, aa
they are the oiwt nanrijiiisua." 1
j-BUi GJEUJC-rsoi-j'rxz. at itciot,
PhyskIiiL3 aad Sorajeons,
Euuma liiaa 'J, TaL Viip BUiiat. j
General Debility
and Loss of Flesh
Sccttfs Emwsion u baca the
staciird rrmedr 5c i-early a
quarter cf a czstary. Physicians
readily airsi. that they cfetaia re
sults frcm it tiai tr caanot jet
Erect aay other Sr-fcn.!r feed.
Thr' ars marry ether precara
trees cn. the tsarlet that erercad
to iu -wltat
dees, cut the-7 fad to cerfenn it.
The curs Ncr'sregtaa Cod-liver Oil
cade hito a dehif htful crsasi. skiE
hiilr hleadcd with the Hypeches
chires ct Linre and Scda. which
ar: sucr Taioanic xtucs.
-jr-r this preparatfee an
ideal one and checks the
-ssrastitxsr tendency, and the
catient ahnest fmrrrrfinte
ly cnenaenezs to put cn
Frfo yaia a strsnijth
which surprises them.
D- surr vou grt S11CTS SmuUitm. 5re tim iht
:mji and :uh are an the wratnitr.
tCt 2nd li..ia, M dracSutE.
.S'.OTT aOWNli. ClKmsts, Nrv YjrK.
Call and see ivhnt the CommiaHicn Cn.
cam da fcr yun an friisi: 4-li
Sini't! 'M'' tiiut a"r,tu if 'in
(T.uaiin .hFUi'it iur 11" 'Hi' 'Irciut ' fiurt 11 Bus
Stuni 11 On-iriu 'nr nnntv in tte miE
Ciertan ncniUni;, vaenati B. u JujmiitsH plmu&
hfmil ttlli.Dtinn. -4jiurnr W ami::. tJ!rirc IT.
Dunn. 3:irv.v VV Buna -mil "Jury Dunn aniLi.
WhtsilUan. lii iianinibRntiir if Kip tian! n
TVUUnm HT. TJunn. liw-iwil. are Juftmitunw.
numniunitiim u -hsiI Km nrrniertv Sen
iniu'U'.r ftiHHTliHd. ' 'V'il. m intarrtn" toe iin
tluy if Ftirtur- Ji'J-n .it tae himr m - 1 iui-k
in tae 'ittuninnn. it Su1 aimrJiiiuw limr u
Dulles '"Iry, ivsnn, wJl to tae aigluat anfiier
fhrtiath .a'buuil. ul it Uit it. inil iliiM"u.t aail il
kit "i, .11 aliu'K il it uaiitMiii 3 3iu:i l.titiumi
tn amies 'Jit?, 'iremm incBiaer wtii 'ii: anil
aan.iir tan amuraejitii. aunWltauiu-'itH una in
nurumuni'Kii tiieniuntti DriiineniiT. 'r n in-" th"
jntiersunini;. tn niriMT tlm tmn 11 Xilol "'i 'inil
r' UI)(S m aiEOurManeatH-iud Hie wc-nni;
Guar dia:isiiii Notice.
ia niuCniuirrt.'ourrof tiiu stare 'if Qreirtiu fur
"Ahm!!i Ommt? .
In tae aucvr nf ttie iiinllnnKliJti 'if Siirm
a:nenurt. J.irJ HlaeJiiirt. tar. iUauliuri -init
Paulp HineiiuTT, mraiira.
Tie petition if Saul? 3. Hiiieiiitrr, riiirrtlim
n" ciie auniirs mure auait-i. auiui; linen pr".
.Kinred tn tats unnrr, tirnvljii; var 'Iciiim! tii sll
aelnnmst ltsiuit minnrs incertuia neui csnue
siraiited in BraTxm cnunrr Oresnn. ItlH oirlere- ;
ui tJie Kan.ui taensil Be, imi a -H aunuiy '"'.t,
ftir nrarrtitv tie !ita lay it 1 wanner. lhiv
ac tae mir of 111 jeltii'-:.- tn.. ic ran cmuits
ucrar-)um m tae otiur-imine .11 Sntii 1 117
On??ou: anil i at ftirtiier -imereil .:ut tan ue.r
m ui Miuit uaiirsail ml tiernnmt mrerc-Mi-l
in rau tacitii. aapeur 'infiira imrr it iiuit
Snie aua plane, tn him- aauhe vsy .1 ieenw
ittiiuM atit be jrttntiKt Snr .ne n-e ir auell rau;.
anil taut tais arrler tin wi'il av tiuliiii!!iSin
taerwif air rtln -xkM l Tile Diules ninie!e.
Dulles I'lrr. . 'jet. - "
HuflEET Cl rs.
(iKti.ii C.mnrr J unje.
lectLtor-'s Notice,
Sutiee i aur-ii'' ai-"ii 21nT tae inilen'irti"!
nan ji u.y ipiiiunniil ana -h auv -10 1 uti
,T tl T
prmn auvini; uiiih uamuHt hiuu save ir1
aatjaed Tti pre.Miar taein n me., va 'tie ir nr tur"tir, at 'ie -tlle.e it -je "' iu
'ller if 'Viw-c '. un T'je Oiules. r 'n
Jtaia :n.i.urah r--n ae tare lerow.
jura-! e!iiHjiier a
illLi- t 1 -I ZZH-X r
Chiuitana Drashed ; Order.
Primr. Delivery to any par.
f taii 7.
Phone 12
A. N.
Third nd 'Wabi!:'toa ffta
, .
' Jl 3. L02.2ZS Jt?
All -lad if ivtra. 'A'Uite tUttb a spuelalty
iTumiU' .viiit at -ntuuil "..-!. VVaHU mrllisjusit
anil itiiilveixui -nns. TtpiiiM Tin. :!Hl.
and SllOS
ibde to order. s
A Perfect a ipiarintewi. 5
A Perfect a ipiarintewl.
Repairing neatly lioae at
.hurt notice..
Union St bt I stand 2d
! Sll w
EBitY km Ocean .Si!
a t ii
j: ..-s. I. - awrt. -
rwiii -3
"Tnc vjTss : aiairi t "!ic nuadv Tlia. "Sb OF
THE 'J7'T "3 ai:d p-'s Us ccaiiurs tu fciar .infi wiit
ciuBisinu n nl':u.-.cns il he ia, tfrn at ftifl svspjwv
And reap the h'rntnt t the fo-ilowing
CEBONICLE and N. Y. Thrke-a-Week World.
CHRONICLE and N. . Weekly Triimae
CHRONICLE and Weekly Otetswtiaa
1 - n tr T1. r-.,--
CHE.O-NU. LE and F. WefiM'T Xa'ier ...
r or more tiai nrty-sn years it ias ne-ve:
I its weekly visits to the homes oi tamers and
TiLlagers throtLho-nt the Ui-ited States.
(Ir nAS iaithfally kboced toe
; nesH, for the impmremenb'ssi.t, ior eaacauoa, roc me eiievacjoa oi Aiaerican
: manhood and true wocianhoi3'L
stories of the dougs of the
HAS advised the fjxer
o6 of etdti rating and
proper time to !onvert
amoent of mnoe7.
IT HAS led in ail matters ptrrtainin.'r to the welfare ofi
farmers and vilLigers. anxi tor over half a .entvirv has
held thir conhd.n:e ami esteem.
ana we turniih it with the emi-vveeki'v Chroniele on.
year for $l.7or csish in advance.
, . - - - . .
TnMY& IS (t tub. in tk afftii-rt wVA A- V
Uads an
Th posc unaueetiona'elv had rtsfei-eoc to th
CIosmg Oat Sab of
Who art MlHns thM goods
'.'j-mr In :.Jtuut a Peer.
iaV v to 3tc -iriT-
pawuis j
failcG. in
thiur pcoep-wity and apf)i -
ot' thair banimaa &wi oie
raid, eke aackm and states.
as to the mmt appcovd caeth-
fcarvet:i-g lass ernjpe, arwi the
taum into- trie birium ptjei-ih-ie
.--..r wmn ... ibitwu
to fortune"
Furoitare and CarpetH-fer
i Ckm-uuwh.
out at rathr-rducd rat
0"fK- ST.
TO' nnt
FAr!3 Trattscantiaanul ROUTES
3,11 AY.
Salt Lake
Kansas City
St. Paul
isw HatBsIto all Hastens Cites
?uaa' wxthiy tram PriUad t
.4 .baffta iftd Hons Kosx 'ia lorth
ra pJttifie tJtstp Co., m cfcseectioa
TTth O. P.. A N.
Ff fa AMl !a OB O. & .4 t-'V AJKlt
-A. H. HfRLSCKT, '"rt. Pa. Aft
timk r nr.
' tt t Z leat t S 3f p ta Si i. v Purutie
mn.. & t.-tty al t okw Hactflc Hn 4t U C
x m. , 4vin " tZ m.
rtiM 3B . .. lirM . t '
trma. fcatr o Cnim Tartttc. nrrl'ci t
, t JE . feptft at a. m.
Jton. 23 net It. morllU t o( Ti Dai,
' rucry pito-jwrnirj. No. a nrrte t p a
dcpwt a: 1 tip in.
Ix.sarii (or Haiptter inie Nn i. et
a t 12 'J) m
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
or THE
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Train leave nl nto tluu to urrlvc t I'o;:lii(l
! , ovi:iii.anii kx-v
i 1 prenii, hiitum, Hnn.
, I litirj;, Anlilaml, Hue- I '
,, ,. i riiinutito, Ocilon.Siitt 1'
i . ji., prieiei, .Mnluvi;,
, Urn Aunule,!'.! l'o. ,
1 1 New urlcntis iitnl I
'y.ZO A. Jl.
Ili).i'linri? mill way Ui
Itlnnn .
r. ii
f Via Womlliiiril
lor 1
I I Mt.Allh'ul. Kllvertoil,
Went hclu, llniwiln-
vlllv,hirttiKtiel(1 ntnl i
l.Niitrnii . . )
(Ciirviillls inn! wiiyt
(ntullotis f
tT:SU A. ii.
U) V M
rSiErENIKS 'E r.VeSENl Kit. Ksj'.t.-ttHln
Itiillv ti-ac-pt h utttiiiy:
I ; a. f Lr. ISutlamt Ar 1 S St m
' ) p. m Jai ilriUtiirlli- L J " 10 a, m
' r- 'Ar iMdet'-Uilenrv. t.v ' - jO . m
titl7 tDrtiiy. ttMvyt aunaaj
B3fr.v cjlRSon ck;les rovtz.
rcu.Mmz crrnrr ?ls:vee.!
Xu m all rn.H; Ttta.
tUWt wuv-ini at i- fnuytim! "! 'f;iH
'i-JU-1 .uul OIau wl F.uIk ilia. ,(.;. .,,
-sum Sw aail trHIX.-. uj:; U jo
aUBwi m1 iii: u E-nrtwr-i 51 1 - .init i
Biju. L-tuJafOt i.I.N u v,: . anit
-X XLti.. -jut. tin brauittil fnin
J. 3, iCaXl-YJtD. TUuiit Ljetj!
TltmnuJi T!i!khc Oifleu, 'M Thtnt irr5iit. 'imi
Cimnijii -iiiuitu ui nil p.jlnu 111 tile E.uitr
i-iKt;, Oiuiiila anil iluniiii: utin flit 'iUl.11.11yt at
Uhvi-hl ainm firnn
j. n. KiiucLiUfD, C!kt.,ima
1J! illuei trrilliH arrtvii it imil lepitrt 'b;w
iraait i:imtnil .'Itiitliui, .UUi unit ir'tuu icr.iit-
?.iinii.i. oijVimor.
.uiwimjiir 0mii.iI, ftiiit af juituRxm itx-.i;-
Lmrn tiir ')H?.VHi;o, .imiy i;i,Dt ;ii..iit tt
! r u .u ai.,, t 3. i-uj, s, 1 us P,
1 ZtwXTl
J '"ntuwamliiliVim
wi-i t...i (i, uj. iu .TiiHiiTui? 111117, aaii j mi i. m
1 .irri 'M it
t in. unit I
Dti a. ..')!
Uuiit tiir tUerj-in. (Iutm, tt I W 3.
axaiw at i'lirtiaait. a;au 31.
- tf ifl-XH.-lf.
.-ant. . If Jt t-ia,. Ai:
Dalle, Moro aod Antelope
l'!lf')ila:.ti Off 'Liyuafot iu
ami t'n;nH Uuliuwi.
raait VaJity, ICent
, c' n' at.t,i.,.
.jriiH in.u tin Dmitii frum. '"owaiui a-nx.
ill! f a. 01., aJwj fjvjui Aijiwbjp.; jj.tT ;W 4. 01. HV!T
Hijaitiy, Wieiaui)ii.jr tfrlilay. t.'uiinw.'tiie-
t - i-rt-v iit-.ujdi .uj,!
S??3f ?L0.,t... -'J,. -nwe?a- at tlw
; vvj rauwuys, trauw ami l;ijut,
I 'lay. lUarM-aa and .fntir,iay at 1 .W 5. u
saws o raw.
CullM to D'w:lu.UiH M
ii) Woe; 1 W
mi ioum vatjfy j
13cn.i(i 1 iM
OnSm a uu
4 iiU
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a no
3 IN
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jdlc gvw ITLoit ift