The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 12, 1898, Image 3

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We have just received
another shipment of
Tho Greatest value
A Good heavy Comfort for
50 cents.
Hotter tii iuicp proportionately reduced.
Children's Hose-
All Wool.
Sizes 5, ol, (5; til are going at
16 1 eents.
These nro our regular 25 cent koocIh.
We have these Overcoats and Ulsters in Frieze and
plain goods; either Grey, Brown or Black in color.
'The Dalles My Chronicle.
.1 ANUAHY 12, 1898
T - - .
Weather Tonight and Thursday, fair.
Go to the Columbia Candy Factory for
fresh oysters in every style
Buy choice
union groceries, tlsh and
tWe Commission Com-4-tf
The l'rizo Medal cigar is strictly hand
made and filled with the finest grade of
Havana tobacco. . 0-tf
King Cole brand Baltimore oysters,
the best . on ttie market; Medium,
Standard and Extra Select. Try them.
At Varney & Co.'s. 11-tf
Persons having trouble with their
eyes should call and have them exam
ined by Dr. A. 1?. Richmond. Ofllce,
second door from cornor of Court nnd
Second streets. Iti-lw
fTftr. M. A. Moore returned from Port-
lnnd yesterday, whore ho purehasod two
double bowling alleys, which ho is hav-j
11 mg shipped to Prinelle. lie expects to
have thorn ready lor service in u short
time. ' 'j
wPfro' grand march at the Elks' ball,
Friday evening, will begin promptly at
0 o'clock. Everyone is requested to bo
punctual, ns the march will Begin
promptly at the time stated, regardless
of the number present.
A special bulletin roeoived from Port
land this afternoon states that the jury
brought in u verdict in the Epping and
Watson ease this morning. Epping was
found guilty of the crime charged, white
Wutson way acquitted.
Are you going to tho Elks' ball? Mrs.
A. C. Stuliug &. Sou have red roses, red
and pink carnations, California violets,
English sweet scented violets, maiden
hair ferns and smilax. Come early Frl-
day morning and select for yourseWes,
This evening's sermon at the Chris-
" '
Man church will bu on the subject of "A
True Soldier ot Jesus Christ." Mem
bers of the Ci. A. 11. specially Invited,
llov. Bolt?, will aleoanBwor the questions
submitted last night by Hov. Wilburu,
of the Baptist church.
The case of the United States vs. Seu
fert Bros, is set lor the 24th inst. This
is the case in which the government
sues for a right of way for tho boat
railway through Soufert Bros.' prop
erty. This will be tho third trial of tho
case in the Uuited States court.
Tickets for the Elks' ball aro selling
rapidly, and we do not doubt for one
moment that it will bo a success in
every regard. It lies, in the power of
everyone to assist in making it such,
and it is to be hoped no one will bo
Blgxin so doing.
, A rumor was current today that Neil
Boyer, Al Davis and Gus Brown, three
Dalles boys who left some time ago for
Alaeka, had been drowned In the rapids
ot the Yukon river. Nothing definite
could be learned concern ing the matter,
ever offered, j
and Ulsters....
Our regular
Our regular
Our regular
and we iiope that it will prove to be a
falie report.
A special bulletin received at noon to
day stated that Mark Hanna was elected
senator this morning by joint ballot.
The particulars are very meager, and do
not even state the majority which he
received. Tiie news was a surprise to
everyone, ub it was not expected that lie
would meet with success this early in
the game.
The Excelsior Dramatic Company,
which rendered "Hazel Kirke" and the
"Tioket-of-Leavo-Mim"in such a tame
manner a short time ago in our city,
after a hard struggle gave up the at
tempt at Union, Union county, Oregon,
a few days ago, and at present the mem
bers of the company arc- speeding to
their respective homes us best they can
without funds. '
Yesterday the workmen began laying
lies over the new bridge, and had they
sufficient timber to go ahead with the
work, it would be a matter of but a
short time until it would be completed.
The stringers used in this work are un
usually large and uro sawed from only
the choicest logs, so that it is a ditlicult
matter to get them, and it is this alone
that delays the woikmen. It is said by
people competent to judge that this will
be the llnest bridge on the O. It. & X.
rYesterday's snow was not sufficient to
make sleighing enjoyable in this place.
few sleighs were on the streets today,
but the majority of them came from the
surrounding country, whore the suow Is
much deeper than it is here. In the
Dufur vicinity line sleighing is reported,
M'hlch would go to indicate that in that
.'section they got a greater share of snow
Ithau we. Yesterday old and young had
hopes of enjoying a turn on tho ice or u
delightful sleigh ridd, but the clear
warm day which we have enjoyed has
frustrated these hopes.
Mr. Ash, the Cascade Locks merchant,
went to tho Yukon with a party of min
ers last fall. The party look up claims
on 01,0 of tl,e RU'chcs, and found some
1.1 1... . l . . il.!..-
goiu but not in as great quantities as
tlioy had expected. Finally Mr. Ash
came home and virtually abandoned his
iuterest in the claims. The miners who
went willi Ash sent word recently that
they had got as high as $12 per pan on
tho claims that he was disgusted with,
and had as good prospects for riches as
any of them. Thero is great jubilations
at tliu diggings, but AbIi could not quite
figure out whether tho boys would re
gard him as an outsider, now that good
fortune had rewarded their persever
ance, ur whether they would' concede a
few millions to him in recognition of his
III Oliluil TllUttN.
People overlooked the importance of
permanently beneficial uU'eots, and wore
satisfied with transient action ; but now
that it is generally known that Syrup of
Figs will permanently overcomo habit
ual constipations, well informed people
will not buy other laxatives, which act
for a time, but finally injure the system.
Buy the geuulne made by the California
Fig Syrup Co.
Ladies' Underwear
A Seasonable Offer
Our $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 values for
75 cents.
ThiB is one of tho best offers of the Year. .
$10 values for. ...$.7. 85
$13.50 values $9.65
$15 values for $11.35
Fate ur tbe Vrecocloa Woort-Ilat--Goocl
Word fur The Dalle.
GiiEEMioitN, Or., Jan. 9, 1$9S.
Euitou Ciijioniclk :
Iu my last effusion I think I wound
up by talking about rats, or wood-rate,
and that makes me think of a story that
I have not time to tell. We have a
wood-rat in our tunnel that is a bird, so
to speak; a daisy, and all that Bort of
thing. He has a nest (I sex the animal
by the whiskers) about fifty feet from
the mouth of the tunnel; a nest made
of the moss that hangs from the little
black pines in graceful festoons, like the
chin-whiBkers of a billy goat. The nest
is cunniugly hidden on top of the lag
ging (the split timbers roofing the tun
nel) and there he Bleeps by day, for
your true wood-rat only works on the
night shift. Back there in the eternal
darkness, in some mysterious way, he
knows when the daylight fades away,
and he rises up to work. In a short
cross-cut wo have a powder magazine,
where the dynamite is thawed out, and
there is the Ecene of some of his labors.
He is a cunning little "cues," with long
grey whiekers, little beady eyes that
gleam in the darkness like a toper's
nose over a set of false teeth, and a tail
liko a gigantic caterpillar.
The hoys found his nest one day and
h ipetl a part of it to uso for tamping.
Toe woud-rat, whom I have named Co
pernicus, because he works only at
night, caught on, and the next morning
the boys were surprised to find a whole
wad of moss piled up by the powder
magazine, aud they found the same
thing every morning. Soon after, Co
pernicus began piling chips on the
track, chips from the mining timbers,
and evory morning there were two piles
of them, always at the same place. The
boys began to get interested iu Coperni
cus, and ono evening they left a piece
of candle by the magazine just to see
what ho would do with it. Iu the morn
ing they found it propped up by three
or four pieces of rock and close to Co
pei ulcus' chip j)ile. Then an idea
struck the boys that may be Co pern y
wanted a candle to work by, eo that
night tlioy left half a block or matches
along with a piece of candle, Iu the
morning they found the candle propped
up as before, and tile matches all broken
apart aud lying near it. After that Co
perny didn't show up for a week, and
none of us could imagine what the
trouble was; but at tho end of that
time, as they wero quitting work, they
saw CopernicuB standing on tho powder
magazine, with a woe-begone expression
on his face and tears in his eyes. Even
as they gazed Copernicus turned sadly
around, coc'kmJ his tail oveV to port, and
showed his right hip, hairless and blis
tered. The little fellow had seen the
boys striking matches, aud he wore all
the hair oil' his southeast quarter trying
to get a light.
Then tho boya made a pair of cute
little puntievout of a flour sack, with a
rubber waistband and a little pocket for
During January and Feb
ruary we will give to every
person buying One Dollar's
worth of goods at our store a
chance on a Sixtv-Dollar
Which was manufactured
by the Michigan Stove Co.
Drawing to come off the 28th
day of February, 1898.
matches, and then you ought to have
seen that rat.' Why, he would climb up
a car, reach down after a lucifer, raise
his hind leg so as to stretch his tronser
loons, and strike a match secundum ar
tern, or words to that effect, and then he
would cut up the queerest you ever saw.
If the boys left tbe car in the tunnel, he
always had it filled with rock by morn
ing. And then he got so he would go
down to the mill, kindle a fire at tbe
forge and sharpen all the tools. We
bad to hide all the picks, because tbe
little scamp scorched the bandies. Bat
his pursuit of knowledge caused bis un
timely decease. He bit off more than
he could masticate when be got to fool
ing with the powder. Of course we
don't know inst what happened, for we
can only reaeon from effect back to cause.
A small piece of wood-rat tail and a di
lapidated pair of diminutive overalls
made of flour-sack, these were found
near the face of the tunnel, and half a
stick of giant powder, left at the maga
zine the night before, was missing.
Whether Copernicus took it with him,
or it took Copernicus, is only conject
ural, but I incline to the latter opinion,
for Copernicus had an open countenance
and seemed honest.
Way up here in tbe snow, I look back
longingly to The Dalles and old Wasco.
One has, after all, a pride in his home
town, and who would not feel proud of
having for a home town the city that
eite at the foot of the mountains and the
head of navigation. I am more than
proud of her when I note tbe deliberate
manner in which her laws ate enforced.
San Francisco baa been nearly three
years monkeying with Durrant. Law,
there, has become a by-word and Jus
tice is not only blind, but lamo of both
legs as well. She ehould tuko a lesson
from The Dalles. There the evil-doer,
if he knows when he is well off, hitteth
the railroad track with an exceedingly
haety hit, or shinneth across tbe coun
try with both shine, anxious to be else
where. The Dalles, alone, of all the
cities of the Northwest, is onto her job.
She knowetli a good thing when she
sees it, and her optics are good. No
tricks of the law, no quillets of techni
calities hamper her in her criminal
jurisprudence. No sir! When she
sends her officers out to arrest a crimi
nal, she sends .the coroner along, and
there is no appeal from the verdict of a
coroner's jury; and that makes me
think of another atbry that I may tell
when I am no longer
A Gkeenjiokn.
Au JutereHtluir Meeting.
The meeting at the Methodist church
last night was full of interest. Rev.
Wood selected as his theme "What is a
Christian, and how shall I become one."
He briefly answered the latter question
in these words : "Confess our eins ; he
is faithful aud just to forgive us our
sins, and to cleanse us from all un
righteousness;" tbe latter by saying,
"let us look at the testimony concerning
Noah, 'He walked with God,' " aud he
then called attention to the trutth given
U1I509 Mr -
And can now supply our customers.
The UilsOD is tho only Air Tight stove
with Outside Tube draft. Sold only by
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
Phone 25.
For Ml Claim's Sak
January 14th, 1898
The entire net proceeds will be devoted to Charity, and
those who wish to give for the sake of giving may find this
a good opportunity 1
The. Charity Ball will be the grand social event of tho
season The following, committees will have charge of tho
various arrangements.
GENERAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE-Judd S Fish, C L Phillips, W L Kradshnw, It II
Lonsdale, FW Wilson.
INVITATION COMMITTEE Grant Mays, T J Seufert, J A Doutlilt, V II Moody, W F Johnson.
FINANCE COMM1TTEE-J F Hampshire, Geo C Hlakeley, L E Crowe.
DECORATION COMMITTEE II W French, P V I)e Huff, J A Mae Arthur, E M Wiugate, Gus
lionn, George Fergusson, T J Driver.
RECEPTION COMMITTEE-John Michell, A M Kelsay, J tfCrossen, A S Mac Alllstcr. John C
HerU, Ed M Williams.
FLOOR AND MUSIC COMMITTEE C I. Phillips, Max A Vogt, Joseph llonu, Fred W Wilson,
R II Lonsdale.
COMMITTEE ON TICKETS Fletcher Faulkner, V A Johnston, V K Walthers, E 0 McCoy,
Albert Uettingen.
Tickets may be secured from
us by John; "If we walk in tho light,
us lie is iu the light, we have fellowship
one with another, and the blood of Jesus
Christ, his Son, cleanseth us from all
sin," thus tersely showing to his audi
ence what God had defined as a Chris
tian. The usual after-service of prayer
was solemn and impressive. Two per
sons expressed a desire to lead a chris
tian life. One very noticeable feature of
the meetings is the number of men in
attendance. A most cordial invitation
is extended to all.
, Clearance Hale of Clouks,
Clearance sale of ladies' fine cloaks at
A. M. Williams & Co.'s. Profit by it.
When you want a good smoke, be sure
and call for Fouts' high-grade cigars,
For sale by all first-class dealers, tf
have strictly First-Class
J. T. Peters & Co.
the Committee on Tickets.
ItliU Wunteil.
Bills for furnishinc 150 vards cood
sand will bo received by tho Wasco
warehouse up to January 18th. Tho
rigl t iH received to reject any or all
Tho Dalles, Jan. 11, 1S98.
Deep In It.
That's what we uro. We've got moro
hooks than we know what to do with.
Help ua to lesson our Etock. Of course
we must oiler some inducement to you.
We have a full line of all thu new and
interesting novels. We will eell them
at a reduced price, with oxeeption of
Webster's Dictionaries and School Hooks.
1 Mil eell all Books during this month
at COST.
1. C. Nickelsen
Book & musie Company.