i 1 i it The Dalles Daily Chronicle. 3V ony Republican Daily Nempapet on Wasco County. EASTERN OFFICE SSO to 534 Temple Court, N. Y. City. E. KATZ, Agent. Weekly Clubbing Knte. Chronicle and Oregonian - 25 Chronicle and Examiner 2 25 Chronicle and Inter Ocean 1.85 Chronicle nnd Tribune 1 75 Chronicle nnd N. Y. World 2 00 WEDNESDAY - JANUARY 12, 1S08 THE JWRSTrNG OF THE RUBBLE. The Corbett bubble bus broken nt last. The voices which for iicarty a year have been proclaiming the easy triumph of Governor Lords ap pointee in securing a scat in the sen ate now are still, and .tho newspaper which has heralded his cause in sca eon and out, bides its grief in silence The dispatches from "Washington announce that Senator Burrows of JIichi2.il, a Republican member of the committee on privileges and elections, will oppose the scaling of Mr. Corbett, and this will give a majority for an adverse report Senator Burrows gives as his reason that the decision in the Mantle case where the governor of Montana made an appointment to fill a sena torial vacancy is a precedent against the appointment of senators when the legislature has had an op portunity to act, which cannot be set aside. The action of the senate com n-it- tee will meet the approval of the people of Oregon. The reason may not be the same technical one, for the objection here to the seating of Corbett is that he does not represent the citizens of Oregon, but stands as the exponent of a political clique which has long been an eyesore in the politics of the state. Personally there can be little said against Mr. Corbett. He is an able, successful business man, and his private life has been inoffensive.JIt has been a source of regret to many to see him placed in the ciicumstances which he has , been, and he will retire to private meditations blamed only for the company he has kept. In'view of all that has happened, do Simon and the Oregonian think it was worth the while to hold up the legislature merely to give Mr. Cor bett the opportunity to spend a year in "Washington? However they may feel about it, the people think differ ently, and when nest the Republicans" of the state meet in council, these wreckers of harmony may expect scant treatment, but none the less severe. . The new city of New York covers 359 square miles, and has a popula tion estimated variously at 3,200,000 and 3,388,000. London, which ranks first among the cities of tho world, has 118 square miles for its -1,231,131 people, and Paris, which now comes third, packs its 2,117,057 into thirty square mUes. It thus ap 'pears that New York has an opportu nity for growth far grentcr than cither of its two greatest rivals; and if the extension of population north to the Bronx and east to Queens, is forsterud by wise government and assisted by bettor facilities of tran sit, it is urged that it will before many years take the first rlace. In the United States, Philadelphia and Chicago compete for tho second place. According to tho census of 1890, Chicago led with 1,099,850, Philadelphia following with 1,0-lG,-9G1. Governor Jiushriell can imagine the feelings of Phillip Nolan, "the man without n country." Tho Ro. publicans of Ohio have read him from their midst, and rightly so, while tho Democrats will have no use for him when this little brusli is over. Ho may find resting place among the Populists, for there nil political outcasts congregate. The career of Buslinell shows that, even mmicf,i Mf?wjaufc'V,,.- fikiaimzi i '- . ""rriiniwiii ' u in politics, dishonesty sometimes is I given its deserts. Portland stands in a fair way of securing a woolen mill. Parties from tho East, claiming to represent sufficient capital, arc negotiating for" suitable site, and the citizens are cacer to offer the necessary induce mcuts. "With woolen mills to th richt and woolen mills to the loft The Dalles is in a peculiar position but we can have the satisfaction of knowing that this city furnishes the market whoic the woolen mills in these other places got their supplies The latest sensation from Klon dike is that Peniiover'.- brolher-in law has gathered up several ho heads of nuggets, and is coining home with millions. With all this money in the family, Ponnoyer wi be able to fuse the Populists and Democrats, or to nc?oinplisli any other old thing he may try. Pen noyer's luck has become proverbial. GOVERNMENTAL ECONOMY. Thrifty Trndltlon. of the llritlih Onyeni ment Curlomtjr llevealcil. A paragraph in the "Life of Gen. Sir Hope Grant," who did great service for England us a military commander in India and in China, throws a curious side-light upon some of the thrifty tra ditions of the-Hritish government. After Gen. Grant'!! return from China to England, he received at the hand of the queen at ltuckiugluun palace the Grand Cross of the Hath. He was proud of -the decoration, but his. biographer adds that such honors arejiot without expense to the receiver. 'Trr'" He finds among Sir Hope's papers a bill vouched for by "Albert Woods, Lancaster Herald," to the amount of eighty-four pounds, four shillings, for "fees, charges aud disbursements for the matriculation of your arms, etc., as G. C. O'ddcr still was a document from the same "Albert Woods, Lancaster Her ald," calling upon Sir nope Grant to send back the insignia of his former lower order, K. C. li. Knight Com mander of the Bath for the use of her majesty's government! It is a good old rule, fur governments as for men: "Take care of the pennies, and the pounds will take care of them selves. Caiti tu Your Check. All conntv warrants registered prior to Nov. 1, 1893. will be naid at mv office. Intereat ceaees after Jan. 10th, 1898. C. L. Phillips. Conntv Treaeurer. Choice Shoalwater Bay oysters Eerved in every style at the Columbia Candy Factory. Give us a trial and we will endeavor to please you. If you have money to burn, burn it by amoking Fouts' Prize Medal and Rose Queen cigars. 6 tf Taken Up. Came to my ,place on 3-Mile, about the 2oth of November, a straw-bay iwan mare, branded V Pt'connectedjou the left shoulder, about 5 years old. Owner can have same by pavinj charges. M. S. Evans. dec22-lm The Dalles, Or. Executor's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the unf1rIsucil ha; been dulv appointed executor o the lint will and testament ol Murv Hill, deceased. All pertoiif, having claims against ilio estate of s.-ild deceased are hereby notified to present the nunc, with the proper vouchers therefor, to moat my office in The Dalles, Oregon, within six months ifuju uieuaieoi mis nonce. Dated September 10, lb'jT. splfc-II JOHN J1AKDKN, Executor. ONLV ONE FOP A nnnr Remote Pimples, cure Headache, Dyspepsia Cottitents. 26 ct. a bokatdruggiiuor br mill bamples tt-e, addreu Of. BosankoCo. fMla. fa. LOOP POEgQW A SPECIALTySS: aooo f oriwniu uri, nM. anmn .? I ty. If tou ureter toenmn hum ,7" 7 tract to pay rallroaU f nroacd Ijotel bills 4ri BOCbanw. If we 1 all tu euro. If tou Thnvo cury, iiiiiiuo potash, ana HIM liava aciiea ni K a.!:3l "CVU" atclje? In mouth, HiiroTliroah rlliiples. Coppor Colored hiiiits. Ulccra nn out. It la thli hfcouUury llL()OI l'OIt5ol woKuuranteotocure. Wowliclttlionijsti- isiiTii.Mi;iii.:ti"" &fflr& I PPllcjtUjn. Addrtus I.MJOK Iti Ml iv ? oxituuomo Temple, VUlVAUl), XLC. JOSEPH SMM HAS OI'KtlKD A HARNESS SHOP IN THK EART K.ND, In iho Colum b u eetl nrii, oiipnsito 8ltmiirljo's btockyardi, wlicre lie Is ready to do All Kinds of Harness Work. Dr.GUNN'S" For People ThacAro Mil I A Siok or "Just Don'tUII I V FeolWoll." IILLO Regulator IdneA The Dalles. Portland and Astoria Navigation Co Stis. FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE BKTWKKN The Dalles, Hood Klver, Cascade Ixxiks anil Cort land dally, ny" hunuuy. DOWN THE VALLEY Are you going on to (EASTERN. OREGON? If so. save money and cniov'n beautiful triuon the Columbia. The wtM-boiiiul train arrives at The Dalles in ample time for passenger to take the steamer, arriving in l'ortlaml in time for the outgoing Southern and Northern trains; Kast bound passengers arriving In The DaIes in time to taxe iuu feast-bound tram. i-or further information apply to J. N. HAHNEV. Agent, Oak Street Dock. 1'ortlnnd. Oregon, Or W U. AULA WAY. (ien. Agt., The Duller Oregon Jieux Yeai Experiences. Let the memory of tho old vear be the experience that shall guide yon thrqui?h the new. You remember where you have pains und pleasures. Good health broucht the pleasure, bad health brought the pain. If you want good health you will get it through good medicine. We use nothing but the best and finest drugs in Compounding. RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 15 Second Street, THE DALLES, j-foliday mprouemepts. You want paper which makes your holiday enjoyment creater. You want paper which makes your h&mo pleasanter at all times. You need such shades and designs as will (jive more beauty und more comfort in your home. Wo show you Btylea that exceed anv t. l -.! ... for such quality. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Watchmaker? Jeweler All work promptly attended to, aud warranted. 174 VOGT BLOCK. (6 Dalles City $250,000 9 pi rami; u imxuy Tho Best Wholesale. 8 Ulines and Cigafrs. THE CELEBRATED ANHEUSER HOP GOLD Anheuser-Busch Malt Nu trine, a non-alcoholic beverage, nnequaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. Closing Out Sale OF FURNITURE pf.CARPETS Are going to cloce out their business, und they tiro ofl'ering their large Block ut COST PRICES. Now is the time to buy good Furniture tiheap. All persons knowing themselves indented to euid firm are reiieHted to call and settle their account. J)e postoffiee pr)arma;y, CLARKE & FALK, Proprietors. Pufc Drag a nd JWedieine. Toilet Articles and Perfumery, pist Ijr of Imported ai?d Domestic ?iars. m i i n A xeiepnone, dda. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy "Groceries. GEORGE RUCH, Pionr Z. DONNELL, PESCftfPTIOfl DUGQIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Willihme & Co., THE LLES, Oil Subscribe for The Chronicle JIHIKIIIIHMM1 ToBi Given Away this year in valuable articles to smokers of BEackwelfs Conuino Durham Tobacco Yon will find one coupon In side each 2-ouuce hag, and two coupons inside each .(-ounce ban. Jluyabaf;, rciidthecoiipon nnd see how to ;ct your share. - BUSCH and BEER on draught and in bottlos. NITSCHKE New Vogt Block. N ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. s Pullman Elegont Tourist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car HT. I'AIII." MINNKYI'OM ii; i.irif i-aicoo )kan!) nut OKOOKSTON WINNU'Un II1CI.KNA hii IHITTK TO Through Tickets 'TO UIIIUAOO WAHII1NIITON nui.AKKi.riiiA NKtV VOItK ItOHTON AND AI.l. I'OINTH KAHT mill HOIITII Kr Iiifiirnintlou, tlmu runlit, mnphniul ticket, cal tin or write to W. C. ALLAWAY. Aent, The DalUfi, OrvROn on I). CHARLTON. Awit. Q P. A., IVi. MorrUon Cor. Third. I'ortlmitl Orivnu S WflLIi PAPER! WALL PAPER! Just Received 5000 Polls of Wall Paper, best patterns. The beautiful colors. The most New Invoice of J'aints and Oils. Any color or brand supplied. SflipesJ(inersly Drag Co, DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. IHI. G-LE IsTHST. J. B. HCIIKHK, II. M. lll.'Al. , rriniiivnt. cunlile' Fifst National Batik. THE DALLES - - OREGON A Oonorul UiinkliiB BuHinuHa trttiiuucted wooaii8 recoivud, HiUilect to Hlt'lit Draft or Cliotik. LollectloiiH mado und procouds promptly ut . 01",lt,fj,d 011 dllv )f uolloofloii. KiKlit nnd ToleBruplilo ExaliaiiKe eoid on how York, fJiih Franclaco anc! port !nud. n T rr D'HKOTOH!J rUT,!?,MPH0N J0 S' BOIIKNOK. . M. V ILI.IAMH, GKO. A. LlKHK. II, M. Hkai.i,. Strayed. Htrayod from Dufur, Or., nboiit tb inn ot Jl!,y' two ,mV "orsoH, of about 1000 poundH woiitht, iKith Koldlngn; one a liKht bay, branded S on riht lTp; tuo otbor dark bay, branded II F (connect vu) oil ien shoulder. Information leaa tig to tint recovery of wither, or both, of these homes will ba rewarded by tu owner, duel 1-lm-li Kkv. John Evanh. Columbua, Wash.