. . . VOL. X THE DALLES, OREGON. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 12, 1898 NO 312 FAMINE IS IMPENDING Food Supply at Circle City Almost Mxliuusled. PROMPT ACTION IS A NBCKSSITY Itnllur Mm' Iik Hunt friim run Viikmi - IiiiiuIii Allllur Arrlvttil nt IMiwfton lluilly I'mon. SicATTiii:, J tin. 11. A letter from Daw son City, dated Decoinhor Itth, says: Advices from Circle City us IiiIc iih Novotnhor IStli, state thut tlio steamers 1 I). Wearo mid llella on their wuy down were frozen in .tlioro. Two or three hundred people who Htnrled from DawBon for Fort Yukon, were stranded there, but moat of them procured small bouts utitl continued on their wity to Fort Vukon, which is ninety miles dis tunt. Circle City, owing to the unexpected increase In population, wuh nlmoBt void of grub. Of the 127 residents of thut camp, nenrly till were calculating on sondiiiR to Fort Yukon for supplies, lirielly, wore it not for the supplies tit Fort Yukon, which to a certuin extent are an unknown quantity, the situation nt Circle City would be far moro desper ate than tit Dawson. Joaquin Miller arrived tit Dawpon from Circle City December 4th, at 11 o'clock, fie was very badly frozen, having loBt a part of the great toe on his left foot; his left ear wus shining oil' and both cheeks were frozen. He left Circle City 1(5 days before, in company with Herald Conovon, of Ottawa, lute of the coast survey. They started from Circle City without dogs, having been unable to secure them. They pulled their out fits on sleds. Mr. Miller brings u story of great suf fering along the river by parties who were caught on the ice on their wuy to Dawson, but who had not yet reached Circle City. He reports also the death of Charles Anderson, u young man from Urooklyu, N. Y., who luxidentullv shot himself while in u boat, about 50 miles above Circle Citv. Itoynl mnkes the lond pure, whule.tnme nnd delicious, tm . fJ POWDER Absolutely Pure IIOVAl IMKINO POWOtR CO., HC YORK, Tim GimilliK Wiillllill Who goes to the club while her litis baud tends the buby, as well us the good old-fashioned woman who looks after her home, will both at times get run down in health. They will be troubled with loss of appetite, headaches, sleep lessness, fainting or dizzy spells. The most wonderful remedy for these women is Electric Bitters. Thousands of sutler em from Lame Hack and Weak Kidneys rise up and cull it blessed. It is the medicine for women. Female com plaints and nervous troubles of all kinds are soou relieved by the uso of Electric Hitters. Delicate woman should keep this remedy on hand to build up the system. Only f0c per bottle. For eulo by lilukeley & Houghton. 1 Over nation Trull. Tauoma, Jan. 11. It is definitely an nounced by A. C. Dratnober that the Rothschilds would build a railroad Into the Yukon country over the Dultou trail. His brother, Henry, of San Fran cisco, who is the western ropreaonlutivo of the Rothschilds, has the enterprise in ehurgo. The roud will bo tibout 100 miles long, the coat of construction and equipment being estimated at $8,000, 000. Frou f Uluirgu to Hult'ttrerft. Cut this out and take it to your drug gist and get n sample bottle free of Dr. King's Now Discovery, for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. They do not iiBk you to buy before trying. This will show you the great merits of this truly won derful remedy, und show you wiiut can be accomplished by the regular size hot tie. This is no experiment, and would be disastrous to the proprietors, did thev not know it would invariablv cure. i jwuny oi me nest puysieians are now UBing it in their practice with great re suits and are relying on it in the most severe cases. It is guaranteed. Trial bottles free at lilukelev it Houghton's. J-'nll Ifli lliindriMl Fimt. T , . , . . . iu;iimihii.i.o, iier., ,ian. u. Liy an uccideut in the Creston mine at Minus i rtoins, etgni men were uurieu lrom a height of fiOO feet to the bottom of the shuft. Five were killed outright, nnd of the remaining three it is not expected that any will survive. At the time of the accident one cage was being lowered und the other hoisted. At the 500-foot level the downward cage struck, and the engineer having no knowledge of the trouble, continued to lower the 4-inch wire cable. It coiled on the cage, top pling it over, and the men were sent to the bottom. A "UAI'I'Y mul lea muiiiiIq of (liirlunil'H HOIKUIT" Halve To miv ndilruiN. Try It. then It It miltK you bay u Jnr of DONNELL, TilC Dwst Price SO cents. llovv'ir ThJh! We oiler one hundred dollars reward for tiny case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. .1. Chunky & Co. Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the lust 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi ness transactions und Uuuncially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West it Truax, Wholesale Druggists, To ledo, O., Wuldiug, Klnnan A- Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Ilull'n Catarrh Cure iu taken inter nally, ucting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Pricet 750. per bottle. Sold bv all druginste. Testimonials free. 1-5-0 'J'li u Kulrh of Kiiolliull. Nkw Yokic,.Iuii. 11. Communications have been sent out this week to football associations of the big universities, ask ing them to send ti representative to the conference at which the revision of the playing rules is to be discussed. The football meeting is to be iu this city iu the University Athletic Club. Just what changes are likely to be made iu the playing rules it is too early to nay, and doubtless there will be some weighty discussions on the subject at the various universities, lluoklou'H Ai-iuum Mul vii. The boat sulvo iu the world lor cure, bruises, sorea, ulcers, stilt rheum, fevei sores, totter, chapped hands, chllbltiinB, coma, and all skin eruptions, und posi tively utiicB piiea, or no pay required It la guaranteed to give perfect sutiafac tion, or money refunded. Price -'5 cents per box. For sale by Blakoloy and Houghton, druggiata. Vltilury Ih AHiiri1. Coi.umiius, Jan. 11. The senate and house both udjouined until 10:00 to morrow. A resolution was udopted by both houses todtiy to meet in joint con vention tomorrow nt noon to east votes for senator. McKtseon had a majority of two in the somite today, nnd Hunna a majority of of three over all in the house. There was no election de jure, but there was de facto. Thoro is nothing to prevent changes tomorrow from the votes of to dtiy, but none is expected, as the canvass has been so cloeo and thorough. Mr. Eltsha Berry, of this" place says bo never had anything do him bo much good nnd give such quick relief from rheumatism ns Chamberlain's Pain IJiilm. He was bothered greatly with shooting pains from hip to knee until ho used this liniment, which affords prompt roiiei. is. l'. Maker, druggist, bt. fans Utilo. or sale by Ulakoley & Hough ton. Murderer I.nw'on located. Saciiami'nto, Jnn. 11. Sheriff Franl T, Johnson is in receipt of a telegram to the u fleet that Tom Lawton, one of th gang that murdered old man Ttillie, in 1878, has been located in Idaho, and can be arrested ns, soon as requisition papers are received. Lawton is the third of the Tulhs murderers, of which Troy Dye and Edward Anderson, both of whom were hanged for the crime, were th others. In their confession the latter two implicated Lawton, but he mnde his etcape. To Exchange. Twenty-four miles west of Spokane and two and one-half from Deer Park, on the Spokane Falls & Northern, ie the loiiowing tract of land, which I desire to exchange for residence property in The iJaiies: Une hundred und fortv acres seventeen cleared, one paled in garden Five-room, new house: two-Btory barn and several other buildings. Value $2,000. , Call at Sentinel office. 0-lw The Teller lleuolutloii. ashi.vciton, Jan. 11. The senate committee on finance met today for the purpose of considering the Teller resolution, declaring for payment of national bondB in silver as well as in gold, but after considering it at some length, postponed action until the next meeting ot the committee on Tuesday next. When you can not sleep for coughinc take Chiunberlain'a Cough Remedy. It always gives prompt relief. It is most excellent for colds, too, as it aids ex pectoration, relieves the lungs and pre uents any tendency toward pneumonia For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. Neemi to be a Hitch. Washington, Jan. 11. The senate committee on judiciary had the iiom ination of Attorney-General McKenna to be justice of the supreme court under consideration for two hours today, but adjourned without reaching a conclu sion. To Cure u Cold In Olio Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if tney tail to cure. L'oe, The yueen'8 IVlcplioulHt. A now olliee ha just been inaugurated at, Windsor etixtle in connection with the household of the queer. It is t.hat of court telephonist, and the respon sibility of the position may be con ceived when it is borne in mind that the (lueen does not herself speak over the telephone or place her ear to the re ceiver, deputing that to the newly ap pointed court telephonist, who, accord ingly, becomes initiated into every secret nnd confidential matter that pusses over the wire between her maj esty and her ministers and ollieials. I he court telephonist, who will rank with Mr. Jliley, the court telegraphist, is a son of the Into Gen. Sir George Maude, known to so many American tourists m London, an KUjwrintcntlciit of the royal stables and crown equerry. Young Mr. Maude, who is a relative of Lord Mouttilt, has for some time past been attached in a secretarial capacity to the olliceof Sir Fleetwood Edwards, Keeper of her majesty's private purse. I he latter s colleague, Sir Art hur Uigge, private secretary to the queen, by the by, has become such an enthusiast about the bicycle that he iu&ists on us ing it even for conveying himself a few hundred yards from one part of the eastle to the other. Ixmdou Letter. The "HiirH" of lusoctH. The naturalisUs have not as yet been able to answer the burning question: "fan bees hear'.'" but tiheir loon relies nlong that line have resulted iii many queer di.seoveries. Simply because a lice has no curs on the sides of his head It is iionlgu w haicicr thai, he is u holl, without home sort of mi auditory nerve.. This last assertion is proved by the fact tllint grawhoppers, crickets, lo custs and tiles all have their ears situ ated in queer places- under the wings, on tlio middle of the Ixxly and even on the sides, of their legs. The common house fly does his .hearing by means of Koine little rovfs of corpuscles, wihicJi ore situated on the Knobbed tlireada whlcih occupy the place which nreliikpn up by tJie hind wings of other specie of insects. The garden nlug or shel less spall has his organ of hearing situated on each side of his neek, and tJie common grasaliop)or has them on each of lite broad, lint thighs. Iu some of the smaller Insects they are nt the bases of tihe wings, and in others on the bottom of the feet." THE NEW YORK WORLD THRIGE-R-YEEK EDITION. 1H Tage n Week. 150 Papers a Year It stands first among '"weekly" papere in size, frequency of publication freshness, variety and reliability of cor. tents. It is practically a daily at the low price o a weekly ; and its vast list of subscribers, extending to every state and territory of the Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy and fairness of itp news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and among Its special features are a fine humor page, exhaustive market reports, all the latest fnshione for women and a Ion eeries of stc 'es by the greatest living American and English authors, Conan Doyle, Jerome K. .Terome, Stanley tVeytnan., Mary K. TCllklna Anthony none, Bret Uarte, llrander Matthew, Etc. We offer this uneaualed newspaper and The Dalles Twice-a-Week Chronicle to gether one year for'fL'.OO. The regular price of the two papers is ?3.0O. ..GHflS. ?WM Sateheits and Fapmefs ..Exchange.. Keeps on draught the celebrated COLUMBIA BEER, ncknowl edged the best beer Iu The Dalles, at the usual price. Come in, try it and be convinced. Also the Finest brands of Wine, Liquors und Clears. anduiiehes .of all Kinds always on hand. Special Sale Jeekcueat. Special assortment of Gentlemen's Neckties; Bow.s, Clubs, Tecks, Four-in-hands. Choice 25 cents. Shirts. i He 601111 Pacfli Co., PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFACTOKEKB OK Fine Lard and Sausages. Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON DRIED BEEF. ETC. Gentlemen's colored or .colored bosom shirts; swell stj'les; handsome designs. Value $1.00 and $1. 25. Special 79 and 95 cents.. Cloaks, Children's and Misses' Jackets. Choice of any garment at one-third below former price. 1.75 Coats reduced to $1.17 2.00 " ' " " 1.33 2.50 " " " 1.G7 3.00 " " " 2.00 Lkadies Capes Jackets, Fine garments high grade garments at' prices that make them high grade in quality only. Our $12.00 Cloaks for $ 7.95 Our 13.50 " " 8.95 Our 15.00 " " .' 9.95 Our 18.(30 " " 11.95 FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. rKANHACT A GENERAL BANKING BUS1NES Letters of Credit issued available iu the Eastern States. Stent Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Fraucieco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and varioue points in uregou aim Washington. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. Sheriff's Sale. is liereby given that under and by vir- Notic tuu ul an execution and order of tale, Issued ut of tlie Circuit Court of the State of Orosron. for Wasco Comity, on the llth day of December, lbU", upon a decree and judgment .rendeied therein on the t!r.st day of December. 1MI7. in a suit then and theretofore lieudiiii;, wherein Northern Counties Investment Trust, Limited, a I'ornoration. was iilalnllir. and Miirv J. Smith James M. Smith, Jr., Eluiu A. Smith and Clem Smith, were defendants, 1 did on the llth day of December, 1M7, duly levy upon, and will, on Wednesday, the lUth day of January, l.vj.s, at the liouriof one o'clock in tuu afternoon of said day, it the front door of tho county court house In Dulles Citv. Watco Coimtv. Oreuon. sell at nub ile auction, to the hif,'li est bidder, for cash in hand, too follow!. ik described real estate, to wi: i.ots anil ti iu liockh. iiUKiuin's Audi tion to The Dalles City, aud i-ot a in Block in Trevitt's Addition to Tho Dalles City, all iu Wasco County, Orcaon, together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments', aud an- pertenances thereunto belonging or in any wiso appertaining, or so much thereof as shall be ncccs.Kary to satisfy and pay tho said several ' sums due to pl.itutiit' mentioned iu said writ, to wit: fL7.MA.0ti, and interest theutou from tho llrst day of December, lh97, at tho rate of eight percent, ner annum: the further sum of I2M.00 as a reasonable attorney's fee, ami the costs aud disbursements of said suit, taxed aud allotted ut ILU00, together with accruing costs uud ex penses of such sale. uateu at jjhiics iny, uregou, tuts unit uay ot December, ltU7. Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon. Assortment daily growing smaller. Choicest ones going first. Don't delay. pelt Shoes and Slippers Newest, choicest, and daintiest creations for Chil dren's, Misses', Ladies' and Men's wear. Crochet felt, plain or fur trimmed, all colors. Our end of season price is 25 per cent below regular value. $1.00 Shoes $ .75 1.25 1.50 .9-1 1.12 A. M. WILLIAMS & GO. fc' IIUNTINUTON, U 8 WILSON, TTUNT1NUTON & WILSON, .X ATXOKNKYS AT LAW. T1IK DALLES. OREGON Office over First Nat. Bunk. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, an kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, oPmfeId Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- "f"OTI "P'lOllT This Flour is manufactured expressly for family We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, aud if you don't think so call and iet our prices aud be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. WHO 'yv vyv T has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes has everything to "be found in a flrst-olass Dry Goods Store. C. F. STEPHENS.