I m vim 1 .1 1 m Both tho method aval results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gcntlv yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels," cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fovern and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneiicial in ita effects, prepared only from tho most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the moat popular remedy known. Syrup of Fig3 is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. sam numxsco. cal. loutsviU. tr. mew roue, H.r. The Dalles Daily tftfru-efc THE DALtKS, OKKUON Ailvertlsluc lc.ite. Per inch. One Inch or less in Dally ?1 50 Over two inches mid under four laches. .. ICO Over four inches and under twelve inches. . To Over twelve inches SO DAILY AND WKKKLY. One inch or less, per inch M 50 Over one inch ana under four inches. ... 00 Over four inches and under twelve inches. 1 50 Over welve inches 1 00 THE TROUBLE AT ST. GRACE'S. A True Account or t'.io Cniiio of tin- Dlt banding of the " nuire." The trouble in St. Graco'is choir was not due to the soprano or the contralto, but to a man. St. Grace's whs r. country .church, and so high that the eonprcpra "tion preferred to consider I heir siijfrers as composing a "quire," rather than a '"choir;" and eery churchman no, every churchwouian know a that from "quire" to "Home" is but :i step, and feels a delicious thrill at the idea oi danger. The quire at St. liraceV, be iore the trouble began, was composed of men and boys, and was nested; am' it sang very well. It sang very well except for one man 5JQc was a tall man, with a clean-shaven, laivtcrn-jtvwed face, known to the quire boys as "Ham-aud-Kggs." Why he ie coned this title, no one knew; but In had it, and as no one cut called him 1 it to his face, it served quite well as u name for him. Ilam-and-Eggs wa rated as n basso, and sometimes he sail.1 -us a basso. Hut quite often, in the mid lle of a hymn ora chant, it would oecu.' ro him to sing falsetto, and he would sdiig falsetto. Once, even, in the middle of a solo, the spirit moved him to siny falsotto "and he done so." 2'uw that aort of thing would raisi Iiob, even in an evangelical choir; in a liigh church vested quire it raised much more than hob. The rector himself tried to persuade Ilam-auil-iCggH to settle on one voice or another; but without avail. Then he tried diplomacy and compro uii.se. "YVe'e too many bassor. now," he urged. "They overpower the rest of ihe quire. Now- what do you say to singing tenor? Hey?" and he looked inquiringly yet em ouragingly ut Sir. and Mrs. Uam-and-Kggs. .Mr. Il.-aml-IC. spoke first, in hifi deep est bass. "I will sing only with the voice (lod gave me," was what he said; and his Ktout better half remarked angrily: . "The mere suggestion is an iiisult." Now JIam-and-liggs had three sons, known as "I5aeon-and-L'ggses" (Ilaeon isn't so big as Ham), and to avenge the insult he and they absented themselves from the flual rehearsal of the Kastcr carols. The poor pur&on was in a pheese. Were they coining on l-'nstor to aing or were they not? He could learn nothing from the Skillet, as the boys had named Ham-and-l.'gg.s' Iioum', because the family was our. So he de cided on a bold plan; he would ask f-ome ladies to sing the soprano parts, and let the bass get along without Ham-and-Egga. "We'll put a screen in the chancel," lie explained, "ami the three Miss Illos boius can nit behind it." The three Miss Jtlossoms were will ing, and at midnight the parson gave them their parts of the carols and chants, and they sat up the rest of the liight learning thcin. On Kastcr Sunday the quire was very weak; most of the hoys had gone homo for the vacation. Hut Ham and JJneon-iiud -i'irs were hrlrr. nftir nil. "I'lu ttltlH .MISS 1IIOS soms were smuggled Into the chancel and tucked away behind the screen without any of thequlre knowing; and everything' was prepared for the 11 o'clock service. In time the processional began and Wie quire entered. The quire consisted of two bassos, llnm-and-l'ggs one of ihem, one tenor, the three llaeon-nnd-I'ggs. and ml altos. Hut the three Miss Itlossouts hadn't. 'been warned not to in.r until the male noire was seated: 1 c, ,,i tin. first notes of the iirocessional j they began. The quire, prepared to i Mug, found some one out of sight, sing i ii.rr ..,,. lM-nvelv. and was astonished , ud stopped or most u n um; ii ITam-aiid-liggs kept on. llrst in bnsx, thou in falsetto, trying to carry the Ming through. Vfter that, though, everything went smoothly; and having been warned by the m tor during the service. Ihe thief Mis- I'.oonis did not singall of the re ce.uinn!, ''Ut executed a oeal tour tie finer ' ughip with less and les voice a- th quip- departed, and :ue:eoded in n-v in .i" an cfVoet quite like the Turk ,'s' v.eille. as one of them e.vplaiued lar -r 1. the rector. Mr. Tartridge. Hut the next day Ilam-aml-Kggs re s .nied. "I don't mind what you said." he v ,ote. "I will sing only with the voice Cod gave nu and that oioe 1 will take . an of. Tluvv was too much echo yes-;-h!.i in church: it injured my voice api.r' r : : l. Ho I Leg to resign." The ll.ieon nml-Kgg.'es went with 'heir i.ither. and so St. Grace's quire fame to grief.-- V. V. Sun. MEDITERRANEAN hOUSL RENTS. Hlsrhvat nt Utlirnlii-.r tusil l.uwi'Ht on the Iftlniul of Mtiltn. In no place on the surface of the globe is rent so high as at Gibraltar, the rea son being, says the Philadelphia In quirer, that the geographical position of the town precludes the possibility of its being extended in any direction. A long, narrow strip of what was once sea beach is alone available for build ing purposes. All the rest is nreeipitous Upon this narrow parapet, in sonic cases less than 100 yards in width, are crowded the homes of 23,000 people. As much as ten dollar a week is asked and obtained for the use of one small room, and this, too, in a place where the normal rate of wages is quite ten per cent, less than in America. Natural ly, the overcrowding in fearful, and, the water supply being scarce and in termittent, cleanliness of living, as we understand it, is almost impossible. No wonder that in the old days the plague and the cholera ravaged the "rock" with a virulence unknown in the filthy and pestilential cities of the far east. In Malta, on the other hand, house rent is ridiculously cheap. Anywhere outside of Valetta an excellent seven room houe can be had for $15 a year, while rates and taxes are unknown. Tho houses are built entirely of the cream-colored stone of which the island is composed, and which is so soft that it can be cut with a saw into blocks or slab of any desired she or fhape. So, while the Mnltoe builder is digging up his foundation, he ip at the same time getting'out the material for his walls, his flooring and his roof. WORKED AN OLD TRICK. . .... ...... The Deaf nnil Dumb VI an Had to -Sirarr "In my time," mid ti broker to his friends at Delmontco's the other day, according to the Xew Yo.k Times, "I have observed many sad and touching scenes, but never one which affected me as much as the one f witnessed last week. "1'ussing along a busy thoroughfare, I paused for an instant in order to read and reflect upon the miseries of a man who bore the legend 'Ueaf and iJumfb,' picturing to myself my own condition under like circumstances, when the fol lowing remark somewhat startled me: " 'Say, .limmie, here's a poor deaf and dumb man. I'ather gave me live cents to spend, but I think I'd rather give it to him. He needs it more than I do.' "This was followed by the chink of a coin in the tin cup; "Instinctively i turned to the boy who had made this remark to his com panion and said: " 'Noble boy, I overheard your gener ous words. You shall not want for the money. Here is a dime.' "With a curtsey and 'Thank you, sir,' he fled. "I turned to the deaf and dumb man. The muscles of his fueo seemed to be working to n degree rarely seen on a man bereft of those important senses. Unable to contain himself longer, he blurted out: " 'Say, you're dopey. That kid ha worked that racket before. That fl-pence w made of lead!' "1 went home and communed with myself." LOOOpmSON A GPEOMJ Yffiftft Marv Itl.lllllk I'oiudU n..,,fir," cured In 13 to Ji daya. You can bo treated at laomoior tame price under affioffiiuraii' ty.lt rou prefer to coma hero we wll l ood- f THSt t1 Tn m I 1 rna.l f.ra.n.l ttntAlhill. . Bocbarw. I f we lal 1 to cure. 1 f you hTO taken m or- KUTJ9 IUUIUB EKIIUIU. nalna. MuciiUMl'iitrhMi rwl atlM lifavn iiiai 'utcbefllnmouUi.HoreTliroifttfi VlDiple. Copper Colored Huott, Ulcer on sur part of tho body, UulrorKyebrowA fultlnif out, It U this ttocoadary IStUOU X'UIhOH saioctMM and ctmUenKe the world for a inpscur Tilts auue hajt alwa Uooatffaraat7 AAbolutproofi(Mnt waiedon BDniiratttnn. ifldniu I IUIK bVUVIiV iutu PPllca OX a m .inilrn'R ltenlT At one time a delicate question ns to tho construction of a statute wos dis cussed before, the venerable chief jus tice of the New York court of common picas, Charles 1 Daly, and after elab orate arguments on each side the. chic! justice decided the question In open court, giving his reasons in u few well timed remarks which caused a lull in the courtroom. The silence was speed ily broken by the successful attorney, who stood up and said with an air of patronizing approval: ".May It please vour honor. 1, for one. agree wiihyou entirely." The chief justice, with u twinkle in bis eye which iiciokei:. d his enjoyment, of the joke, but a 1 erfelHly grave face, quietly removed hisgiass.'s. and. amid a bmilhleas silence, said: "J have. eouiiM'lor. generally found in my experience tt-ti' th" successful party agrees with t 'v 'i'"' Sheriff's Sale. Vl.... I. 1.nr..l.f nt, .Ml tl tl t vlftllO l)f nil PX eo'utloii lentil tint of the Circuit foiirt of tlie atitte of Uuroii ",r t ouui) , in iiiv .-mi therein licnillim', wlu-reln 11. A. Ontoutl is iilniiit- , c.f..i.i.,r W in,. (.n.,nri II. Ill mill inn ifuuii, ocvii.i ... liiiiui, lliirvuy W. lmiiii unit Mnry Dunn mill N. W IH'ilIUOll. 11? lllllllliusiriiiur n ni" ramii; ,,m,ii II 1....... urn ilnrnt.ililtlf . iMUllllll II. I'll. ill, ...vvt..-.., ... ............w, romntiimllnume to tell the ichI jiroiwrty here inafter lieseillKsl, 1 Mill, on Sntunlny, tho fltli ilnyof i cbruurv, lsvs. in me ueur m unm in the nftcrnooii, nt the courtlionn' ileoi in Dalles Cltv, Oregon, toll to the lilKheat bttt'tor for eh In'limitl, all of lot 6. niul'tlie ejist half of lot S, in blrck: of lliiiunson s JllllO' Ailiiltlon toDallci Oitv, OrcKon; topetlicr with nil ami singular the" teiieiuciit?, licrolltanicnts and up iiurtenanccs thereunto bclouRinir, or in any wise apiiett.iiuinp, to Mtlsfy the sum of ?lllt.7U. ami aecrulnc interest, ami tfO attorney's fees, ami J'Jj.JO costs and disbursements and the aecruiti!; co-U. T. J. UllIVKIi. J mS-il Slietlfl of Wasco County, Or. G-nardianship Notice. In the County Court of the State of Oregon tor Wasco County. In the matter of the Kiianllanshlp of S.yre Ktnehart. Karl Uineliart, Catl ltinctiatt ami l'hlliii Itinchart, minors. The petition of Emily B. Itlnehart, Ruarilian of the minors above named, havliic been pre senteit to thii court, prayiiiff for license to sell the interest of salil minor.- in certain real estate situated in ISenton countv, Oregon, it is ordered that the lie.itins thereof be, and it is hereby sot, for Saturday, the 20th day of November. Is97, atthc-hourof 10 o'clock a. in., at thu county courtroom in the courthouse in Dulles City. Oregon; ami it is further ordered that the next of kin of said minors and all persons interested in the estate, appear beforo this court at said time Ami place, to show cause why n license hnnlii not fn crfluteri for the siilcof .uch etite. and that this outer be served by publication I thereof for three weeks m mo Danes uurouicie. Dalles City, Or., Oct. ?J, ISS7. HunKIlT MAY?. octiSii County Juilce. Executor's Notice. J Xoticc is hereby siven that the umler-ljrupd , has been duly appointed and is now the quali I tied and actiiiR executor of the last will and te- I turnout of Elizabeth J. Ilolton, deeei-eil. All I lisrsous havitiB claims aaainst said estate are notilied toprc-ent them to me, with the proer ;ouchcrs therefor, at the otllce of the county clerk of Wawn County, The Dalle.-. Orcenii, within six months' f rem the date hereof. Datel September 10. 1S97. fcp!5-i SIMEON H0I.T0N, Executor. Executor's Notice. Notice is hereby Riven that the undcrsiRneil has been rtulv uppointed executor o the last will and testament of J!ar Hill, deceased. All persons haviiiR claims aaiilnt ihe citato of said deceased are hereby uotitled to present the Mime, with theproier vouchers therefor, to moat my oftlcu in The Dalles, Oregon, within six months from tho date of this notii-t. Dated September 1C. lS'JT. tnlS ii JOHN .MAUDEN, Executor. A NEW MARKET. "FRUIT, VEGETABLES, POULTRY, FISH AND GAME. Chickene Dressed to Order. 1'rntnt Delivery to any part of the city. A. N. VARNEY, Phone 12. Third and Washinuton Sta B S HU.NTIKOTON. II !l WILSON. HUNTINGTON i WILSON. AlTOUNKYS AT I AW, TIIK 1MI.1.ES, OltEfiON Office over First Nat. liauk. Patronize the All kind of work. White Shirts n specialty. Family work nt reduced rates. Wash collected and delivered free, Xlplnnie No, HOI. A. B. ESTEBENET, Agt. JQItH-OKISKNlMHSITKi: & KITKDY, Physicians and Surcjeons, Special attention rIvcii to nurgcry. Kooiah 21 and L"J, Tel. 3US. VoRt lllock i l. ji. A. Boots and Shoes fflade to Order. A Perfect At guaranteed, llepairlnif neatly done at short notice. Union St. bet. 1st and 2d ii i 1 1 Weekly Inter Ocean wj URGEST CIRCULnTIOlAHjmML PAPER IN THE WESTS It 1j ridi;a!Iy Republican, advocating g tlu ordi.ul dJ,-t.;r.c3 of that party o with ability and citru&neaCW$J fl o r.i Cl Ul ct ...-, r lift r vhe-pjevSand HESTCURREHTLITERATUKC ITTs MonillyTlcluTiinu- as :i r El 77ic" Ulc.-:tturc tn o C'f.'J, - it: i! o t!:i:t of ths best maw v. It in In teres tim; to the chit- i; o tl fc tl CD n well s ''HE INTER OCEAN is and while it hritiRs to .nun -.rrt T i diKusslonj of all questions of the day, ills in full sympathy wilh the Ideas and aspirations of Western penp e and discti'jea literature and politics from the Western standpoint." 0) 01 IS) i.rt.- .( nn nmnr nur nni OIjU J f nlllE Ut!t UULUHII ri.ii v-- a U TT1K DAILY AND SUNDAY KDITJ0KS OF THE IHTZK OCEAN ARE nil " I'rlriMir Oallv ly mull .. . . 't tti TT c ''"" Sun.luyl.y niall ... . ." .,m- y.vu- aiiiiSt'cBoaBaMaiBiiB,,B SUBSCRIBE f TVICE ( A 1 WEEK FOR THE CHOrilCLiE And reap the benefit of the following CLUBBING KATES. CHRONICLE and N. Y. Thrice-a-Weok AVorld 2 00 CHRONICLE and N. Y. Weekly Tribune 1 To CHRONICLE and "Weekly Oregon ian 2 25 CHRONICLE and S. F. Weekly Examiner WORLD TRIBUNE OREGONIAN EXAMINER i For more thai) fifty-six years it has never failed in its weekly visits to the homes oi iarmers and villagers throughout the United States. IT HAS faithfully labored for their prosperity and happi ness, for the improvement of their business and home interests, for education, for the elevation of Amorican manhood and true womanhood. IT HAS told at tho fireside, interesting and instructive stories of the doings of the world, the nation and slates. IT HAS advised the farmer as to the most approved meth ods of cultivating and harvesting his crops, and the proper time to convert them into tho largest possible amount of mono'. IT HAS led in all matters pertaining to the welfare of farmers and villagers, and for over half a century lias hold their confidence and esteem. IT IS THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, and we furnish it with the Somi-Weekly Chronicle one year for $1.75, cash in advance. "There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its jloou leads on to fortune." The poot unauostlonablv had roforonco to tho Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets at C RANDALL Who are selling these goods MICHELBA.GH BRICK. can always be relied on lirMif r.'Rnrtr. of all flO-M .11... '."" -1 - - - , - inovcmcnts.'t', rsnAW SUPPLIES ALL. e M m in e M 40 m n K Fiintily hwv U Without I'ccr. oi Its columns is thti parents a WESTERN NEWSPAPER. the tanuiy inc . lir r..i,I,.r: fhr tvit 3110 .IDIi'M I ID OCR VPAR SLfld BEST Or TJIE1K Ktnu. f 1.00 irr yciir f3 oo pnr yrar FOR THE 2 25 I ,JBut It or (air and ' HtlcU nov li F0D1 GREBT PIPERS BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1 84 1 . & BURGET'S, out at greatlv-reduced rat . . UNION KT. O.R.&N. ro tiii: EHSTI utvua TIIK ( IIOK K Of TWO Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. VIA Spokane Minneapolis St. Paul Salt Lake Denver Omaha Chicago Kansas City Low Rates to all Eastern Cities OUKAN HTHAMKKft I.tium 'rtlntid Kvni V I'lvti Iihvr fr SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. .StcHUiers monthly fr l'orilund to Yokohama mill Hone Koiik vm North eru l'm-lIU; Hti'auiMhi Co., In i:o!ii'ction with O. U. AN. For full tletiillK mil on 0. it A Co. a Aitcnt H Tho Dit III. r luMnw W, II. ItUltl.lll'UT, (Ifit. 1'iu.n. ARt I'ortlnml. Utiuou TIMK !.ltl. No. I, to Siwikntiomiil (lifit Nortlixrn iirtlvoii at. 'i .. p. in., loiivoc nt p. hi. No. to I'omllu; loti, liiikur City mill t'lilnn l'iiclllivittlvcntlJ.I5 a in., tli'ixirts nt Vi 'M ii. in. No a, from H)olinno mill (Iront Northurn, nr rlvoi nt',1 IK) ii. in,, iliMrl" nt d.'i'i ii. in. No. t. troin llakir City 11ml Union rm'llli;, urrlvun ut n. in., ili'imrtH t U.'M m. Nni, "it ami 'JI, movlliK rnt of Tin- Diillrn, will carry iuiiKers. No, J.1 iirtlvcx ill f . in., ik'imtts nt l.t'ip, in. l'luiMMiRuts for llupimur tuko No 'J, IviivIiik liciuat 1'JlH) l. in. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route Of TIIK Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains li'iivo ami atu itite In artlvu nt rortlmiit I.KAVR. t)VKItl.ANl) KX 1 rein. KiiIl'Ih. Itim. 1 I Illll, .iniufiiiit, mi;' riuiK'iito, Oxili'il.Haii i...... . .1.1.. ...i 1 U.UU I . 31. i.'r,,.., M,il,ivi IA)H AIIKi'lvn,)'.! I m". Now orlcnim nnil i.M A. Jl Dally O.XCI!lt HiiiiJay. lltovliurK mul way Ma llinllM I f Via WoiHtliiirii lor 1 1 ilt.Anxi'l, Hllvcrlon, ' . ' Wt'Kt Hi'lo, llrmviix S vlll,riiritiRfiulil anil - Natron .... I 1'. Jl Dally oxi.'pt Hilllilayii. l-..) A. it. Jf'orvallH .itatlou mul way ..V) 1'. it IND1:1'I:XD1:Ni'I: I'AHSKNtiKlt. I.xpnn train ' l""!' ii. (I.v. .I'ortlanil Ar.) H'll'm. ii. Ai .McMliuivllIc I.v .i..'iiia, ii. (Ar Iiii1vpviiiIviii:v..Ia .5 i.U)i, imiiv (cxciipi rtunilayj. l:.Mip. m. (I.v. .I'ortlanil Ar.j K 'J." a. in n. in. Ai J M iiinvll i h.ji. in. (Ar Inik'pi.'niU'iii.'i Dally. I Dally, uxiupt himilaj. DININti CAIia O.N (KllllIN ItUl'TK. l'l.M.I.JIAN MJITlvT MI.CMI'KUH AND HKC()Nl)-CI.ASh HI.KlU'INtl CAUb Attacliut to all TliroilKli trains. I)lrii!lcoiinn:tloii at (an l"ranclco with t)col iloillal mul Oriental anil I'iii'IIIi' imill nti'iimnlilp linen for .I.U'A.S nnil CHINA, hiillliii; ilnten on at pllcalliin Itali-s iiinl delicto to i:ati.-ru ionto mul Ku rM--'. A lo JAPAN, OIIINA, IIONOI.I'I.L' ami Al'HTiiAl.lA. can l oliialiuil (roin J. II. KIllKI.AND.TIilkut Alti'llt. 'I'liroiiKh Ticket Oilier, 1:11 Thiol ntrect. wliure. thtoiiKli tlokcls to nil polnu In tho I'.a.tlurn htiti't, Camilla mul K.uropc fan Ixi olitalncii nt liine.it I ul en from J. II. KIl'.KIiANl), Ticket AKVllt. All abiivo tralno arrive at nnil ilcpart Iroin (iratiii Cenlral Hlatlon, Fifth anil IrvuiK xtn-oto YAMHll.l. DIVIHION. 1'iun'iiKcr Deh)t, foot of Juiiijuim street. U-avo for OHWUdO, ilally, cxeept Hnnilay, nt 7;JU a. in.; l'j.., 1:.Vj, fi:io, ll:'i, ":K p. m (anil IliJio p. in. on riatiiiilay only, anil 0:l) a. in anil :i::;o p. in. on hiimlayK only). Arrlvo at I'ortliinil dully at ii:li)aiiil hpia in., iiulli3o. 1:1.), ii:'.llanil7:Mp. in., (anil U;0,", a. in , il ir. 5:10 p. in. mi h'liiiilayn only). U'uvc for Hlierlilan, week ilayu, at t;U0 p. in Arrive nt I'ortlanil, y;;JI a. in. U'avu for AIltl.lK on iloinlay, Wlneilay ami rrl'lny nt ii: in ii. in. Arrlvo nt Portland, Tueo ilav, Tlmri'iliiy and Kiitnrdas tl :i;n,-, p, m. i:.wpt Hiiuday. "Kxeept Knlnrilay. It. KOKIIJ.KIt, (I, II. MAHKIIAM, ilaliauer. Aonl. (I. I .t l'aw. At i 1UU1U (I STAGE LINE. ThroiiKli by dayllKht via (itaoo Valloy, Kent nnil Criuui llollowo. IMMH1I.AH AI.I.KN, Tim Dnll.iH. ). N. U IUI KI.AW, Aiit., ,. HhiKeo leave Tho DiiIWh from I'liuitllla llolle at 7 a. in,, iiiMi from-AiileloiKj at 7i) n. m. iivcry Jloiiilay. iiliiewlay and Friday. Conni:tloii iiwlo at Aiilelopo for Prlnisvllle, .Mitchell mid I'l'Vi " il'!""1:, v'Um w.niieotloim nmduntTlio Dallen with rallwayH, trnliiK anil limit. HtuKeo frimi Autclopo lvM the Dnlleii 'men ihiyi, Xhiirnluyo and HiilnrdayM m l;ao p. in. Dalles to DoscluiUio in Alum do (iraoH Valley. ilo Kent do Ckwh HoIIowh Autclopo to CroN.i HoIIowh 1i Kent ... do (InuN Vulleyv do Moio II ITVU l V. Iiu . ,l tt 1 60 J lift il Ul ... ! M , 1 U) .. i 00 . . , :i on ... :i w do l)oolille. do Dalit ,., & uu 4 oo Try BohllllDf ' Uett lv and baking powdw. inn Aufnlnnn