r -v5 SPECIALS We have just received another shipment of r to Aw (G) t Comforts The 0 renlcst value over offered. A flood heavy Comfort for 50 cents. Hotter grades proportionately reduced. Children's Hose All Wool. Sizes 5, oh, (J, OA arc going at 16 a cents. These are our regular L'5 cent goods. Ladies' Underwear. A Seasonable Offer.. Our $ 1 .00, $ 1 .25 and $1 .50 values for 75 cents. This ib ono of the beat offers of the Year. Overcoats and Ulsters.... Our regular $10 values for. ...$.7. 85 Our regular $18.50 values $9.65 Our regular $15 values for $11.35 We have these Overcoats and Ulsters in Frieze and plain goods; either Grey, Brown or Black in color. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. During January and Feb ruary we will give to every person buying One Dollar's worth of goods at our store a chance on a Sixty-Dollar Steel Uil5or; Hr-Jit Jatrs The Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUESDAY -r . .JANUARY 11, 181)8 , the total of $7f00 required will be eub scrilied. Owing to the fact that The; DulhiH fair grouiidH are going to be, turned into city lots, it is more than! j likely that the next meeting of the East lern Oregon Agricultural Society will 1)3 hold at Pendleton. It Iiob been the de Go to the Columbia Candy Factory for ' Hire of that city for a long time to have fresh oysters in every style. tf j the meeting there, and at laBt it seems Weather Tonight and Wednesday, , that her efforts have mot with buccubb. ram and warmer; Chinook winds. I Mr. Cieorue Williams of this place re- WAYSIDE- GLEANINGS. green groceries, fish and the Commission Com--i-tf with many encouraging signs of perma nent good to all who have been privi leged to attend. The pastor, Rev. J. H. Wood, is conducting the meetings with out other aid, as yet, from outside help Under his faithful leadership the meet ings have increased in interest from the beginning, until all have not only been benefited, but some have been greatly blessed. Indeed, some have even dared to think and say that old-time Method Range, Which was manufactured by the Michigan Stove Co. Drawing to come off the 28th day of February, 1898. MAIER & BENTON r And can now supply our customers. The UVilson is the only Air Tight stove .with Outside Tube draft. Sold only by MAYS & CROWE, 4 DESPERATE ROBBER'S DEED. Iiob and Lew Elites and Kcl Grlfflu Held Up Near llourne. Huy choice poultry from puny, The l'rizo Modal cigar is strictly hand-1 made and lilted with tho finest grade of Havana tobacco. ti-tf King Cole brand Baltimore oysters, the best on the market; Medium, Standard and Extra Select. Try them. At Varney & Co.'s. 11 -tf While this snow continues to fall, property owners should observe tho or- ceived a lette few-days ago from T.-M-.i-58"1 5a sti11 alve among us. " I !,.(.... IT-... I . l.kn.tnll...l.,.. ........ ,,.,. ,.i L.,.....T.... u o......rr 7F.T.7TiTrii;'crT""1"' ,"t,,,l- ,B at. u w rti, av OMJb uii wiuii sidewalks. It takes but little time to do it and it makes walking much easier. Extra meetings are being held in thu M. H. church m this city during each evening of the week, beginning at 7:!!0 o'clock. See further notice in another column. .Monday evening has been set asido by the managers of Moody's bowling alloy for ladies and their ot-cortH, and quite a number take advantage of tho occasion to spend a pleasant evening. Early this morning snow began fall ing and at the time of going to press it was still showing. As it is turning warmer.thiH afternoon the chances aro tho storm will clear or probably turn to rain. No one should be backward in buying a ticket for the KII;h' ball. The money will bo used for charitable purposes, and we hope everyone will aid in making it a financial success, whether they dance or not. Thero wero seven additions to the Christian church at the services last night, somoof whom nre to bo baptized tonight. Tho subject for this evening' discussion is "Ungodly Council and Its Meet." Thu snow makes it difficult lor tho bridge gang to proceed with their work, us many of them havo nothing but nar-' row planks to stand on while at work, and the elighest slip would mean a fall that would result in broken limbs, or probabjy death. Tho now school building in tho Acad emy park is assuming a very roapecta hie appeuraneq. Tho brick work on tho basement is completed, and it gives ono nu idea of what thu building will be when completed. It will be ono of thu largest and finest of our school buildings and a credit to our city. The projectors of thu nuw fair grounds .iti.i ......... ..i. i.. i ) .it... . , . j in tnuuiruuK in j umiiuiuu uru inuetiilg with success in soliciting subscribers to the stock. Already $2000 has been sub scribed, and more is promised. Of these subscribers, four Agreed to each take $100 worth of stock, $1000 in all. It is expected that in a very few days Denton dated Dawson City, Oct iron. Air. uenton Beems to be very favorably impressed with Klondike, nnd urges Mr. Williams to come as soon as possible. IIo has staked claims, but at the time he wrote he did not seem to be able to say anything as to their values, as lie has not had an opportunity to work them properly. The Harney Valley News Bays that Edward L. Oliver, tho man who killed incut: "Believing that stouk of mine was in thu baud about to be driven away, 1 went into the field to see. French rode up and reminded me that I had been forbidden to trespass on hie land. Words followed, and French used his whip on mo. 1 drew my gun and shot in Hell-defense, When French fell 1 rodo around and saw that I had killed him. I paused to consider whether to go to Burns or home first, and decided on tho latter course." William Putnam and Parrish John son, who loft Coulee City. Wash., De cember L'Otli for tiieir place thirty milas northeast of Walerville, wero found. frozen to death about thirty miles from Coulee City by a search party. They had lost their way and wandered in a circle for nearly 100 miles. When last seen, three weeks ago, they wore ten miles from Coulee City, and were start ing home on snowshoos. Johnson a wan an old suttler, 50 years of age. When found Ids feet were in a badger hole, and his left hand indicated that in despera tion he had cut or gnawed it and sucked liia own blood. Putnam was found seven, nules further on. ' aro informed by Sheriff Driver that "Dakota" Slim, who is at present in jail in Colfax for the murder of Or villo Haydou, and who had audi a nar row escapu a few days since of being lynched with his partner in that crime by an infuriated mob, stopped over in this city and pawned the gun which hu used in the murder of Hay den. at Uncle Jack's loan office. After his preliminary examination hu was released on account ,of insufficient evidence, and left Colfax (for Portland. It was thu confession of Marshall that caused his arrest the sec pud time. Tho gun is ivory-haudlud, iiilckel-plate, ilS.oallbre, and 1ms the owner's initials engraved on it. Mr. Driver will send it to tho sheriff at Colfax. All who enjoy such meetingB are most cordially invited to be present. Meet ings during each evening of the week beginning at 7:30. X In Oliluu Timed. People overlooked the importance of permanently beneficial effects, and were satisfied with transient action ; but now that it is generally known that Syrup of Figs will permanently overcome habit ual constipations, well informed people will not buy other laxatives, which act for a time, but finally injure the system Buy the genuine made by the California Fig Syrup Co. PKltNUKAb MKNTION, AI. K, Muetliik'M. Tho usual extra mid-winter rovival meetings in the Methodist church in this city have already commenced and been in progress during the past week, A. C. Geiger went to Portland on the !) :J0 train today. Rev. A. Bronegeest went to the Cas cade Locks today. Miss Lissio Cox of Kingsley was in tne city yesterday. J). II. Stectnan and wife of Center ville are in the city today. Caplain J. L. Cowan, Indhm agent at Warm Springs reservation, is in the city. -' i HTign Jackson and wife aro in this city, on their way to Goldendale to visit friends. ii. a. iuooro ot rrineviiie came up from Portland yesterday and left for his home this morning. Mr. E. M. WillianiB rotyfnod from Portland last night, accompanied bv bis sister, Miss Pearl Williams, who will visit in tins city. FHT. Campbell and wife of Albanv came up on the boat last night, and lelt today to visit Mrs. Campbell's father, Air. Jas. yox, ot Kingsley. Mr. N. M. Dean of Uoiso Citv. Idaho. has accepted a position as clerk in Mays it Crowe's store in this citv, and com menced work yesterday. Mr. Dean mi dorstauds thu hardware business thor oughly, and will be quite an acquisition to the. corps of clerks. IIOKN. In this city, January 10, 1S9S, to Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Creighton, a son. McmlMtri of tlu McKlnley DulliiH. Club or Tlu You ore hereby requested to bo pres ent at u mooting of tho McKinley club, to be held ot tho court house, Saturday oveuing January 10th, at 8 o'clock for tho purpose of electing reprosenta tivee to attend a mooting of tho repub lican league of Oregon, to be held in Portland, Tuusdoy February 1, 1898. L, E. Ciiowu, Pres. G. J. Farley, Sec. Choice Shoulwater Bay oysters served in every style at the Columbia Candy Factory. Give ua a trial and we will endeavor to please you. Friday morning about 2 o'clock three well-known men were held up by four desperate road agents at a point on the Sumptei -Bourne road about three miles below Bourne, and after one of the vic tims was severely shot in the face, the robbers escaped with their bootv of nearly $600. On Tuesday Bob E9tes, accompanied by Ed Griffin, a professional dice juggler or "crap-shooter," went from Baker City to Sumpter, being en route for the mining town of Bourne. On Thursdav these two men hired a team at Sumpter, and, in company with Lew Estee, drove the seven miles between the terminal city and Bourne. The Estes brothers and the dice wiz Z'ird, Griffin, then proceeded to make a cleanup" afthe various "crap" games" in Bourne. The trio first operated on the cash in Eight at the table presided oyer by John Mahoney, resulting in that sporting man being looser $75 and there remaining only about $10 in the bank roll on the table. They next manipulated the speckled bones at the crap game of Hank Rader and W. P. Mullican. At that game they cleaned to bedrock the "all sorts of money" on the green cloth, a total of $125. About 1 o'clock Friday morning the three men went out of Fay & Weigand's saloon and discovered that their team had been cut loose from tho sleigh, which stood where they had left it with no means of speeding it over thu roade. Ed Griflin remarked, "there must be something wrong and we had better leave town at once." The three men who were entirely unarmed, started on foot for Sumpter. When they had reached the old Eir.obold & Young Hume, which crosses the road some three miles south of Bourne, they saw i sleigh coming up behind them. A Swede, who was hired as driver, and Spud Murphy rode on the driver's srat, Hank Rader and Mulligan in the sleigh. Low Estes hailed tho night travelers with, "Give us-a ride." Mulligan rose up in the sleigh ordering "Throw up your hands." Bob Estes, who had most of the cash, started to run, when Mul ligan shot at him with a 45 calibre re volver, the big ball striking Estes on tho left cheek bone, und, glancing backwurd split his left ear. Griffin then cried out 'Wo had better give up," and Hank Rader, while Mulligan kept the victims covered with his sixshootei, went through their pockets and took all their money, a total of .f 000. The robbed men were taken to Sump- tor, and the wounded Bob Estes placed under theearo of Dr. G. W. Tape. Shcrlir Kilbourn was notified and yes terday about noon, with a determined posse, loft Sumpter after the robbers. Later reports statu that tho robbers have been captured. When you wout a good smoko, be sure aud call for Fouts' higlftrrade clears. For sale by all first-class dealers. tf REMEMBER. Wo have strictly First-Class Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. J. T. Peters & Co. Phone 25. For SwEet Charity's Sale. THE ELK'S GRAND BALL, January 14th, 1898. The entire net proceeds will he devoted to Charity, and those who wish to give for the sake of giving may find this a good opportunity The Charity Ball will he tho grand social event of the season 1 he following committees will have charge of tho 0 various arrangements. GENEKAli KXKCrTlVE COMMITTKK-Judil Eon-dale, KW Wilson. Hf.li, C I. l'Jiilli), W L lirmliliiiw, 11 It INVITATION COM.MlTTEE-Ur.iiit Mays. T J Seufcrt. .1 A Doutlilt. W II Mn,i,lv. w v .Tnl.nsnn. KI.N'AN'CE COMMITTEE J F Iliimnihlre. Ceo C Blnkulov. I. K Ciouo. DECORATION COMMITTEK-1I W French. I' W Do Huff. J A Mne Arthur. H M VIt, r;,.u litmn, tieorge Kcrgussou, T J Driver. ItECEITION COMMITTEE Hertz, Ed M Williams. John Michell, A M Kehay, J li Crotsen, A S Mac Allhter, John t! COMMITTEE C I. I'lilllips, Max A Vogt, Joscjili lionn, Froil W Wilson, Fletcher Faulkner, V A Johnston, W E Walther.s E O McCoy, Tickets may be secured from the Committee on Tickets. FI.OOK AND MI'SIC K II 1jum:u1l'. COMMITTEE ON TICKETS Albert Uettingcn. Tickets $1.50 Fresh Columbia river smelt at Varnev & Co.'s. 10-lvvk Call and see what tho Commission Co. can do for you on fresh groceries. 4-tf If you have money to burn, burn it by smoking Fouts Prize Medal and Hose Queen cigars. 0-tf Caali In Your Check. All countv warrants registered prior to v. 1, 1893, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after Jan. 10th, 1898. C. L. Pmi.ui's, Comity Treasurer. When you can not sleep for coughing take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It always gives prompt relief. It is most excellent for colds, too, as it aids ex pectoration, relieves the lungs and pre uents any tendency toward pneumonia. For sale by Ulakeley it Houghton. Kill Men, Attention! All members of Wasco Tribe, I. O. II. M., are requested to be present at the kindling of tho council tiro Tuesday, January 11th. A 'pale-face will be scalped aud com and venison will be served in abundance by the newly-raised chiefs. Taken Up. Came to my place on 3-Mile, about tho 25th of November, a struw-bay roan mare, branded V reconnected )on the left shoulder, about 5 years old. Owner can have same by paying charges. M. S. Evans, dec22-lm The Dalles, Or. lil.lK HV;intoil. Ilids for furnishing 150 sand will bo received by warehouse up to January rigl t is received to reject bids. Tho Dalles, Jan. 11, 1S93. yards good tho Wasco 18th. Tho any or all Deep In It. That's what we are. Wo'vo got mora hooks than we know what to do with. Help us to lesson our stock. Of course we must oiler some inducement to you. We havo a full line of all the new and interesting novels. We will sell them at a reduced price, with exception of Webster's Dictionaries and School llookB. I will sell all liooks during this month at COST. I. C. Ickelsen Book &. music Company.