The Dalles Daily Chronicle. The only Republican Daily Neutpapti on Watco County. MASTERS OFFICE SSO to 23i Temple Court, N. Y. City. E. KATZ, Agent. Weekly Clubbing Kates. Chronicle anil Oregonian $2 25 Chronicle and Examiner ' '- -'5 Chronicle and Inter Ocean 1.8o Chronicle and Tribune 1 75 Chronicle and X. Y. World 2 00 TUESDAY - JANUARY 11, 1S0S THE IMPORTANCE OF HAWAII. President McKinlcy wisely makes Hawaii the keystone of the arch of his foreign policy. With Hawaii, says the Inter Ocean, we are strong enough to justify our home execu tives am? our ministers abroad in the use of the plainest words of the dip lomatic lexicon. "Without it wc arc at a disadvantage, aid the times be fore us are likelv to be such as will make the use of every advantage necessary. The Chinese situation is perplexing, if not minatory. If we have Hawaii we are far on our way toward peaceful conquest of the great trade of China and Japan. Without Hawaii half the proper strength of our protests against Eu ropean monopoly of Asiatic ports and harbors will be lost. We must extend our foreign trade, and trade goes in ships, and ships re quire coaling stations and harbors cf refuge, and the greatest merchant navy always has belonged to the na tion strongest in means for its de fense against the chances of war and the clangers of the sea. In war or in peace Hawaii is the citadel of the Pacific. Its chief harbor is a refuge from storms, and, by oue great power or by another, soon will be held as a rendezvous for armed ves sels. There was a time, and not very long ago, when it seemed as though our home market were likely to be sufficient to our home pro ductions, but it is not now, and yearly it will become less so. We now are the second manufacturing power of the world, and arc racing hard for first place. We must have new or larger markets for our goods. Our chief rivals are Germany, which we lead, and Britain, toward suprem acy over which we aspire. Britain has kept her lead by increasing act ivity in ship-building, by constant acquisition of ports and harbors in all parts of the globe. Germany has adopted Britain's policy. In 187o the merchant ma Tine of Germany had a carrying power of 1,0-20,000 tons; in 1895 its capacity was -1,1-10,000 tons. No other nation, except Britain, has made such progress during the last twenty years. The carrying power of the German merchant navy is now one-seventh that of Great Brit ain, and one-third that of the United States. But it must be remembered that the United States merchant navy is largely, indeed mostly, alloat on the lakes or engaged in sea trade on our coast. Of ocean-crossing ships wc have not so many as Germany. Samoa has been, and China now is, exploited by Germany for naval shelters that shall be nurseries of commerce in time of peace and cen ters of operation in time of war. Hawaii would have been annexed by England, Germany or Japan, long ago but for United States protests; but we cannot forever play fast and loose with it. Wc must take it our selves or let some other power hold it, for it cannot much longer sustain itself. It is al! very well to talk of our guaranteeing its independence. But it might be more costly, both in money and life, to protect it than to annex it. Moreover, suppose that, in the event of our rejecting the offer, the Hawaiians were of their own motion to place themselves un der European protection ; how then could the Monroe doctrine be ap plied ? Wo may be bound to protect Hawaii against foreign intervention; but surely wc cannot forbid the free action of n nation. The Hawaiian question presses. It ought to be settled quickly, and by annexation. The Oregonian is now praising James Lotan because he has with drawn fiom the Mitchell Hepublican central committee. And this Is the same Jim Lotan whom the Orego nian had exhausted its vocabulary in abusing, principally because ho was an opponent of Joseph Siniun. Lotan is not the proper man to be at the head of the party's councils, but neither is Simon, and when the Ore gonian praises Lotan when, through some reason or other, probably due to business causes, he has withdrawn from active participation in politics; when the Oregonian thus commends him, it only shows how prejudiced, servile and untrustworthy that paper is in dealiug with state or local poli tics. As a newspaper the Oregonian deserves high standing; but as a guide for the people of Oregon to follow, it should not be trusted. The year 1898 is a critical one for The Dalles. The abundant capital which is crowding the financial cen ters will seek investment somewhere, and the Pacific coast will be a favor ite locition. The Dalles offers splendid inducements to capitalists were our advantages properly made known. La Grande, Pendleton, Salem and Oregon City have all re ceived substantial recognition from outsiders, while The Dalles, with more natural attractions than any of these places, has been doing business on its own resources. How well wc have succeeded is to our credit; but could outside capital be invested here in some manufacturing enter prise, the prcgress of this city would be more rapid and certain. KSTKAY NOTIOK. Came to our place about August 1st, last, a roan cow: brand indistinct. Owner can have same by paying all charges. MooitE Bkos., n22-lm Three Mile. Administrator's Notice. "Notice is hereby Riven tbst the undersigned has been regularly appointed admlniktrator of the estate of Henry A. Baker, deceased, by order of the county court of the Pinto of Oregon for Wasco County, dated thu Cth day of December, 1637. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present the sime, duly veriiicd, to thu administrator at The I mite, Oregon, within sl.x months from the date of this notice. Dalles City, Oregon, Dec. 10, 1S87. C. W. DIKTZHU decll-Ii Administrator To Cure a Cold in One )ity. Take Lnxativo llrotno Quinine Tub lets. All druggists refund tie money if thev fail to cure. 25c. uif wunnoiw For People That Aranl I PILLS Sick or "Just Don'tl Peel Well." ONLY ONE FOR A DOSE. Remotes Pimples, cure Headache, Dyspepsia and Costliencss. 25 els. a box at drugging or by mall biinplei Free, addrtu Dr. DssankoCo. .Phil, l'a. Regulator Line Be Dalies, Portland anil Astoria Navigation. Co.' sfrs. Regulator Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE BKTWEK.N The Dalles, Hood Klver, Cascade lockn and I'ort laud dally, "Tt-ftrt Sunday, DOWN THE VALLEY Are you going EASTERN OREGON? H so, save money and enjoy a beautiful trip on the Columbia, Tim west-bound train arrives at The Dalles In ample limn for passengerx to take the kteumer, arriving In I'ortluud In timu for the outgoing Southern and Northern trains; East bound passengers arriving In Thu Dalles in time to tako the Kaat-bouud train. For further information apply to J. N. HARNEY, Agent, Oak (street Dock. 1'ortland, Oregon, Or W C. ALLAWAY, lien. Agt., The Dalles, Oregon THE NEW YORK WORLD THRIGE-fl-WEEK EDITION. 18 n Wank. 1BO l'mor n Yer It etunda tirat among "weekly" paper in eize, frequency of publication freshness, variety ami reliability of cor. tents. It is practically a daily at the lou price o a weekly : and its vast list of subecribere, extending to ovcry state ami territorv of the Union and foreign coun tries, will vouch for the accuracy uud fairnen of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and anioiiR its special features aro n tinu humor ' ..i !.... ... ....i,-.Cu nil tint pttKC, HXiiinismi! " "r' it "- latest fashion; for women and a lou series of stories by the greatest living American and English authors, Doyle, .lorome K. tlnrunn, Mtntituy Wytiin Mary K. Wllkiim Anthony Hove, llret llartv, Itrnmlnr Mnltliewi, Kte. We offer this uneqnaled nowspaper and The Dalles Twice-a-Week Chronicle to gether one year for .fU.00. The regular price of the two papers is $3.00. JOSEPH SfjAlOT has opeked A HARNESS SHOP IN THK EAST END, In the Colum bia Feed Yard, opposite SaltmarBhe's Stockyards, where he is rendv to do All Kinds of harness Work. fletxi Year Experiences. Let the memory of the old year be the experience that shall guide you through the now. You remember where you have pains and pleasures. Good health brought the pleasure, bad health brought the pain. If you want good health you will get it through good medicine. We use Lothing but the best and finest drugs in Compounding. RELIABLE PHARMACISTS. 115 Second Street, THE DALLES, J-loliday Improuemepts. You want paper which makes your holiday enjoyment greater. You want paper which makes your home pleabanter at all times. You need such shades and designs as will give more beauty and more comfort in your home. Wo show you styles that exceed any ever seen here at pricee never attempted for such quality. D. W. VATJSE, Third St. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL htctaakeilJewelor All work promptly attended to. . and warranted. 174 .VOGT BLOCK. $250,000 Ml 1 '(Ml I Mil III 6 coupons iihhIc each 4-ouucc g T5:o Best ling. Huynbag, rcndthccoupn u B SmokimvTobacco Made mui sec how togctyour share, g Sooaooooaoooueas!eeoajwoiotioooaoooooooooo Wholesale. JVTflLtT IilQUOftS, Ulines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED ANHEUSER TXfYD PHTTi Uir (jrUJ-lJJ Anheuser-Busch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic "beverage, unequaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. Closing -OF- FURNITURE CARPETS PRINZ NITSCHHE Are going to clopo out their business, and they are ofl'ering their largo stock at COST I'KICKS. Now is the time to buy good Furniture cheap. All persons knowing thciupeives indebted to eaiil firm are requested to call and tettle their account. Jtye postoffiee pharmacy, CLARKE & FALK, Proprietors. Pure Drag a nd JWedicin . Toilol Articles and J'orfiunory, pirst Ijr of Imported arpd Domestic 5iars. Telephone, 333. New Vogt Block. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also' all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. GEORGE RUCH, Pionr : Z. DONNELL, PfESC$lPTIOri DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., THE ALLES, OK Subscribe for The Chronicle . To Be Given Away this year in -valuable orticleti to smokers of Blackwell's Genuine Durham Tobacco You will find one coupon in- side each 2-ouncc hay,, and two o - BUSCH and RTTTTTP on draught JDJliJlllt. and In Dottles. Out Sale ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. s Pullman Sleeping Cars Dining Cars , Sleeping Car HT. t'AIII. .MINNKAI'OI.I nin.irrn MIKKI (1 HAND I'llll UKIMIKSTON winn i run IIKI.KNA nn IUITTK Elegent Touvist TO Through Tickets OIIIL'AOO WAHIIINI1TON IIII.AIIKM'IIIA NKW YDUIC IIOHTON ANI AM. I'OINTH KAHT hiiiI HOIITH For lurormntlmi, time cnnin, map.iniut tlckcU, cal on or vrrlto in W. C. ALLA WAY. Anent, The Ifullva, Oregon on A. I). CHARLTON. Aast. G. V. A., iV,. MorrUotl Cor. Third. Portlnwl Orcvton WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER! Just Received 5000 Holls of Wall Vapor. The i i ....a ,. 'in... li!uutitil..iiolorp. New Invoice of Paints and Oils. Any color or brand supplied. Snipes-Kmersly Drug Co. DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. EC. GLENH. J. 8. HCIIKNK, i'rtnjiluilt. II. M. I1HAI. , t'u.tlilvr First National Bank. THE DALLES - - OREOON A GenerHl Hanking BimlneHfi trunoucied DepoBlte received, Hubjoct to Bight Draft or Cheek. ColleetionH mrule and proceedn promptly reillittl'll nil llliu lt ..rtll.w.tln., .... ..... ... vwi IIJU.IUMI Blclit und ToleKrHiihlt! Exchange Bold oil iuw, nun rrunciHco anc "on land. t. m DIKKOTOHa D. P. TllOMI'HON. JNO. H. fiOIIKNOfc bl). M. WlM,IAMH, GKO. A. LlBllK. II, M. Ukau,. Strayed. Htraycd Iroin Dufnr, Or., about the a light bay, brandeil S on right hip; the other a dark bay, branded HF (connect ed) on left ahoulder. Information lead ing to the recovery of either, or both, oi theto horeen will bo rowarded bv the owner. UKV. John Kvanh. declMm-li Columbus, Wash. N