- ' . I I ffMffa ENJOYS Both tlio method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to tho taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to tho taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in ita effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agrccablo substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FtS SYRUP CO. SAD FMAHCIXO, CAL. uiKtviUE, nr. xew rou, m.y. The Dalles Daily Ctooteu-fc THE DALI.KS, OliKGUN Atlvortisins Kates. Per inch. One Inch or less in Dally JIM Over two Inches and under four inches 1 00 Over four inches and under twelve inches. . 75 Over twelve inches 50 DAILY iND WEEKLY. One inch or less, per inch ?2 00 Over one inch anil under four inches. ... 2 00 Over four inches and under twelve inches. . 1 50 Ovcrwslve Inches l 00 A KLONDIKE EXPEDITION. Four Dalles Vouujr Men Leave This Horning. Four of our townspeople left for Klon dike this morning by way of Dyea and Chilcoot Pasa. The party consisted of Henry Boyen, Frank Kline, Henry Ster man and Richard Fax. They took pas sage on the Dalles City this morning to Portland, and will leave that place on the steamer Elder Friday for Dyea. They take about S09 pounds of provi sions from here, ami will complete their outfit in Portland. It was their intention to take horses with them, but they could not do so as the Elder would not carry them. They are provided with sleighs, and will draw their outfits over the pass on them. .They expect to have some trouble in getting their jrooda to the lakes, but do not doubt that they will be successful in so doing, and figure on reaching there tibout February 15th. They consider ibis to be the hardest portion of their jiurney. Their venture is one in which much hardship muet be endured, but that thought aid not a;em to worry them in the least, as they were in the best of apirits when they boarded the boat this morning. The CimoNici.E wishes them as pleas rant a journey as it is possible for them to hare under the circumstances, and hopes, further, that they will be anions tho few who will make rich finds in that land of wealth and disappointment. Taken Up. Came to my place on 3-Mile, about tho 2oth of November, a straw-bay roan mare, branded V P(connected)on the left shoulder, about & years old. Owner can have same by paying charges. M. S. Evans, det-22-lm The Dalles, Or. When you can not sleep for coughing take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It always gives prompt relief. It is most excellent for colds, too, as it aids ex pectoration, relieves the lungs and pre uents any tendency toward pneumonia. For sale by Ulakeley & Houghton. LOOP POISON cured In 16 toss dirt. You can be treatoa i j""""1 mmiuo pricu uuuer iamo iruarau Itar.I ( yoa prefer to coma bra wawil I oon- Muu. Mucoua Vatch In mouth. More Throat. Hoiplei, Copper Colored Spot, Ulcere on at, It la tbla Secondary llLUOD 1'OINOft iSB. 800.000 oaoltal bahlnd?,.. .XJXVl. i Sesayle, a n MoaaJ mraat. AklutMro&iMntMaid oa A Urent Klnil of ttic IUlilr IYlMf Thpjmnltnn Mnrlilr. The (marries from which the undents j obtulnxd their highly-prized Thessalinn ' or vord marble have fot'en discovered ; and are npnin being' worked by mi Knj lish company, snys the I'hilmlclnhiti Record. The quarries, w hich lime beeu . lost for more than l.Oi.O years, are in the neighborhood of Larissa, in Thes saly, l? recce. The ancient w orkings arc very extensive, there being no fewer than ten (marries, each producing n somewhat different description of mar ble, proving w ithout u doubt tlmtcvery variety of this marble found in the ruined palaces and churches of Rome and Constantinople and likewise in nil the mosques and museums of the world 1 came originally from these quarries. ' In fact, the very quarry from which the ! famous monoliths of St. Sophia, Con ' stantinople, were obtained can be iden J titled with absolute certainty by the matrices from which they were ex, ' traded. In modern times verd antico marble has only been obtainable by the destruc tion of some ancient work, and it lias, naturally, commanded extraordinarily high prices. As a consequence, n num ber of ordinary modern greens of ( reck, French, Italian and American origin have been described and sold as verd antique marble. No one, how ever, who is really acquainted with the distinctive character of the genuine material could be deceived by these inferior marbles. Thessalian green is easily distinguished from any other green marble by tho fol lowing characteristics: It is n "brec cia" of angular fragments of light and dark green, with pure statuary white, the whole being cemented together with a brighter green, while the snow-white patches usually have their edges tinted off w ith a delicate fibrous green, radiat ing to the center of the white. The ce menting material is also of the same fibrous character. QUEEN'S JUBILEE PENANCE. SnbjcctH Who Will Solid Her Mnjentr Their I'liotoKriiiihs. Some weeks ago we protested strong ly against the proposal that cards of congratulation should be showered upon the queen from subjects person ally unknown to her majesty during the approaching celebration, says the Lon don Times. Wc pointed out that the fa tigues of this period for all members of the court will bo quite trying enough without any addition to them in the shape of thousands, possibly millions, of extra letters being delivered at the royal residences and requiring atten tion. Since then it has been announced that all communications intended for her majesty in connection with the dia mond jubilee must be forwarded through the secretary of state, but in spite of this a firm of photographers, showing more enterprise than good sense, revived the unfortunate sugges tion mentioned above. They have sent us a specimen of a card they are issu ing, bearing the words: "With heartfelt wishes for your most gracious majesty's royal subject," and with a space for the lender's photograph, which, of course, is to be taken by the firm. Perhaps the surest means of dissuading any w ho might be inclined to make use of so unseasonable a form of felicitating her majesty on an event of which she knows all her subjects are proud is to point out that their cardR are not at all like ly to get any nearer the queen than the home office in Whitehall. SUBDUED THE HORSE. Gen. Grant aao Cadet UiaiilayedQuiUI tlew Couaplcuuua In Later Days. The following story was told by Col. Green, a classmate of Gen. U. S. Grant at West Point, says the American Horse Breeder: "One day when the members of Grant's class were called out for drill on horseback there were not horses enough by one to go round. Grant was one of the shortest men in his class, consequently was on the extreme left of the company, and ho was the one for whom there was no horse. The officer ordered a horse brought, which was done. The animal was a vicious brute, which had proved so unman ageable that he had been discarded. The officer in charge did not notice the hors.e until just as young Grant vault ed into the saddle, when, horror-stricken, he ordered him to dismount. The horse did his part to assist the rider to obey the order, but Grant drove his spurs into the sides of the infuriated, plunging, kicking, bolting brute, and guided him into an open field, where he gave such an exhibition of amateur horsemanship as no member of that class had ever before witnessed. Bo fore the contest was ended the horse was thoroughly subdued and from that time became a useful, obedient animal, but it was always ridden by Grant." Name of CltleM. Old PnriB was formerly called by its Itoman inhabitants Lutetia, meaning "Mudtown." London derives its name from the old fortified hill of the Brit ons, standing where St. Paul's cathe dral now is. Dublin mcann the "black pool," and Liverpool "the pool of the living creatures." Borne is said to mean "the cross roads," and Berlin is variously translated as meaning "tho short lake," "the free and open place," "the river island" and "the marshy pot." Pcrnnmbuco means "the mouth of hell," Bombay "good boy," while Cairo is n corruption of "JJ1 Kahirah, the victorious.". Puny. ehildren j Who would prescribe only tonics and bitters for a weak, g rhlM? Its muscles and c nj xw w v., nerves are so thoroughly cx- hausted that they cannot be $ j whipped into activity. The jg $ child needs food j a blood- g n making;, nerve-strengthening; w ' and muscic-Dunoing iooo. MX Scott's Emulsion i m of Cod-Liver Oil is all of this, and vou still have a tonic in J the hypophosphites of lime and soda to act wtxn me ioou. For thin and delicate children there is no remedy superior to it in the world. It means growth, strength, plumpness and comfort to them. Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. jjj 50c. and $ 1 .00, all druggists. fe66ie- G-uardianship Notice. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County. In the mutter of the KUanlliinshli of Snyre Klnehurt. Knrl Ilinehart, Carl Ulnelia:t iiml PhlliV ltlnehart, minors. The petition of Kmlly 11. ltlnehart, Kiianllau of the mlnor above named, having been pre sented to thN court, praying for Ueeiisc to bell thii Interest of salil minor In certain real estate situated In lli-nton county, Oregon, It Is ordered that the hearing thereof be, and It is hereby het, lor Saturday, the 'JOHi day of November. 1897, at the hour of li) o'clock a. m., at thu county courtroom in the courthouse in Dulles City. Oregon, and it is further ordered that the next of kin of said minors and all persons interested in the estate, appear before this Court at said time and place, to show cause why 11 license should not bu granted for the Rale of such estate, and that this order bo served by publication thereof for thiee weeks in Tho Dalles Chronicle. Dalle3 City, Or., Oct. 2., 13J7. ( HOIIEHT MAY?, octiMt County Judge. Executor's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned hits been duly appointed and is now tho itn 11 lied and acting executor of the lat will and te tamcntof Elizabeth J. Holton, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are notified to present them to me, with the proper ouchers therefor, at the oltlce of the county clerk of Waco County, The Dalles', Oregon, within six months frcm the date hereof. Datol September 10, IV.);. splo-1 SIMEON HOLTON, Executor. Executor's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the unrderslgned has been dulv appointed executor o the last will and testament of Mar) 11111, deceased. All persons having claims against ihu estate of said deceased are hereby notified topre.-enttho same, with the proper vouchers therefor, to meat my ot&cu in The Dalles, Oregon, within six months from the dato of this iiotict-. Dated September 10, 1W7. splS-li JOHN MAUDES, Executor. A NEWJARKET. "FRUIT, VEGETABLES, POULTRY, FISH AND GAME. Chickens Dressed to Order. Promt Delivery to any part of the city. A. N. VARNEY, Phone 12. Third and Washiuirton-fSta D S HUNTINGTON. I! 8 WIUOX. HUNTINGTON i WII50N, ATTOHNKYS AT LAW, THE DALLES, OI'.EGON Oilicoover First Nat. liank. Patronize the All kind nf work. White Shirts a specialty. Family work at reduced rctes. Wash collected and delivered free, Telnphoue No. liOl. A. B. ESTEBENET, Agt. J-ytH-UEIUKN-IIOKFrKU ic UUIiDV, Physicians and Surgeous, Special attention given to surgery. Rooms 21 and 2J, Tel. tfiJ. Vogt lllock. Boots and Shoes IHade to Ofdef. A Perfect fit guaranteed. Repairing neatly done at abort notice. Union St. bet. 1st and 2d fgrg"""""" THE:... i A 1 i I vH Weekly Inter Ocean i.v! j HRGKST CIRCULATION OF ANY l It is radically Republican, advocating I tnc cardinal oocinncs 01 uw i with ability and carnestnss''J', rur utcBiri v INTER THE NEWSAND BEST It Is Morally Clean and as a The Literature of Us columns is equal to that of the hest maga zines. It Is Interesting to the chil dren as well as tho parents 'HE INTER OCEAN Is and while it brings t-ut7 rrrrvOT r ..J discussions of all questions of the day. It Is In full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and S discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint. SB5CV5 SI.OO-PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR-SI.00 SBgyS n Mttv Aim emmiT wnlTtflHS OF TBE IHTER OCKAn ARE rrlcoof Dullv Itv mull . . r 1 1 k l... II TT J Dally nnd Htindny oy mitu FOR THE SUBSCRI TWICE fl J V WEEf And roup tlio liciusfit of tho following CLUlJlilNG KATES. CHRONICLE and N. Y. Thrico-u-Weok World $2 00 CHRONICLE and N. Y. Weokly Tribune 1 75 CHRONICLE and Weekly Oregonian 2 2", CHRONICLE and S. F. Weekly Examiner 2 25 WORLD TRIBUNE OREGONIAN EXAMINER For more than fifty-six years it has never failed in its weekly visits to the homes of farmers and villagers throughout the United States. IT HAS faithfully labored for tboir prosperity and happi ness, for the improvement of their business and home l if T .t . ... liuoresis, ior education, lor tlio olovation ol American manhood and truo womanhood. IT HAS told at tho fireside, interesting and instructive stories of the doings of the world, tho nation and slates. IT HAS advised the farmer as to tho most approved motli ods of cultivating and harvesting his crops, and tlio proper time to convert them into tho largest possiblo amount of monoy. IT HAS led in all niattors pertaining to tho wolfaro of (armors and villagers, and for over half a century has hold their confidence and esteem. IT IS THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE and wo furnish il with tho Somi-Weokly Chronicle ono year for $1.75, cash in advance "There is a tide in the affairs oj men which taken at its jlooa Iwdson to fortune" Tho poet unaueatlonablv had roforonco to tho Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets at C RANDALL & BURGET'S, Who are selling theeo goods out at greativ-reduood rat MICHBLBAOH BRICK. . . UNION HT. POLITICAL PAPER IN THE WEST jj vMBut It can always be wiled on J ior lair aim t.v..". .r.w - ---- . lttk.il movnientsk.',,',! OCEAN SUPPLIES ALI. CURRENT LITERATURE , Hi Family IMpcr Is Without a lccr. n M a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, to tlic family inc. rxuwo lie mAtr. lh. K-st and ablctt BEST OF THEIR HBD. , $4.00 per year '.()( r yrnr " i" m mmJS I. FOR THE BE FOUR V PHS BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841. TO THE EKST! 1 (1IVKH THE CHOICE OK TWO Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT NOMTHCHN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. - VIA ( Spokane ! Minneapolis iSt. Paul Salt Lake Denver Omaha I Chicago Ivansas Uity Low Rates to all Eastern Cities OCKAN HT HAM IJICM l.ciivn 1'itrtlMiid i:urv l'li IMiV" fur SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. KteiunorH monthly from Pordnnd to yokolmniuJiiul llinii; Koiir vi North ern Puclllc HtouiiiHliip Co., in connection with O. It. & N. Kor full ilotnllK cull mi t. H U Co. H AjfCllt n Tho Diillca. or mldivn W, II. IIUIll.lll'KT, lcn. I'hkk. ARt l'lirtUnil, Oregon TIMK DA Ull. No. I, to Sikiiiioiuiil (Irviit Nortliem nrrlvci ii 1,1 i'. m., U'iivom nt A:: . in. No. "J, to 1'oiiillt. ton, lliiker City nml Cnioii I'Acllli'.iintvctiit la. 15 it. in., ilciuirtH nt l'J:'i0 ii. in. No 3, from Kpokiuui iiuit (lirnt Norlliurn, nr llM-Mit'J 91a. in., (li'imrUi lit U.il il. III. No. 1, (rout linki r t'lty nml Union 1'ucltlu, urrlvcn nt :i.'.m a. in., ik-part tit :i.:a n, m. Non. 'itiinirj,movtiiKintof Tlio Ditllci, will furry vuAcnm- No. i) nrrlvcx lit ft i, m. ilciuitls ut 1:11 p. in. I'limciiRcrs for Hciiticr tiikii No Ip.ivImr huiuut 1V;.VJ ji. in. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route ok Tin: Southern Pacific Comp'y. Train Ie.nw.Mi ml lire rtuu to nrrlvo at I'ortlninI a It It I vr. ,' ovi:ui,ANi) i:.'i nrr.s. Hiiteni. Hnn- ' I IjII a-, AMilitliil, Hue- I . u ! I rntiu'iitn, OKili'iufitn 1 I I'mnclmii, Jlnjuvi;, f COO I II.iisAIIKCIim.I.I nimi. I Nt'w (jiIciiiih mill 1 1 Kt ii A M "'"'c''urK nml wny ! r. t Dally Hiiinliiya. Via Wixxllmru (nr) Dully except Kllll'luya .Mt.Atik'i'l, Hllvurtim, Wi'.it hull), llriiwux vtllo,tiirliiKiluti nml i.Vutnm .... J 17 m a. m.I "m! w"y i imiki'kndknci: i'.i?Hi:N(ii:it. i:xpa.-s train I.H. m. 7 :)i p. id, M p. III. rl.v. .I'oftluiiil Ar.i ?Ai JlcMlnnvlllo l.v.J (Ar lllik'x.'liilt.'IIC'c'.,I.V.' s.'ini. m fl ,u I II, in I it) n in. Dally. (Dully, uxii-pt HlllliMy. DIN'INCi CAUH OS OCIDIIN HOl'TK. 1'im.i.man nni'i'KT hi.i:i:i'i:hh A.VD HKCONl)-(JI,ABM HI.KKl'lMi (JAltb Att.iolitil to all TlirniiKli Triilni. DlrwjtiMiiiHftlimati-.iiii Kriiiicii'ii with Occl 'ItiiUil anil Oriental nml 1'ncllli' mull ntrmiulilp Illicit fur JAI'AN nml OIll.N'A. HiiIIIiik ilnlin on a; iilli'iilliin. ItaloH ami tlokeu to Kii.tern imiIiiU nml Kii r."'.r..V V'JAl'AN. CHINA, IIOSOU'I.U nml AlhritAl.lA,t'iili Ixliilitiilmil (rum J. II. KIltKI.A.NDMIcket AKC-nt. Tli rtniKh Ticket Ollico, l:it Thlnl Htrwt, wheto throinfli llrkvu to nil pninu in tlio HrniU-m bUlvH, Citiiuiluiiiiil KuroM! can li obtains! at lowest rutuH Irom J. II. KlItKI.ANI), Ticket A?cilt All abovo IraliiH arrlvu at ami depart Iron' (Irnml Central .Station. Hiihiinil IrvuiK alrtxl YAMII1I.I DIVIHIO.V, 1 rturctiKi-r DcK)t, loot of Jertfrmm iitrcot. U-nvo for OHWKdo, ilnlly, oxevpt Himilay, at V'1, '-" ,:M r,:l! fi:'A i. m. (ami UM p, in. on Haliinlay only, ami u:(m a. in ami .1:.M p m, on humlavH only). Arrive at !'""' ' 'O:l0mnlii;:aia m.j nml 1 x, l.l5,li:VOiiiiil7:Wp. m (anil I0:(rt u, in. a-15 o:lUp, m. onhiiiiilayKoiily). (111 tu. ull' if....u u 1.IIA ... Anlvoat I'ortlaml.U;;!!)!,. ,, U'avo for AIU1.IK on iloiiilay, Vtiliienlay ami t-rlmiy , ut !J: 10 ii. in. Artlvo at I'ortlaml, Ws. 'lav, lliurmluy ami Haturilaj it :i;W p. in. ILttcpt hiiiiilay. "Kxtept fintiirilay. )'.. i;oi:iii.i;it, .Miiiihuut. (I. H. MAItKHAM, Ami. O. K. .t l'aMK. Aut Dalles, Moro and Antelope STAGE LINE. ml&!lKM Vl" Va.ley, Kent nOlUll.AH AI.MCN, il,,, Dun,,,. V. M. H IWllCI.AW, Antoloii... StiiK(iH kfiivc 'llio Dallen from Hiniitllla IIoili fh!' ,"!m Anicliiiwt7i)n. in.uvcry a iVt iflw ''"''"y. uimiMwtioiiH "S in fiv. M1",'Vi"r 1 '''"'Vljie. Mitchell ami liai'i Xl .", 'ii !'0". "''"'"vctloiiH muilo t Tho IMIIun with rnllwiiyx, traliiH nml bontH. ci.iHvHK'ri',Mri"il A,ltt'IoU reach Tho Halloa Tiies 'HiyB, IhiirwlayH unil HalurilayN at I:a p. m, DiiIIuh lo Ilenc uiU'H . , ' ii on " Moro .... :.. ' o UrnM Volley ........ i Kent, " ' " Jon i . . . '' uiiw(vn 4 oil AiitcioiKjtooroM hoiiowh . ;. I W vnii. , y iii do Moro !! M jo jjgohuwV, . y.v. ;; i w do UalleH ..Ii;.,, 0 00 Trr Scbllllns'a DMt WI Aai Uhng