The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 10, 1898, Image 3

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We have just received
another shipment of
Tho Greatest value over offered.
A Good heavy Comfort for
50 cents.
Hotter giadoH proportionately reduced.
Children's Hose..
All Wool.
Sizes 5, oh, 0, (h are going at
16 3 cents.
Thete are our regular 25 cent goods.
We have these Overcoats and Ulsters in Frieze and
plain goods; either Grey, Brown or Black in color.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
JANUARY 10, 1891
waysidegleaning S.
Fresh Columbia rlvur sniult at Varnoy
ACo.'s. 10.1 wk
Weather Tonight und Tuesday, fair
and cooler.
Party gloves, complete line, at A. M.
WillianiH & Co.'h.
Call and see what the Commission Co.
can do for you on fresh groceries. 4-tf
Go to the Columbia Candy Factory for
fresli oysters in every style. tf
lluy your goods ut Maier & ltenton's
and get a cliauce free on u steel range.
liny choice green groceries, fish und
poultry from the Commission Com
pany, 4-tf
Tho Prize Medal cigar is strictly hand
made and filled with the finest grade of
Havana tobacco. 0-tf J
If you have money to burn, burn It
by smoking Fonts' Prize Medal nnd
luiso ljuceii cigars. o u
This morning was the coldest we have
hud durin;; the winter, thu thermometer
Htandiiig at til above.
Marriage lictuiHe was issued Saturday
to Oscar 'J. Nelson of Goldundalo and
Miss Wilma Teague of this city.
Smith's Hulled Corn; a delicious
breakfast food. Try it. Pease & Mays
are making a cut price of 10c a can.
When you want a good smoke, lie sure
and call for Fonts' high-crude cigars.
For sulo by all lirst-class dealers., tf
Tho Canyon City Telephone Company
lias completed the double-wire metallic
circuit between liaker City and Canvon
Choice Hhoulwator Day oysters served
in every stylo at the Columbia Candy
Factory. Give us a trial and we will
endeavor to please you.
In the future the U. P. & A. N. Com
pany's steamers, Regulator and Dalles
City, will leave their dock in this city
for Portland at 7:30 a. m.
Aunt Jemima's Pancake Flour; un
excelled for griddle cake, mulllns and
gems. Pease & Mays are making a
price of Id, a package for a short time.
Tho Cambost boys, who were arrested
in MuMiuuville Friday for tho murder
of.Georgo Sngor, view their situation
very coolly, ami there seoms to be grave
doubts as to their guilt.
The ladies of the Good Intent Society
wish to thank Messrs. Geiger and French
and Mr. Max Vogt for so kindly letting
them have thu use of their windows fur
their sale Christmas and New Year's.
The following are the scores for thu
week ending Sunday evening ut thu
club alloys; Monday, Streoter, Oil;
Tuesday, Hostottlor, 03; Wednesday,
iUddoll, 57 ; Thursday, Van Norden, 51 ;
Friday, Houghton, 58; Saturday, Sump
son nnd Ketchuui, 50; Sunday, Ballard.
Kobort Leo was awarded the contract
to carry U, 8. malls between The Dulles
und Prineviile, by way of Boyd, Nun
Bene, Sherar Bridge, Bukeoven, Cross
Keys, Hay Creek nnd Grizzley. Price,
5,B00. W. II. Franklin secured the
contruct between Bukeoven uud An
telope for $1,500.
The higliost daily bowling score for
tho Umutillu House nlleyB for the week
ending yesterduy were: Monday, C
J'runk 50; Tuesday, C Frank, f4
Wednesday, C Frunk 52 ; Thursday, O
J' rank 56; Friday, C Phillips 08; Satur
day, C Frank 55 ; Sunday, C Schmidt
55. '
Tickets for tho Elk's ehnrity ballj
which will take place Friduy night al
the Vogt, are selling fast. Everyone,
whether tliey dance or not, seems to bo
ready to help that society out in its
good work, and no one doubts that lit
will be u grand Biiccess, financially and
socially. 1
"l.ust liTght tho Gosang Vereiu Har
monic, or German society, of this city,
had ono of their monthly parties. A
program wasrondored, after which danc
ing was indulged in until the partici
pants wore warned by the uppioueh of u
jjusw day that their plunsureB must end.
Sumptuous refreshments were served
and as usual everyono enjoyed them
selves to the full extent.
One of the lurgost church gatherings
which ever assembled in this city
was the one which greeted Kev. Bolt;:
at the Christian church last night,
ninny boing forced to uiru aw ay by thcl
lack of even sutlicieut standing room.
lne revival continues during tho preeen
week with increasing interest. The
subject for discussion tonight will bo
"Tho Convorsiou of thu Greatest Sinner
on harm.
John Blackwell, living just east of
Long Creek, lies at his home seriously
injured, ins horse having fallen witli
him a few days ago, Mr. Blackwell wns
chasing a coyote on horseback, with his
hounds, when his horeo stepped into a
hole and fell, throwing him and bruising.
lam badly. No bones weru broken and
ho will recover. Tho horse fell with ittf
bond against a rock, breaking its nose
and laying bare its entire skull.
Challenges from thu Willamette Ath
letic Club football team, the Albina
team and tho Itumblers havo been re
ceived, but us yot our team lias not de
cided as to when another game will be
played, or what challenge will bo ac
cepted. Our boys put up a good game
before and can do so again, and the hos
pitable treatment the Portland players
received on tho lust occasion makes them
desirous to como to our city for another
Tliis morning Sheriff Driver received
a letter from the authorities ut Eugene
containing u check which hud been
forged in that city on the 8th of Decem
ber. Thu writing is similar to that
which was on the check pnssed on Pease
& Mays a few days ago, und it looks very
much us if Cluud liice, who is ut present
in jail ut this place for the latter for
gery, may also be tho man who com
mitted the former, In Eugene he
bought a suit of clothes uud gave the
..A Seasonable Offer
Our $1 .00, $1 .25 and $1 .50 values for
75 cents.
This in ono of tins best offers of tho Yenr.
and Ulsters....
Our regular .$10 values for. ...$.7. 85
Our regular $18.50 values $9.65
Our regular $15 values for $11.35
check in payment, aB he did in this city
An investigation is being made at pres
ent in order to find out as to whether or
not the clothes lie had ou are the same
that he purchased in Eugene.
I'lttNuiit Itlrtlulay.
Mrs. D. M. rrench gave her little
'daughter, Constance, a "birtbciay party
Saturday, and the brightveunny after-
j noon was just Euch as seventeen young
miBBes needed for celebrating Buch a
happy occasion.
Among the gifts was a parlor bowling
alley, which nfforded great amuBement
for nil. Cocked Hat was played accord
ing to the very latest rules, Mrs. Hal
French keeping the Bcore. The cham
pion player waa Delia Young, whose
score was 110. Other amueing games
were heartily enjoyed, ub ringing peals
of laughter frequently testified.
At 5 ail hastened to the dicing rooms,
seats at tho table being marked by cards
showing a handsome girlieh figure, and
guests' initial, tho work of Miss Eess
Fruneh. In the center of the table was
tho birthday cake, with its twelve
lighted candles, these being blown out
by the guests as the feast began. Cakes,
nuts, candies and'orangea quickly disap
peared, and amid shoutings of "Good
time!" "Goodnight!" they went out
into the beautiful evening ou their
ho mo ward way.
Those present were: Misses Delia
Young, Helen Lytle, Helen Huntington,
Hazel Waud, Ella McCoy, Sophora
Harris, Hazel Herbert, Joyce Herbert,
Trudiu Rowland, Lotn Kolsay, Lelia
Kelpay, Dm Moody, Lulu Niuhole, Una
Wilson, Aunio Reynolds and Winifred
Ben Snipes left for Seattle yesterday.
Captain Blowers of Hood River is in
the city.
Emil Schanno left for Portland on
business today.
Frank French left for Portland on the
fl :30 traiu today.
Justico Brigham was in tho city yes
terday from Duiur.
J. W. Armswortliy, of tho Wasco
News, returned home yesterday.
Mrs. L..Clnrko left for Moro yesterday
to Bpond a fow weeks visiting "relatives.
Samuel Farroll, of the firm of Ever
ding & Farrell of Porthuid, is in the
V. C. Brock of Wasco, who has been
in the city ou business, returned home
last night.
'"'TPap' Stroud, an old-time couductor
on the Oregon & California Railroad, is
in thu city today.
Mrs. J. B. llavorly and daughter of
Dufur roturned Saturday from u visit of
u fow weeks in California,
Olinrles Butler of Port Townsend was
in tho city yesterday. Ho is in Eastorn
Oregon for tho purpose of purchasing
cuttle and sheop to ship to thu Sound,
Ouali In Vuur OliuokR.
All county warruuts registered prior
to July 11, 1803, will be paid ut my
oflice. Interest ceases after Dec. 23d,
1807. O. L. Phillips,
County Treasurer.
During January and Feb
ruary wo will give to every
pdrson buying Ono Dollar's
worth of goods at our store a
chance on a Sixty-Dollar
Which was manufactured
by the Michigan Stove Co.
Drawing to come oil the 28tl
day of February, 1898.
Chadwick Marshall, the Suapected Mnr-
ilerer, Mobbed.
Chadwick Marshall, the suspected
murderer of young Hayden, near Farm
ington, on the night of October 22d, was
taken from the jail at Colfax at 2 o'clock
Saturday morning, and hanged to the
west wall of the court house.
triday there was a suspicion that a
mob was collecting, but the officers made
no preparation to resist. A few min
utes after 1 o'clock a body of masked
men marched up Mill street, east of the
Jailer Treff, who was the onlv officer
about the courthouse, was awakened and
told that an officer wanted a prisoner
locked up. On coming out he was con
fronted by the masked men with cocked
revolvers, and told that the mob wanted
to hang "Blaekey," Chadwick Marshall
and "Dakota Slim" McDonald. The
keys were demanded and the officer, de
IFvered them up to the mob.
Twelve members of tho mob then
entered the j.iil, taking Treff with them.
When the mob came to the cell where
"Dakota Slim" was confined he pro
tested his innocence, and said:
"Take 'Blaekey,' who admits his
guilt, and if he implicates me I will go."
This was considered fair, and they
proceeded to "BIackey's"cell, and awak
ened the inmate. He had only time jo
cry out: ''Don't hurt me. Before God
1 am innocent," when a member of the
mob struck him a heavy blow over the
head with an iron bar, stunning him.
A ropo was then fastened around
Blackey's neck and he was dragged and
carried to tho superior courtroom, where
the other end of the eight-foot rope was
made fust and his body hurled out of the
window, head foremost.
While this was being done a part of
tho mob went .back to "Dakota's" cell
again, and found that he had the key
hole stuffed witli rags in such a manner
as to provent their entering, keeping
his body protected by tho inner cell
door, which is of solid steel.
Finally one of tho members of the
mob succeeded in getting a glimpse of
"Dakota's" shoulder and fired at him.
Ho fell to the floor exclaiming: 'My
God, they havo killed mo."
After considerable wrangling as to
whether or not another shot was nee-
entry, it was decided that ho was dead,
and tho mob withdrew. "DnkolaV?
injuries, however, were not serious, i
It is evident that the mob was influx
onced by the action of the courtV
Wednesday, when, on motion of thu de
fense, information charging tiie men
with murder was quashed, because no
preliminary examination had been held.
I'lieijiM-Moody Tnuruuiueut.
The h,Jt four games of the tournament
between tho Phelps team and that of
Moody's alloy was played yesterday af
ternoon, two games being played at
Moody's alley and two at Phelps'.
Throughout the entire tournament tho
teams were well matched, and not until
alter the last game was played wns there
U1I509 lir -
And can now supply our customers.
The UVilson is tho only Air Tight stove
with Outside Tube draft. Sold only by
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To be sold at the Lowest Market Kates.
Phone 25.
For Sweet Cliarity's Sale.
The entire net proceeds
x - j 1
those who wish to give for the sake of giving may find this
a good opportunity
The Charitv Ball will be the errand social event of the
season The following committees will have charge of tho
various arrangements
Ixjiikdak1, F W Wilson,
llonn, Georgo Fcrgusson, T J Driver.
FLOOR AND MUSIC COMMITTEE O L Phillips, Max A Vogt, Joseph Jioun, Fred W Wilson,
COMMITTEE ON TICKETS Fletcher Faulkner, W A Johnston, W E Wulthers, E O McCoy,
Tickets may bo eecured from
Tickets -
any certainty as to who would come out
victorious. The totals were as follows in
the four games played yesterday :
'HI. . .
312 . .
The total
First Game. .
b'econil Game..
. Thjnl Game (171)
.Fourth Game irJU
number of pins made by
Phelps' t';am was 2104, while their op
panents made but 2074, being defeated
by 30 pins.
Nelsou-Teucuo Marriage,.
Yesterday afternoon at tho residence
of E. C. Teague of this city, Uev. W. C.
Curtis, pastor of the Congregational
church, united in marriage Ofcar G.
Nelson of tloldendalo and Mies Wilma
Teague of The Dalles.
Miss Teague is well and favorably
known in our city, while Mr. Nelson is
one of the proprietors of tho Goldendale
Agriculturist and has tho reputation of
being an enterprieing young man of
considerable ability, as his work on the
Agriculturist shows.
v""Tfie newly-married couple left for
their homo in Goldendale, by way of
Grants, on tho night train.
The Chuo.sicj-k scribe oilers the cou
ple congratulations, aB well as his ben
ediction, and hopes that the Agricul
turist, as well as its proprietor and his
bride, will enjoy a long uud prosperous
Came to our place alwui August 1st,
last, a roan cow: brand Indistinct.
Owner can have same by paying all
cnarges, Aiooitu uuos
Three Mile.
Wo have strictly First-Class
J. T. Peters & Co.
14th, 1898.
will be devoted to Charitv. and
S Fish, ('. 1. I'lilUlpv-W L BraiMiaw, R II
Sonfert, J A Douthlt, W II Moody, W F Johnson.
C Rlakcley, L E Crowe.
W Do Huff, J A Mac Arthur, E M Wlngate, Gus
M Kelsay, J 11 Crossen, A S Mac Allister, John C
tho Committee on Tickets.
Uids for tho excavation for the Wasco
warehouse, according to tho plans and
specifications on file at tho oflico of C. J.
Crandall, will be received up to Jauiury
7, 1898. Tho right is reserved to reject
auv and all bids.
The Dalles, Dec. 31, 1S97.
Deep In It.
That's what we are. We've got more
books than wo know what to do vith.
Help us to lesEon our stock. Of cjiuso
we must oiler some inducement to you.
Wo havo a full lino of all tho now and
interesting novels. We will sell them
at a reduced price, with uxception of
Webster's Dictionaries and School Hooks.
I will sell all Hooks dining this month
at uosr.
1. C. Nickelsen
Book St music Company,