The Dalles Daily Chronicle. Tke only Republican Daily Newtpapn on Wasco County. EASTERN OFFICE-30 to 34 Temple Court, N. 1. City. E. KATZ, Agent. Weekly ClulililtiR llntes. Chronicle and Oregoninn if- '-o Chrouiclennd Examiner " -5 Chronicle und Inter Ocean 1.85 Chronicle nnd Tribune 1 " Chronicle and N. Y. World 2 00 MONDAY - JANUARY 10, 1S9S CANDY FOll KLONDIKE MINERS. This Klondike relief expedition has the appearance of being a large-sized fake. There is no direct informa tion that any need of food exists at Dawson City; in fact, the latest re ports from there state that there is plenty, with good management, to last till spring. At Fort Yukon, four hundred miles down the river, there is an ample supply, and the con ditions of reaching there are compar atively easy as things go in Alaska. !No one would hesitate in sending re lief were it known that there was need of it in Klondike, but to incur great expense and hardship to force food on men when it is not shown they will be in any want of it, hardly has the appearance of wisdom. As an advertisement for Portland the proposed relief expedition is a good thing, and if there is to be one, we hope Portland will make every thing possible out of it. But to use the government money in trans porting candy, chocolate, condensed milk, vinegar and buiter across hun dreds of miles of snow mountains, is almost ridiculous. We hope the Klondike miners will not complain of the quality of the candy or the flavor of the chocolate when they get it. A CHANGE OF HEART. That the Oregonian has announced itself as in favorot election of United States senators by popular vote, in dicates that this much-needed reform is gaiuing ground. It is not many years ago that Senator Mitchell in troduced his first resolution into congress providing for an amend ment to the federal coustitution whereby senators should be elected by popular vote. That resolution was promptly voted down by sena tors of the Corbett typet who knew that their re-election, if m the hands of the people, would be extremely uncertain and improbable. A popular vote in the state of Or egon for United States senator at this juncture would, without ques tion, send Mr. Corbett back to Port land and, by an overwhelming ma jority, send John II. Mitchell back to the senate.. This condition of affairs most strongly illustrates the fact that even in this free country the voice of the people does not always rule. Portland Tribune. ' Few men in American politics oc cupy a more unenviable position jus now than does Governor Bushnell of Ohio. The protest which is arising from nil portions of the state against his interference in the senatorial con test cannot fail of making the guber natorial ears tingle. Bushnell is one of those politicians who think any thing is fair in politics; but the con demnation which his course lias re ccived will probably cause a change of views. Hanna is not the greatest statesman Ohio ever produced, and there may be abler men who could be chosen to represent that state in the national senate, but Hanna was the acknowledged candidate of the Republican party, and the Republi can nominees for the legislature were elected with the understanding they should vote for him. To refuse now is to break n solemn pledge, and one which will make the promise of the Republican party valueless in the future. The indications favor Han na 8 election, and should that be brought about, the place .that Bush nell and his gang occupy in the esti mation of tho people of Ohio will be represented by a vacuum. NEWS NOTEsT A report received this morning states that the Bnker county robbers lmvu been captured. Lain ranorts state that It is not at all likely that Senator Corbett will meet with n defcit. Saturday two Seminole were burned at tho stake In the Indian Territory for the murder of Mrs. Simon. Thirty-two persons were injved in a train wreck in Alabama yesterday, sev eral have received fatal Injuries. It is Spain's intention to conduct tho Cuban war in a nioro humane manner. Additional troops will bo sent to the island. Hanna now to :1s confident of election and claims seventy-five votes in sicht. Ilia onponent8 eav that they hate votes to spare in defeatine him. Members or the McKlnloy Club of Tlif Vallea. You are hereby requested to be pres ent at a meeting of tho McKinloy club, to be held at the court house, Saturday evening January 15tb, at S o'clock for the purpose of electing representa tives to attend a meeting of the repub hcan league of Oregon, to be held in Portland, Tuesday February 1, 189S. L. E. Ckowk, Pres. G. J. F.U5LKY, Sec. lteil Sleu, Attention! All members of Wasco Tribe, I. 0. R. M.( are requested to be present at the kindling of the council tiro Tuesday, January 11th. A pale-face will be scalped and corn and venison will be served in abundance by the newly-raised chiefs. Sheriff's Sale. Notice Is hcrebv given that by virtue of an ex criitinti issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County, in the suit therein pending, wnereinu. a. usgooa is jiiaiiu ill and Ida Dunn, Spencer W. Dunn, George II. Dunn. Harvey W. Dunn and Mary Dunn and N. Whealdon. as administrator of the estate of William II. Dunn, deceased, are defendant. commanding me to sell the real property here inafter described, l win, on Saturday, me oin day of February, 1S9S, at the hour 01 '2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the courthouse door In Dalles City, Oregon, sell to the highest b!dler for cash in hand, all of lot C, and the east half of lot S, in block Si of Humason's Illuil' Addition to Dalles Olty, Oregon: together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and ap pursuances thereunto belonging, or In anywise appertaining, to satisfy the sum of ?11 11.7'J, and accruing interest, and ?G0 attorney's fees, and J2J.I0 costs and disbursements and the accruing costs. T.J.DK1VEK, j.mS-il Sheritl of Wasco County, Or. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been regularly appointed administrator of the estate of Henrv A. Baker, deceased, bv order of the county court of the State of Oregou ior wasco county, aateu tne Bin uny oi uecemccr, 1S97. All persons having claims against said estate are hercbv reouired to nresent thu tame. duly verified, to the administrator at The Knllex, uregon, wunin six mourns irom mouaiuoi this notice. Dalles City, Oregon, Dec. 10, 1897. C. W. MKTZKI., declMi Administrator. To Cure a Cola In Duo Day. Take Laxative Brorno Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if they fail to cure. 25c, Dr.GUNN'S? For People That Are ft II ft Siok or "Just Don't riLLd Peel Well." ONLY ONE FOR A DOSE. Remotes Pimples, curt Headache, dyspepsia and Costhentts. 25 cts. a box at druggiiu or br mail Samples Fre. address Of, Bosanko Co. fhtls. i'a. Regulator Line The Dalles, Portlanft aDi Astoria Navigation Co.' strs. Regulator & Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE BETWJJEN This Dalles, Hood Itlver, facade Ioeks and Port laud dally, i'U'f nt Sunday. DOWN THE VALLEY on to EASTERN OREGON? Are yon going If ho, s.ivn money and enjoy a beautiful trip on tho Columbia. The west-bound train arrives at 1 liu Dalles in amnio for pawntftrH to take thu steamer, arriving In Portland In tlwo for tho outgoing (Southern ami Northern trulim; Hunt bound pakkengers arriving la Tho Unlit In time to take tho East-bound train. For further Information apply to J. N. IIAHNKY, Agent, Oak Street Dock. Portland. Oregon, Or W C. AJ.I.AWAY, litn. At 'I Im DhIIk., Urt'ijon THE NEW YORK WORLD THRICE-R-WEEK EDITION. 18 l'mces n Wk. 100 I'ner i Yenr It stands tlrat among "weekly" papers in eizo, frequency of publication freshness, variety anil reliability of cot. ........ i, .,.r.,i,iii v a itnllv nt tho Ion price o a weekly: anil Its vast Imt of subscribers, extending to every state anil terrltorv of the Union anil foreign couu tries, will vouch for tho accuracy anil fairness of its news columns. It is splendidly illustrated, and among Its special features are a fine humor piijje, exhaustive market reports, all the f.....,i f0i,;.Mu fnr wnniiTi and a Ion Beries of stories by the greatest living American and English authors, C'utian Doyle, .loronio K. .lornius), Stanley Wcyman, Mnry K. WilUInx Anthony llovo, Hret lliirte, Itraniler Matthew, Etc. iv. nir.r tiiia imtviniilpii nnwsoanerand The Dalles Twice-a-Week Chronicle to gether one year for $i.00. Tho regular price of the twD papers is f3.00. Joseph sHnpon HAS OPEIIKD A HARNESS SHOP IN THK KAST END, in the Colum bia Ketil Yard, opposite Saltmarsbe's Stoekyanis, where ho is ready to do fill Kinds of HaPness Work. Jieux Yea Expediences. Let the memory of the old year Ik the experience that, shall guide you through the now. You remember where you have pains and pleasures. Good health brought tho pleasure, bad health brought the pain. If you want good health you will net it throuah trood medicine. We nso nothing but the best anil finest drugs in Compounding. ItKLIADLE I'HAlt.MACISTS. 115 Secoua Street. THE DALLES, holiday Improvements. You want paper which makes your holiday enjoyment greater. You want paper which makea your home pleaBanter at all tunes. You need finch shades and designs as will give more beauty and more comfort in your home. We show you stylos that exceed any ever seen hero at prices never attempted for such quality. D. W. VAUSE, Third St. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL WaMmakerl Jeweler All work promptly stteaded to, ud warrautod. 174 VOGT BLOCK. $250,000 a Tho Best S SmokingTobaeco Made Wholesale . Olines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED ANHEUSER-BUSCH HOP GOLD Anheuser-Busch Malt beverage, unequaled as a STUBLING & WILLIAMS. Closing -OF- FURNITURE CARPETS PRITCZ c NITSCHKE Are going to close out their business, and they are ofloring their hirce Htock at COST PRICKS. Kow is the timu to huy good Furniture cheap. All persona knowing thcmeeivcH imlebted to said firm nre rciiueated to call and kettle their account. Jfye posbffiee piarmay, CLARKE & FALK, Proprietors. Puve 1Dpuq and JVIedicin c. Toilet Artiok'S and rorfuinory, pist t)i of lnporced aid Domestic iars. Telephone, 333. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. GEORGE RUCH, Pionr : 7. Z. DONNELL, PESCIPTIO tUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., Subscribe for The Chronicle ToBi Away this your in vnltmble articles to smokers of Blackwell's is o O 5' 8 a k n e c IS ts tt n Ccsucino Tobacco You will find one coupon in side each 2-otuico bag, and two coupottB inuiilc each .(-ounce bag. Huy n bag, read the coupon nnd sec how to ct your snare. and BEER on drauRht and In bottles. Nutrine, a non-alcoholic tonic. Out Sale New Vogt Block, THE A LLES, OK QRTHERN PACIFIC RY. s Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car HT. PAUL .MINNKAI'OI.I liri.UTH I'A lt() itt vni rim (MtOOKSTON WINNIl'KO IIKI.I1NA Hti HltTTK Pullman Elecent Tourist TO Through Tickets imiUAii" MAHIUNIITON rllll.AIM'.l.l'HIA NUW VOItK ItUHTON AND AM, l'UINTH KAHT mill HOUT1I K.irliifortiiiillon, lime vnnU, uinpmitul tlckcu, cut on ur wrlto tn W. C ALLA WAY. ARont, TlielMlli'n.OrsKoa Oll- A. 1). CHARLTON. AhbL G. P. A., AVI, Miirrlnon Cor. Tlilnl. I'ortlHiiil O niton ItVALIi PflPEI WALL PflPEll Just Received 5000 liolls of Wall Papor. The host piittonis. Tho most bountiful colors. New Invoice of Paints and Oils. Anj color or brand supplied. if; DOORS, WINDOYS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. ZE3I. GLBN3ST. J. 8. HOIIKHK, II. M. lIKAl , l'Tuslilciit. (,'nib!tt First National Bank. THE DALLES, - - - OREClON A Uonorul limiking ItiifiineaH trunmictiw DojiohUh reculved, Hubjuct to Bight Draft or Oliect). , UolIectltniH inutli) mill lirucuwla prouiptlj rmnltteil on iluv of eolloctlon. hiKht nntl TolcKrnnhii! Excliungo eolil oa Now York, Snn Frnncisco unci port liinil. I). P. TllOMl-HON. JNO. 8. HOHKNC hn. M. VlI,l,IAMH, Gmo. A. LlKHli H. M. Uicai.i,. Strayed. Strnyed from Dnfur, Or., itbout IM liiHt ot July, two Imy liormiH, of ubooi u llglit buy, hruuilud 5 on rlht hip; b otliur a Uiirk buy, branded HF (connc i'il) on lft HbouliJor. Information lew; nt, uiu iwcuvurv oi Ulllltir, or umni' tbi'eo hortefl will bo rowanlHil by tw N Sullies Drug nniKMir ownor. iuv. John Evanh. dc11-lin-Il Columbia, Wb