The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 10, 1898, Image 1

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k Dalles
koyul make (he load pure,
wholcxnme and delicious.
Determined on the Capture
of Klmrlouin.
Cx-KInc MIIiiii'h AiMillitiui)lit l.nmlnti
Houlitty UiipiK'iiliiKu I'olllluH In
London, .lim.8. Hie official statement
that tlio military tuetlcH in KtiVI't aro
purely defensive nro not credited. Tho
greatest activity is manifested in all
quarters. ImmcnBo quantities of am
munition ami food uro being forwarded
to tho front, and it is whispered in mi
itary circles that tliin meutiH that tho
miniHtorH tluaiiu to incut parliament
with Khartoum in tluiir liunda, so that
tho triumphs in Africa niav oH'not the
blunders in India. Evon with tho live
lifHt cd'ortH. however, tho timo inter
vening will liurdly BUflluo for a coup in
thu Soudan. Tho Anglo-Egyptian forco
cotisiKtB of 18,(I0 Egyptians, HO battal-
ioiiB of Itritiali troops, and tho Kilo gun
hoatB, nil commanded by Sir
ilorliort Kitchener. Tho lattor refuses
to allow tho wur correspondent to go bo
yond tbu oud of tho railway.
A luttor Iiiih been received from a
llritiah officer serving in tho Soudan,
who BayB that ainco July tlio dervishes
' have killed ovor 2,000 of the Lualii
tribe, and ho udda that tho women and
children who nro homeless and starving
numher 5,000 aoula.
Tlio Statiflt expresses the opinion tliat
tho fact that u resolution haa been
introduced in congress to pay tho in-tori-Rt
on tlio United Status debt either
in gold or ailvor indicates thai there io
little chnnce of any reform of tho cur
rency by tho present congress, "in spite
of Secretary tinge's confidence" and re
grets that, under the circuiiiBtaucea, it
is obliged to continue cautioning lSiit
iali clti.uua ana in at investing in Ameri
ca until the currency question it set
tled Tlio Statiat further guys :
"Under ordinary circumatanceB wo
would like much of our Having invested
in tlio United Status, where a majority
of tho citizens aro of our kin, and whom
wo deairo to aeo proHporoua.
Tho Statist admits that tho pruaonl
prosperity of tho United Statea would
warrant largo investments "but for tho
uilvor nightmare, wliich is ovor threat
ening," concluding:
"l ho present prices aro so tempting
that it is much to bo regretted that there
is no dofinito prospect that congress will
tuko elleetlvil Hhlim In iillnv fliiiun rnra "
J ho I'arnollitos will introduco thoir
cuatomary aninooty ameiulmont to tho
queen's speech at tho opening of parlia
ment. Tho Gazettoof Wednesday notifies tho
public of tho neutralization of Professor
Horhort Ilerkoiuor, H. A., and Alma
Tadoniu, It. A. Incidentally it Baya
that liorkonier'u nationality is un
known. Tlio case of Mrs. Florence Maybriek
will )irobably bo reopunud shortly in an
other form.
Important evidence in favor of Mrs.
Edith Carow bus boon discovered, ami
an inlluoutially Bigned potitinu to tho
quoon asking for hor retrial in England
is being prepared.
Everybody reads Tiik Cuiiokioi.k.
Absolutely Pure
Ill Olilon limn.
People overlooked tho importance of
permanently beneficial effects, and were
satisfied with transient action ; but now
Sheriff's Sale.
Notice is ' ercby elven that under nnrt by vir
tue ol mi execution nnd order of Mile, imued l
that It is generally known that Syrup of tf$ZtiW$t tSS
Tint wore ot little troulilcH
tlmt bother baby oluifluu
iiliniileM, buriiH, k'wIiIn, tcalp
troutiluN nil villi bo cured by
IIIU ll.U til
Goplond'o "Hoppy
Thought" Salve.
Kiifo, clean, lament remedy.
No uoIhoiiouh BiatorlulsUBcd.
Pko bo oanta.
Work for Ton Tliounantl.
lUi.riMoiti:, Jan. 8. All tho window
glass factorieB in tho country under tho
control of tho American Window Glass
Company, will ho putin operation today.
Thia will give employment to 10,000
Aiiiix animu a, Ind., Jan. 8. VVindow
gluaa factories employing lU.OOO men
commenced work ibis morning. A big
jolificatiou was held and the men danced
until timo to go to work. A ecurcity of
houses is keeping tho fumiliea of a num
ber of men away, und 250 Iioubob are
Itohlind tlio (iniTii.
A startling incident of which Mr. Join
Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject
ib narrated by him aB follows: 1 was in
a moat dreadful condition. Mv skin
was almoBt yellow, eyea aunken, tongue
coated, pain continually In back and
sines, uo appetite gradually growing
weukurday by duy. Three phyaiciana
had given me up. fortunately, a friend
advised trying 'Electric Bitters,' und to
my great joy and aurpriBu, tho firat bot
tle made a decided improyeinunt I con
tinued their use for three weeks, and urn
now a well man. I know they saved
my lilo and robbed tho grave of anothor
victim." No oneehould fail totry thotn.
Only CO cents per bottle ut lllukeley &
Houghton's drug atoro.
TiiIiuccii WiirehouHo lluruod.
St. Louis, Jun. 8, Fire touicht in
OliriBtiuu Topper's six-story brick to
bacco warehouse, at Twelfth and Mar
ket atreetB, cauBed a lose eatimated at
$400,000. Tho building contained ovor
5000 hogshoads of tobacco, of which
1500 hogBlteuds belonged to ChriBtiau
Pepper, nnd about UjOO hogsheads were
stored by other merchants. Tho build-
ng and all its coutuntB oiu destroyed.
Mr. Popper's loss on tobacco is $100,000,
covered by insurance ot 80 per cent.
iiuw'a ThiHt
Wo oiler one hundred dollard reward
for any caeo of Catarrh that can not be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
K. J. Oiiknky & Co. Props., Toledo, O.
We, tho undersigned, have known F.
J. Clionoy for tho last 15 yours, and be
lieve him perfectly honorablo in all busi
neaa transactions nnd financially able to
carry out any obligations made by their
West k Truax, Wholesale Druggists, To
ledo, O., Walding, Kinnan & Marvin,
WholeBalo Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally, acting directly upon tho blood aud
mucoiiB aurfaces of tlio aystein. Pricot
75c. per bottle. Sold bv nil A 111 I'iri H t
Teatimoniala freo. 1.5-9
Figs will permanently overcomo habit
unl constipations, well informed people
will not buy other laxatives, which act
for a time, but finally injure tho system
T5uy tho genuine made by the California
1-ig Syrup Co.
P.uoklon'H Annua aulve.
i lie best salve in tne world for cuts,
hruiaos, sorea, ulcors, salt rheum, level
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
lively cui us piies, or no pay required
It ia guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per bor. For sale Dy Blakeley and
nongnton, .lniKtrists.
Itcnnntnil by tho Chlnosn.
Pi:ki.sci, Jan. 8. Tho Chinese uuiver-
Biuy resent tne government concession
to Germanv.
becember, ISO"
1 v.:iiiij;i t
7, in n
1S97. linon n deereo nnd
lliereln on Ibe flrht dny of
Milt then find thnmofnro tip.nrilni?- u'linrein
Northern Counties Investment Trust, Limited, a
uoriioraiioii, mils jiinintlll, mid Alary J. bmitli
.Iniiies 41. Smith. Jr.. Klnni A. Smith and Clem
Smith, were flefundantK, I did on the 11th day of
December, 1S97, duly levy ujion, and will, on
Wednesday, the l!Hh (lay of January, lfi9S, at the
lunirioi one o ciock in 1110 aiicrnoon 01 saia aay,
at the front door of the county court house. In
Dalles City, Wntcn County, Oregon, sell at pub
lic auction, to tho highest bidder, for cash In
hand, tlio following described real estate, to
Wit: Iits .ri and r, In block K-inolillti't Addl.
tlon to The Dalles City, and I)t 2 in Itlock 2, in
Trcvitt's Addition to The Dalles City, all In
viasco county, Oreeon, together with all and
singular the tenements, hereditaments, and an-
ncrtcnanccs thereunto belonging or in any wise
iippunamiiig, or so mucn mcreoi as snail De
necessary to satisfy and nnv the snld st-vcral
sums due to pluititlirmentioacd in said writ, to
wit: fiflXiM, and Interest thereon from the
flrstday of Deeember, 1S97, at the rate of eight
per cent, jicr annum; the further mm of $200.00
an a reasonable aitornov'K ine. nun the costs ana
disbursements of said suit, 'taxed and allowed
at $23.00, together with accruing costs and ex
penses oi suen sine.
Dated at Dalles City. Oreeon. this ISth dav of
December, 1897.
1 . J. UKIVKK,
Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon.
Mr. Klisha Berry, of this place says he
never had anything do him so much
good and give such quick relief from
rheumatism as Chamberlain's Pain
Balm. He was bothered greatly with
shooting pains from hip to knee until he
used this liniment, which affords prompt
renei. u. i. uater, drugcist, St. Paris,
unio. iorsaleby Ulakeley & Hough
Sheriff's Sale.
Itnlnforclnc Ui 1'rrneh Fleet.
Toulon, Jan. 8. The French second
cliiss cruiser Pascal sailed from here to
day to reinforce the French fleet in Chi
nese wuters.
Notice fs hcrebv elven that under nnd hv rlr.
tue of an execution and order of sale issued out
of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Wasco, and to me directed and
'cllvered, upon a judgment and decree rendered
and entered in said court on the fcth day of No
vember, KS97, in favor of A. B. Jones, plalntiir,
and against It. K. Fewel, defendant, for the sum
of- two hundrul and seventy-six aud 25-100
i$27G.2.') dollars, together with interest thereon,
since iiaj 1, IfeSO. at the rate of ten percent per
annum, and thirty (f:i0) dollars attorney fees:
ana the further snm of eleven ($11) dollars costs,
which said judement was enrollfd and docketed
in uie oiuee oi me cleric of said court in said
county on the 8th day of November, 1S97; and
whereby it was further ordered and decreed by
the Court that the following described property,
lu-w III
lleclunlnc at n noint 1S.S9 chains west of the
line between sections thirtv-fivc and thirtv-six.
in township three north of range ten east of the
"jiuimeiie .Meridian, being the western term-
am es
south C.85 chains, and thence west 6.85 chuins to
nl ate of beulnnlinr. containimr six acres, more
or less, and being the same premises sold by the
sam a. i). j ones to tne sola il. . rewei, in
Wasco County. Oreeon.
be sold to satisfy said judgment, attorney fees,
costs and iiccruine costs. I will, on Tuesday, the
8th day of February, 189S, at 2 o'clock p. m. of
said day, at the front door of the courthouse In
Dunes city. Wasco Co.. Or..selI all thericht. title
und interest of the bald K. E. Fewel in and to the
above described property, at public auction to
the highest bidder lor cash in hand, the pro
ceeds arising from said sale to be applied to the
satisfaction of said iudirment. attorney's fee.
costs and accruing costs, and the surplus, if any
theie be, to be paid into court, and there to re
main until the lurther order of this court.
dec2-M SheriU'of Wusco Couutv, (Jr.
Will Auk For hu Advance.
Coi.u.miiuh, Jan. 8. Tlio Ohio minor's
convention today decided to ask for an
adviuico of three conts per ton when tho
contract for next year is mad?.
Tim UlMuivery of tlio Dny.
Aug. J. Bogel, the leading druggist of
Shroveport, Ln., says: "Dr. King's
Now Discovery is tho only thing that
cures my cough, mid it is tho beat seller
1 liuvo." J. F. Ouinpboll, merchant of
Suflbrda, Ariz., writes: "Dr. King's
Now Discovery is all that ia claimed for
it ; it never falls, and is a euro cure for
Consumption, Colds and Coughs. I
cannot say enough for its merits." Dr.
King's New Dlacovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds la uo experiment. It
has boon triad for a quarter of a century,
nnd today atands at tho head. It never
disappoiita. Free. trial bottles At Blake
ley & Houghton's drug store, 0
To Kxcliange.
Twenty-four niilea west of Spokane
anu two anu oue-ha i from Deer Park.
on the Spokune Falls & Northern, is the Inus of the north boundary line of the J
SaZ Lr,rtif1la"d WbiCh dfV MTcFcfigN
exctiance for residence nrnnrtv in The ....nth r. en v,,.i .ct:i,..i
Dalles: One hundred and forty acres
seventeen cleared, one paled in garden.
rtve-room, new house; two-story barn,
nnd several other buildings. Value,
L-au at sentinel omce. u-iw
The Aincrloun W. C. T. V. Helped
Malntalu Tliriu.
During the lutter jKirt of the cam
paiini in Ci recce excellent- service was
tkmc in the Held hospitals by a few
lnjrlish Jiurscs who left home to care
for the wounded soldiers in the Oreek
iirmy. The prineess- of Wales was much
interested in the project, and lent her
influence to uid it, nnd Lady Henry
Somerset took an active jxart in the ar
rangements for the muxes' departure,
nays the New York Tribune.
This couuiry also had its part in the
nlTnir, for the National V. C. T. U.sent,
through liss Prances Willnrd, $1,000,
representing the expenses of sending
line nurse. The women, who worn all
enthusiastic for the CJreck cause and
experienced in hospital work, seiiled
from Jioudoti and arrived a few weeks
ngo at Athens, rj'liey were heartily
weleomed1 there, nnd the neoiile who
had assembled to tfreet them cheered
them warmly as they landed. The work
which was assigned to them was tax
ing' to their strength nnd frequently of
the most trying and disagreeable na
ture, but they had come witli the knowl
edge that war meant hardships, and
they have acquitted themselves nobly.
The task of caring for the wounded Is
not ended yet, ami the nurses will
doubtless stay ns long as their pres
ence etui be of use.
Special Sale
Special assortment of Gentlemen's Neckties; Bows,
Clubs, Tecks, Four-in-hands. Choice 25 cents.
Gentlemen's colored or uncolored bosom shirts;
swell styles; handsome designs. Value $1.00 and
$1. 25. Special 79 and 95 cents.
Children's and Misses' Jackets. Choice of any
garment at one-third below former price.
$1.75 Coats reduced to $1.17
2.00 " " " 1.33
2.50 " " " 1.07
3.00 " " " 2.00
liadies' Capes Jackets.
Fine garments high grade garments at prices
that make them high grade in quality only.
Our $12.00 Cloaks for $ 7.95
..GHflS. AM-
and Farmers
Kcejis on draunht tho celebrated
ctlKcd the best beer in The Dalles,
at tho usual price. Como in, try
it and be convinced. Aho the
Klntit brands of Wines, Liquors
of all Kinds always on hand.
Assortment daily growing smaller,
Choicest onea going first. Don't
Tne coiumDia Packing Co..
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curers of BRAND
Tho EiikIIhIi Fred, the Aiiierlennei De
vour, the Kreneli Km.
People may sneer nt judin a na
tion by tlio amount of attention it
pays to its stomach; but Uie stomach is,
after all, a very important part of the
human anatomy, and those who sur
round the physical necessities of our
animal nature with agreeable elmrnis
that mnke them less coarse nnd brutal
certainly have a claim to beinj-r consid
ered in some decree promotors of civ
ilization, sa,s the Chautnuquun. Jt
in a libel both upon nature and nature's
God to hold Unit overythiiu pleasant
is wrotifr and that the rellnements of
life have no place in that (Trent evolution
Mint is (jradually raising nianl.ind to
n higher plant', oven though such
refinements descend to the accessories
of the table. Jt is in this respect that
French cooking is superior to all other
cooking; it is more refined. The Eng.
lish feed, tho Americans devour; only
tho French really know how to rat.
Their meals, as a rule, aro less heavy
and solid than those of other nntions,
yoi quite fiutiicient In quantity, while Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
the (Treat fact that distinguishes thoir Transfers sold on New York, Chicago,
cooking Is their perfect comprehension St. Louis, San Francisco, Portlaud Ore-
or i no part played by seasoning. Liko gon, beauie waBta,, ana various point
tho Gallic wit which llavors their lit- lu WKon Washington.
oroture, their thorough knowledge of Collections made at all points on fay
Duiiouiuug (fives zest to ineir eooKiug, i oraoie leriiii.
Ijetters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States.
pelt Shoes and Slippers
Newest, choicest, and daintiest creations for Chil
dren's, Misses', Ladies' and Men 's wear.
Crochet felt, plain or fur trimmed, all colors. Our
end of season price is 25 per cent below regular value.
$1.00 Shoes ? .75
. 1.25 " 94
1.50 " 1.12
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, oPmTlled
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
1"OTl Flmil' This Flour is manufactured expressly for family
UV''AA A xJAi. ug0. every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
We sell our goods lower than any house iu the trade, and if you don't tliiuk so
call and get our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
'iv Tv 't
has the best Dress Goods
has the best Shoes
has everything to he found in a
first-class Dry Goods Store.