Iwr AbWMJlMIMtERH BNJOYS Botb tho method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it. it? pleasant and rcficshmir to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on tho Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind over pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptablo to tho stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthyand agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all loading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAK FAHKIXO, CAL. UUISVILLE. KT. HEW YOKK, K.Y. The Dalles My Chroele. THE IJAI.T.KS, OKKOON Advertiitiui; Kntes. Per inch One Inch or Jess in Dally U 00 Over two Inches and under four inches 1 00 Oyer four Inches and under twelra inches. 73 Over twelve inches CO DAILY AND WEEKLY. One inch or less, per inch ?J 00 Over ono inch and under four inches 'J 00 Over four inches and under twelve inches. . 1 50 Overwelve inches 1 00 HARD GREEK NAMES. TTot Pronounced Quite as the ATr okc Header Wuulil Suppose. Greek proper names have been the source of considerable study to the -reading public of tho ("nited States since the Greek troubles began, and the pronunciation of the nanus of some of the officials who are prominent in Athens at the pres?nt time has been the subject of controversy. 'The man who is well versed on the subject said that the modern Greek pe culiarity was to a frresi: extent the ac centuation -and-gaif u; ;i;rhrsrsncrrthe name of ilauroniichales. the Greek sec retary of the interior. The name is pro nounced Mov-ro-michali.-., with strong -accent on the second j llable. The sec retary of foreign alVaiis, Alexander Bkouzcs, pronounces name Sko-ai-zes, with strong accent on the u. The name of Philip Varvogle., minister of justice, is pronounced Var-vo-chlees, the eh in the third syllable being hard like the German ch. .Nicholas Metnxas, minister of war, has an easy name for foreigners, but the minister of marine, Lcvides, pronounces hi.? name Levee flies. The president of the chamber of deputies writeH his name Zaimes and pronounces it Za-i-mis, with accent on the second syllable. Canaris, the ileet commander's name, is pronounced Can arees, with accent on the first syllable. The name of Ielyunnin appears in print every day and most readers have ideas as to its pronunciation. His Greek neighbors call the premier Delee-yan-ees, with accent on the second syllabic. Like the ltu&sians, the Greeks have no family names, except in the higher walks of society, and a man who.s: name is Gregorious will call his son Gregor iades, pronouncing the d much like th in though. The son of Demetrius is called Demethriades. One of the most popular names in Greece is l'appadopoulos, which maybe assumed by any man whose father "was a priest, and a man instead of taking the name of AnUmludes may call him self by the longer name, if Father 'Antonia was a priest. Tliod in Antonia. des, Pappadopoulon ai d in all names where it comes before u vowel, is pro nouoeed like th in though: N. Y. Trib une. n IL0D0 POISON cured In 18 to as dajra. Vou can be trcatej A homo 1 for umo prlco under amo nuaruo ty.Kyou prefer to conioherowewiiicon- 2?,S.T'i.,tW8 1 8l! t0 ac0- rou livo taken luer" alns. H ucous Vatcheu in mouth. Hota Th roat. 'iinplos. Copper ColoreU 8pote, Ulcer on M :Pt OJtte'boclr, lialr or Eyebrnwa falllS wo irnsrsntea to cure. Wo aollclt tho moit obitl BsfocMos and cliaUcoKo the world fir nUaeut pliy.l )IU1 behind oup WPllcattou. AddreH C'UOK HKUKUV CflC mis mail. asiWdMW It "SSffiligiifa Hubecrlbeforl,,, Ui.komclk. HATTiWAY MURDERS. Douffors of Isolntod Carriages Jo oner OjloruHiue" 1 - MiinleriT Iti Commit t-rimo The Ainrrlonti S)i'"i In rn-forrfil. I The arguments in faun- of the "cor i iilor" cr '"American" sxtom of trael tu for general raihvav pausengers in i.t.ylaml cery day grows st datlv ac- Laile and iiu w.itrovor . . v -1 l!llllt S contain almost dally ac ..unt's of aw ful minders or attempts to n. ardor by poisons usually unknown, w.ia h.iie 'made good their escape from Gi - little isolated aviia,' s and left Uu'.r victims to bo "discoxerid" ir. some oaMiul fashion. Only n few days ,,go another horrible tragedj , that nfn-ht have occurred to am both in t lie "am!! nation. U i- during the . , ... ii on short railwaj ruie oi noi inure man . minutes between llounslow station and the great Loudon terminus Waterloo. A woman, u barmaid from a tavern close to the llounslow station, got into a tariiage alone, and her body was found on the arrival of the train at Wa terloo stuffed under a seat, the head horribh twittered. She had started out to meet her lover, and in the train must have boon attaeked and murdered by some brute, whose identity up to the present is undiscovered. The horror of the thing must appeal strongl to every woman who has ever ( been in London or is acquainted with , the English method of travel. The up permost object of the ordinary man or iM the County Court of the State of Oregon for woman wlui travels a long or short dis-, Wasco County. . ... v . , , In the nutter of the Kunnllanhip ol mjk tanee is to get into a carnngo alone, in ninchart. Karl Itinchart, Curl ltinchart mid the small, cramped compartments you , I'hilip Hlnehnrt, minors. ' , . , . . , , ' , ' Tho petition of Emily 1!. ltinchart, stmrdl.in feel in too close quarters to want to be o thu lnlnors ayu lianicl, haviiiK U-ea pre bothered with strangers, therefore senttsi to this court, pr.iyinR for license ti) coll you naturally do your best to get into a carrian? where von won't be "wor- ned." Hut recent dreadful e ems have made people nervous of the lonely car-; , . , i nage. Women shun it because , of awful stones of violence anil , .. 1 deaths that have come unaw arcs nnnn cnniK iinnr xnnl wlin has V , ', ... , I sei out in goon ueaiui ami spu u;-, v iiuc ; men slain it oecausc 01 tno stones 01 blackmail anil slander of which unprin cipled women frequently make them tin; victims. The days of the old Eng lish "compartments" arc. indeed, num bered, and it will not be Ion;;, I :un sure, before "American trains" are the rule on every line in the kinpdom. Traveling in l.nirlaiul is very expen sive work, at r.ny rate, ine tares ne inp diided into three classes, the very poorest and meanest accommodations, which thev call "third class," cost about the same rate which in America ia charged for the ordinary train. If you have a third-class ticket, however, you cannot buv a Tollman car ticket. lo be entitled to purchase superior ac commodation of tliis kind you miift pri marily invest in a "first-clays" ticket, which tests three times th" amount, of a third-class and not until then an.' you allowed to buy Pullman car accommo dations. If you are f,r'no fr a lonfj LjpJiriifV. (or as lunfr a nne as,ymt can take in Hnj-lnnd) this makes the cost about four times the amount vnu would pav if you did not have a liiNurioi's soul and lontr for sprimrs ar.il cushions. 1 hear, however, that 'o meet (he de mand of the vast bodj- of Americans who an coming over here for the "diamond jubilee." there is to lie a complete boulcverement of the train service 1 i Great llria:n. ad cars such as we are accustomed to 111 the states, and prices to match, will be one of the white stones nmrhinr' the latter trio- ries of her m.'iicrty's sixtieth year upon the throne. Chiea;ro Times-Herald. DANGERS OF NERVES. Ily Which tin- Women of To-I)fiy Are ll.det. It used to be a matter of faith, years ago, that we possessed nenes, for we were unconscious of them, Nowadays, however, they have become of most vital importance; they are, so to speak, "household pets." It seems that "tem per" has gone out of fashion; so far. at least, as we are concerned, and, though it i.'i possible to admit that our neigh bors may sillier from at tacks of temper, we never do 110, we hae "nerves." There is a ?ort of nece.s.-iarv diirnitv about the possession of nerves, though we own they cause us trouble. We speak in quite a reproachful way of "a woman who has no nerves," just as if this meant tins unme as that she ia with out refinement and tenderness. Nerves are, however, dangerous pets, for they are apt to become our masters. Indeed, to nerves are aceiibed the un wholesome craving for excitement, the morphia habit and the c.vc".-iv" ufo of stimulantH among women, a.i wll an a variety of other evll.s. Xetves, no doubt, would be kept iu check better if only we were slm; ! :. Japanese wom en 'ire charming!" :Te;ie and good tempered, and their froed. in from nerv ous trouble: may be largely ncerlbed to the absence of riuull worries in mat ters domes! ie, 'I hey are caved worrici ibout dress, for Hie f.-.shlon of their cost n ne never varies, and the absence of draperies and crowds of ornaments reonomies money and greally saves labor, as any housekeeper could fell who knows tho fret and Irritation of keeping tliesn thlign pretty nnd free, from dust in an "under wrvanteU" es tablisliment. Iloston llndtret. Subscribe for litis Uiiuoniclk. 'I Puny. ft ehildren w Who would prescribe only tonics and bitters for a weak, w ouny child ? Its muscles and w $ nerves are so thoroughly cx- $ hausted that they cannot be Sj lPPcd into f activity. The S child needs food ; a blood- Sj making, nerve-strcngthening: w , 1 Scott's Emulsion $ Qf Cod-Liver Oil Is all of this, g . ,,, , , . . .o $ and you still have a tome in m 1 trMnVircntiti-: nt hmr. V J For thin and delicate children S there is no remedy sttpsrior S to it in the world. It means growth, strength, plumpness and comfort to them. Be sure j yoo get SCOTT'S Emulsion. 50c. nJ $1.00, ll druggists. t SCOTT & BOWNli, Chtmlsts, New Vcrk G-Tiardianship Notice. situated in Ueaton county, OroRou, it is ordered that the hearing thereof be, nnd It Is hereby mt, tthehourof 10 o'clock n. m., at the county courtroom in the courthouse in i)iies city. ureKon. aim ii is iuiiiivr urucrin in:u iiiuiivai of kln of pai(1 nmiorsami all persons Interested in the estate, apjar before this ( ourt at said time and place, to show cause why h IIcpiisc ,holllll ,.ot tu cranttst for tho saluof such estate. and that this order be served by imblleatlou thereof for three weeks in Tho Dalles Chronicle. UalleiCtty, Or., Oct.a2, 1S97 KOUKItT MAYS, Comity .liuK'C. oct'iMI Executor's Notice. Notice Is hereby ittvcn Hint tho innlerslsneil has been duly nppolnteil and i now the quiili tied and nctiiiB executor of tho last lll nnd tv tumentof Elizabeth J. Jiolton, decen-ed. All jurwiis linvliiR claims aKalnit Mid estate nre notltieii to present them to me, with the prn!r ,-ouchcrs therefor, nt the olllce ol tho county clerk of Wanco County, The D.illes, Oregon, within tlx months frcm tho dato hereof. Datot tieiitcaibor 10, lh'J7. spl-i SIMKO.V 150MON, Executor. Executor's Notice. Notice Is hereby Riven that tho midersif;nel has been dulv appointed vxecuUiro thu lust will ami testament of Mary Dili, deceased. All persons having claims iiKlnt ' ho estate of said deceaxol aro hereby notilied to present the same, with the proper vouchers therefor, to moat my olllcu in 'Ihe Dalles, Oreirou, within six monthH from Ihe date of this uottct. Dated September 1C. 1857. splb-li JOHN MAKDKN, Kxecutor. H NEW MARKET. "FRUIT, VEGETABLES, irOTJLTRY, FISH AND G-AME. Chickens Drceecd to Order. Promt Delivery to any part of the city. A. n. varney; Phone 1". Third and Washington Sl& ii s iiuririNuroM. h wilson. IT UNTINUTO.V & WILSON, ATTOKNKYS AT LAW, THE DALLES, OltKUON Oincoovcr l-'lrst Nat. Hunk. Patronize the AH kind of work. Whlto Shirts a specialty. Finally work, lit reduced rules. Wash collected and delivered free, Telepliouo No. 301, A. B. ESTEBENET, Agt. j-yis-(iiiisiiNJMinri'KU ittucnv, Physicians aud Surgeons, Scial attention bIvcii to bunrvry. Hooiiih 21 ami 'ii, Ttl.UiS. Vot Hlock, r J. fl?ale- Boots and Shoes Made to Order. A Perfect fit guaranteed. Repairing neatly done at abort notice. Union St. bet. 1st and 2d i 0i I Weekly Inter Ocean wJ LARGEST CIRCULATIOHJOFAWYPOLITL PAPER IN THE WESTg It Is radically Republican, advocating the cardinal doctrines oi max pany with ability and earnestntssi,tt tuc ufpnu v INTER THE NEWS AMD BEST It Is JMorally Clean and ns n The Literature of its columns Is equal to that of the best maw zincs. It Is Interesting to tho cltih dren as well as tho parents - THE INTER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, and while it brings to the family THE NEWS OI' THE WORLD and gives its readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day, it is in full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint.... $1.00 PRICE QUE DOLLAR PER YEAMI.OO SB2JV: S 0 I S THE DAILY ATrDSuTTOATMITIons OF THE II I J VI t INTER OCEAIf ARE BEST OF THEIR KWT). S A I S 2 If I ! l'rlr.. orHunday lij-nuilt fa.HO per year m W J m J TT j Daily mid Hundny by mall $0.00 cr yrr 9 Ti 9 SUBSCRIBE TWICE V WEEK FOR THE CHOiMlCLiE And reap the lionofil of the following CLU)BING KATlv. OHRONJCLE and N. Y. Thriue-a-Wuok World 2 00 CHRONICLE and N. Y. Weekly Tribune J 75 CHRONICLE and Weekly Oregonian 2 25 CHRONICLE and S. F. Weekly Examiner 2 25 WORLD TRIBUNE OREGONIAN EXAMINER For more than fifty-six years it has never failed in its weekly visits to the homes oi farmers and villagers throughout the United States. IT HAS faithfully labored for their prosperity and happi ness, for the improvement of their business and home interests, for education, for the elovation of Amorican manhood and true womanhood. IT HAS told at tho fireside, interesting and instructive stories of the doings of the world, the nation and states. IT HAS advised the farmer as lo tho most approved meth ods of cultivating and harvesting his crops, and the proper time to convert thorn into the largest possible amount of money. IT HAS led in all mattors pertaining to the welfare of farmers and villagors, and for over half a century has held their confidence and esteem. IT IS THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, and wo furnish it with tho Somi-Weokly Chroniclo one year for $1.75, cash in advance. "There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its Jiooa leads on to fortune" Tho poet unaueationablv had roforonoo to tho Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets at GRAND ALL Who are selling those goods MIOHBLBAOH BRIOK. l.tin,( it r.m -iluivs b.- relied on! for fair and honest reports of all po- illlcal lnovenlent$vkw,l,'v,' OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL CURRENT LITERATURE Family Paper Is Wilhnul n Peer. FOR THE FOUR GREAT PAPERS BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841. & BURGET'S, out at greatlv-reduood rat . . UNION HI. un w (IIVKH TIIH cimiou oi' 'TWO Transcontinental ROUTES en EAT NOF5THERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. VIA Spokane ! Minneapolis st. Paul i I Chicago Salt Lake Denver Omaha Kansas City Low Rates to all Eastern Cities IM'I'.'VN H'DIt.M i:iiM l.ouvii I'ort IttlMl Kvei'V I'Itii lliivx fur SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Htuitmura monthly from l'orilnml to Yokohama mill Hohk KmiK vm North urn 1'iU'llk: .Steamship Co., In coumxtinii with 0. U. t N. Kor lull iloltillx mil on O. II Al'm AKcnt n Tho lilli', or luMrroi W, II. IIUItl.tll'IlT, ion. 1'iim. Airt l'ortliiinl. OroKOii TIMK (Mill. No. l, in SfMikiiim Hint (I rent Nnrllium iirtlvi- at, in.. loiivoiiitA:W p. in. N. ''. t" IVnilH-' ton, iiiikvr('lt)'iiinl I'nloii l'iiclllo,urrlvcKiit Vi.Vt 11 in., itcpiirtH nt.U:(U H. in, Nil .1, liotn HH)ltntiu mill (lirnt Northern, iir thecal I) Villi, ill., ilcuirta Ht !l i'l n. in. No, 1. I rom linker City mill I'nliiii l'liclllv, urrlvo.t Ht .'l.'JIn. in., iU'mrln ut .1 : 11. in. No-. Zl mill 'i, niovlni: cnit of Tho D.iIIch, will c;ict ii.iioimcr. No. i-i iirrlvo at f , in,, ilvpnrtit nt I : l' p. in. I'liKiciiRcrs lor Ilcppuer tako No i, Uiivlni; hero nt I a:') p, in. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or thi: Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trln Iravoniiil nro ililo lo nrilvc nt I'ortlnnil l.KX VK. OVIIItl.AND i:.'-i IE ir'", Siilein, llou- iilfK, Aiilllilllil, Hue O.U) I I riitnviito, OkiIi'ii.Hiiii I .r.innlK. M.tl.iv. I l.oH.nxek'h,l.l I'MMI, I Nuir urlfiinn anil . .............. I Knit II , .. icoMHmrK mill wiiy Mil- A 31,tlmih , f Via Woi!himi lor I 1'. M Dully Dully vxcvpt huii'lrtys Mt.AiiKol,Hllvirlon, ! WVit Mil. HrowiiH- V vlllv,rtitlliKIIOliliillil I Hllliilnyo. l.'.XI.I'pt I tMiiruu 17 :w A. il. jCorvallli Mtiitloim n! way M 1'. M INIIIIl'KNIlKNCi: I'AHHKNIilllt. l-pro'i.H train Oiillv (oxtopthniiilay). I !) n. III. i-l.v. . l'orlliuiil Ar.i h '' . n mi 7'.'p. m. )Ai JloMlmivlllo l.v.J .'cOii. in 1 . p. ill. (Ar . Iiiili:.'iiiK'ini O..I.V.) I M a. Ill MMtly. lIliiiiy.oxi'oplKiinii.iy, lININ(i CAIIH ON (l(il)HN llOl'TK. I'll I.I .MAN HUITICT HI.KKI'KHH ANI Hi:i:)Nll-OI.Ai?!5 KI.i;i;i'INd CAllrt Attuuhiil lo all Through Trahiit. DliictroiiiHUllon utl-iili Kmiiclrro with Owl ilvntiil miil'OiliMiial ami l'ai:ii' mull Uniii.ihli llnui (or JAPAN nml CHINA. Nilllni: iluun on a) pllrallon. Unten anil lli'kots lo Knilurn tmliilK anil Kn ri.K'. Aim JAPAN, CHINA, IIONOl.l'l.l' anil AUhlltAI.IA.i'aii U olilnliitil from J. II. KIltKt.ANIl, Ticket Axvnt ThroiiKh Tiokut Olliiv, i.'ll Third lrwt, whoro throimh tlrkvis to nil polntH In tho KHXlorn hUlos.CiiiiiiiIaanil huropo oiui bo ulilulmil at lovu'at iiiIuk from .1. II. KIltKI.ANl), Ticket AKOllt. All hImi trains nrrlvo at anil ilvpnrt I rum (iriiiiilCoiitrulHtiitliiii, Klftliauil IrvniK atrootk VAMIlll.l, IUVIHION. I'lin-ciiKer IHi)t, foot of JoilcrMin ulroct. U'uvo for OHWKiiO, ilally, oxeopt Siunlay, at 7:0 h. in.; ia:iW, hV,, fills, fi;Z "una p, m. (and l:ai p, iii. on Hatiinlay only, mill il:i)ii. in anil .1.31) p in, on Hiiniay.s only). Arrlvo at I'ortliiiiilrtiilly at l!iii)HinlHp)a in,; anil liltt. M:l., ii:jOiiml7..Vip. m (mnl w.m a. in, a-Ift o:IO li. m. on tjiiiHlayHoiity), Invo for Hherlilan, wii-ic ilnys, it l:lp. m Arrlvoatl'ottliinil.uiJata, in. U-avo for Alltl.lU on Moiulay, WtxItioMlny ami riMay at ;) a. in. Anlv at I'ortlnnil, Tnn. "lav, ThnrNlay mnl Hatiinlaj it .'1:0.1 p. in. Kxiept hiimlay. H.xiopt Batnrilay. It. ICOnilliKK, " (l7 II. MAKK'HAM, Miiuitirur. AhKt, (i. r, a. Dalles, Hon and Antelope STAGE LINE. llZln1 V'" '-Vlloy.K..C IMMIOI.AH AM, ICS, Tim lllM. V. M. WIUTKI.AW, Antnlopo. riliijrcd loavo Tho I Ml leu frniii Umatilla llmino at 7 a. in,, also from AiiK-Ioihi at 7;ll a. in. every Mm nlay. Wixliioniluy ami Krl.lay. CoiuninioiiM nailo afAiilelopo for I'rliiovlllo, MlUil.cll Viml Km . i'y'lul;, (',0H" t! loiodlloiin inailoiitTlio hallos with railway, iralnti ami hoatH. HIiiko froiii Alllelou) imnh Tlio DiiIIoh Tiich. lny, 'llmrNlays ami rlatiinlayM at l:uo p, m. Dalleh to DokchiiU'H to Moro Jo (iranH Viilloy. jo Kent ilo C'ronH Hollows Antoloio to CronH HoIIowh , , . iio i.ii 1 im 1 Ml , 'l :i oo , i ao , i m i U) , il oo , ;i m i w . A 00 lo ilo ilo do (Iraiii. Valley Moro , lAMChuoe mile Try BcUllllnc'i Uot lou Hiid baklnu powaw. nwiiiiiiviniitiiiMnitw jySW'wriiiiinrn)Bi