The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, January 08, 1898, Image 3

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We have just received
Well Pleased Ladies.
The thinking, planning, cnroful housewife will appreciate our
intliiootiiont Bale of Bleached and Unbleached Muslins. The attract
iveness of them lies partly in tho price, bnt mostly in the goods
themselves. They give an opportunity to fill tho needs of every
household in tho way of necessities and half luxuries.
J Mf
IJrlc-u-Brnc 4,s!c
Forest Mills S.'c
Krult of tho Loom (!',fc
Lonsdale 0c
Hope (ic
Horkoly Cambric 7'c
Yeddo Bunting
Uol brook 11 :$4c
Aurora C 'Au
Lawrence LL Ac
Iron Clad BB c
Cabot V and VVilton ... .5c
PRINTS The best that money can buy ; 18 yards for ono dollar.
Really Desirable.
There is no economy in buying Clothing that is ready to wear
merely "because it's cheap. OUR rcads'-to-wear garments are made
for satlHfaction. They lit right; they wear well; are not just as
good ao custom garments, bnt they give more real satisfaction, nt
these prices, than custom garments.
We shall offer our regular $7 and $8 Men's Suits for .$5 85
We shall offer our regular $5 and JfC Men's Suits for 3 85
There will be
other good things to follow.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
r - -
Weather Tonight and tomorrow,
Cull and hud what the Commission Co.
can do for you on fresh groceries. 4-tf
Go to the Columbia Candy Factory for
fresh oysters in every style. tf
Buy your goods ut Malor & Benton's
uud gut u chance free on a utucl range.
Buy choice green groceries, fish and
poultry from the Commission- Com
pany, 4-tf
Tho Prize Medal cigar is strictly hand
made and filled with the finest grade of
Havana tobacco. 0-tf
This morning a consignment of hogs
for Portland, were given fiteoragu on the
If you have money to hum, burn it
by smoking Fouls' Prize Medal uud
Rose Queen cigars. 0 tf
A large consignment of wheat is being
hauled to the I). P. & A. IS, dock today
for shipment to Portland.
Portrait buttons, small size fiOc, me
dium size (rij, mihI large size 85c. Or
der of Fred Van Norden.
When you want a good smoke, bo sure
and call fur Fonts' higher nurs.
For sale by all first-class dealers. tf j
lilt! mean temperature for Deueinbeg
whs.hi.iw, ami tne precipitation H.m,
according to Local Observer Brooks.
Wild geese by tho thousirhds are feed
lug in the stubble field of Shermat
county now, mostly in .and about Haj
"CTmieeSlioalwutor Buy oysters served
in every stylo at the Columbia Candl
Factory. Give ub a trial and wo will
endeavor to please you. J
Tho installation of ofllceis of tqe
Woodmen and Cedar Circle will be posftr
poned until Tuesday, .lau. 18th, liy or-
der of D. W. Mann, C.C.
Wanted To engage a.capablo lady or
gentleman as local representative. Guar
anteed salary $50 per mouth. Room -18,
Chapman block. Entrance on Wash
ington street. O-lit
Tho topic for discourse tonight by Rtn
Boltz will bo "Excuses." At last
night's service there were two additions
to tho church, to whom tho ordinance
of baptism will be administered this
..imt. I ....
l " lfl .
The county eiirt has granted tho pe
tition praying for tho incorporation of
tho city of Wlsco, and has ordored that
an eloctlon li) held on Monday, January
31st. This Avill make Wasco tho only
incorporate town in Sherman county.
ok from Tuesday evonlng Cedar
Dirclo And Mt. Hood Gamp, W. 0. W.,
will hold a joint installation in Frater
nity hull. Tho following otllcors will be
installed: Past guardian neighbor, Mrs
Ella Gushing ; guardian neighbor, Katie
Williams; advisor, Mrs Stephens; clerk,
Louise Rintoul ; banker, Ella Dawson ;
magician, Eva Reynolds; outside senti
nel, Jas Taylor; inside sentinel, Belle
Berger; manager, Anna Blakeney ; mu
sician, May Gushing; assistant, Mrs
Vamey ; physicians, Drs. Rinehart and
The work of repairing Columbia light
ship No. 50 was completed at Astoria
yesterday. The lightship will be put
in commission again as soon as the new
inspector of tins district, Captain Geo.
C. Riddle, appoints a captain and crew
for her.
The rock crusher is in shape to do
line work, and iu case the property
owners do not wisli to buy the crushed
rock .(or the improvement of the streejB,
it will lie used in grading and improving
the brewery hill. As this road is rh bad
condition, it is an improvement which
will bo beneficial to almost everyone in
the county.
Plans are on foot for a cattle conven
tion at Pendleton to be held ut some
date during the second and third week
iu Fubruary, not yet decided upon.
From ail appearances this will be an
event of great interest, and of decided
vulue to the cattle-raisini: industry
throughout the Paciliu Northwest.
Breeder will meet grower and grower
will meet buyer personally, with the re
sult that the mutual interchange of
ideas should prove oeneUeiuI to all.
Some people are doing great injustice
to the D. P. & A. N. Compuuy as well
as the White Star Line by saying that
the latter company allowed itself to be
bought oil' by the former, uud that it
was only by bribery that captain IIos
ford wua induced to withdraw the lone
from the middle river. We kuow that
such is not tho cuse. The reason that
the lone quit runuiug between the Cas
cade locks and The Dalles is because it
Has a losing proposition for that com
pany, and it was only on account of the
lack of patronage that caused her own
ers to take the boat oil', and not on ac
a count of any bribery on the part of the
D. P. it A. N. Company.
The committee on invitation for the
Elks' charity ball, to be given on tho
11th iust,, have decided not to send in
vitations to pet suns in this city, they
being sent only to persons in other towns
and the surrounding country. It Is in
evitably the case that some of our towns
pec pie are overlooked when Invitations
are issued, and the Elks on this occa
sion extend a general invitation to
everyone, as long as they are not of a
questionable character. If anyone has
friends outside of the city whom they
wish to invite, they can have invitations
sent to thoiu by presenting their names
to one of the members of the committee
on invitation. This ball Ib given for a
good purpose, and nothing is being over
looked to make it a grand success.
Some time ago Nightwatchmuu Wiley
found a valise hid under a box near the
O. K. A N. ice house, east of the city,
containing some photographs and other
articles of little value. One of the pict
ures resembled Jack Shannon, stevedore
of the steamer Regulator, who had a
number of articles stolen from his birth
tn the steamer about two months ago.
Shannon was well known in Oregon
City, and his picture was sent to Chief
of Police Burns, of that'place, and upon
Investigation he found it to be Shan
non's picture. This would go to prove
that when the boat waB robbed tbe
thieves did not go down the river as the
officers supposed, but on the contrary
went in the opposite direction. Had
those articles been found shortly after
the robbery they might have aided in
the search for the guilty parties, but so
much time has passed that it is doubt
ful if they will do any good now.
The Cambus boys were lodged in jail
at McMinuville yesterday, charged with
the murder of George Sager.
Reports from Climax mlneB, Baker
county, state that tremendous gold finds
have been made at that place. Some of
the ore assays as high as $13,000 to the
The deadlock over the speakership of
the Maryland house of delegates was un
broken yesterday, and there was no in
dications that it will be settled for some
time to come.
The young girl at Eugene who was
shot in the arm Tuesday, confesses that
she did it herself. It was thought pre
vious to her confession that a rejected
euitor had iired the shot with murderous
Conservative estimates last night
placed the legislature at 75 to 70 against
JIauna. The workers of the senator
claim 71 votes and assurances of the
necessary two additional votes and pos
sibly four more.
Word comes from Eureka, Wash., of
a shooting affray there Now Year's
morning, which resulted in three men
being seriously wounded. The shooting
occured in a "blind pig" saloon, run by
a mun named Yenson. The cause of
the trouble was a disagreement over a.
game of cards.
According to a special dispatch re
ceived at London from Shanghai, Russia
is endeavoring to obtain terms similar
to Germany's for the occupation of Port
Arthur and the Kiao Tung peniusula
from a point considerably north of Ta
Lieu Wan. It is believed that the atti
tude ot England and Japan will frus
trate her designs.
The Columbia theater, which was
gutted by fire Thursday evening at San
Francisco, was situated on Powell street
near Market, and although the smallest,
yet was the most popular of the three
playhouses controlled by Friedlander,
Gotttob & Co. The (lames caused about
$12,000 damage to the walls, ceilings and
furniture, but the damage from water
before the fire was extinguished consid
erably increased this sum. The insur
ance was $2000.
Came to our place alwut August let,
last, a roan cow: brand indistinct.
Owner can have same by paying all
charges. Mooitu Hkos., Three Mile.
Everybody reads Tuk Giuiomci.k.
During January and Feb
ruary wo will give to every
person buying One Dollars
worth of goods at our store a
chance on a Sixty-Dollar
Which was manufactured
by the Michigan Stove Co.
Drawing to come off the 28th
day of February, 1898.
A Number of Important Matters Consid
ered JLat Night.
A meeting of the city council was held
last night, Mayor Nolan presiding, with
the following councilmen present: A.
R. Thompson. T. F. Wood, R. E. Salt
marsbe, H. L. Kuck, S. S. Johns, Chas.
Stephens and W. A. Johnston.
The special ordinance granting Mays
& Crowe permission to build a roof over
the alley back of their store, was read
and placed on final passage. As it did
not receive the entire vote of the coun
cil, it was placed on the table.
Ordinance 294, regulating license for
the sale of second-hand goods, bankrupt
stocks, etc., was fixed at $200 per month.
The application of Chas. Stublingand
others to put in a water tank near the
Christian church, was read and referred
to the committee on streets and public
The matter of extension of time to the
Parrot Gas Light Co. was referred to the
committee on lights, with instructions
to report at the next meeting.
H. L. Kuck made a verbal report in
relation to the matter of insurance of
city property. The report was ap
proved and the committee relieved of
further responsibility in the matter.
As no further business was beforo the
council, a motion to adjourn was made
and carried.
l' UENl'IOX.
P.J.Welsh of Antelope is in the
W. II. Patterson is in from his farm
near Dufur.
E. C. Montgomery ol Prineville is In
the city on business.
Miss Susan Ward of Kingslev is iu
the city visiting friende.
Hon. A. S. Bennett left for Portland
this morning on business, and will re
turn tonighti
1. E. Driver, one of Wamic's enter
prising farmers, Is iu the city attending
pijusiness matters.
f 1). C. Herrin returned last evening
iroui Antelope wnere lie lias been on
business connected witti the A. U. U.W.
In this city on January 7. 189S. to the
wife of Dan Baker, a sou.
Member of the AltiKluloy Oluli of The
You are hereby requested to be pres
ent at a meeting of the McKinley club,
to be held at the court house, Saturday
evening January 15th, at 8 o'clock
for the purpose of electing representa
tives to attend a meeting of the repub
lican league of Oregon, to be held iu
Portland, Tuesday February 1, 189S.
L. E. Ckowk, Pres.
G. J. Farley, Sec.
When you can not sleep for coughing
take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It
always gives prompt relief, It is most
excellent for colds, too, as it aids ex
pectoration, relieves the lungs and pre
uents any tendency toward pneumonia.
For sale by Btakeley & Houghton.
another shipment of
U1I509 Mr-JitJatrs
And can now supply our customers.
The Uilson is the only Air Tight stove
with Outside Tube draft. Sold only by
We have strictly First-Class
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To be sold at the Lowest Market Bates.
T T"" J 0 JS
Phone 25. J 1. refers 06 uo,
Fir Sweet Cliritj'i Sib
January 14th, 1898.
Tim fint.irn imr, nrnnnnrls will li rlovntprl tn nimvitv. nnrl
l . - - "j j
those. who wish to give for the sake of giving maT find this
a good opportunity
The Charity Ball will be the grand social event of tho
season The following committees will have charge of the
various arrangements.
GENERAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE-Judd S Fish, C I. Phillip, V L Bnulihnw, It II
i-on'-aaie, r nson.
INVITATION COMMITTEE Grant Mays, T J Seufert, J A Douthtt, W II Moody, V F Johnson.
FINANCE COMMITTEE J F Hampshire, Geo C Hlukoley, 1. E Crowe.
DECORATION COMMITTEE II W French, P W De Huff, J A Mao Arthur, E M YVIngate, Gus
jjonn, ueorge rertjusson, i j Driver.
RECEPTION COMMITTEE John Michel!, A M ICeUuy, J I! Crotsen, A ti Mno Allbter, Johu C
num, i.ii ji w iiiinnis.
FLOOR AND MUSIC COMMITTEE C I. Phillips, Mux A Vogt, Joseph Iionn, Fred W Wilson,
n 11 LoiiMjiue,
COMMITTEE ON TICKETS Fletcher Faulkner, V A Johnston, V E Wulthurs, K O McCoy,
Aiocn jiemiiKcu.
Tickets may be secured from tb iimittee on Tickets.
Calvary Baptist church, Elder Wil
bum pastor At 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m,
regular services: Sunday school at 10 a.
m. ; young people's meeting at 0:150.
Lutheran services in the basement of
tho new church tomorrow as follows:
Morning services at 11:00, Sunday
school at 12:05. German service at 3.
There will be no evening service.
M. E. church, corner Fifth and Wash
ington streets, J. II. Wood, pastor Ser
vices as follows: Class meeting at 10
a.m.; morning service at 11 ; Sunday
school 12:20; Junior League 4; Ep
worth League at0;30j evening service
at 7:30. All are invited.
At the Christian church tomorrow
there will be the usual sorviee of Sunday
school and Endeavor, at 10 a. in. and 0
p. m. respectively. Church services at
11 a. in. and 7:30 p.m. Subject for
morning sermon, "The Christian Race;"
evening, "The Operation of tho Holy
Spirit in Conversion." A cordial invi
tation is extended to all to attend.
Sunday services at the Congregational
church, corner Court and Fifth streets,
as usual: At 11 a.m. and 7:30 p. m.
worship, and a sermon by the pastor,
W, G. Curtis. Sunday school immedi
ately after the morning service; meet
ing of the Junior Christian Endeavor at
3 :30 p, in ; of the Young People's Soci
ety at 6 :30. Topic for both, Our tempt
ations and their conquest; IIebiv:ll
10, All persons not worshipping else
where are cordially invited.
llids for tho excavation for tho Wasco
warehouse, according to the plans and
specirications on file at tho ollice of C. J.
Crand.tll, will be received up to January
7, 189S. Tho right is reserved to reject
anv and all bids.
The Dalles, Dec. 31, 1S97.
Deep In It.
That's what we are. We've got moro
books than we know what to do with.
Help us to lesson our stock. Of course
we must oiler some inducement to you.
We have a f l'l line of all the new and
interesting nuvels. We will sell them
at a reduced price, with oxception ot
Webster's Dictionaries and School Hooks.
1 will sell all liooks during this month
ut COST.
I. C. Nickelsen
Book St musie Company,