OUR INDUCEMENT SALE. Am m We have just received Well Pleased Ladies. The thinking, planning, careful housewife will appreciate our Inducement Bale of Bleached and Unbleached Muslins. The attract iveness of thorn lies partly in the price, bnt mostly in the goods themselves. They give an opportunity to fill the needs of every household in the way of necessities and half luxuries. T'.LKACIIHI) MUSMN3. Itrii-:i-llrnn 4tc. Fori'ul Mills... fi'lju Fruit of the Loom fic Lonsdale (Ic Hope 0?.fc UNBLEACHED MUSLINS. Yoddo Bunting 2K! Holbrook'K U'c Aurora C .'l?t! Lawrence LL 4c Iron Clad BI5 4c Cabot W and Wilton R ... .5c Borkcly Cambric PRINTS The best that money can buy j 18 yards for one dollar Really Desirable. There is no economy in buying Clothing that is ready to wear merely because it's cheap. OUR ready-to-wear garments are made for satinfaction. They fit right; they wear well; are not just as good us custom garments, but they give more real satisfaction, at these prices, than custom garmnits. We Bball offer our regular $7 and $8 Men's Suits for . , Wo shull offer our regular $5 and $0 Men's Suits for . . There will be other good things to follow. .$5 So . 3 85 u ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PHASE 66 MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. FRIDAY 'rj) JANUARY 7, 1 1898 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Weather Tonight and Saturday, fair and colder. Call and see what the Commission Co. can do for you on fresh groceries. 4-tf Go to the Columbia Candy Factory for fresh oysters in every style. tf Buy your goods at Maier & Benton's and get u chance free on a stuel range. . Buy choice green groceries, lish and poultry from the Commission Com pany, tf The Prize Medal cigar is Btrictly hand made and filled with the finest grade of Havana tobacco. 0-tf If you have money to burn, burn it by smoking Fonts' I'ri.o Medal and Rose Queen cigars. 0 tf Portrait buttons, small size 50c, me dium size 0Tc, and largo size 85c. Or der of Fred Van Norden. When you want a good smoke, be sure and call for Fouls' high-grade cigars. For sale by all first-clans dealers. tf Choice'Shoalwater Bay oyaterB served in every style at the Columbia" Candy Factory. Give us n trial and wo will endeavor to jilease you. Wanted To engage a capable lady or gentleman as local representative. Guar anteed salary $00 per month. Room 48, Chapman block. Kntraneo on Wash ington street. 0-lit At the cIoho of the service last evening at the Christian church there wore live uccessioiiB. The pastor preaches to a crowded houso every night. This, even ing his subject will be "Degeneration." Lost A black fedora hat with raw edge containing J. C. Hertz's monogram inside, was taken by mlstuke from the nnte-room of the K. of 1. hall last night. Person having it please return to this ofllce. Work on the stono foundation of Mays & Crowe's now warehouse, on Third street, is progressing rapidly, and in a short lime the mechanics will begin with the framework. Before spring opens another tine building will be in readiness for uso. Yesterday a girl by the naiuo of Nina Herst was brought in from" 15-Mile by her parents, who claimed she was in sane. On examination it was found that such was the case, and she was taken to Salem today. Her mother and Sheriff Driver accompanied her. The special edition of The Dalles Times-Mountaineer has been issued to day, consists of overforty large pages, well printed, nicely filled with cuts, and on tho whole, a vory neatly arraugod edition. It dwells at large on the re sources of Wasco und Sherman counties, as well as giving tho pictures of many of the prominent men In both those couny ties, y A meeting will bo called in the near future to consider the matter of giving another minBtrel show in the city as soon as it can be properly prepared. The last show was of such high excel- ' Tiitfii ti tr ur it nil fiii-uiitrut flint f li'noo (till DVJ II Ull t T v, v bUMV miuuv taking part feel encouraged to give an other of the same character, and to ob sure them that their efforts will be as highly appreciated as on the last occa sion, would be perfectly safe. Yesterday Recorder Sinnott received a letter from a Portland jewelry firm, in quiring us to the license por day in this city for a jewelry uuction. The recorder responded promptly, and informed them that according to the ordinance it was $50 u day, and at rate there 'ib little dan ger of any auctioneering in this line of business. This ordinance was made to keep out eucli people, and there is no doubt that it will prove effective. A lively runaway occurred this morn ing. George Rncb's horse and wagon were standing in front of Vumey's store, the driver having gone elsewhere, when the horse in order to create a little ex citement, started down Washington street atone of kthose 2:40 gaits, ran across Second, made a turn and stopped at the acciiBtomed place in front of the store.. No damage was done more thau Bpilling all the loose articles along tho way. The wagon was not damaged. In spite ot tho fact that nearly every business house of prominence in the city signed the petition to close their places of business ut 0 p. m. during Jan uary and February, some of the signers are keeping open during the entire even ing, probably to endeavor to get a little trade that otherwise would not come to them. It would be well if all closed at the time agreed upon, else the other stores will be forcod to keep open also, and the petition amount to nothing. At 10 :H5 today Theodore Durrant paid tho death penalty for the murder of Blanche Lamont. Half past 10 was tho hour set for the execution, but on ac count of some slight delays the trap was not sprung until 10:35. Dispatches state that he made no confession, and that he proclaimed his innocence until ',tlie last, Many thought that he would Ininko startling disclosures at the last moment that would implicate others in (he terrible crime which he was about o expiate; but he remained firm in reclaiming bis innocence and died, as far as we can judge, or probably will be able to judge, with a lie in his mouth. Many af our townspeople took a great interest in tho football game played on Now Year's day, and are very anxious to soo another one. The Portlaud team and our boys are also anxious to have a return game, aud all that la nec essary is the assurance that tho expenses ill uu fjwui. vju nuLuuut ui uiu lilgu ent which would have to tho paid for ho Multnomah Held, tho Portland boys ould prefer playing a return game iu jthis city, and in order to have It, all mat is iiecessary is to pay tiieitaiuulers' hotel and transportation expenees. If a committee were appointed to sell tick ets, no doubt that sufficient patronage could be solicited to give them the re- quired guarantee. NEWS NOTES. A message received this morning states that the time set for Durrant's hanging is 10:30 today. Tonight's Telegram will say that Pres ident McKinley will not remain passive on the Cuban question. Latest reports state that the contract for supplies for the Dawson relief expe dition has been awarded to Portland. Last night the Columbia theater in San Francisco was destroyed by fire. The loss will amount to over $15,000,000. The question of calling Weyler to ac count for protesting to the queen-regent against the wording of McKiuley's mes sage, is closed, the Spanish public prose cutor having informed the supreme war council that there is no ground for pros ecution. The split in the ranks of the Republi can members of the Maryland house of delegates, which developed at Tuesday night's caucus, continued yesterday, with the result that tho house was com pelled to adjourn until today without paving organized, and there seems no immediate prospect of n settlement of the difficulty. Both branchec oi the Ohio legielatuto have adjourned until Monday, but both sides of the senatorial contest remain in conference daily aud nightly at the Neil house and the Great Northern hotel re spectively. The suspense and secret work will continue until next Tuesday, when the two branches of the legislature vote separately for senator. Tho last payment to the government by the Union Pacific reorganization com mittee for the Union Pacific was made yesterday, a check for $8,500,000 (round figures), boing deposited at the subtreas ury. The payment concludes practic ally financiering of the reorganization of tho Union Pacific and the payment of the debt of $58,000,000 to the government. I'lUtSONAt. MKNTION, Harvy Hill of Moro is in the city. Sheriff Driver left for Salem on busi ness today. Miss Myrlle Michel!, who has been visiting in Poitland the past week, re turned on the boat yesterday. Mrs. Hugh McNary ofalem camo up on the train hiBt oveniifg, and will visit the family ol her aujat, Mrs. J. M. Pat terson. Mrs. V. O. Brock of Sherman county. who has been visiting the family of Judge Bradshaw in this city, left for Portlaud this morning. The A. O, U. W, Initullutlou. Dnring .January and Feb ruary wo will givo to every person buying One Dollar's worth of goods at our store a chance on a hixtv-Dollar Steel Range, Which was manufactured by the Michigan Stove Co. Drawing to come off the 28th day of February, 1898. MAIER & BENTON then installed by the officials appointed by the grand lodge. Hazel Waud fol lowed with a recitation. A vocal solo was then rendered by Dr. O. D. Doanein such an admirable manner that he was forced to respond to the hearty encore. By request, Mrs. Groat and Mrs. Jayne rendered a duet, which was followed by a character song by Hazel Waud. The musical part was finished by a quartet. Bountiful refreshments were served and the evening pleasure was concluded with a delightful dance, which lasted until midnight. I'ulillc Installation. The public installation of the officers of the K. of P. lodge and the Rathbone Sisters was a very enjoyable affair. A number of friends of the orders was in vited, about 130 pereons In all being present. The first installation was that of the K. of P., with the following officers : CO., B. S. Huntington; V. C, J. Douthit; P., R.H.Weber; M, of W., F. Burchtorf; K. of R. and S., D. W. Vauee; M. of E., W. Walther; M. of F., John Gavin; M. at A., G. A Gosser; I. G., J. W. Blakeney; O. G., O. T. Shop- herd. - Following this catrioThe installation of the officers of the Rathbone Sisters, whose name's we did not get. A banquet was served later in tho evening, and after having fully enjoyed not only the good things served, but the pleasant social converse, tho evening closed with dancing, and we will not say but that tho new day opoued with the same amusement. another shipment of 1111509 ir-Jitatrs j And can now supply our customers. The Wilson is tho only Air Tight, stove with Outside Tube draft. Sold only by MAYS & CROWE, REMEMBER. We have strictly First-Class Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 25. J. T. Peters & Co. Fir Sweet Cftarity s THE ELK'S GRAND BALL, January 14th, 1898. The entire net proceeds will be devoted to Oharitv. and Ihose who wish to give for the sake of giving may find this agood opportunity The Charity Ball will be the grand social event of the FT toil . . ail 1 f . t ison ine following committees will nave cnarge ol the trious arrangements. GUNKtlAI; EX?:CJ'T!VE COMMITTEE-Judil S FUli, C L IMiillips, W L Bradshaw, R II i.oii-auie, u mison. INVITATION COMMITTEE Grant Mays, T J Seufert, J A Doutllit, W II Moody, W F Johnson. FINANCE COMMITTEE J V Hampshire, Geo C Hlakeley, I. K Crowe. DECORATION COMMITTEE H W French, I' W l)e HiiflT. J A Mne. Arthur, E M Wingatc, Gus lionn, George Feigusson, T .1 Driver. RECEPTION, COMMITTEE-John MIchell, A M Kelsay, J II Crossen, A S M.c Alllster, John C FLOOR AND Ml'SIO COMMITTEE C I. l'hllllis, Max A Vogt, Joseph Bonn, Frcil V Wilson, K ii i.onsuaie. COMMITTEE ON TICKETS Hotelier Faulkner, V A Johnston, W E Walthers, E O McCoy, Mueri iieiiiugeu. Tickets may bo secured from the Committee on Tickets. Tickets - $1.50 DANGEROUS CATERPILLARS. Howling TnuriiHiiMilit. The A. O. U. W. aud Degree of Honor installation held laet night, was attend ed by tho lodge members und quite a number of invited guesta. Tho program was well arranged and interesting throughout. The entertainmeut was opened by a quartet, after which the officers for the A. O. U. W. for the en euiug year wero duly installed. The installation was followed by another quartet by Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Young, Dr. Eeheluian and Mrs. Stephens. The officers for the Degree of Honor were Four of the eight games to be played in the bowling tournament between the Knot End team and that of Moody's alley, wero finished last night. The first two games wero played on Phelp's ulley, and the latter two on Moody's al ley. Tho following is tho totals for the four games : EAST EXO MOOUV'H 247 First Game '-'20 215 Second Game 201 255 Third Game 318 2S3 Fourth Game 284 Four more gamea are to bo played to decide the tournament, and as the total is very close they promised to be inter-ing. llow'M Tills! Wo oiler ono hundred dollars reward ifor any case of Catarrh that can not be bured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. J F.J. Chk.ni:y & Co. Props., Toledo, O. Wo, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable iu all busi ness transactions aud financially able to carry out any Obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, To ledo, O., Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tho system. Pricet 75c. per bottle. Bold by all druggists, Testimonials free. 1.5-D Everybody reads Thk Chronicle, Armed wllh a Very Effective Weapon for Defense. The caterpillar of tho puss moth, quite a common insect in this country, has a most effective way of defending himself, and may prove, as wo shall presently see, dangerous even to hu man beings, says a writer in Cham bers' Journal. This well-protected cat erpillar is provided between its head and forelegs with a cleft, from which it can protrude an organ capable of squirting out a quantity of very acid fluid to u "considerable distance, and when ularmed it habitually makes uso of this formidable weapon,. In one of the entomological maga zines a correspondent states thut ho was observing some of these caterpil lars in enptivity, when he happened to disturb one, and it suddenly squirt ed out a quantity of fluid iu u jet, whieh struck one of his eyebnlls, though his head at the time wns quite two feet away from the insect. Ho rushed or? iu great agony to a doctor, who told him that the eyeball was in a very dan gerous condition. His eye was totally blind for hours after the occurrence, and it was some days before he finally recovered. What the effect of this fluid must be upon smaller creatures we leave our readers to imagine! To Exchange. Twenty-four miles west of Spokane and two and one-hall from Deer Park, on the Spokane Falls & Northern, is the following tract of land, wiiicii I desire to exchange for residence property in The Dalles: One hundred and forty acres seventeen cleared, one paled in garden, Five-room, new house; two-story barn, and several other buildings. Value, 12,000. Call at Sentinel office. Clw NOTICE. Bids for the excavation for tho Wasco warehouse, according to tho plans and specifications on file at the office of C. J. Crandnll, will be received up to January 7, 1SD8. The right is reserved to reject uuv and all bids. , The Dalles, Dec. 81, -1897. Deep In It. That's what we are. We've got moro books than we know what to do with. Help us to lesson our stock. Of coursa we must oiler some inducement to you. We have a full line of all the new and interesting novels. We will sell them at a reduced price, with exception of Webster's Dictionaries and School Hooks. 1 will sell all Hooks during this month at COST. I. C. Nickelsen Book St musie Company,