Cljrcmklc VOL. X THE DALLES, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1898 NO 308 Jl)c Stalks LAST DAY ON EARTH All Barriers Jlavo Been IJe moveil. NO PUKTHKK KIvSlMTli !'10HAM,E (Inrnrniir Ituilil Oritur Warclmi llulii to I'riicKt'il Willi Hi" KxticiitltiM nf llin aiuriliimr: Han Qdkntin', Cut., Jan. (1. Theodore Durrant Iiiih only n fow hours to live. Tliu barriers that liavo bo long kept him from tin) gibbet hnvo boon Bwopt aside tuiri tlitt end la nuur. After tho federal judge had denied his petition yesterday for a writ of habeas corpus, and had re fused to allow him to take an appeal to the supreme court of tho land, there wua hut one recourse and that wub to appeal to tho governor for clemency, it looks us if Governor Jludd's action will he adyurac to the condemned man, iih he liaa instructed Warden Halo to go ahead with the execution and use extra care to prevent an attempt at Biiicidu by tint condemned man. Durrant la breaking down rapidly enough now. He teems to have put all hope out of Iiih thoughts. It hardly Hi'uniH that ho will make a brave show on the ?caflbld or that he will he in any condition in the laat moment to carry out hia intention of makinc u farewell upeech. Diirnuit's father hits confessed to Warden Hale that he haa given up all hope, and entera into the minute details of tho hunting with pitiable despoil doncy. The warden promises that no vulgar curioaity on the part of medical men or anybody else will lie gratified ufter the body haa been cut down, and aaya alao that the corpse will be delivered to Durrani's parentB immediutely after the execution for what ever diapoaition tliey cliooae to make of it. Nearly i!00 invitationa liave been is aued for the banging, and it ia aaid it ia believed that fully 17G persons will be present. Tho warden has been notified that bogus invitations havu been printed and aold in San Fruiiciiico, and every i-nril iiniHiHitiul nt. the iutn will be riuidlv inapeotoil beforo ita owner iB allowed to it. ..i ... t ...v ..o M.i UUIUUU L'llllIIIUUr, ,) 111 UUll I11IIU IlllUlllin V. . .... i,i , III II IIKI' 11 NII.I?II 111 1 III, 11HH11I1 I 111,111 111 ll 11 uoimuHiiug abaolute ailenco and order iitirniL' mo execution. In speaking of the.Dnrrant caae, Gen nil Dickinson, of Durraut'a couuael, mil : "No one will have permission to in erview the condemned man before he ia iaugud,aa I have authority in the matter mud havu given strict orders that no one tuhall see him. If the unfortunate man must die, I believe in letting him spend iliia laat hourfl in peace, and will not per unit htm to bo pestered. If anyone per MiiitH him to bo seen it will not only bo contrary to orders, but u violation of .11. tint Mm Ikvutilr l,ii, lf II Uftl, ,11111 rjaititii mm niu iiii.,iiitife w. uv........ k liirrmit'a fnfliiir Iiiih lint, lltmiflftll what i'disposition he will make of tho body. Owing to tho fact that some cometery associations refuse to receive it, on ac count of the notoriety that would result, ithe elderly Durrant threatens to bury Ithe body under tho broad waters of the pacific. Friends aro trying to induce ithe stricken parents to have the remaina reunited. Subscribo for Tun CaitoNioi.u. pot Baby. Tho iicoro ot little troubles tliut bothur bnby oliidine liliuiiU's, ImniB, KcaUlN, culi iniunaw -uiichh uu mum vy mu imo III OaHand'i "8ppy Thought" SlV. Hnfe, olean, boiiont remedy. No iiouonoun mnieriiuiiubcu UUNNKI.hHOlU 11. PrU co nta. Royal mnkeit the lood pure, wholesome and dellclnui. POWDER Absolutely Pure Html uakinq powdch CO., ftw yobk. lliililind thfi Grave. A startling incident of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, wbb the subject ia narrated by him aa follows: I was in a most dreadful condition. My skin wiib almost yellow, eyoH sunken, tongue coated, pain continuully in hack and aides, no appetite gradually growing weaker duy by day. Three phyaicianB had given mo up. Fortunately, a friend advised trying 'Electric Bitters,' and to my great joy and surprise, the first bot tle made a decided improvement J con tinued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they aaved my lite ami robbed tho grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them. Only 50 cents per bottle at Hlakeley & Houghton's drug Btore. A MA.IOltlTY OF T1IKEK OK r OlTll. 'CoUtlt Of NllNI'H" Hlic-.i Iluuua 1r I'rubulily IliiuKin. Coi.u.MitiiH, 0., Jan. 6. The senatorial contest today changed Bomewhat. The anti-IIanua combine is on the defensive. Ah the "count of noses" stands now with the steering committees Hanna ia beaten. The opposition has b majority on joint ballot of , three or four on the concessions of Republicans who are sup porting Hanna. The opposition claims from six to seven majority aguinat Hun nu and that it is secretly making con- ccbbioiis. i'reaauro from the cotiBtituenta of the bolting Republican members is increas ing every day and is likely to be over whelming it its extent aud intensity by next week. Tho moBt Important development to day wiib a conference in favor of Jepthn Garrard, of Cincinnatti, silver Repub lican, as the man on whom the oppo sition will try to concentrate against Ilauiia. Some Democrats refuse to vote for a Republican, like Ruehnell, Kurt, and McKisBon, who have not been pro nounced for free silver, but say thoy would vote for Garrard. Tho silver Democrats prefer Mcleau, and they tried to get up a compromise for Garrard for the short term and McLean for the long term, but the Republicans opposing Hanna Bald they could not vote for a Democratic Bonator. The opposition haa prepared a bill lo reapportion the congressional districts. This ia intended as a strike at the Re publican congressmen who are here working for Han mi. When your stomach begins to trouble you, it needs help. The help it needs, is to digest your food, and until it gets it. vou won't havoitnv neace. Stomach trouble Is very diBtroasing, very obsti nate, very dangerous. Many of tho most dangerous of diaenses begin with simple indigestion. The reason is that indigestion (not digestion, not nourish ment) weakens the system mid allows disease germs to attack it. This anti dote is Shaker DIgoBtlvo Cordial, strengthening, nourishing, curative. It cures indigestion and renews strength and health. It does this by strengthen ing the stomach, by helping it to digest your food. It nourishes you. Shaker Digestive Gordeal is made of pure horba, nlantsund wine, is perfectly harmless and will certainly cure till genuine stom ach trouble. Sold by druggists, price 10 conta to $1,00 por bottle. Mr. Ellaha Horry, of this place says he never had anything do him so much good and givo such quick relief from rheumatism as Chamberlain's Fain Hal in. He was bothered greatly with hooting pUh from ,hjp to knee until bo used this llulmeut, which affords prompt relief. B, F. Baker, druggist, St. Paris, Ohio, For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. NOVEL WORK FOR WOMEN Odd Occupations Followed by tho Fair Sox in London. There Arc IIok Walker anil Por tcreN find Kenialc C'nlililca Arc Looked for Next New Field nt Labor. It has been left to London to organ ize 'an institution that will give the new woman a decidedly new Held. The women's institute promises to be the most unique institution that ever was created for the gentler sex. Anions the chief occupations which those who place themselves under its protecting- wings will be trained in arc those of if(,r walker and hotel porU'ress. The first of these callings is as novel ns it is surprising. Certain families have dogs which need exercise. There are no grounds attached to the homes of these dog owners, and therefore the only way for the pets to enjoy fresh air is to be walked up and down the side walk, .after the fashion of the dogs be longing to the flat dwellers in New York. .Now, the dog walker knows all nbom clogs. She calls at houses where she has learned canines ore kept and pre sents a card, on which is printed in neat script: "Miss Dolly Periwinkle, Walker of Dogs." To the person, who receives the card tho lady states that for so much per month she-will guarantee to take a dog and trot him about the streets twice a d-..y, each trip to consume. .10 minutes. This gives the dog an outing of an hour a day, and as the charges rarely exceed three shillings a week it is believed the dog walker will find lier occupation both profitable and pleasant, provided the dog permits it. Some of the feminine dog walkers whom the women's institute has al ready placed have been bitten by ill tempered charges. Such eases are all the more sorrowful, because the dog walker makes an. agreement that if the clog oites her she will make no fuss about it, but accept the bite in the spirit in which it is offered. The dog walker is required to give security for the animal bhe takes tem porarily under her care, and this diili sulty has been remedied by a bond given by the women's institute and in dorsed by one or another of the patron esses, whose name is as good as gold. The pleasant-faced dog walkers have met with very good success, but those with apparently unkind dispositions June found their new profession very unprofitable. Experience as hotel portei-esses- on the part of the proteges of the women's institute have not ais yet produced any great results. About .he only class of women who can handle big trunks and matters of that sort neer heard of the women's institute and were not partic ularly anxious to make its "acquaint ance. Where women have only found it necessary to carry hand baggage they have .succeeded very well. Other lines in which the proteges of the institute hnve begun to engage are billposting aid pnperhnnging, in each of which they have achieved fairly ex cellent success. It is the aim of the institute to fur nish to women new fields to occupy. The members' believe that woman shoulcl invade tho ctonialn of man to n far greater extent than heretofore, a nil that there arc very many callings at which that tyjx1 of woman with more strength than brains could make ex cellent livings, where now they are quite likHv to lack the necessaries of life. The institute members claim that woman has proved to be a good farm er, and, that being the oase, there is no reason wliy she sliould not succeed in thoFe lighter occupations of man in the cities which call for no greater de gree of fctrength in manual labor than is exercised by the women who farm. The noxt stpn that the institute pro- . posofl to take is to secure a number of enb" and Imve them driven by women. The drivers are to wear divided skirts and must in every instance 1k young, strong and' rather inclined to worldly wisdom, X. Y. Herald. l'ltz wa OTuriuatchrd, Osiikosii, Jan. 0. Oshkosh has a strong man, AugiiBt Shane, a Dauish fisherman, over alx teet tall and weigh ing over 300 pounds, who, while FiU elmmoiiB wua here, challenged him to an arm twisting contest. Fltz&imuious ac cepted. The two men clasped bauds and braced their elbows on the counter. At every trial the pugilist's hand was forced dovu to the counter. FiUsiiu uions acknowledged bis defeat aud took It good-naturedly. Try Sculllloi'i Unit tea aud baking powder Sheriff's Sale. Notice Is licrrby rIvcii Hint under nml by vir tue oi iin execution mid order of Mile, thsucd out of the Circuit Court of the SUtc of Ore-eon, ror Wnsco County, on the lltli day of December, 1S'J7, ujion a deereu mid Judgment rendered therein on the llrtt c!ny of December, 1SU7, in n milt then niul theretofore pendiiiB, wherein Northern Conation Investment Trimt, Limited, a Corporation, wns jilulntlM', nnd Mary J. Smith .Innies.M. Smith, Jr., Klum A. Kmith nnd Clem Smith, were defendant, I did on the llth day of December, 1M7, duly levy upon, nnd will, on Wednesday, the 10th day of January, 1898, nt the hourof one o'clnck In the nfternoon of said dny. nt the front door of the county court homo in Dalles City, Watco County, OrrKon, sell at pub lic auction, to the hlRh est bidder, for cash la hand, t.'ic followl-iR defcribed real estate, to wit: Lots ft and Gin block", fomclilln's Addi tion to The Dalles City, nnd ixit 'I fn Block in Trevitt's Addition to Tho Dalies City, nil In Watco County, Orccon, topether with nil and hlnRtilnr the tenements, hereditaments, and ap jicrteiiances thereunto bcloiiRliig or in any wise appertaining, or mi much thereof as shall bo necessary to sntltfy and pay the said several sums due to piuintlir muutioscd in snlil writ, to wit: f2,93.'.(M, and Interest thereon from the first day of December, ls97, at the rate ot eleht jiercent. pcrnnnum; the further mm of $2.V).00 as a reasonnblc attorney's fee, nnd the costs and disbursements of said suit, taxed and allowed at $29.00, together with accruing costs and cx jicnses of such sale. Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, this 15th dny of December, 1S97. T. J. DUlVKIt, Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon. Sheriffs Sale. Notice fs hereby Riven that under and by vir tue of an execution and order of sale issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of w asco. ana to me directed una delivered, upon n Judgment nnd decree rendered and enteied In ssid court on the Mh day of No vember, 197, in favor of A. 11. Jones, plaintlll', and against It. K. Kewcl, defendant, for the sum of two hundred and seventy-six nnd 25-100 i27fi.25) dollars, together with interest thereon, since !a5 1, l&yc, at the rate of ten percent per annum, and thirty (f!0) dollars attorney fees; and the further snm of eleven ($11) dollars costs, which said ludemt-nt was enrolled and docketed in the olllce of the clerk of said court In said county on the 8th day of November, l9 : and whereby it was further ordered and decreed by the court tunt me loiioiving aescnuea projieriy, tn-wlt: Dc-Rliiuing at a point 1S.S9 chains west of the lino botwifii si-ctlons thirtv-llve and thirty-six. in township three north of range ten east of the Willamette juennian, ueiug mc mswru ism inus of the north boundary line of the James llcnson Donation Land Claim: thence uorth G.&5 chains, thence cast 8.S5 chains, thence south 0.85 chains, and thence west S.S5 chains to place of beginning, containing six acres, more or less, and being the same premises sold by the saia a. ii. j ones 10 me sum i. i-. icncii Vmjn rmtntr. flrpt'Otl. bo KiM to mttsfr sold iiidirment. attorney fees, costs and aeeriifnir costs. 1 will, oil Tuesday, the 8th day of February, 1898, at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, at the trout uoor oi tne counnouse m Dalles City, Wasco Co.,Or.,sell all the right, title and interest of thesald K. E. Fcwel in and to the above described property, at public auction to the highest bidder tor cash in hanl, the pro ceeds arising from said sale to be npplled to the satisfaction of said ludcment. attorney's fee. costs aud accruing costs, and the surplus, If any there be, to bo paiu into court, ana mere 10 re main until the lurther order of this court. T. J. DRIVER, dec22-i Sherifl'of Wnsco County, Or. ..GHflS. F-W- Butchers and Farmers ..Exchange.. Keeps on draught the celebrated COLUMHIA BEER, acknowl edged the best beer in The Dalles, at the usual price. Come in, try it and be convinced. Abo the Finest brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. andaiiehes of all Kinds always on hand. Tne coiumDia Packing Co.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Lard and Sausages. Curersof BRAND HAMS & BACON DRIED BEEF. ETC. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A J KN'KR.Uj BANKING BUS1NES Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic nn New York. Chicago. Kt rnlB Ran Kranclaco. Portland Ore son, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon ana wasmngton. Collections made at all points on fav orable terms. r Sacrifice .' Sale, GliOflKS. Stylish Things in Children's Jackets. EMPIRE Ladies' Cloaks, Capes Jackets 1-3 OFF REGULAR PRICE on all $10.00, $13.50, $12.00, $15.00 and better Cloaks. THE OPPORTUNITY OP THE SEASON. Take advantage of this exceptional offer while it lasts. All $10.00 Garments reduced to f0.07 All 11.50 Garments reduced lo 7.6 All 12.00 Garments reduced to S.0O and hetter ones in like proportion. A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of au kinds. Headquarters for Feed Gram of ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, i$2n Headquarters for .... - ton Flour. We sell our goods lower tluui any liouso in the trade, and if you don't think so call and jjot our nnces and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Whsat, Barley and Oats. who A. C. F. Going at 1-3 off Reg. Price. $0.00 Coats now $4.00 4.50CoatB now 3.00 3.00 Coats.... now 2.00 1.50 Coats now 1.00 JACKET "Byers' Best" Pendle- t ii.. This Flour is munn&ictured expressly for family use: every sack is guaranteed to give satisfaction. has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes has everything to be found in & first-class Dry Goods Store. STEPHENS. ES3I