OUR INDUCEMENT SALE. km We have just received "Well Pleased Ladies. Tlio thinking, plflnnlntr, careful housewife will appreciate our inducement sale of Bleached and Unbleached Muslins. The attract iveness of them lies partly in the price, but mostly in the goods thomflolvcfl. They give an opportunity to fill the needs of every household in thu way of necessities and half luxuries. BLEACHED MUSLINS. Brie-s-Brnc 46c Forma Mills 5jjc Fruit of the Loom Ojjc Lonsdale flffic Hopo 6c Borkely Cambric 7'c UNBLEACHED MUSLINS. Yeddo Bunting 2c Holbrook K 3Jo Aurora C llu Lawrence LL 4S,c Iron Clad BB 4c Cabot W and Wilton R ...,5c PRINTS The best that money can buy ; 18 yards for one dollar. 1 Really Desirable. There is no economy in buyine Clothing that is ready to wear merely because it's cheap. OUU ready-to-wear garments are made for nutiafaction. They fit riht ; they wear well; are not just na good as custom garments, but they give more real satisfaction, at these prices, than custom garments. We shall offer our regular $7 and $S Men's Suits for $5 85 We shall offer our regular $5 and ifO Men'a Suits foi 3 85 There will be other good things to follow. u ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. j- - -- - - THURSDAY - JANUARY 0, 18S WAYSIDE QLEA NINQS. Weather This afternoon, tonight und Friday, enow. Cull and see what the Commission Co. can do for you on fresh groceries. 4-tf Go to the Columbia Cundy Factory for fresh oysters in every style. tf Buy your goods at Maler & Benton'B and got u chance free on a steel ruuge. Buy choice greeu groceries, fish and poultry from the Commission Com- puny, 4-tf The Prize Medul cigar is strictly hand made and filled with the finest grade of Havana tobacco. 0-tf If you lmvo money to burn, burn it by smoking Fonts' Prize Medal and Rose Queen cigars. 0 tf PortrntrbmiorisyBiniill size COc, me dium size (15c, und largo size 85c. Or der of Fred Vun Norden. Rev. Baltz will tonight speak on the subject of "A Proper Division of the Bi ble," nt the Cliriatian church. Wlfen you wunt a good smoke, bo euro uud call for louts' high-grnde cigars. For sale by all lirst-class dealers. tf Dr. Lucy M. IngerHoH's lecture to morrow in the new K. of P. hall, will be on "Nerves und NervouanesH." Ad mission free. Choice Shoulwator Buy oysters served in every style at the Columbia Candy Factory. Give us a trial and we will endeavor to please you. Wunted To engagu a capable huly or gentlemuu as local representative. Guar anteed salary $50 per month. Room J8, Chapman block. Entrance on Wash ington street. C12t The funeral of John Morman, the man who was found dead in his room Tues day ovenlng, wau held troin the under taking Ipurlors ol CrnmUll & Burget this afternoon. It was attcndodjiy a few friends of the deceased. "X A stono crosswalk is being put down on Washington street across Second. This is a move that everyono interested in the city's welfare highly appoves of, and wo hope thut more walks of this character will bo put in in ,the near fu ture. Tuesday the Woodmen had n monu ment placed over the grave of J. Thompson, a inembor of that lodge, who died some time ago. It .was put in by Louie Coinini, and, being one of the finest monuments in the cemetery, it rollects a great deal of crodit on the atone cuttor who constructed it. . A letter received from the Oregon Children's Home Society was received today. It contains the indorsement of Governor Lord, iu which he encourages everyone to aid this society in the good work which it is doing in reclaiming and caring for those dependent children. At present the society tins four boys, a baby one week old, another one month old and two little fellows 2 and 3 years old, which they would like to have fam- ; ilies adopt. Address Rev. I. F. Tobey, 608 Marquam Building, Portland, Ore gon. . Yesterday Andrew Keller received a large number of rolls for his grapho phone. The new list contains the latest songs and selections, and extracts from the leading minstrels, and for a nickel people can laugh until their sides are sore and hear the latest in the way of witty sayings. A The preliminary hearing of William Lemon was finished yesterday evening. He wus bound over under $200 bonds to appear before the next (grand jury. The only evidence apaiuBt Lemon was that he bad the saddle in his poBession, and he did not Introduce any evidence in hiB own defense. This morning Phil Bro gau, Jr., went his bond, and he was re leased. Tomorrow is the day set for the hang ing of Durrant, and many still have fears that be will, with the aid of his clever attorneys and the abundance of cabh that come from some source, to as sist him, get another lease on life. If those forces are permitted to work to ward staying his executiou it will be a shameful proceeding, and will bo viewed as such by every clear minded man in the country. II. C ludflon, industrial agent for the O. L it N. Co., interested in the devel opment uf Eastern Oregon by the intro duction of cotton, tobacco and forage plants, left Corvallis for Portland yes terday. During liia stay there lie had several conferences with heads of de partments and the president and direc tor of the agricultural college and exper iment station, uud secured assurance of thu co-operation of tiie institution in the proposed experimental work in the development of the section of country east of the Cascades. ai A. MU, IV. II.,., I,., c .,!,.. I laundries, or rather wash houses, all of them run by Chinese, and as the major ity of our people do not like their work, the bulk of the washing goea to Port- and. What we want and want badly is steam laundry that will do our work satisfactorily and furnish employment to white labor in this city, and as soon us.somoentorprislng.uiau starts an estab lishment of this kind he can rostusstirod that he will receive Uie liberal patron age of everyone. Two laundries have 'been started already in this city, and (heir work and management have been tjuch that they failed, but this is no reason why unyone doing good work and conducting their business in a business like manner, should not make a success of it. l'ubllv Iimtiillntlou. Tne G. A. R. and tho W. R. 0. will hold a public joint installation next Saturday ovensng at 7 :30, at Selmnno's hall. Friends of the order are cordially invited, Mary S. Myers, Sec. Snbsorlbe for Tub Chkoniclk. A BOLD FORGERY. Forced Check for S57.2S Given at Feme Jt Mny' Store Culprit Captured. Yesterday afternoon a man went into TeaBe & Mays' store and purchased a A.vGiruuiiiii cum ui uiuwice iruui itfWIe Porter, one of tho clerks in that estab Jlshment, and presented in payment a check from F. C. Jackson of Hood River for $57.25 in favor of a man named Uones, which he claimed was his name. Mr. Porter, not doubting the check, gave him the change and he left the store. Inquiries were afterward made con cerning the paper, and it waB found to be a forgery. The officers were notified and a search instituted. About 5 o'clock Mr. Porter met the man and he inquired for the exprees oflice. Mr. Porter told him that he would show him where it was, and took the man around on Second street, where they met Night watchman Wiley, and he was turned over to him. After leaving the store he changed his clothes, und it was only by his features that he was recognized. He had his pioliminary hearing before Justice Filloon, and his bonde were fixed at $200, to appear before the next grand jury. No bondsman appeared, and he was placed in jail. It was found from letters which were in his pos8ess!on that his name is Claude Rice, and that he has a mother and sister, who live in Albany. SjiokHUe l'uiiltry autl Dull Show. The forthcoming combined Spokane Poultry and Doll Show opens Tuesday, January 11th, and closes Saturday, Jan uary 15th. I. K. Felch of Natick, Mass., will judge for the third consecutive year the poultry department, and the various doll dressing coutests will be judged by a number of the most prominent ladies of Spokane. The premium list for the poultry department is the most liberal ver offered by any poultry association west ot tii9 Mississippi river, ana all arizes will be paid in cash. About one lousand birds will be ou exhibition, coming from all parts of the Inland Em pire, Ptiget Sound, Portlaud and Salem, Oregon, and from Napa uud other poul try centers of California, The railroads centering at Spokane have civen a reduced rate of one and one-fifth fare for the round trip for those, desiring to attend the combined show, effective from and including January 8th to the closo of the show, the admis sion to which is 15 cents for adults and 10 cents for children under 15 years of age. A Hoclnl Buvcemi. Last night at the K. of P. hall a danc ing party wus given complimentary to Mrs. Geo. St. John ofTucoma and Miss Lownsdale of Salem, Jw ho are visiting in our city. The success of tb6 party was assured, when Prof. BIrgfeld and Miss Schmidt were secured to furnish the music, j No more congenial crowd could possibly have gathered, and the num ber was such as could conveniently During January and Feb ruary wo will give to every person buying One Dollar's worth of goods at our store a chance on a Sixty-Dollar Steel Range, Which was manufactured by the Michigan Stove Co. Drawing to' come off the 28th day of February, 1898. MAIER & BENTON dance in the hall. So enjoyable was the evening that the participants remained till a much later hour than is custom ary at these parties. .. Those present were: ,Mr. and Mrs. Blakeley, Mr and Mrs,' Theo Seufert, Mrs H A Mosb of San Francisco, Mr and Mrs H French, Mr and Mrs Don nel), Mr and Mrs Garretson, Mr and Mre H Kuck. Mr and Airs Phillips, Mrs Lownsdale, Mrs St. John, Misses Gussie Lownedale, Beulah' Patterson, Annie and Besse Lang, Nona Rucb, Dorothy Fredden, Catharine Martin, Maybel Mack, Elizabeth Schooling, Virginia Marden, Georgia Sampson, Ettie Story, Clara Davis, Lillian Snell, Cad Booth, Laura Thompson, Veva Moore, Mat tie Cusbing and the Misses Ricks. Messrs R II Lonsdale, G A Clarke, J Weigel, J Booth, C Clarke, W Fredden, F Cram, R Gorman, M Moody, G Bonn, L Porter, F French, T Purdy, V Mar den, F Weigel, A McCulley, C Burget, M Vogt, Jr, L Heppner, E Wingate, F Deitzel, A L Gudo. - - - Water CoinmlmiloiierK' Meeting. At the last meeting of the water com missioners the following members were present: Jos. T. Peters, J. B. Crossen, M. Randall and S. Bolton. After the minutes of the last meoring were read and approved, the following bills were examined und ordered paid : J T Peters, lumber $ 2 75 Gunnine & Heckman, labor. ... 50 Mays & Crov, mdse 125 Chronicle Pub Co, bill heads. . . 1 50 1 J Norman, supt salary To 0U E A Borders, helper's salary. . . 75 00 S Bolton, secretary 10 00 D S Dutur.ins. policy 11 00 Sept report placed on file show- imt total book account siaia w Total amount collected 967 45 Total amount not collected. . .$ 244 95 Treasurer's report read and ordered placed on file, showing Cash on hand at last report . . . ,$4474 89 CaBh ree'd from I J Norman . . . 967 45 Total $5742 34 l'KKSONAt, MENTION. Thomas Glavey is in from Kingsloy today. Hans Lage of Hood River is iu tho city today. J. W. Lauder of Bake Oven is in the city ou business. Miss Elva Gaunt of Centerville is vis iting friends in the city. Dr. Lnnnerberg returned this morning from u trip to Arlington. C. II. Southern of Boyd made the office a pleasant call today. Fred Young, the Ridgeway sheep king, is greeting old friends in the city today. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Michell of Gol dendale are visiting relatives in this city. Twenty-four miles west of Spokane . 1 1.-14 t TI 1 auu two unu onc-uau iroui uaor rurK, on the Snokaue Falls & Northern, is the following tract of land, which 1 desire to exenange tor residence property in me jtelles: One hundred and forty acres seventeen cleared, one paled in garden. Five-room, new house; two-story barn, and several other buildings. Value, $2,000. Call at Sentinel office. 6.1w another shipment of And can now supply our customers. Tho UVilson is the only Air Tight stove with Outside Tube draft. Sold only by MAYS & CROWE, REMEMBER. We have strictly First-Class Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To "be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 25. J. T. Peters & Co. For Sweet Clarity's Sak THE ELK'S GRAND BALL, January 14th, 1898. 1 The entire net proceeds-will be devoted to Charity, and those who wish to give for the sake of giving may find this a good opportunity ; Tho Charity Ball will be the grand social event of the 'season The following committees will have charge of tho (various arrangements. GENERAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Judd 8 FIbli, C I. Phillips, W L Bradshnw, R II I.ondule, F V Wilson. INVITATION COMMITTEE-Grant Mays, T J Seufert, J A Pouthlt, W II Moody, W F Johnson. FINANCE COMMITTEE J F Hampshire, Geo C Blakeley, I. E Crowe. DECORATION COMMITTEE H W French, V II Do Hull', J A Mno Arthur, E M Wingate, Gus Bonn, George Fergusson, T J Driver. RECEPTION COMMITTEE John Michell, A M Kelsny, J 1! Crobi.cn, A S Mao Alltster, John C Hertz, Ed M Williams, FLOOR AND MUSIC COMMITTEE C I. Phillips, Max A Vogt, Joseph Bonn, Trad W Wilson, It H I)nsdttle. COMMITTEE ON TICKETS-l'letcher Faulkner, W A Johnston, V E Walthcrs, E O McCoy, Albert llettingen. Tickets may ho secured from the Committee on Tickets. Tickets $1.50 Advertised l.ettura. Following is tho list of letters remain ing in the postoflice ut Tho Dallea un called for December 31, 1S97. Persons calling for tho eiimo will give dnto on which they were advertised : Acteson, Win Baldwin, Mies S M Davenport, Nellie Depee, Nettie Furgeson, Mrs. 1' Fisk, Mrs V P Fox, Susanah Grove, Miss Sadio Hansird, S H Harrip, Miss Hazel Hazel, Richard Johns, Annie M. Johnson, Fellie Kirr, Ohas. Kay, Hiram R Lauglilin, Mrs L Lewis, Mrs C E Lempins, Susie Long, Mrs M Mason Dr. I S Mairr, H J. Moore, Eugene McCoy, Mrs V E Nelson, Mrs II O Olin, Chas Prino, A ma Skactss. A D Swersy. B W Strong, Mattie. Shokarmolllo, Sas Neigett, Alhert Wilder, Mrs J. A. Ohossk.v. Lena Demning and Etta Brock, aged 10 and 7 respectively, were shot in the face hy John Volker, aged 14, last Sun day evening, at tho home of Mrs. Dam ning, about three miles south of Hills boro. Volker was in the yard, while the girls, six in all, were in the house, standing nt a window. Volker asked the girls to come out to the barn to play, They refused, and lie discharged a shotgun, which he carried, at the win dow, t lie contents breaking tho glass and injuring two of the girls. When you can not sleep for coughing take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It always gives prompt relief. It is most excellent for colds, too, as it aids ex pectoration, relieves the lungs and pre uents any tendency toward pneumonia. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, NOTICE. Bids for the excavation for tho Wasco warehouse, according to the plans and specifications on file at the oflice of 0. J. Crandall, will be received up to Jauuary 7, 1S0S. The right ia reserved to reject imv mid all bids. The Dalles, Dec. 31, 1897. Deep In lb. That's what we aro. We've got nioro books than we know what to do with. Help us to lesson our block. Of emirso we must oiler some inducement to you. We have a full lino of all tho now and interesting novels. Wo will all them at a reduced price, with exception of Webster's Dictionaries and School Hooks. I will sell all Books during this month at COST. I. C. Nickelsen Book St music Company.