IK;. tlEt , I is, Ths Dalles Doily (flwoniftti . . Th ony JfrptififiVrui Diuly AVte.twiiprt tin Hriismi Cotmlu. SASTKRX OFFICE (MM in 2Xi TVmp?. C.irtrf, Ar. V. Cv A'-iT. .luym. - rr x" - '-' t.Sii Wwnkly Clltliltlliir Kmihn Chroniulu iunl Oivouiuu Chronii'Jtt and Exauiinur Cumuiulu iinil Tutor Ocwiu Chronidn and Trillium Chrnniulu ami N T. World. 1 Tfl . ... THUItSD.VY TEE YEAR .IT HOME. TH Nuw York rmtopwidmit; gives Um following rcsnnm of Um most important foiitimt of Prosiilont Jviu.'ity'a ailmiiiisUMtion : "Tim most important napnitts of tlm past yiur aro tliosa raliitaug- to poli tioa ami ilmmdnl ami industrial ra cuimrntiou. Pl-csulunt faiCmlur in ouUimug his policy, gnvu Um first i many- of Umm hnvu preastnl into plaoii in imnmdiaw importauui. to ! country Umt starvation durinjr legislation for Unv eulargcmunt of ttm'thu long .iretin winter ia a posssibil- revenues of Um country-,, anil Umj t.y, ami rcl'mf espmhtioiiM ar to h stttcomi place ta Um qtmsu'ou of cnr- forwanl wiUi .supplies at Um reucy reform. He also imlmntori j P" of tlm United Sfcites goveru- his strong attachment to the merit ! mime' system; and, his intention to uphold ! itL He took occasion ahoitly aft.r ' Jt.m. to pro.nlgate an important rote for-L ia, hJ 5ven dlllt hi,,B wU1 v i j- , . be rectavwl by Uie county court for kReo- bidding removala from dike except! oaiIary hy Ulew(!t5k4 ua written cmirges. tie uaa provBrt a strong frianif of Uie merit system. "Ou March I.iUi asnemal session nf congrass waa convened.. ami Ute orJ of revising Um tariff ras entered upon. It was known in advance who would comccse the commits , T , ... I lw:CB seres, meera,, salt raenm, fev Of ways and means., ami they had j been' working diligenUy in preparing i cama, xxid all akin arnptians, and' pod new schedules. The house was.. 1 'y cm s piles,, or ao pay required therefore,, enahled to act with great lz x ta give perfect satiafac. promptness, ami Uie new tariS W Zl' nfwf&d' ff Z . 7 . , . , Pr boT. For aala oy Blaltaley and into operation in July, It raised Uie : Soughtou, dnaariata dutaes on many articles, notibly wool j and woolens to about Uie rates of j tae old ifcKmley tariff, leavinjr a ! few (as in rti ! the iron and steel ached- aie aimcst imaistnrned. The re sales of Uie new Law ara not quite certain, "While there has been a monthly advance in the receipts. they are not yet suiHcient Uy meet the expenditures of the government. The. present policy is to wait two or three months longer. 3Ir Dingiey and others believe that there will be such a substantial increase as will justif y their policy of retainincr the tariiE as it ia. '-The expectation that, the tariff settled., there would be a. gradual re torn of Uie prcsn-eritv enioved be fore the pnniCr has been justified in a large measure. Easiness interests ; have adjusted theraselTes to the new tariff and the present conditions ; and with the most abundant crops the country has ever had and Largs demands for them f roa abroad, our 1 farmers have had a remarkably pros perous year, particularly in the West ', and Northwest, and hart paid off a j large amount of mortgages and other i debt. ! '-The elections in November were of a mixed character. "Where Be pnblicans carried states it was gener ally by a rednced plurality. The Bryan Democrats hardly held their I own in Nebraska and lost South' Dakota. In an election for chief jastice of the eonrt of appeals of this state the Democratic candidate won by a handsome majority, being helped by the large Democratic vote in the Greater New York, where Tammany was trinmphant oveT the Citizens' Union and the "Republican ticket. The loss of Greater New York came hardly as a surprise, be cause the Eepabhcans insisted upon a separate ticket, making the tri nmph ot Tammany certain. The low to good government Is great. On tbe other hand, Baltimore was carried a second time by thoae in favor of a good, clean administra tion, and the state also went Bepub lican, insuring a republican ucctor to United States Senator Garnan. "Onr rektiosi with Spain and Cuba haveattiuee been quite delicate. Uader the new administration they ,mvu souu,wmii improvmi, pniy , to Um Quit of a ulmnmun Uui Spnn mil cjUiiimt, urn! Mm actum of Um Lllmmta, with mr SnffuUt c thuir. lnwl, to mvm Our mnv mn.iiiuV tmtian ia rojnmhul :ih frhmiUv to NjjmIi alUioni'h ProstilmiUruluiiliiy's , nullity of nltimtiUi iiiUtmiiitlon ia ! retry tHHtii.sUiful to tlm mjihuhIi iiu. ! ,,, 1 I"1" "Oihi of tlm qrotit. avuiita of tltn vuiir . , ,? , u.ia m-.i-.n umuuvury m imortiioiiH ! ifitt'nuiti of aolil in wliiit ia known rn hi',,. .. , ........... .mvt-wjy ,t wiw',. ......... . . in Hnusli " " HUM lttt t orui Anmrma. Um richest finds so inv liuvn ueen in Caniidiun hirri tory. cArany millions of tlm gold mined lust, winter have lumn brought to Um United States, and it ia ex pected that Um nuxt year's output will be immensely larger. A hirgu number of persona from Uie United States and Camida have gone to seek Umir fortunes ui Um toe eusuinu ywir. All bills aiut b ; Ui derJr on or bHfnra the lUi ' ; ot .January,. isDH, at 0 o elonk t 0 o'clock a. m. A.M.S'vns and all bills. County Clertt. i nmu'i arum stu-v. !. in the warlii for can, Taken TJu. Came ta my place on S-ifiler about i -na ct -ovemor,,a straw-cay roiw Sliirr branded V Prconaectedon the left ' I'.lW i ..." .inn.,,. t.,i 1.1 .A . ........ 11 j J I j 1 L ... J :er can flave aanie by pay a? charjas. 3f. a. Zvass, The. Dalles, Or. dec22-lai Came to oar place about Anipiet latr iaetv a roan cow: brand" indistinct. Owner can have same bv paving al! charzes. Moons Ea"os.v a-Iai Three ITiie. Can ta Tonr Ctnci. Allcountv warraata rejriatered priori to Jnly 11, 13i3, win fee paid at my j office. laterest ceases after Lee 2.1.1 " 7 . U &t?-, U Couar? Treasurer. 1 Ta Car a CV1U1 in On Day. TakA Laxative Eronso Qpiaiae Tab-, feta. An drunyats refanii tt e mon-? Lf ' they fail to enre. 25c. 1 DtfiUNN'S Sifik or " J-ast Tir.-t flLLd reel wen." MLT OK ro A MU. nmmmm nmnns. suns 25 ct. 1 Mi u drusiHiii or by mart iMco.faua.Pa. i Regulator Line i 1 jig Mill aii Astoria 1 Navigation Co. . strs. Regulator T Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE B2TWBW The Danes, Hoort EItct. Oweute LcvJi and Port land daily, -Hnr au-adny. DOH THE YALLET OH TO Are you gaisg thif'n'iJM?01 sn1 "J0? tnual trip on for Inntw informaUon pplj- to J. N. HAKSEY, Agent, 0k etreet Dock. I-ortUart. OreKon. Or W C. AU-VWAY, Gen. Ait, THE ifJ VAftlf lAMlltl fft II Tiff IlllfK IVIIKI II R tif 1 Ul111 WURLU THRIGE-H-WEEK" EDITI0(I. I 1H lHrm i WmiU. t.ltl Pitimi" i Ynitr 1 I rfs,m,H tlrst. nmmui "wcultly" pnprs I MIB", frmiUMllliy ) puhUfAtilltl I fnwlnnwfl, vnriutv suul rttltuliiHty of mm mtSt lt Proutlcully a daily ac tlm low I priim o u wenkly ; :uul ltn vnut llHt: of tmhmiribtira, oxmudhiir tu uvorv statu ami r' mury m tan union ami ruruiwuuiim- Vr' vn.mli for thu umnmuiy unit VJ 7.7 1. " V. Vi . mi.: ' : . lc ,H auitutuiuiy uiiiMtramu, ami ammm n,iW, xlmuniiv nmrkut ni).irt, nil the ua Hpiiiuui inaiurtw an a umt Humor - ' ,,nwHr '"huhuih air women ami a Um aeritw of storii's hy Um rtmt.Hfc llvinu I Ameriuan and EmjHtm auUiora, Cnnitii nnyliii .rrtun IC. .r.trimia, Stnnluy Woyuiitn Mury K. WUUttiM Antliuuy Huum, Hrar. tlurt.i, Kriiiutwr MttlUimrn. Kti. Wr mrr this mwiuuleii newspaper anil The DaHih TwiuiMi'NVtmk- Chroniulu w. unthur one yttar fur J''.IHK The rw;nlar priett of Um two papers m :MH). Joseph spawoi! ir.i.s oi'UHHu x HARNESS SHOP n tivk hast nsn. m um c.iium- bin Ftnt Ynnt, nppntn Hltnmnliu aliicJtyantti, wbtva hu is ruailv Ui dii i ail Kinds of fairness WoFkJ holiday j f ... c.xperditur8. You can make Tour holfdav mnnl sro farther and make more satisfactory purchases by sefectmir from a line such aoux3. Not only dreaa, but the best line of desirable artieleP, Uie larsestliae of novelties appropriate for the occasion aart tne beat 200 da ia ffeneraL 1 U?-TO-Di.TE PHAEMACIaT!-, I H5 Second Strset THE DALLES holiday Improuemepts. You waat paper which makes your noiiaay eajoyiaect greater. Yoa; waat paper wbieh makes your home pleaaanter at all times. You need auch shades and designs as wQt give more beauty and mere comfort ia your home. ' WeBho-w you styles that en-H n I ever seen here at prices aerer attempted for aaeh quality. I: W. VAUSE, Third St. Harry Liebe, PRACTICAL Watchmaker! Jeweler All work promptly aalt to. nd wrraat&. 174 VOOT BLOCK. L " j 1 ' r-'iIWT wllli a liiir w. niiuiUw-nlt'a Gnnnlnn ami' dLiiHimn Im In aci.it.fl Uy ituil in til 11 ill Hti .in .lt ttt 'r. (till ul l lM IfllllKM Ullf IIUU UUI pimn uihtiiu &u'.n Www iiuumi liat or Backweir$ Genuine Durham Smoking Bn7ahnKiirtlilNitilitirn((xl tnliiu Wholesale CJClines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED M. ANHEUSER-BUSCH and HOP GOLD BEER SHffgSS. Anieuser-BTiaciL Male Nncrine, a non-alcoholic beverage, nneqiialed as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. Closing; FIIRM1TIIRF w a v : I IH.MJ5K tS- 1J I lTVCSC"TTT7Tra AM X M, f fm ! Are gnin 6njtIoe mit fceir hr.?inHP. and rhev are otfenmr thir U, CUSl iIiICt.. .V j.v in the All persona kncwisir tcemee.vei id.'bwd aettie tnei- Jr;e postoffiee piarmay, CLARKE .5. FALK, Propristors. Pure Drugs and JWedieines. Toilet Article and Perfumery, ipirst of Imported Telephone, 333. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this -well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to simply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. GEORGE RUCH, Pion r Gro c Z. DON NELL PSESCHIPTIOI DHUGOIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. WEllIamg & Co., The Chronicle IImiII - . Ytm vlll tlml nnn iitittiut lim it ( I1 twn , Tobacco - w unit mail tluunmpim Out Sale HGRPFTQ WX H VI 1 t.me to buy ;pud Furniture cheap. to laid firm are requested to call and account. arjd Donestic i)ars. New Vogt Block. THE A LLES, OR CAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route -oif rttii Southern Pacific Comp'y. TmiiiH limvii mill um iiim ui nrnvu t I'oitimni i.x.wti. j f OVltllhANl) It.x ; ntrtix, Hiiliiliii ilrn.il. I IlllfW VmIiIIiIIiIi VI...I. lllHIVtt ,.) r,,,,,,!,, ,(,yHVI)( N'tuv litJuiiiiN uml If.lHl- I s,:!(i M. '"''""'ini una wny Mia . .... . I Vtii Wd.Mlhiini furl ! l M uwiiil i Hutu, imuvilH-ll ,,","ilt ; f A, Mi, J,miH hu wnyt mi l ir. IStHtl'ltNllltNi-U l ISHICNUlCII. U.mnH mxl DiillV (usi'iiil H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 y . I.illiiin. .Uv I'ortliiuil r.i, di'm. m , TiWjt, m, m MuMiiinvUlc Uv ,u,,m s :i p. m. t.f. tiiiiiipiiiiliMii,i'..l,v j 1 , 11, m; j Ully. tUiiuy, ux('niil.)iiiiiiliiv 1 DIN1NU CA1W ON (JUUUN UllUTK. tUI.I..MA.N IIIJKl'UT HLKltl'lCH!) A.'D SKi:ONU:irfH HI.KIClMMi Attuiilunl to nil TliinUKli TmiiiH. IllriHit iiiiiimiiliiti nr. v.tii trmii.ii.iii. .uui. ...... I , ...mil. if IM 'VTI ilioitiil uml Oinmtiil mill I'milllu mull xiiminnltia lln(orJ.UM.N miilflUNA. .SHlIlmt liit u u liilimtiiin. Hiiu-.i uml UiiUiitu hi KiiKiimi pulntH unit Rii. AlH.1 JAl'A.N, CHINA. IIONOLUU.' unit A uHTH.W.I.V. nun liu uliiiiliuul 'mm J. U. IUIUCl.A.NU1'l,lltkutAutir. T!miiili TliiUtit Oitli'u, till Tlllnl ttmit. ivlntre uimmili UiiUiitu m ml pnium Ui um Hiuiura .itutitM, Cuiiiiilu anil Uumiw mm bit ulituliunl at lliivuxc.nilu.i (mm J. II. KIIlKtA.Nl), TliiUut .mit, All iiliiivu irfitim arrtvu .it uml ituniirt Irtim ummt Cmitriil StiiUim,, UUta una In-uiir Htirwtk Y.UUUI.l. DtVIHIOW. P'ihiiutT UuiHir, fiHit nf" jniU'.rxiii itroct I-avi fur OHWKIiO. iliiily, H.tniiiitSiinitiiy, at " Ji 11. m.. ia:.i. I as. 3 a. ilr.1. -iiib n m. . ... . - l.f .( 41l ll.Mltf l.lhl U, HI, (unit 11 ;su p. m. mi Siicunliiy only, .mil j mi ,u m mm i.mi p, 111, mi Siiiiiluyx iinlyv. Arrtvu e if irtlutlll itnllv .it 'INII anil ,i m. ,m.l l rh .i.f, 11.1 nun t iM 11, ui.. 1:11111 111 in 11. 111 . .1 71. .l.twi I . ... ... 3.111 p. ui, 011 Smiiliiy.i iinlyj. Linvu fur Sliniiiliiti. wi.uk itnyi, it t.IM n. m Arrtvu ut IfirOiiiul, 'j-iw ,u m. Unvn fur Antl.12 nil Muiiiliiy, Woitm"iitiiy anil Frtiluy iit'J-Mlii, m. .VrrlV" at I'fuUiinil, Tnw. diiv, niurwliir miiiI dMnmtiii it.l:iw p. m. 'ILtcupt. .iiiniluy. KareptSiiUintiiy. IL JC0KHLKU, ilniiHuttr. , ir. MAaicir.iir, Ar. U. IT .e Vhim. WALL PAPEfll WALL PAPEfll Just Received 5000 Rolls of Wail Paper. The best patterns. The most beautiful colors. INew Invoice of Faints and Oils. Any color or brand supplied. Soipes-Hjoersly Drug Co. DOORS, WINDOWS, I SHINGLES, f j FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. GLE1TN. l"ri!liiat. First Rational Bank. THE DAL!, - - . oHrnriN DiU J1' wJjt to Sht .... aft or Ch. Cflllt aa4 fx fnmly w York, 8a Fraaciata u 1. w. Jt. WitiriM, Gac, A. Luxa. -p tav