r OUR INDUCEMENT SALE. We have just received another shipment of Am ALL GOODS MARKED IN I PLAIN FIGURES. I The Dalles Daily Chronicle. wednesday -i --january 5, . j- 4 ' ! 1803 WAYSIDE QLEANINGS. Call and see what the Commission Co. can do for you on fresh groceries. 4-tf Go to the Columbia Candy Factory for fresh oyBters in every style. tf Buy your goods at Maier & Benton's and get a chance free on a steel range. Buy choice green groceries, fish and poultry from the Commission Com pany, The tar roll for 1895 is about ready for publication, and will bo put in print in a short time. Few personB realize the fact that two thirds of the cigars manufactured are made m dirty Chinese jiest holes and filthy tenement house factories. Pro tect yourself by smoking Fouts' cigars. Be up to date in whatever you do. Therefore, when you smoke try Fouts' Prir.e Medal, tho best cigar money can buy. 27-tf For the finest styles of candies, bon bone, oranges, and sweets of - all kinds, the Columbia Candy Factory cannot bu surpassed. tf Choice Shoalwator Bay oysters served in every stylo at the Columbia Candy Factory. Give us a trial audwo will endeavor to please you. A large number of Hood River people are in the city attending county court, in relation to roads and other matters in which they are interested. The subject for this ovenMig'a discus sion at tho Christian clirch is "The Present, Intermediate ivod Future State of Man." All are invited to attend. John Brennan, the man who fell from the bridge yesterday and sustained a pott's fracture of thu leg, was taken to tho hospital in Portland this morning. Wanted immediately, a good business woman, with ability to act as manager of a good paying business. Must bo able to give security. Address box G, this city. JarrS-lit- J. Keller arrived in this city yesterdayF. to take the place of E. Si Smith as train dispatcher for tho 0. R. & N. Mr.Smlth will be moved to Elgin to take charge of that.statlon. Dr. Lucy M. Ingersoll, will deliver two interesting and instructive lectures (or women, in the K. of P. hall this af ternoon at 2 :30, aud Friday afternoon at the same hour. An important meeting of. the United Artisans will be held in their hall at 7 o'clock this evening instead of 8 as was farmerly intended. It will be followed by installation of ofllcers, Another employe of the 0. R. & N. by the name of Frank Murphy, received serious injuries in the construction work oear this city a few days ago. He was handling some heavy timbers and in aome way got his foot caught between two of them, which resulted in a badly prained ankle and a bruised foot. Dr, Well Pleased Ladies. Tlio thinking, planning, careful housewife will npprcciato our inducement sale of lllcachcd mid Un blenched Muslins. The attract iveness of them lie partly in tho price, but mostly in tho Roods tliemselvcfl. Thny give an opportunity to fill tho needs of every household in the way of necessities and half luxuries. BU5ACHKD MUSLINS. Ilrlc-a-Brac 44n Forest Mills 5'4'o Fruit of tho Ixxim GJc LoriHdalo 0c Hope fl?,fc Berkely Cambric 7?4'c PRINTS The best that money can Really Desirable. There is no economy in buying Clothing that is ready to wear merely because it's cheap. OUR ready-to-wear garments are made for satirfaction. They fit right; they wear well; are not just as good as custom garments, but they give more real satisfaction, at these priceB, than custom garments. We shall offer our regular $7 and $8 Men's Suits for $5 85 We shall offer our regular $0 and $0 Men's Suits for 3 85 There will be other good things to follow. PEASE & MAYS. Lo,;an attended the injured man, and he was sent to the hospital today. The work of getting rocks out to crush for the repair of the streets is progress ing nicely. Today the rock crtiBher was moved to the quarry, on the brewery hill, and put in place. In a short time they will have crushed rock enough to supply all demands. On Monday evening January 3d, in the parlors of the Farmer's Hotel in this city, Milton A. Brown of Benton county, waB united in marriage with Misa Miran Thompson of this county. Rev. J. II. Wood performed the ceremony, after which the happy couple left for their future home in Benton county. The preliminary examination of Will iam Lemon for burglary is being held before Justice Filloon today. At 2 o'clock all tho evidence was not in so that we cannot announce the result of the trial. At that time Alice Ander son, Tom Driver and William Spencer, witnesses for the state, had given their testimony. Last night the regular monthly meet ing of tho board of directors of Thu DalleB Commercial aud Athletic Club was held, and some very important business was considered. Bills against the club were considered and ordered paid, and work was lxgun in revising the constitution and by-iaws. As this is a matter ot grave importance, it has not yet been completed and will be taken up again as soon as the board can get together. Death ol lm. iiarzee. . Mrs. F. S. Barzee died at her home in this city at 1 o'clock today, aged 44 years. '"V""' She was born at Turner's Station in Marion county, this statu, and has lived with her husband in this city for sev eral years. Five years ago stie was at tacked by that drcadlistasu, consump tion, and since that time her health has been failing, until the end came peace fully today. Sho leaves a husband aud three chil dren to mourn the loss of a faithful wife aud a good mother. The children are Mrs, Frank Chrismau of this city, Mrs. L. Jones of Portland, aud Elferd Bar if - oe, who at preseut lives in this city. I The funeral will take place at Turner (Station on Friday, the 7th inst. I'ubllu IiihIhIIhIIou. Tne G. A. R. aiid tho W. R. 0. will hold 11 public joint installation next Saturdav evensug at 7 :30, at Schanno's hall. Friends of the order are cordially Invited. Mary S. Myers, Sec. When you can not Bleep for coughing take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It always gives prompt relief. It. is most excellent for colds, too, as it aids ex pectoration, relieves the lungs aud pre ueuts any tendency toward pneumonia, For sale by Blakeley & Houghton. PaBsers-by on Second street have been attracted by the neat and cleanly man ner in which the Prize Medal, Guaran tee and Rose Queen cigars are being made by S. F. Fouts. 27-tf UNBLKAOUKI) MUSLINS. Yeddo limiting 2o Holbrook It 3.'c Aurora C 3?4o Lawrence LL 4JaC Iron Clad BB 4c Cabot W and vvilton R ...,5c buy ; 18 yards for one dollar. I FOUND DEAD IN HIS ROOM. John Mnrman of Gilliam County Die From ExcemilTe Drinking. At about 5 o'clock yesterday morning John Morman of Arlington came into the saloon of Newland & Jones in this city in an intoxicated condition and asked Mr. Jones for a bed. As there was a vacant room upstairs, Mr. Jones fllcwed him to take it, and he retired. Nothing was thought about the matter pntil last evening about G o'clock, when Mr. JoneB became uneasv about him and went to bis room, where he found yim dead in his bed. Dr. Geisendorfer was immediately called, and on exam ining him said that he had died about nine hours before, and that his death was caused, in all probability by heart failure, caused by excessive drinking. Mormon came to The Dalles on New Year's day, and has Bince that lime been drinking very heavily. He has a wife and some step-children, but he and his wife have not been living together for some time. He was 011 his way to Portland to visit his step-daughter, and retired yesterday morning to sober up so that he could go down today. Morman had, at the time of his death, considerable property and a large num ber of sheep in Gilliam county ; also property in Arlington. He was well known, and had many friends in Arling ton. HiH body will be kept hero until instructions are received from them. Following is the verdict ol the coro ner's jury : Tim Dali.f.h, Jan. G, 1808. We, the undersigned, the jury im pan pled by W. II. Butts, coroner of Wasco county, Oregon, to inquire into the death of a deceased person, whose body 1b now before us, after having heard tho testimony of the witnesses produced at said inquest, find as follows: That tho name of the deceased was John Morman, of the age of about 45 years; a resident of Gilliam county, Or., and being in the sheep business in said county: also being a former resident of Arlington, in said county. We find that he died in a room over Norland & Jones' saloon, corner of Court and Second streets, The Dalle?, Oregon, 011 the 4th day of January, 1898, Bomewhero between the hours of 5 o'clock in tho morning and 6 in the evening of said day. That the causo of his death was heart failure, produced by the excessive use of intoxicants. C. F. Stki'iie.ns, J. W, Hkiinkh, John Hlahbii, W. 1). JONL'H, A. L. Rkkkk, 1). S. Dufur. NEWS NOTES' Robbers held up a train near Kansas City last evening and secured $10,000 from the express car. Last night an unknown man tried to kill a girl in Eugene, by shooting her, through thu window of her room. The bullet took effect In her arm, Yesterday evening two robbera un dertook to crack the safe in the Van couver postofllco. They were caught a the act but escaped, John C. Ilerren, a (sturdy Oregon pioneer, aud cltlzeu of Salem, died at During January and Fob ruary wo will give to every person buying One Dollar's worth of goods at our store a chance on a bixty-Dollar Steel Range, Which was manufactured by the Michigan Stove Co. Drawing to come off the 28th day of February, 1898. MAIER & BENTON his home, shortly after midnight yester day morning, in his 70th year. PERSONAL. MENTION. A. S. Blowers of Hood River is in the city. S. D. Fisher is up from Hood River today. John Heinrichs of Hood River is in tho city today. Chas. Dethman, a prominent Hood River fruit raitor, is in the city. M. P. Isenberg of Hood River is greet ing old friends in the city today. Wm Fordyce of White Salmon is in the city attending to business matters today. J. T. Stewart of Heppner is visiting his brother, George Earnest Stewart, in this city. Frank Button, a prominent Hood River fruit man and farmer, is in the city today. Miss Mamie Goetz, who has been vis iting Miss Pauline Drews in this city, returned to her homo in Portland to day. Mrs. Jones of Centerville, daughter of D. B. Gaunt, went to Portland this morning for treatment. She has been very ill for some time and will enter the Portland hospital. IIOKN. At Pork Creek, Gilliam county, Dec. 31, 1897, to tho wife of G, R. Ilaniia, a daughter. A Roy WhlluiCMl by Owl. An Illinois boy went hunting one day nnd in a patch of woodland he saw n large owl perched high up in a tree, Owls are not good to eat, and they are useful to the fanner in catching mice that infest the barn, but this hoy, like most boys, only thirsted to kill some thing; so he 11 red, and brought down the owl. He ran to pick up the owl, sup posing it to bo dead, but it was only slightlydissableil.nnd promptly fastened its talons into the tlcsh of his right hand. This was bad enough, but pres ently there came another owl, apparent ly the mate of the first one, and the two birds proceeded to give the young hunt er such a thrashing as lie will never have again in his lifetime. Indeed, he had to light with nil his strength to reach the spot where ho had left his gun. Securing that, he boat oil the owls, which finally took flight. Tattered, torn and bleeding, the lMy had no energy left to pursue them, or even to reload his gun. He staggered to the nearest house, had his wounds dressed and went. honu empty-handed, but wiser. -Golden Days. llcMort llaUlcuiiiiMfH, In the. amli wastes of southern Cali fornia two varieties of rattlesnakes me found'. Thu mrgor.ones, called' "tiger rattlers," sometimes nttuln a length of four feet, but it is said that thc.v are sluggish, and far less dangerous than a .Dialler variety named die ".side winder." This name, conies from the snake's habit of moving shTcwise, as well as advancing in the ordinary man ner. It. is also called tin "horned rattle snake," on neoount of the horn-like pro- tuheranees over Its' eyes. It seldom ex ceeds a foot uud a linlf in length, but Its motions are very quick, andiit has tho reputation of being "vicious." Youth's Companion. Everybody reads Tiik CiutoNici.t:, Subscribe for Tub CiiHONici.it. And can now supply our customers. The UVilson is tho only Air Tight stove with Outside Tube draft. Sold only by MAYS & CROWE, REMEMBER. We have strictly First-Class Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 25. Fir Sweet Ciaritj's Sate. THE ELK'S GRAND BALL, January 14th, 1898. The entire net proceeds those who wish to give for the a good opportunity The Charity Ball will be season The following committees will have charge of the various arrangements. GENERAL EXECUTIVE COM M 1TTE E J udd l)U'-aaic, r v wison. INVITATION COMMITTEE (1 rant Mays, T J Scufert, J A Douthit, V 11 Moody, V F Johnson. FINANCE COMMITTEE J F Hampshire, Geo C lllakelcy, I. E Crowe. DECORATION COMMITTEE II W French, 1 II Dc Hub", J A Mno Arthur, E M Wingate, Gus ISonn, George Fergusson, T J Driver. RECEPTION COMMITTEE John llichell, AM Kelsay, J 11 Cro.-sen, A S Mac AIHstcr, John C Hertz, Ed M Williams. FLOOR AND MUSIC COMMITTEE C I. Phillips, Max A Vogt, Joseph ISonn, Frsd V Wilson, It II l.on.sdalo. COMMITTEE ON TICKETS Fletcher Faulkner, W A Johnston, W E Walthers, E O McCoy, Albert Ilottlngcn. Tickets may be secured from Tiokets Notion. Notice is liorobv uiven that bids will bo received by the county court for keep ing the county charges by tho week for tiio ensuing year. All mils must no llled with tho clerk on or before the 5th day ol January, 1S9S, at 9 o'clock a. m. (Vmrt reserves tho rioht to roiect anv and all bids. A. M. Kki.s.vy, County Clerk. To Cliro it Colli In Ono lltty. Tako I.axativo Uromo Quinine Tab lots. All druggists refund the money if they fail to cure. 125c. ftuali In Your CliuukH. All couutv warrants registered prior to July 11, 1893, will bo paid at my oflico. Interest ceases after Doc. Slid, 1897. 0. I.. I'iui.mph, Countv Treasurer. KSTUAY NOTIUK. Camo to our place almut. August 1st, last, a roan cow: brand indistinct. Owner can have same by paying all charges, aIoohk Kuos., n'-'l'-lm Three Milo. mop poison A SPECIALTYo&W tlury lll.UOD 1'OlriON permanently ouredlnl&i.o 3.1 days. YourunUotruiiiciUi homo (orauuie priea under buiuo Kiiiiruu tv. If youurofur tocomolicro wuwlllcon. tructtopny railroad farcandliotsllillld.und nocharae, I r wo full to euro. 1 f you luivo taken mer cury, Iodide iiotiiHli, and still luivo aches and nalna. MuuougVutf liua In month. NoroTlimut. 'Iniplcs, Uomiur !oloriul Spot.-", IJIrum ou Bay uurtcf tho uody, Ikuiror ICyulirowx lulllnir out, It la thla Sumindury ill.OOl) I'OISON weiruaraiiteetociiro. Wo solicit Uiu most oliatt. uutu cue aud clmllonu'o tho world lor it Bane we ounnot euro. Tills Ubei.su lias always allied MiHHKill of (lie moat eiidiittut pliysl- uoriaitfuarauiy. iiwoiu te liroofil sent Bt'uleil on AttlUiMODle Temple, VUWAUO, ULU ('..IIUWY (IU. o Uil$or;ir-Ji5l7tatrs ; J. T. Peters & Co. will be devoted to Charity, and sake of giving may find this the grand social event of tho S Fish, C I. Phillips, W L nradsbtw, R II the Committee on Tickets. $1.50 NOTICE. Ilids for the excavation for tho Wasco warehouse, according to the plans and specifications on file at the oflico of C. J. Crandall, will bo received up to Jauuary 7, 189S. The rifjlit is reserved to reject any aud all bids. Tho Dalles, Dec. 31, 1S97. Deep In It. That's what wo aiu. We've gut moro hooks than we know what to do with. Help us to loeson our stock. Of cnirso wo must oiler hoiuo inducement to you. We have a full lino of all thu now ami interest inir novels. We will tell them at a reduced price, with oxcuption ol Webster's Dictionat ins and School UookH. I will sell all Hooks during this month at COST. I. C. Nickelscn Book & music Company.