j EAST and SOUTH vU The Shasta Route it NEW YORK WORLD Wj,ni C.tft. t read aaii ;it iae HaSaui . laxrsay cetKtrtir. Tie irtrn cC ir tJ Southern Pacific Comp'y. Tnia Sm-it ait ir 'Cut a cw i Sfwrttot MJATZZy OFFICE M toSJ Tim?? cJt2 ajesr ccdlt to' - CW-t, .V. T. Can. . Sltrz; pttTail tie atrr ric cf tie car r" " 13 r9r Y? Circaid: ai Qet$siaa 25 - j TES rX.VSTi OF JEW. Oae f tie iaMiiili cc zieh. t&a ccerti sEjecfcJ Sfcrialaa- v&urt li3 tais sessicc Si t&e Ceases. 5 a Uzh t-t. tie Iatr 0:ii to ie r2ur sat fettsc&sdcd cC lie sert 2!ail cesser I: a soc i:o scci to jar Aal tbt EvS ceases lie cn5hT lad leivr is iie puistpt a5 Si recsrrc rsadr fee tie f4ifii s&bject. Ta rears Ago ei Etssie Tss5i 'Jihi Ore lssc. sbt fctS was lirg&T n week sat hst . C r-- . ,js:,.. .,5 7 CflK CCe CruraiT wrSZOCS pcxcaev 9C3eiad tie iconics in tb lisurxcs. aaed fccr.4 it ttj tiaerty.f-ir, bes CosEcrta ray jcorid fee .s. gff,t osraga ccrfts. A ecspin- kepc ii tie -Tcrx aH sbr&csri tie tic free cce eesss so xc2r. ad h -nxld be eocccsiT to do is- rosccj rc- aeribei tie t3 err5ee; ccc: 3ce. id tie yff iZ'i is f Ttl' j Tie ssas ieScc.-j?rg to s5at caai Cif tie tessss icrcuz jcnH te pxacs- exispi lr essae, tie fcr?tfh fee tLer e diorr ats-2 ac-, cesct. I Zo rserase tie izzxzzzZizL&xzieT to 1 -. Tie ctstTs ircai b iota tias ie -riS ce nr j cf tie utsatscii-Ai- -tie- sacse-is.-frf erxearpt free: se jraaszt of pibse ' ifeiiixs. iz axgzzss ad cc - tie jcpstC4.t of tie 5iac ceasa. ns artsde tree 3z. ?tr'i 0-2 -pes cccaf5f5sca seasScc i uaie tioss Jitnc5iS' dessiaii. Er5 tie ccfc- Bcl tie 2T?ELt bet cC tie io to ht kse by ss ioirfc is.ptoje& ceij i iioc". txrae, a fesr -weeia, ter tips cclr a dijs- Tieir wctri, is tie isezit, if nzSj tie sxt tzpccta&t ctf sS, Jrt rt xdri be t pcics5suie to i?5J to tiers ntJes. We refer, ci extsrht, to tie ecsneatcrs c jfpf2hilcxi. Tier iS ie leiatastgtBr tie rie isrr f ties a.f tie?e xr eSectisc ' praEcstfi-s, uie tbt eccitrj Jiscogi. ; Eitier tj uts o&srjrssfj or rsit of tie feTta.3u,le icjerra.'ars, csier' "facrte grssbini jcferTioca tie esrss esatSoa h'sj&t 20.it, t2xwi3 te re fjcixtd to fctkflr rcinj diirfct Jitet, u Ur u pwab!- Tie s-Ttrirt leigtSs lise rwpLnd to sat Jit Mpt&OA&t lad to tJtxer l&t ijtsta'io . WTmi-g, K ttr S4 fa-M4r, - tie dii- tries. o GuzZA. 12 jreatrta ij ks ( iS frTx3 Is I5W. CSaiajro ilce iS f tjsi4i eapjAcflrawa.'t for feet- Jt of tie CUft. TSttJt ia?trt "-VfArvr. is i a. u3 SiUf aa. hour r "Sktj. 3cr-. fens aw Sane Uomt tarfeA St-Sat. Hs- 2?"?2eEW!v - Vk Ys scujiws cat as 5ia;rtI . the -Tai ifcr to jayw.- JiAcfcna Ule Ts. Haasc t&e -t ssai&t j. SeI f ' S"? J. h -tvon latw. try is Cittarro 55e. T5i;t lie -vqns l ccc?esSJ Aiui w! .cwr jwi KE j&a!Ea-i a Tfr"" ""Yes;. yir..-rm "Onccsy. K JSC M.T ibiatf2j sc. si saarrinr.'' fry tnisttrvjt. lst a isrszf tznuxtT AaSmni is-6tcsr -SVr. 5 isiii uHr Va ra. seo-issi raSFTT sSiii xis."1 Z'ieszz to .'iwaat wSjkts H tee Scilt cr wii stti " iantT XrzAai -jlZzit sec sacisras 3i2 sir jtnc tiiys;. . lie Leis SfcT sae wcriJ 5 era, t Jarraea. icrss, rrrsrs. n ecrrj. Arid aZ t-irr arzorrst, Aii r-r cjg csr n rr riro. Taies. Tip. S Cisi ta rnr ce 5-3C3. Aincs 1 tfeft2; f 5oTtsi?r. a nv-iu.T rati. KrtC&34r, xicrt i year? - Cnrzuz ssls. iir-!c Tie IkasT K Feeds' DRILLS Regulator Line Kavigation Co Kgf Jjjf fl, ildifW Ui 1 FREIGHT AHD PtS&cHGk UUZ Ti)t sji. iSvcr.CtwaiS !.(. ta.6 i"tc ( Kfi TIE 71LLEI 7l .X 5 ii CtftaOa. "SS vtniiwul Kuitt ittf DlGUNN wasi. It t jcuucicaJ x itiil- iScciairt .aW5.iax 5J -wrj- itis A3 ftrriairy ci Caitja s.tl S:ci-fz vi::3.- a5tc tir aai?iarti sn'Myajr Jill JOSEPH SHANNON HA CSxTXS A HARNESS SHOP 2C rSX. SJLiT ITO. S3 Sw Catau- ' , - n ti t holiday Expend iturs. Ysir ca: t jeer 2u3Saj ssimj see tw 'Sse cc isriis ir 5 Ait tie t" r:'-ji xaoirxL IIS SsbbI gflgt !HE Biim holiday Improuemepts. Tys xirt ;;r 2uaK2 2samj pn ' h'J&itr txyyrsutzA xrtxir. YJ ' sS" t:i- r'-3 ; J:r ,IO2 'CttT- D- W, VATJSE, Third St. Harry Liebe, pbactjc.il t ' f r-v j A S , ,4 ' H r - urSaiJx bi ta, .i suitu St tnMlK. Tttt "a HI ixut cu VVSV. H rnun 4iu ix tjct cimun- Su. ai r cw VMVflL I Genuine Ourtiam 1 Smoking Tobacco Vu " 1 ' 1 1 1 1 ' ir 'ii'iiiii 'i 1 1 ri 11 1 1 1 11 inn J Wholesale. CUines and Cigars. f THE CELEBRATED M ANHEUSER - HOP GOLD A h suser-Busch. 2alt Nutrine. a beverage, unequaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. . . . . Closing Out Sale FURNITURE CARPETS PRINZ & J.B rnficsia izctax .-inr rrtei so fnai rrs at rwtitii to oil Aii s Tko noJ--f CLARKE it FALK. Proprietors. Pure Drugs and JVIedicines. Toik-. Artk-i anI Pennnti-rr, prst of imported aid Doneshe iars. -;Telerhoe. 333. Xew Vogt Block - PIONEER BAKERY. I hare re-opened this -weil-known Bakery, and am novr prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also ail kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. GEORGE RUCH, Pion VI. Z. DONNELL. PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES ,0pp. A. M. William & Co., BUSCH and BEER SSS, . non-alcoiiolic NITSCHEE Dhirm.rw Gr cc X'SD PERFUMERY. THE A LLES, OR taunt 'a' Bum iC7rLiniitii mil -ai a. M. I jtjrww trx. t Sum taii. " .W p. au ;Ae MuJOna-n L ' . j u si S j. m. f A? l5i1J:ntMan L ' I t i. 3i A.fc axoor5M:i.i.? itxarwu .AXj 1 Caw it 3jiemA. AH.tiiy litSn ca 'rrsnw. .Uar.LV. CH15A. BOMJUU 3it t ACi' IjLaIIA. aa !: afcta3nl trio S 3. KMXA5D.TVaeApm5. Tismai Xiitiinc Ctfii.it. a Tiirt trwt. Sari irvitst nan frua 5 X 3. SliXtA?;?- TidUC Arsti. A!f tftosf Cnttsi trrrte ts iat lifsnri "to ( tSrimC Casit iuua. 7Utt tsi! Ima src T-UfHJtx. VtiIOrX. ( Unit tt j. au uo rasjrt'j? alj i W a 31 i.-.it I .HI 3. 31. -jo. siroittti Arrrne t: ! rtrtiuiit tiS7 U -Vtu tai ran 21. 421 . a. t 't Sl ai' last t Ja ai t tail 31 JO. a a it , J it j- ax. a ioiLxji nij i lm tut iiiitrtiia. liap. xl ( 30 j a t Lsit She AllLtl an. Jtamtty. "TinirwiiT tsij i 2ac ittmj. ivnw?iusi.-uj. 3L AO'HLijt t.. 3 JfAlXKAit A tot. &. J- VitvM. xr: " fliiii PAPER! wallpaperi Just Ro!i of Wall Paper. i patterns. Tlie Waatifa! colors. moji 1 'New Invoice of Paints and Oil?. Any color or brand supplied. .SnipK-TioeRly Drug Co. - - : DOORS, 'WINDOWS. SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. SI. C3- Ij B 3ST 1ST. First national Bank. THE DALLES t - OREGON X Gsxl iiuk!( Bce&M tns.u. n3tsu rtTtJ, fb,W to iLl Drt or Cbtxk. fMidtl4 cm dT of tlaucs. jfw York, VraaciMD aai pwv la4. D1RKCTOM D. P. Thwm. J. . S.. sau. i Watchmaker" Jewelers Subscribe for sax-r dl4teA is CM-; k a J" 41IS1 f .4 H it 3tsyltx tie ?SrS The Chronicle W ( 6liW.ii vu 174 VOGT BLOCK. it dl I Rimiir. axeUr P&J-