(Tl)c Dallco lp Chronicle. VOL. X THE DALLES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1898 NO 300 TO BEAT MARK HANNA Results of the Fight Cannot be Foretold. THE OUTLOOK IS VERY DUBIOUS Neither Nlitn !!a Hnfflolnnt Support rii-dffiHl tn Klrct Senator Hanna Tnrn Short. Coi.uMinifl, Jan. 4. Previous to the assembling of the legislature today there were conleronces on both Bides on the senatorial contest. The Hunna men claimed pledges from Representatives Griflith and Joyce, who voted for Mason yestesday for Bieaker, but with these doubtful accessions they are still short two votes of enough to elect. While Hunna's friends are working here, the Republican clubs, committees and other organizations at the homes of doubtful combination men have been enlisted, and many delegations of visiting states men ure arriving. The combined opposition to Han na is still uncertain as to their candidate. The opposition claims enough votes to defeat Hunna, but has not yet claimed enough votes for any senatorial candidate men tioned by the combine to elect. The: trouble is not only to hold ull their pres rut forces in line against Hanna, but to get them to agree upon their man for senator. The work today was devoted by the combine to holding their forces, and manage them for the senatorial con test as waB done yesterday for the or ganization of both branches of the legis lature. The 'vork of the Hanna men has been devoted to skirmishing tor two or more votes. In the house all sorts of bills were in troduced against corporations. The measures were regarded us thrusts at Ilauna, whose affairs are of varied in terests. While these measures were being thrown in, delegation from Spring field, the home of Governor ltushnell, marched into the statehouse, wearing Hunna badges, and called on Bushnell. in reeponse to the protest the governor made u speech, in which ho said his re publicanism had never been questioned, uud he reserved the right to ills indi vidual opinions and preferences. The bouse adjourned until tomorrow. There is much unfinished business, but the combine does not Intend to announce any of the standing committees until after the joint senatorial caucuses are held tomorrow night. The senate ut noon took a recess until 1 :30, without announcing any of its com mittees. The proceedings In both bouses showed plainly that everything possible would be done by those who held the fort to beat Hunna. During the uoon recess tho conferences and jolltication meetings of the combine were continued. During the noon recess there wete severul list fights. Surprise was created at the announcement that the Hannu men bad changed their plane for a joint senatorial Republican caucus tomorrow, but the light will go on without any cau cus decrees on either side. ltobliud thu Uravu. A startling incident of which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject is narrated by him as follows: I was in u most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pulu continually In back and sides, uo appetite graduully growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had giveu me up. Fortunately, u friend pot Baby. The uooro of little troubles tluit bother baby cUhuiik iilmuk'n, bum, bCulUs, Miulp Iroubleti all cuu bo cured by iitv uae ui rlamd'a "Happy Thought" Salva. Bate, clean, houent remedy. No polaonoui' uuturltiliiunul. JJUMPEbliWlU it. ! CO fit. Royal make the food pure, wholesome and delicious. POWDER Absolutely Pure ROTtl BAKING FOWOCR CO., htm VORK. advised trying 'Electric Bitters,1 and to my great joy and surprise, the first bot tie made a decided improvement I con tinued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved my lile and robbed the grave of another victim." No one should fail to try them Only 50 cents per bottle at Blakelev & Houghton's drug store. WAC1KS ItKIlVCEl). 1 th oil c Inland Timviih. Pkovidkncc, Jan. 3. Notices of a re duction of wages were sent today to the cotton mills of Goddard, Knight & Lip pitt, and those operated bv the smaller corporations in this state, and have been pOBted, or will be tomorrow. The op eratives will offer no resistance to the reduction in this Btate. Down lit Maine. Lewisto.v, Jan. 3. Agents of all cot ton mills in Lewlston and Auburn tcday received orders to make a general re duction in wages alter January 17. No tices In accordance with these iustruc lions have been posted. In Effect Monday. Ciikktkr, N . H., Jan. 3. Operatives in the Amoskeag Corporation beean work today on a ten per cent reduction in wages. At the Star and Amoy mills there ductiou does not go into effect until next Monday. Ten I'er Cent Off. BnmEFOiiD, Me., Jan. 3. The Pepper- ell and Lacon cotton mills today an nounced u reduction in wages of about ton percent, to take effect January 10th. The mills employ 3200 hands. Fifteen ilundrttd Affected. Salkm, Mass., Jan. 3. In the plant of the Naumkeag steam cotton mills the reduction of ten per cent in wages went into effect today. About 1500 employ es are effected. MaiiacliUMetU Favtorle. WoitCEsrmt, Jan. 3. Reductions in wages took place in several orceeter county factories today, cotton mills predominating. When your stomach begins to trouble you, it needs help. The help it needs, is to digest your food, and until it gets It, you won't have any peace. Stomach trouble is very distressing, very obsti nate, very dungerous. Many of the most dangerous of diseases begin with simple indigestion. The reason is that indigestion (not digestion, not nourish ment) weakens tho system and allows disease germs to attack it. This anti dote is Shaker Digestive Cordial, strengthening, nourishing, curative. It cures indigestion aud renews strength and health, It does this by strengthen ing the stomach, by helping it to digest your lood. Jt nourishes you. Shaker Digestive Cordenl is made of pure herbs, plants ond wine, is perfectly harmless and will cortainly euro nil genuine slum nch trouble. Sold by druggiste, price 10 cents to $1.00 per bottle. W llailly Humeri. Sat.km, Jan. 3. L.Uo this evening Addio Brown, domestic, aged 19, wus frightfully burned at tho home of her employer, John Green. Bho bad been washing all day, and, being tired, lay down near the kitchen stove for a rest The wood used in tho stove was too long for the firebox, and burned in two. The projecting ends fell from tho stove, ig niting her clothing while she was asleep When she awoke her clothes were on fire and she rushed into the yard, frantically trying to tear them from her person Fright rendered her efforts futile, and she fell to the ground in agony, from which she became unconscious, the liames still doing their work. Neigh bors, noticing her horrible predicament rushed to her rescue, smothering the flames, but not until her arms, limbs cnest, auuomen, ince and neck were nearly roasted. She. was removed to the Salem hospital. She will probably die How's TtilM We offer one hundred dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that can not L cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. nF. J. Cheney & Co. Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi ness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by thei firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, To ledo, O., Walding, Kinnan 5r Marvin Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Jlall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Pricct 75c. per bottle. Sold bv all druiste lestimoniais tree. 1-5.'J Hudden Death. L Ghanue, Jan. 3. Eleanor, the o-year-old daughter ol Mr. and Mrs Turner Oliver, died suddenly laBt night She complained of feeling ill Sundav morning. It was only a short time be fore her death that her condition was considered serious. It is believed that the rupture of a blood vessel in the head wa9 the cause of her death. The I'lcoery of tho Day. Aug. J. Bogel, the leading druggist of Shreveport, La., says: "Dr. King's New Discovery ie the only thing that cures my cough, and it is the beEt Beller 1 have.' .!. F. Campbell, merchant of affords, Ariz., writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery is all that is claimed for it ; it never faile, and is a Eure cure for Consumption, Colds and Coughs. I cannot say enough for its merits." Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Loughs and Colds is no experiment. It has been tried for a quarter of a ceuturv. unu touay stanus at me tieau. it never Hsappomts. Free trial bottles at Blake- ley 3c Houghton's drug store. G Clark County CoinmUitlouurg Meet. Vancou visit, Wash. .Jan. -l.-The boatd of county commissioners began its reg ular January session here to day. The day was chiefly occupied iu receiving re ports aud petition, and disposing of outino mutters. Mr. Elisha Berry, of this place says ho never hud anything do him so much good and give such quick relief from rheumatism as Chamberlain's Pain Balm. He was bothered greatly with shooting pains from hip to knee until ho used this liniment, which affords prompt elief. B. F. Buker, druist, St. Puris. Ohio. For sale by Blakeley & Hough ton. AliiAbit l'ever In Morrow County. IJei'I'.vkh, Jan. 3. Tho Alaska fever has struck Morrow county good and hard for the first tune. Five men have gone north during the past week, and fully twenty moie will go between now and April 1st. xnc recent " hard times" have made people cut oft expenses. This has encouraged the invasion of " cheap" bak ing powder baking powder which sells for a small price, but which either does not do the work, or is bad for the insides, or.both. Honest baking powder cannot be made to sell for 25 or 30c. a pound. There are a few honest bakiner powders -at higher prices. Of these Schillings Best is tne right one, partly because it goes farthest. Sheriff's Sale. Notice Is s-erebv ulvcn that miller nnrt by vir tue olnti execution nntl oritur of mile, firniml I (ut or tlicl'liciilt Court nfthu Stnte ot Orcein, Tor Wit cn County, 011 the lltli ilny of Dcccmuur. IbU", upon 11 tlcctcu mid Judgment rendered therein 011 the lli-Ntilny of December, lM", In n suit then nnd theretofore ticndiin;, wherein Northern Counties Investment TriiHt, Limited, 11 CnrjHimtlnu, wiih lilnltitlir, nnd Mary J. Bmltli .litmes il. Kmlth, Jr., Klum A. Hmltu and Clem Smith, were defendants, 1 did on tho llth dny of December. 1M17. dulv lew noon, nnd wlll.nn Wednesday, the loth ilny of Jimunry, 18IW, nt tho' uounjoi one o ciock in imp auernoou 01 sum uuy, at the front door of tho county court limiso In Dalles City, Wnrco County, Orreon, sell at pub lic auction, tn the highest bidder, for cash In blind, tne following described real estate, to wit: Lots f and fi in block :!. Lauehlln'M Addi tion to Tho Dalles City, nnd Lot 2 in Illock 2, In Trcvltt's Addition to Tho Dalles City, nil In Wascs County, Orccon, together with nil and singular the tenements, hereditaments, nnd ap jicttcnanccs thereunto belonging or iu nny wise, uppcrtninlng, or so much thereof us shall bo necessary to satisfy nnd pay the said several sums due to plalutlll'mentioccd In snht writ, to wlt: $2,935,011, nnd Interest thereon from tho first day of December, 189", nt the rate of eight Iter cent, per annum; the further sum of $130.00 as n reasonable attorney's fee, nud the costs nnd disbursements of said suit, taxed nnd allowed nt $29.00, together with accruing costs nnd ex Ienses of such sale. Dated nt Dalles City, Oregon, this 15th day of December, 1897. T. J. DIllVKIt, Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon. Sheriff's Sale. Notice fs hereby given that under nnd by vir tue of an execution nnd order of sale issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon lor the County of Wasco, aud to me directed and delivered, upon n Judgment and decree rendered and entered In snld court on the 8th day of No vember, 1897, In favor of A. 11. Jones, plaliiliii', and against I!. E. Kewcl. defendant, for the sum of two hundred and seventy-six nnd 25-100 iJ27C25) dollars, lorrethcr with interest therrnn. since May 1. Ib'.M. nt the rate of ten jicr cent per annum, nnd thirty ($;) dollars attorney fees; and the further sum of eleven ($11) dollars costs, which said Judgment was enrolh-d and docketed in the ollicc of the clerk of said court In said county on the 8lh dny of November, 1897: nnd whereby It was further ordered and decreed by the Court thnt the following described property, to-wit: IiCL-lnninir nt n tioint 18.H9 chains west of the line between sections thirty-live and thirtv-Eix. in township three north of rnngc ten east of the Willamette .Meridian, being the western term inus of tho north boundary line of the James Benson Donation Land Claim: thence north G.85 chains, thenco east 8.S5 chains, thence south 6.85 chains, and thence west 8.85 chains to place of beginninc. containing six acres, more or less, aud being the same premises sold by the said A. U. Jones to the said 11. E. Fcwel, In usco County. Orczon. be sold to satisfy sld ludcment. attorney fees. costs and accruing costs, 1 will, on Tuesday, the 8tl day of February, 1898, nt 2 o'clock p. in. of saiu uuy, ur, inc irout aoor 01 ine courinouso in Dalles City. Wasco Co.. Or..soll nil the rieht. title nnd interest of the said K. E. Fcwel in and to the above described property, nt public auction to the hiKbest bidder lor cash in hanl. the nro- ceeds arising from said sale to be applied to the satisfaction of said Judgment, attorney's fee, costs and accruing costs, and the surplus, if any there be, to be paid into court, and there to re main until the lurther order of this court. T. J. DRIVER, dec22-I Sberift'of Wnsco Couutv, Or. Special January Sale Blanket Sale and Blankets on the Rise. r ..GflAS. FMM.. Bute heps and FaPmePs ..Exchange.. Keeps on draught tho celebrated COI.UMIUA liEEIt, ncknowl edged tho best beer In The Dalles, at the usual price. Come in, try It and be convinced. Also tho Finest brands of Wines, Liijuors nnd Cigars. Sanduuiehes of nil IvlmK nlwnvK nti hnnrt 1 J 300 paii Blankets. Direct from the Mills put on Sale at the following extra Special Prices.... 200 pr Grey Wool Blankets, value $2.50, per pr. i $1.85. 100 pair Wool Blankets, Wool Warp and Filling. Splended Values. Our regular $3.00 Blanket per pair $2.65. 'Muff Said. Tfie GoiumDla Packing Co.. PACKERS OF PORKand BEEF MANUFACTURERS OF Fine Lard and Sausages. Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON DRIED BEEF. ETC. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A GKN1CRAI, HANKING 1IU81NE8 A. M. WILLIAMS & CO. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain of an kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, S? miK Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle ton Flour. This Flour is manufactured expressly for family use ; every Back ja uuanmteed to give satisfaction. We sell our goods lower than any lioiieo In the trade, aud if you don't think so call and get our prices and bo convinced. Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats. Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Ekchanae and TeletrraDbiL n ww w7 iranBiers soiu on aaw xoru, unicago, Sight ransfe; St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore- ?;on, Seattle Wash,, and various points n Oregon and Washington. Collection made at all points on fav orable term. who has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes has everything to be found in a flrst-olass Dry Goods Store. C. F. STEPHENS.