CITILIZIXG APACHES. Persistent Regulator Line oC Qc-rcrsfr Weekly Inter Ocean Coughs t l.a- tfc t4ta. tf- Navigation Co. UKiST CSC5UBI o? in mmciLPi?a B IE WEST -rMta4C -t Law t if 11 i t I " r 1 Law EXJOYft Ssiii tl rartici sad rcRc!ts srtttic Sttj3c Fssr . tit.-o; tt e cfetsuu nixcskrs la list taste, ss5 act Lrrer asti 3rYjrj, ckssz&ss. tie sys tem eeccs&S!y. coJti. fceai adae ai iewrs aoi csres nabtrsil ecespsssc- Synp of Figs s tie cdy riacsiyoc istiral exer pro dacesi. pfeasibs; to srs taste aad c cesoSSe ta toe cocs3cfi pttnaz is its aetSca. srai tra? y badtcsal ht its efscts. preferred cir ros t3se out ixha Tarsi acrcgasiesgx i't lau.m . r Trvty eswsfifisss cciTJdets cosEEasfei is to ait azxt &&Te zssae & tse peccar reaecy jexstte. $yr3ct rtp 5 fee 2e ht Utr oat bctzLes 3j a3 lessr rag JLry rdSa&M araggsst wio ' rot care rt sr saad iS. wo rt ssocssdr for aerr cse "wis -wisbes to try tL !: Ext 3ccer.y CXJFOtMi m CMZ- iMtmrzz AX -fee. Cr iatr Ssitt sate wtfrsr lasaea Owr t?ee toc aztr ija naa Ctes ac& r Sis, jfr Jecil. (DTrrsawSoea i"t3Sttiriins- taeasr. ftorr? issr xsrxx xs TSSkier zire: szxZic I I 33 STAR CUSTOMER'S COKES. Oat cf ti ttraa'5ss a certAir Atspsrs ess. m-iueis a grswrtSj i taaSd-rr.tTrrggti xs5 JadyHVe. sari 1 ' PStsSri t&5 Stoned. Tb cat pfcfcv? BacatS d her irza jjttrty "Ecss. tie essir- -weal to tie 2es. toper 5cc-iii ticcss- tjsc r sk&e x cts'i swe riti . sorveSsadt'?" tie pctrcr. of tie casaiaer. ""It 5sui is smfrEBj frj ei isct ms tie Ttrrfng. VxJcefc ss ixrtr " He iasi a tootijawck jas ii Saaui. fet3. oScrisr it ta tie cafiasr. saoti: "Txte liS2c2tjrl3'Siscsi ti-rrs-Toti it." Tie, eMsSsser took tie Sttie s-psrtr rf -aasci xdc sejuwja tat as b er tae aasr -f tie iwj Arwrs. Tie ssrs-. aexxst peat sitii a. tacrcan of tiei set. wxtc xaau eres, ate estisurra ? Mai. i p3cr i tie esfacu xaa ce tie tkuH. fsp!J crrcr-tie ir. cut- zzTzsl tz&csx. Ii ssss cccitast- -tr5 x srE2ts-f xi iprwcws3 Sis Xz2sx tixt ta x ; aa3fisffi2j23s3jsj tirwsra as cfs I jsrs rtarx -sRCciJ te ess eTca- J trxw itsa'tii" e2ar. nhnsr tcsrine jsa-f jy tice- wiw bid act tiiex ' xJAK:reaDeS to iter isris k it, Tie wm f oaSUi -wisi. fear. Ee osreJifc" isssrise -rat id lsj5asi srfStossriaid ms&ocsJj d apesTei. After xi3e tie aci- s xsfetJ i tooti&fc xssi fiti tixt .-tte fca2 -ttiiei iad tkrMtJ tieexf tt 'i5 terra jgJterpaafr dsld wist to- STUDY OF GENEALOGY. 5 txere1 i Tie -eeest rsr-fcfc X2i isscrssje i ; ecieiSt is wiicieisnbsftty tiitler- ' tiro depKsd jjs tie det2s cf xsce- rxtier tixs c?o axy jeswrsx! , al51Vsassos of tseseirfr is citi t s -rest rrrirxl of tie todjr of yrse- j knr is tfci cotrstry. Tbrrr xrc tie 5mw asd Dx7Xter cf tie Etstiss. tkeS&e3erdC63oIsl wsrx. soewfly 01 other. xalxL- To bcrrxfflsiTf xy rtea rord f ti-fatsilr iiy i wWci jratsiaisss? x r-idy depart- easx dero'd to -cratri for fsisiJy teo-' rd- ASf3 rt!j tierev. e2alsu tie 5T parfr7 Itsirutixt H vu- cr.itcs s -ilre to eKnOxte tieir eff (ueie'x IzmUr aad , r n , xtfHt ia sBcricic ! M4rr 'zd pcirsotkaB. gtod ;.r,x.. .. rf (Hitrr. Jt ee- ry, rlwinr. t'r ttotU SBemmttl tee K wmhM asd tfatt ri " !V. mam&t ac4 rerTr , tie War cf 2iiS. Coosixi uKsex, t.rj pwcia w - eir of Ajt4aK DeeesasU. HSSxtd ' ben. arpasstfet, rte. Tis -icoJ ix a . A- sutrrsfiiua trasadecstaswa ixs S4iara f&ww a tie KMxTr Ajacie tsuXsta sr-.vtkKi. is utrierx f feTsw wtua t ywkciv fcscaear w Itscit ?rx4 Y V S'seetaetr. ins iewtwaiaa Xi Sajfctacsry. I SfciS. testy, iaa. iria aty. aK?BM at sr iT?rx-ir sfarj3j!Ntt nmirttf us. iia!ba. a!a 5ws Sar. Wi$2i line saLT.jiscw acscaJSty ia. i il-ae.tia. sax; m ao-cSssiir ansa bva aj":epa-5ti. Tis- ias3 .; f tcriOTtMe aai Stai cc ti rsMmaa, sr: tie f-- Jajrr so pj2S crop thai wiasti iaie fsrstisi 4be wiii tie Jc:J s!!aarT Sic iir z-c:cr. I; tks.v sscci. jr ij!i3 tae jaiersti jweisssi. ri rrst-r-- tieireiisrsT- fesr war &uk'sm - slxv&itxml testis. ai tie r- Js si zserajau.?. rssnissr xrwsai tiit rtasntaac is pairs asd JSsc- STi3L3 eiefwasfrs vax-w wwf iaSe re saaaax uisa. cs cf sad iiai rticssta saerrsS tiis- weeia wen tiusriair. xsii a. lirr'A tk w:r -sexs to sreaie Si r- ' tiisca e tie pigsc. He tia iaSemed iia tist tiy sscas all pis t sss5ccts co7-d. Tiaj i orStTTd'tiitts wxrasi tiiiir iai Ti etsa-tti a. sca. aati ' si 333ir Taraji sStrwd ta rwt far 'that. Hrr axt C!y vTad ta tios- Asc tie lepees sasrre tirweB ssirx. A3 aftrea cr jear &2 , crxSerrf so xsusd i:iJ. Ti '. rsoei. aLsd. tir irkt f Has. cc tie- -atmea. a. prtitaas -ars. jor- srxrsiifi t Wx satoa ajngT sso- ' so tie .-bsss tie ttsaitsaitrj joCtfcd xst3 e-reJr pc2itL Tieeiief oiytoefc.aalji,ftrr.ia.ii?ga cos cf ti irstrC53 is tii taox. xaei . it irxj- aitt3strrd 2 5sei. uzd pt s Sera2 of tie iexd rver. cf tie trfi tie- sSee cf j-tS3 tie 5ir : ua "iijswos tirwsjri tie aoeca Jt tV-t. caprttjr tie iea-d rasa io-i httx. il ord extra ntioos xtd s. tTt.fl xaixrr, r tieir rssieetisa so tie rastS. zsiit rvsaanSwe Sec iT sesier of tae tnse to spgaff perMcaBj f&r -a:ixt i z.tnii?d t i. cf irtAiwstx. . THs srx xe. Itrportrti ;cit to bsad fee ewhirxtioa r isssrrr. At ns tiey Ixcried xt tHt, set lie fool otsstwesaSj. xsd tier si Isstts-sse ! to reaBze- text it icxiS ie a tttj err S2:er to tp aH rxtisi. Tbiixd x ' Ksisixry rieact. asad itiiiteed rsxsj cf ! j it ossxa cscrtt sssssfetcris2r xirris I -saoe -o iranvrnxoa uxi miew rr fc ta tie Tsxrdioe os zaest xrest i xbc3ste ssxter. Lsrt j fjJi t3br- iarrwted irwst tie ir?- ) rxted lsxd i5 pwssii of ieet.2a,- , oyj smds. of cxiia.?, 1X? psfstnds of szd5cmr WM pwssdj taizslj. , xMfi yjnui cf ccsicssx, pcad of rxdihiMt. pfssd of cHery. , pessd cf pcxspiis stid woui, 4- . .pocsc o: pest, ' .of f-ae rsilci cswrx, aod xH tie is r asd fd- for tie zd tes icrve. rxi-d LJrat, Stonier, tie fftntrsxsest Iwraed rjO xierp for dittrictioa zsyjus tie txiip. aixi UJ lor (if c:itL Tbdex ,jmAvm. ad then rut vS ti gr in 15. Oa Jly 1 U ratvaaii ex-, ceit ief wiB I e o. TVw lfldiatt Lave bea Esxde uesriy 4f-cjpor:i witiia tie irief prriwi tixt lietri. feottkr ixx ba ia citarpe. - Zerjr wale a tie rtermtiit iwt lfcxJr, pt ob ritilit dreXBd txkes pe A Jad wikrk ie ku ld wd A 0f Wdl MM 19 kM " i TTttr f iTti ii mwi mkh T ir JM&ei otrtibshr mmi Foe twestrtr reus tint stai SCOTT'S EMULSION Lis pfcrxsl its cScctiTtssesa ca cr cf tic tryrc zHrgtaciat of tic thraai asd fcsiys. xai tV t$ the rcuca -whj: tie ccrf-Jrrc? ctj, pxr iaEy rested, stjeagthmt and ten; tic ETpcixapJuta a xs a fexac to the cirTi i tiki nerves and tiur gxTacrrae soothe aai (Kak tie itritxtkac. Can Tow&etkct asyesejit- t so erscctrre at tia? i kt fca. p SCOTTS- 3.miiti-m. 5m ac st ca. u iaA. jrs a vrnsemr. i r scare. onak. sv- r.-rt St. H'siTT cSi ti ; is. x Traj5t. iutra id p5er. la two years Ht latitat ia.f ts. ctij iszzzxri irsss. S.ltt. iltJtj siintrta fe ri wweiirsr iisssia: -atiii; a. car ir tSe- sasercw. ird x &arrt to ricccaf-csm- 5r iracs tie tggTS .Ttira j. bet tiif ro t a arii sxswycicc. to ii rOCO OUT OF COURT. Tiuu x Vsr Jiitt iaa. x Sirrt ;35titasc. rtctaisir rsxcj sst cf Fin sirfrs- s ssjst a fcst w ii? -rr-rrtr -w-iti. raco;- rsJsjtt oanc dsriart tixt i it tie 3urr f tie Prtrc."' Az4 it i.w tT-tt o4 tie 5V?t r.wr, si Tfxxx. tier xnf so Ersitast-A t J-Sfcirs- Sets irrif&cStoWE. sad ie Ktc. jj ix.i tees iSi. Wt ttr tarEtrt."x. is jradt cstv tatnSe xjkS pe "iSsAT i-. sesrfi ist to xry smi -x-ttt at iix jJejirt rstce tie ptrs- erraest St tie- eztsae. iSeai3st J?e t-cid cf i,t.Ts bTe be stt, csro ser xti i42 x iacwc tit coir x sacs irio iod et x SsS dxri iy IxJEisr frees ti rrxt rsSrxr ariire ' tin; ysr- tit Pw rrerr. As -ixrrs-S- , X.:iKt icrari tixt tie ssxs Sid x rr ro&ir xsi f ss. es-xi is is jo-its ties htr srs.t 3dSiL After rarear-'s ts x jwrr xsd i&alrisr rr tie iert ci tie 4ad saxs. Jsodry Eexs srf : "tns tSessis of ti jwrj. lifre xso': to amir isas rase ta ii oti; tioit x3 piikr,: tes. aixt I wwcid ISL law ii -ariy jsa tie sasse f xkss&tr i ca-r-r?i tixt rss. ffrcttJrses, .t sri tie to -xttt x csrx-i xsd Sca.4i rss is t2t tst f TTct.. xni Jat iects2e tiat rrstiesaxs tcoi isv id to 5t JcflSed Idos't sxs '.olt sisi 2id tie fesoe ss5 dlrsxty f Ter. I se List Tit it is rs- xsjj4- of Jfodre 3os eiSriest x3- r ot dsr iit dtKSJsssj ilZ ie jBi5id xs3 ties i 13 iT fr tie r.-riste x eJsar ssder- mt. iionce or Final Aseonn . . t - ... . . arsaxuxteTteij4eucstxxC0XiS7' IS XiSJiV, Sapre. t tcit iTXl BWWCS, 2T JTti.ii floli&C UnWi QnH InblIWi' lidliWj alUrU ailU MlStUi STAGE LUTE. Txjvw Vr ftrrtifSl te Oiw VxJV-7, Est-l t jwrfitii a LLC, c m. vainuiv. Th tIlM. aXriv. i yM hrtSl 1X3 wi'jBrxUy,rrfx.loi. ? (MtiHoXsHoe w ww. x- axra fr rxa 6 Onw TxJ7 ton ttvTZtAT .oiica ( ' Sfll v,ve w ij. . - q xsorc 11 i x ytrtx X. XUAO uoici iai icu , j!. x tsas cr i btxtid :c.fitjrcs. ; . , - . , , j t s-I5 Tsree MK. 3. ot!.t&ato irar5iivarsse tOT2e OI I DC' (101111:.? OI me WOnu. IIIC . . . . i ., 2J6 . ...tUb t m 1 M w 4 WtEXLY IMTta It tf UnEj Ckaa sJ 1 jt s i T-3 ESTER CCZAN a i TESTER?: Nivi'bPAPES. Jaijfi'c Sic xir THE NT5"S OF TTii. VCH1D irii jvna a rctdrr tic cvx issi il'as arnrrmirca cf xl jjaasaaa ct Ac dry. 2sb s2 rtjatix i 2 SL&f-HiCE HE MjiU KI TEU-U.M rrm cczai ai mr 2f rmt ru. i SUBSCRI TWICE ( A ) V WEEK J FOR THE CHHOIGLiE And reap the beneni of ihe followins: CLUBBING RATES. f CHRONICLE and X. Y. Thxk-a-Week World.. ! CHRONICLE and X. Y. Weefclv Tribune ! CHRONICLE and Weekly Orecoaian : CHRONICLE and S. F. Weekl Examiner WORLD TRIBUNE OREGONIAN EXAMINER FOUR Tillagers tin-onghont jlT TTAR faithfnlly labored for ne??. for the irnprovemc-nt interests, for edncation, lllicicci' V. wuwiwut manhood and true womanhood. IT HAS advised the farmer of cultivatine and proper time to convert amount of money. HAS led in all matters pertaining to the welfare of farmers and villagers, and for over half a century has ieid tbeir confidence and esteem. 'IT IS THE NEW YORK and we furnish it with the :emi- eekly Chronicle one year for $1.75, cash in advance. TJure is a tub in ike affairs leads on to Th pot unautlonablv had rfrnc to th Mug Oot Sale of Furniture and Carpets at CRANDALt. a BURGET'S, p?u:ts ALL Firzlj P-jtct lr hSnsS Pier. " Ty ins m FOR THE 2 25 j MBIT PAPERS BORN OCUX SUPPU isii Ml BE SEPTEMBhKi'SS 18, 1841. the United States. their prosperity and happi-j of their business and home ; for the elevation 01 Ampncan J v w.w.- v J and instructive' nation and states, a to the most approved rneth-; hanestine his crops, and the them into the largest possible WEEKLY TRIBUNE, oj men which, taken at itsfoa fortune." r i aiia Regulator t Dalles City FREIGHT AND PASSENCiLR LINE Uuut iX.i!Ey. siialiy DOWN ISE TMiET It mu nitf anrty -ait nji t Sntitlfiit trip. ot IS uJUaiSti. 14 wit 6'nimt trim r3w : S3f tanwr. trTitarf lit PvjctLtmt to. tlauf Cut J2 J'i&rui(f j;nairx iait JforWura srita Sxte i:a'.t ;.i-Hnir" nrr'-tttttf ai 14t CitC5 ta zntut fuefurt&ne taflirnaaoa appty 8a X K.VXXXT as O.R.&H. ERST! arvsi thi cuo:t s o? TWO Traiscttir.sntal ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. -TT.t- Spokane Minneapolis 2 C)iSt.PaTLl Salt Lake Denver Omaha Kansas City Low Rates to all Eastern Cities 'OCC15 TKJUICI L frtlxs4 SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. -Jexseri axaiblj Iroca Per 'x-.i to Vo-tcxaM. aad Jfocx Kc"-? tu Kirti fJS p4Clc SUr:-!ii? Ox,, Is cccalca wish O. B. A X. r t4ii tit It ee O- B. A cx. xress tie iir. itrt a. ar Else rr. p,. .ir: TINE C.Kt). U V -js j. St.. u 1 ji ax. S U ?at fcwis Ejjjt i kt is,t I'atiitt y42ir. t: i J X. sl. 4tputt ut.i. s. r5tft t: 1 tV 7. is. ixrt u U M 9, ax ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. S Full man Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car T. fxvU 3tyKrovi Dl'LlTH rinco GK1SD rUK HELC.V1 M tttTTE ffilpnt Tourist TO Through Tickets CM1CAOO WatlllKttTOK riiLAbitraii jrcnr TOKK orrov AD ALL rourn Kar octm II For lctntxw ttxt Mi, u a4 IfekM. exl uerfrtttu W. C. ALLAWAY. AfMt. A. D. CHAKLTOy. At. O. F. iTftJ"- TiejaUiedwMiitJbek antlfuoad rat WiMVtMMIlIf j ill iii 11b Ti fcoarHxx tIniM Erety ana Vm tea Iwnd of MJdflUaCH BBICS.