We have just received OUR INDUCEMENT SALE. another shipment of Aim M i i , ALL GOODS MARKED IN 1 PLAIN FIGURES. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. .-, - : TUESDAY t-rj- JANUARY 4. 189S WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Weather Tonight and Wednesday, fair. Call and see what the Commission Co. can do for you on fresh groceries. 4-tf Go to the Columbia Candy Factory for fresh oysters in every style. tf Buy your goods at Maier & Benton's and get a chance free on a steel range. Buy choice green groceriee, fish and poultry from the Commission Com- pany, License to wed was issued yesterday to Mi ton A. isrown anu wyra a Thompson, both of this county Be up to date in whatever you do. Therefore, when you smoke try Fonts' Prize Medal, the best cigar money can buy. 27-tf For tho finest styles of candies, bon bone, oranges, and sweets of ail kinds, the Columbia Candy Fuctory cannot be surpassed. tf Choice Shoalwater Bay oysters served in every style at the Columbia Gaudy Factory. Give us a trial and we will endeavor to please you. Peihous having trouble with their their eyes should call nud have them examines by Dr. A. B. Richmond. Of fice cor. Second and Court Sts. lw Wanted immediately, a good business womau, with ability to act as manager of a good paying business. Must be able to give security. Address box G, this city. jan3-2t Three cars of wheat and oats were sold in Corvallis last week by M. B. Blodgett. Sixty-niue cents was paid for the wheat, sacked, on board the cars, and twenty-seven cents for the oats. On Thursday evening the A. 0. U. W. and Degree of Honor will hold a joint installation of ofllcers elected for the en suing year. The installation will be public, and irlcnda ot tho members who receive invitations will bo entertained royally. The Wickham children, whose case was given a hearing in tho county court a few days ago, have been turned over to their father under consideration that he take proper care of them and report concerning them at each session of the county court. When you can not sleep for coughing take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It always gives prompt relief. It is most excellent for colds, too, as it aids ex pectoration, relieves the lungs and pre uents any tendency toward pneumonia. For sale by Blakeloy Houghton. Last Friday afternoon Mrs. French gave a party for her little sister, Florence, who was up row Portland visiting her. Mine girls about lor ence's age, between 9 and 10, were In vited, and when upoi arriving they found that they were t6 play the game which all the older people are bo excited Well Pleased Ladies. Tlio thinking, planning, caroful housewife will appreciate our inducement sale of Bleached and Unbleached Muslins. The attract iveness of them lie partly in the price, bnt mostly in the goods themselves. They give 'an opportunity to fill tho needs of every household in tho way of necessities and half luxuries. BLEACHED MUSLINS. Brle-3-Brnc Forest Mills 5c Fruit of tho loom CJts Lonsdalo 0?6c Hope Oc Berkely Cambric 7?4'c FRINTS The beet that money can Really Desirable. There is no economy in buying Clothing that is ready to wear merely because it's cheap. OUR ready-to-wear garments are made for satisfaction. They fit right; they wear well; are not just as good aB custom garments, but they give more real satisfaction, at ttiese prices, than custom garments. We shall offer our regular $7 and $S Men's Suits for $5 85 We shall offer our regular $5 and $G Men's Suits for 3 85 There will "be other good things to follow. PEASE & MAYS. nrnr thev were delichteri and BDent' most of the afternoon at parlor bowling When they were invited out to lunch each little girl found a pretty candy cane designating her place, at the table. The lunch was greatly enjoyed, and the dainty decoration of the table was at tractive as well aB the good things there on. Shortly after dinner today Mike Bren nan, one of the men engaged in the construction work on the new bridge, fell from the plank on which he was standing to the ground below, a distance of about twenty feet, and broke his ankle. Drs. Logan and Doane reduced the fracture, and he is resting easy. Owing to the scarcity of suitable luro- r. the work on the new bridee could not be pushed as rapidly as it would . , r . , , 1 tuerwise oave Deen. several canoaus arrived today and is being unloaded this afternoon. Since the material ib on the ground it will take but a short time for the bridge gang to put it in place. William Lemon, whom Sheriff Driver arrested in North Yakima a few days ago for robbery, was brought before Justice Filloon yesterday, and as some of the witnesses could not be found, the case was put oil' until tomorrow. It seems that uuion is charged with hav ing stolen a saddle trom E. Anderson of Chenoweth creek. H. S. Wilson will appear for the defendant, while A. A. Jayne appears for the prosecution. Willard Vanderpool of Dufur is In the city today greeting old friends and at tending to business matters. He Btates that word has been received from Jeff Heisler of Beaver creek, who recently left for Klondike. Mr. Heisler wrote from Sheep Camp, and spoke very en couragingly. He says that so far on his journey the cold has not been severe, and that he has hopes of reaching his destination without any seriouB trouble. A letter was received from Billy Wiseman today dated at Juneau, Dec. 23d. He Ib engaged in business at that place,and says he is getting along nice ly. r-TIIelveatfieTthereup to that time" was not colder than it usually is in The Dalles during the winter. He has been to Skaguay and Dyea, and states that those places are about the size of Tho Dalles and comparatively dull at pres cut. Tho revival meetings at the Christina church are of a voiy interesting order. Rev. Boltz, the new pastor, is an able it ml fearless expounder of religious thought, and is already doing much good, Three have been added to the church this week, and it is expected many more will follow. Tonight his subject for discourse will be "The Di vine Authenticity of the Scriptures." A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend these meetings. Considering the excellence of the show that was put on at the Vogt last night, the attendance was not what it should have been. The com pauy consisted of only nine people, but each was an ar tist in their respective lines, axd this is a proof that in order to have a good UNBLEACHED MUSLINS. Yeddo Bnnting .2k Holbrook K ajtfc Aurora C 3J.JV. Lawronco LL 4).c Iron Clad BB 4c Cnbot W and VVilton R . . . .5c buy ; IS yards for one dollar. A show it is not necessary to have a palace car and fifty people. In this line as in all others it is the quality rather than the quantity that counts, and the quali ty of the "Pulse of New York" is as good as represented. . ; Archie Moad and Billy Walker, two young men of the Dufur vicinity, left thiB morning for Klondike. They will go to Dyea and then make their way as beBt they can across to Dawson. r"They go provided with sufficient provisions and depend on getting means of trans portation after reaching Dyea. This will probably be the most difficult thing about the journey. Tue Chronicle wishes the young men all kinds of good luck, and hopes they will return with gold enough to satisfy their most san guine expectations. COTTON FOR OREGON. A Crop Will Probably be Tried lu Kant em OreRou. Yesterday's Oregonian says : "Oregon will raise cotton next year, Its cotton crop will probably not 'bear' the market tho first season, but there is no telling what effect Oregon cotton may have on the industrial conditions of the future. "Cootton is cuccesefully grown in the panhandle country k Texas), at altitudes ranging from 1000 to 1500 feet above the sea, where frosts occur from tho last of October to the middle of April. In some Darts of Eastern Oreiron frosts have been absent the entire year. Portions of jUmatilla county are especially favored in this refpect. Tho experiment with cotton will be made in the arid and semiarid sections of Eastern Oregon and Eastern Washington in Wasco, Sher man, Moro and Umatilla counties, of Oregon, and Whitman and Adams counties, of Washington. A considerable colony of Cubans in Floriday are negotiating to come out to tho Pacific Northwest to raise and man ufacture tobacco, and the parts of Ore gon and Washington lying eapt of the Cascade mountains are believed to pos sess the conditions suited to the busi ness. The destruction of the trade in Cuba has turned the attention of these people to other fields of operation, and they have sent agents to look the mat ter up. Martinez, tho great cigar man of Key West, examiued the country recently, and he did not doubt that to bacco of a superior quality could be pro duced in the vicinity of Blalock, in Gil liam ceunty. The mechanical devices of a Boise man for raising water from streams for irrigating purposes will also be thor oughly tested. It consists of a cylinder, on the outside of which tire buckets that fold automatically, and tho con trivance is said to work well in a current so slow even as two miles an hour. Catit lu Your Checks. All county warrants registered prior to July 11, 1893, will be paid at rav office. Interest ceases after Dec. 23d, 1807. O. L. PlllLLIr-8, County Treasurer. Try Schilling' Utut tea aud tmklug powder During January and Feb ruary we will give to every person buying One Dollar's worth of goods at our store a chance on a Sixtv-Dollar Steel Which was manufactured by the Michigan Stove Co. Drawing to come off the 28th day of February, 1898. MAIER & BENTON COUNCIL MEETING. J. s. Schenck, tbe New Councilman- Officers' KeporU. The regular monthly meeting of the city council was held in the council 'chambers last night, Mayor Nolan pre siding, and tbe following councilmen being present: Thompson, Wood, Salt- marshe, Kuck, Stephens, Johnston, Clough and Johns. - ' The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. A. R. Thompson, of the judiciary com mittee, introduced a special ordinance authorizing the mayor and recorder to issue a new deed to Cobum & McPher son for lots 3 and 4, block 17, Gates Ad dition. The ordinance was passed. The reports of the officers were read, adopted and placed on file. Amounts cf officers' salaries were ordered paid and the recorder instructed to draw warrants for the same. The bills of the New York Security and Trust Co. were referred to the jtidi- ciarv committee. The application of Mays & Crowe to build a roof across the alley back of their store, was referred to the judiciary committee. In the election of a councilman to take tho place ot Mr. Champlin, the names oi J. S. Schenck aud R. Gibbons were mentioned. On the first ballot the vote htood Schenck 3, Gibbons 3, Chas. Phil lips 1. In tho second ballot Schenck got 5 and Gibbons 3, which made tho former Mr. Champlain's suecetsor.. . '' The following hills wore- allowed : C FLauer, marshal $ 75 00 Geo Brown, engineer J S Wiley, nightwatchinan. . . . C J Crandall. treasurer R B Sinnott, recorder G W Mann, huuling H Clough, labor P Durham, hauling W A Johnston E Benjamin, labor J T Peters & Co Dalles City Water Works C Jones, labor Jas Like " L M Wilson, labor Joe Burger, hanling J Hebuer, labor Mrs Fruzicr, meals for pria. . . Columbia Hotel " "... California Res " " ... 75 00 CO 00 20 00 50 00 1 00 1 00 1 25 15 00 9 00 47 40 32 00 12 00 15 00 14 30 2 00 24 70 2 80 1 20 2 25 The reports of the recorder and treas urer were as follows : , UKCOltDKU'S IttTOltT. Number of arrests during month, 13, Number of convictions, 12. Number of acquittals, 1. Saloon licenses issued, 13. Amt, ree'd for ealoon licenses . ,$2250 00 do do theater licenses, . 24 00 do do team licenses. .. . 0 00 do do lines 5 00 Sidewalk assessments 3 00 Total 22S8 00 TltKAHUKKlt'S RUI'OKT. Amount on hand $7400 30 Amount received 2288 00 Total on hand 991 30 By warrauts redeemed 010 20 Balcash 10078 10 Paseers-by on Second street have been attracted by the neat and cleanly man ner in which the Prize Medal, Guoran- Range, And can now supply our customers. The UilsOD is the only Air Tight stove with Outside Tube draft. Sold only by REMEMBER. We have strictly First-Class Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 25. tee and Rose Queen cigars are being made by S. F. Fonts. 27-tf PERSONA!. MKNTION. J. D. Whitten of Kingsley was in the city yesterday. Will Ganetson left for Portland on tho moining train. "Iio Rtivfor trt ? frnm hifr nlapft tiPAr Henry Pitman, tiiu Dufur postmaBter, is in the city today. I A. J. Hillgen ia in from his home near Kingsley today. Bess Isenburg, who has been teaching Echool at victor, is in the city. Marion Thompson of upper 15-Mile made this office a pleasant call yester day. John Hicks of Kingslev was among the pleasant callers at thisorliise yester day, Miss Anna Moore has heeu spending a few days at her home three miles from this city. She will return to Portland tomorrow. J. F. Markham of Dufur made this office a pleasant call today and had his name added to our list of subscrib ers. Hon. A. S. Bennett wont went to Vi ento this morning to transact some busi ness and kill some of tho ducks which aro reported to be in that vicinity. y NEWS NOTES. Ed Labrea, who disappeared suddenly in Portland, was found last night mur dered in a ealoon. Latest reports stato that Seuator Hanna controls seventy-two votes at present, mid according to this ho hicks out oue vote of election. Twenty-six persons were killed and over oue hundred injured in London, Ontario, yesterday by tho collapse of a part of tho lloor of the city hall build ing. A sensation has been caused at Lon don by a rumor from Plymouth Hint the English admirals have fired on a Rus sian man-of-war in Chinoso waters. Nothing is known as to tho rumor at the foreign ollice or the admiralty. Six members of ono family were killed by llames and smoke in u lire that oc curred early Sunday morning in Jersey City. Several others were injured, and it may bo that another member ot tho ill-fated family will dio. Ho is tho 10-year-old son, and his body is covered with burns. It is announced at Berlin that, China has yielded to the demands of Baron Hoykiii',', German ambassador at Pok ing, for tho dismissal of tho command ant of tho Chinese garrison at Tsao Chan, province of Shan Tung, bucauso of tho use of abusive language- to tho German missionaries theru. Prince Bismarck Is no worso. Hu took his midday bath at Friedrichsruhu as tiBiial yesterday, Now Year's day he passed In tho company of Count Herbert Bismarck and the Count and Countess von. Reutzau. He did not retire until 1:30 in tho morning. Or. Crysander and Dr, Schweninger were also present, the latter aud Count Herbert Bbmarck leaving Frledrlchsruho yesterday. To Cure u tluld la tine Day. Take Laxativo liromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if they fail to cure. 25c, MAYS & CROWE, J. T. Peters & Co. Over a Million. San Francisco, Jan. 3. A special to the Chronicle from PortTownsend says: There was over $1,000,0000 in gold dust and nuggets on the steamer Coro na which has arrived from Alaska. The treasure on the steamer was carefully guarded on the way down by two watch men on day and night shifts. Some of the noggets average as high as fifteen ounces. A man named Davidson, of Cripple Creek, Col., had a nugget that weighed tiftteen and one-half ounces. One of the drawers in Captain Carroll'a room was packed with nuggets of all sizes. Your correspondent had the pleasure of witnessing this wealth, through the kindness of Captain Car roll. In addition to this amount there was considerable more tied up in Backs among the returning Klondikers. From a careful estimate it is safe to say that m drafts and dust there was about $1, 200,000 in wealth on board tho Corona. Notice. Notice is hereby given that bids will bo received by the county court for keep ing the county charges by the week for tho ensuing year. All bids must be i filed witii the clerk on or before the 5th day ot January, 1898, at 9 o'clock a. m. Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. A. M. Kklsay, County Clerk. NOTICE. Bids for the excavation for tho Wasco warehouse, according to the plans and specifications on file at the odieo of O. J. Crandall, will bo received up to January 7, 189S. The right is reserved to reject anv and all bids. The D.illes, Dec. 31, 1897. Few persona realize the fact that two thirds of the cigars manufactured aro made in flirty Chinese pest holes and filthy ttnement house factories. Pro tect yourself by smoking Fonts' cigars. Everybody reads Thk Chronicle. Deep In It. That's what wo aro. We've got mora books than we know what to do with. Help us to lesson our stock. Of courao we must oiler some inducement to you. Wo have- a full lino of all tho new and interesting novels, Wo will sull them at a reduced price, with exception of Webster's Dictionaries and School Hooks. I will sell all Books during this inoi.tlt at COST. I. C. Nickelscn Book & musie Company.