OSEB BXJOVA Both tho method and results wlicn Syrnpof Figs is taken; it is pleasant and ref resume to Uio taste, and acts gently yot promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and liowels, cleanses tlie sys tem cllcctnally, di?pels colds, head aches nod fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only rcniedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the ptomnch. prompt in its notion and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most heal thy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. byrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CMUFOmUM FK STHUP CO. SAM HUKUCO. CAL. uvmais. n. mew torn. .r. NEWS NOTES. The town of Cano In Havuna province was raided by insnraenta ve?terdar. J. G. Xiifeh, an old time breirer, of Portland, fired two bullets in bis head yesterday. He is still alive. Chaa. E. Vest, vrho left Portland some time ago for Dawson City with a con -tignnient of eegs, has met with mis for tune on the trip. j Today William Jenninps Bryan will oe oai-rea me nomination lor cxngress from the first district of Nebraska. Bryan says he foend Mesico a land of ennsh:ne and surprising verdn.v and ri!l count with more vipor on the siiver question. Yesterday a rncaor was afloat that Bisiaark was dead. It has since been denied. Don't bolt your food, it irritates ycur -Htoach- Choose digestible food and chew it. Indigestion is a dangerous eickni;ps. Proper care prevents it. Shaker Digestive Cordial cures it. That is the lenr and short of indizenicn. "Now, the question is : Hare yon cot di- j Y. limn h. T,n!n nr ! ..-- , , comfort alter eatins, headache, dizziness naasea, offensive breath, heartburn, lan- ,oar, weakness, fever,; jaundice, flatn-, lence, loss of appetite, irntab.lity, con-; etipation, etc. Yes, yon hare indices- I -tion- To enre it, take Shaker Digestive CordiaL The medicinal herb and j 1-,,tunf ehlch Sh,tfc.r TlIcMtivc Cordial i is composed, help to digest the food in j t, nn..rh. lTh.ii rniir ninmich i- atronc. care wriil keet it so. Shaker Di gestive Cordial i for eale by drnjrgiets, jiric? 10 centg to $1-10 ter bottle. Connutajillua l'oaitlvclr Currd. 31r. R. K. Greeve, aiercban', of Chil Imveie, Ya., certifies that he had cm- enniption, was jfiven up to die, goutrht i Jill uiedical treatment that money could ' jirocnre, tried all cough remedies he conld hear of, but got no relief; epeut nights sitting np lu a chair; was in duced to try Dr. Ktng'e New DhcoTery, -and was cored by two bottles. For past three yeare haj been attending to busi neeg end saya Dr. King New Diecovery is the grandest remedy ever made, ub it has done eo uicch for him and alo for otbere In bis community. Dr. King's New Difccovery l guaranteed for Conghi, Colds and consumption. It don't fail. Trial battles free at Blake'.ey & ilongb ton'e drug store. & ua ff OlnmrnU lur Catarrh that Contain Mr.rvury, Ah mercary will surely destroy the tense of emell and cimpletely derange the whole eystem when entering it through tbe mncotiB eurfaces. Such articlet bould never be used except on preacrip tiose from reputable pbyeiciane, as the damage tbey will do is tec fold to tbe food yon can powdbly derive from them. Hira Catarrh Cure, manufactured by r. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0 contains so mercuryi and ia Uken internally, act Sac directly apon the blood and tnucoue avrfaeM of tbe ayttem. Is baying Ball'e Catarrh Core be wire you get the en vim. It ie Uken internally, and made in Tale4o, Onto, by F. J. OUaey Co. TtwtiaitaiaU free. Price 7te, per bottle. 0--fela by DrafieU. Don't be peraaaaed into boyisf lin- wltbMt rtptatiaa er mmn ibarleia'' M eeete aa wore, IU aiafir bave baM fw or u I test of uiany rents. Such ititre a the following, from 1.. (i, Hnfhfy, Htn-minf, I CI- arc wmatsntly bttnir rt'ct'lvcd: ..Tb, heji remedy (or p.1. I l.nvc ,ver J ihmy of TeSlctte If pur . ied It ChaiuberMiV Pain Halm, und I sued for aport or n a recreation. ro i-y eo after Imvini? nst It In mv family ; vnluuble remedial help, und nld to , fur several year." It curv iheutiituigtn ' ward pliyRlenl improvement, wiyn the i laiiiu hack, stmiiii- nml fcuciikm;.. For ,rth Amuricnu ISeviow. rnfovuinute- I Sale by Htnkile v & UotiJ,i.i. MEDITFRRAnfa" bciotc MEDITERRANEANtOUSL RENTS, NiKhcMt at ?ltrnlttir unit l.unrm n tin- ikinmt tit Vntta. Jn no place on the surface nf theplobe is rent so high us nt Uibrnltnr, the rea Kon being, says the Philadelphia In quirer, tlint the geographical position of the town precludes the possibility of Its being extended in any direction. A long, narrow snip of what was once sea bench is. alone available for build ing purposes. All the rest is nrecipitous rock. lpu this narrow parapet, in some cases less than 100 yards in width, are crowded the homes of :&0tX) people. As much ns ten dollars a week is asked and obtained for the use of one small room, nod this, too. in a place where the normal rate nf wnue js juite ten per cent, less than in America. Natural- ly. tho overcrowding is fearful, and. the water supply being scarce ami in termittent, cleanliness of living, as wc understand -it. is almost impossible. o wonder that in the old days the plague niul the cholera ravaged tlie "rock" with a virulence unknown in the filthy and pestilential cities of the far east. - In Malta, on the other hand, house rent is ridiculously cheap. Anywhere outside of Valetta an excellent seven room house can Ik had for $15 a year, -while rates and taxes are unknown. I he houses are bunt entirely of tho cream-colored stone of which the island , is composed, and which is so soft that it can be cut with a snw into bleaks or slabs of any desired sire or shape. ?o. 1 while the Mnltese builder is dirr-ini nn bis foundation, he is nt the .same time getting out the material for his walls, his flooring nnd his roof. WORKED AN OLD TRICK. The Drat and Dumb Mnu Had to Spent. "In my time," said a broker to his friends at Delmonieo's the other day. according to the New York Times. "1 hate observed main- sad and touching scenes, "but never one which ailcctex! nie ns much ns the one I witnessed last week. "Passing alone a busy thoroughfare. ' I paused for an instant in order to read and reflect upon the miseries of a man , who bore the legend 'Deaf nnd liuna." J picturing to iuyelf my own condition unuer iiKe circumstances, wnen inc 101- lowing remark somewhat startied me: " 'Say. Jinimie, here's a jKKjr deaf and flnmh rrinn l-'nthiT nivi. im- flvr-i-etitv: lo sitend, but I think I'd rather cive j to him. He needs it more than 1 do.' I "This was followed by the chink of a coin in the tin cup. I "Instinctively I turned to the boy ' n ho liad made this remark to his com- . puniou and said " ob!e noy, 1 overiieard.your gencr- OUK WOls. YoU shall IlOt WUHt lor tllC money. Here is a dime. "With a curtsey and Thank you, sir," faeed. ..r turn,.d to the deaf and dun,i, man The muaeies of his face seemed to be working to a degree rarely seen on a man ix;reft of those important senses. rnnble to contain himself longer, he blurtel OUf. ?ou' worked that racket before. kid ha That fpeuce L made of lead!' ... "I went home and communed tritb myself." prior Ca,h id uur Rbxctc. All conntv -Rrrant regit-r"d to Jniv 11. 1S93, will naid at my office, Intercut ceM-! aner ut?c. C. L. Phillips, Conntv Tr-Anrer ' . - a lHUUUe UA -CXlitti Auuin.. NVtleeU hereby Riveu that tbe uniipriisow!. .imiirtrlz nf tlie eitatf nt J- ut:,oe ...... . - . -....i In , i.titifv uxirt ol ihviute l Orcsmi, for tta '""' aitd tbe jadat thereof ha appointed Jlonaar. in. tTJh ilar of Januarv. l-t.at the Imur i.l 1 o clocC. xi. iu. a the ttro fur hoiiiiijc itj:tluii to ald fioal ncrount and tlw :tlemeiit thcrwf- tkfi'Xu neo jo ajjjr ou fcearine end et- u"nreut - r or lIoie tt,e day i l" tleraentanU file U:lr objection - 1.4 t...t r.-r.t 1 1 9 tt tth t !,.,'th,r.rilTlnethfiroWcttonthereto.lrflIn home from the war ThornMni acUCU, Mg : Wei Ad'minUtr-trU. Dalles, Moro and Antelope STAGE LDtE. Through br dajlJgnt via 6ras alii-)', heal m'ii f.ttmi Hollow. I IIUUULAH ALLEN, C. M. WBlITKLAtV. The UalUa. Al)tlute. hugv iemrt The Dallm from Umatilla IIou at 7 m, in., aUo f ruia AutfJope at 7; a. in. ; rfry Jioudar, WtalntMlar ud Krtdur. Oiiiptetion mace atAlitetope for r-riuevllle, lilt JhelJ and ixluu bejoud. CUmi cf ni.tctlioa made ut Tlie billot wllh rallying, train ond UmU. HUgn from Aulel'ope reach The Itl Tut day, Thurwlay ana haturoaya at 1:30 p. ai. katks or wj.uk. Dalle to IeK'hlltea do Moro... o Lira alley do Kent . do Crea Hollow , Autalope to C'roaa Uolloir . . do Keat. do Oraa VaUey... ao Moro .- do Ifcuebu. do IMIle. tl oo 1 Ut j -a 3 ui 4 AO i ao i to 3 H) 3 M i eo 5 00 ,.t . W A.. -i ...si tf'iiS FAVORABLE TO HEALTH. Athletic Rprta lanla;r m t Re. the spirit of emulation in nthlotien, I which in some communities hns (riwvu iuU) ,ntcnsi, r,vu,rv , nMy q u ; e.eees in tnii'iiut unci prnetlee for 1 ' contests, which unless cheeked and , brought down to rutiounl busis mttv ' do more harm than good. Many young men seem to think that because the practice of athletics is favorable to health the more they can get of this practice the better. This is an er- ' loneous impression, for it is as possible to overwork in athletics as it is in busi ness and n great mnr.y young people do ' themselves injury by their excessive seal in the practice of competitive ex ercise. hi this line of physical activity, as in any other, there is a limit to human 1 capability and it is possible to develop i the muscular and nervous systems to ' the detriment of the heart and lutiirs or of the digestive system. Hut thecon- ditinns under which athletics are usual ly practiced are so favorable to the maintenance of health and vigor that few persons who were sound nt the time of eommeneinc their athletic effort 5 ' have injured themsehes by the jirne- tice of these vigorous exercises. It is ' true that a certain number of young j men who were distinguished for their ' supremacy ui certain athletic events j have died young. Hut the munlier of young men who nre now practicing athletic exercises in this country and nppenring in public contests is verv large, as many as 000 or 700 entries be- inP rworded in some of the great city twtings. ESSAY OF AN INDIAN BOY Original ideas Advanced r an In- rllttfrnt Savajir tf Tridrr Vrara. There is notlang more original than the early composition of un Indiau boy. The following example is still pre-M-ned as an instance in which its suace author epitomized in mtcot -ncious iirablc uid vHllx excellent hu mor tlie relations of the red man anil bis white tcother, says tlie New Yorl. Mail and Express. It is entitled: "Mo r of Good Ilird and Had Cat." The aunty follovvs: ; "One day, bright day. a little bird ' huppy ivnd kUxkI on a log and sang ( all day long. That bird doenn't kaow j anything about cat. She thinks nolKKly is near U her. Hut behind the near log old sly cat Ls watching si,e want to eat lor sujiper, nnu sue uitttKs rihiui stealing ail the time. The old cat cam- very Mowly. and by anU l Uie gt alter the little bird, but she docs nut see him aiwl sailtT loud licain. She Wlllir lf'Ud like this: 'I am always try to do what i in right; wen I ever die 1 go to Heaven. ' That bird aid these, all words, and I ; Hhall not forget the little bird w bat it said, ami thews all words it fcaid and t after two or three minutes go died; th1 cat Jumped and catch and kill, eat all ' up except little things from bird, wings, legs or skin, and that bird is glad die lecause ulie is very good bird. The little bird hati last time Hang and 1 rv happy wa3 the little bird after 'that. I think the old cat have g(wl dinner and happy just the same as tie bird waa at flint time." CHAIN OF HUMAN BONES. Matlr lu I.tl.bj' I'riaan ly a Jlrahrr of u c York Itficlmt-nt. i Cyrus O. Thornton, a fanner living a few mileK out of IJolivar, Maijs., hiui an odd watch chain. It in made of hu-. I man bone. The chain eonKiHts, of eight ! linkn, each a trifle more than an inch ; long, connected with plated ringH. The ' chain 5b about ten inchest long and Iiiih ' .been highly polished ny yeare 01 wear auo: giihteub iiko ua,o . , JMver News. ' Thornton secured the chain at Peterh i,n rr' Va.. in IBM. lit. was a memtier of mpany k, KifUcth .New York en- . . .rl. m.mi,er of the Twenty- iriueere. a memner iirat New York infantry made two !chaiuh vhile confined in Libby priaou. on hu release anet Thornton and hold him one chain for S30 in green backs. Thornton hats forgotten the maker's name. The loneB were taken from amputated armn and leg,, and it irum uiuii""- " " n- re,jUjrt.d IS monthn' time to carve out - the chaina. For many yeare after lie J wore the chain every day, but for hcv- 'era! year he has worn it ouJy on Ie- ' morial day and at gruuu army reunion. Same of hl neighbor laughed at tlie ' Idea of the loiiwi being taken from hu ! man IkhIIcb, and he wsnt the chain to a I hurceon. who examined it and pro- ' nounced it to be of human bouen. Beauty, Utility a'irt Val u. Are happily combined in JJood'e Saraa aanarllla counon calender for 18U8. The lovely child'B head in an eraboened gold frame, torn unded by pray of floweri in mosaic, the baruioniiu pad in Wuo with clear fiauree, end the couponB by means of which ffiny valoeble liookH and other article! may be obtained, make up the most deeirable calendar we have ever een. KITMAirlieTlCB. Cane to our plaee about August .lilt, laet, a roan caw; brand iailiMlnct. Owner can have ee br win sU baraM. Mooaa bK.Ibi Three Mile. i .&uSiMfoti as.Vito .-ijjLkx-: ..L. . 'v , . -v . -. ... t . ... l..,... ir mwmu - wmMii r mm rnrmimMmm r j wu rmri aMaTaiii , in t vmKai nn c J hi Weekly Inter Ocean W i LIRGBST CIRCULATE OF AKY It is radically Republican, advocating the cardinal doctrines ol that party THE WEEKLY INTER THE NEWS AND BEST It Is Morally Clean mid as a The Literature of Its columns In equal to that of the best maga zines, it is interesting to thcchil drcn gs welt as the parents. : : THE INTER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER, and while It brings to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and rives its readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day, it is in full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint,.! J z $1.00 PRICE ONE DOLLAR KR YEAR $1.00 S"""j iSli rricM,rrnUv ly mll 1'rlcw of NunilBV liv mall Daily and flunilay by malt NMMHtltlMIINIHMIIMMMtlMH SUBSCRI FOR THE CHRONICLE And reap the benefit of the followin CLUBBING RATE:?. CHRONICLE and N. Y j CHRONICLE and N. Y. Weekly ; CHRONICLE and Weekly CHRONICLE and S. F. Weekly Examiner :. ... 2 25 WORLD TRIBUNE OREGONIAN EXAMINER For more than fifty-six years it has never failed in its weekly visits to the homes ol larmers and villagers thronghont the United States. 1 IT HAS faithfully labored iics, for the improvement of their business and homo interests, for education, for the elevation of American manhood and true womanhood. IT HAS told at the fireside, interesting and instructive stories of the doings of the world, the nation and slates. IT HAS advised the farmer as to the most approved meth ods of cultivating and harvesting his crops, and the proper time to convert them into the largest possible amount of money. IT HAS led in all matters pertaining to the welfare of farmers and villagers, and for over half a century has held their confidence and esteem. IT IS THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, and we furnish it with the Semi-Weekly Chroniclo one year for $1.75, cash in advance. "There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its jlooa leads on to fortune" Th powt unauwstlonablv had rfrnc to th Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets at C RANDALL d, BURGET'S, Who r. Mlllng thwM ood out at rtlv-rduo.d rat POLITICAL PAPER IH THE WEST loMBut it can always be relied on 5 ifor fair and honest reports of all po-2 OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL CURRENT LITERATURE Family Papsr Is Without a Peer. TBI DAILY AKDSnKDATDrrtOHS OF TBI S II I 2 $4.00 rwr year ,. ,$? I M) prr yr .. ffl.00 Mr yrar FORNTHE BE TWICE fl J WEEK Thriee-a-Weok World $2 00 75 25 Tribune . . 1 Oiejiouian FfJUB 6BEPT PAPERS BORN SEPTEMBER 18, 1841. , , for their prosperity and happi- Regulator Line The Dak Portland and Astoria Navigation Co.' j FREIGHT AND PASSENUE.R LINE j iiKTvi:r..v 1 TiiailHlU, IIiumI lilver, Cni'iiili IK kKnnd Port. Innd dully, .siiiiiIh)'. DOWN THE YALLEY , on to ( EASTERN OREGON ? Are you going II ve money ntitl enjoy n NuiitKul trip on the Oilmtibln, Tin- wi-t ImhhiiI trulii nrrlvcN nt Tlid Jiillcs In iillililr time lor l'm-fliciTh to tnlto tin' tmur, nrrlvltiR In I'ortlnnd In time lor tlio outgcliic Kimtlirrii nml Nortliern trnlnn. Kimt Imunt )..MMici'rK ri!vlni; In Tlie Iinlr In tlmo to tttkf the KuM ImiuikI trnln. ForluttluT Inlormntlou uiily to J. N ItAKXKY. AroiiI, Hit. street lock. 1'ortlitmt. OrtBOO. Or V C. ALLAW AY. (.on, Act., The Unite. Oregon 0.R.&N. TO THE ERST! GIVEH THK CIIOllI, Of JWO Transcontinental ROUTES GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. -VIA Spokane Salt Lake Minneapolis Denver St. Paul Omaha Chicago Kansas City Low Rites to all Eastern Cities OCEAN HTEAMEKN Lrare I'lirtlaud Enrr Klre Iar for SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Steiimers monthly from Portland to Vokoliuuuv und lloiii: Konk' viu North ern Pitclfic Ktriimehip Co., in connection with 0. 11. A N. For full ili'lnllc rnlUm O. H A Cn. t Acvut n Tlie Dullin.or uildrvmi S. II IIUUUtfKT, fieri. 1'bh. Ant I'lirtlnml, Oregon timc r.vi; l. f.'n 4, to hmkaiic und ,teut Kortliuru arrive nt.' 'A'Mi. in., Icnven nt ti 'M . in. Nn. to lVnill Kin, llnknr Cltv und riiloit I'ucllic.nrrlvw nt 11 15 n in., dcpntlti at 1'J 'i . in. Nu 3, trntn Hjiotiiiu' mill Great Northern, nr rlvi hi y 20 in., (U'l.iirln nt n. m. No, 1, from llUir City riml Union I'ucltlc, iirrlvin nt ll.ii iu in., iltitrtN l :'.:'M it in. No. Zi ittid .'I, tniu UiR tint 'l The Dulles will enrry imwjiKer. No. i urrlvc nt 5 p. m ilrjutrt nt l:l,' )i. in. I'moviiHvm fur lle)iiuer tule No. - UiivliiR here nt I'. :U. in. N ORTHERN PACIFIC RY. u N s Pullman Elegent Touirist Sleeping Cars Dining Cars Sleeping Car HT.VAVI. MtNNEArOM UVVVTU f AKGO UKAN1I rOH VUUOKHTON wmtuvica HEI-eNA au IIIITTE TO Through Tickets OMIUAUO WAHHINUTOX fflll.AUKI.I'fllA KlCtV VUKK unuwnkl 1WII ALL 1'OINTb KAHTaad OVTH w,.. i..,...inn. tlmo cardi, Ptd tlokata, cal onorwrltoto WC. AliUAWAX. o 4 Kogulator fe Dalles, City I 1.1