'1 V I ? n I We have just received J I another shipment of S rB a li I 7 - -il. II I Ue . i Our jd J It Uill ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. The Dalles Daily Chronicle. JANUARY 3, 1808 MONDAY WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Tonight At the N'ogt, The Pulse of New York. Weather-Tonight and Tuesday, fair, j Go to the Columbia Candy Factory for fresh oyster in every style. tf Buy your goods at Maler & Benton'B and get u chance free on a steel range. Be up to date In whatever you do. Therefore, when you Bmoke try Fonts' Prize Medal, the best cigar money can buy. 27-tf For the flneii styles of candies, bon bons, oranges, and sweets of all kinds, the Columbia Candy Factory canuot be surpassed. l Tho remains of Peter French arrived at Bakur City last Thursday. The body wasIembalmeJ and sHpP"J "1 Hlun" for interment. Tho Morning Tribune of Portland justly merits the success it i meeting with. It is beyond question an up-to-date newspaper. Tho company which Ib to pot on the "PulBe of New York" arrived yesterday, aud are today making preparations to render the same in first-classfhape. Choice Shoalwater Bay uycters served in every style at tho Columbia Candy Factory. Give us a trial and we will endeavor to pleai-e you. Pei sons having trouble with their their eves should call and have them examines by Dr. A. B. Richmond. Of fice cor. S"coud and Court Bin. lw Miss Tina Kintoul, teacher of the 7tir grade at tho Academy Park school build ing, 5b sick, and for the time being her place will be filled by Catharine Mar tin. Wauted immediately, a uood business woman, with ability to act as manager of 3 good paying business. Must be ablo to give security. Address box G, this city. J"3--V The public schools reetuned work to dav with a marked "increase in the at tendance, there being about twenty nine new names added to the already " 7 large list. J The Portland foot hall team returned j home on tho boat this morning wen pleased with the treatment they received ut tho hands of our boys while they were In the city. Passers-by on Second street have been attracted by the neat aud cleanly man ner in which tho Prize Medal, Guaran tee and Rose Queen cigars are being made by K. F. Fonts. 27-1 f. A new cross walk is bslnc lut la on' tho north side of Second street across Court todav. This Is a neoded Improve ment, and wo hope that other crof sings as badlv out of repair as this will be llxud The high scoree for the Umatilla House alleys (or the wel enuMnK yea- are piurii$ Joday To spo how little money wo certain lines of goods for and of 3orrorrou Will tell you all about it. Interest Vou Jf you are one of the close buyers and want to make your money go a long ways. terday, wero as follows: Monday, Flein mlng, 55: Tuesday, Dell, 61: Wednes- dny, C Frank, 01 ; Thursday, Bradshaw, Gl ; Friday, Nedeen, 53; Saturday, Wil- uier, oi ; fcunuay, hcnmiut, o. ' L 1 1 ' . . . 1 1 . 1 .1 i Hi; uownng scores ai me ciuu uiieyu for the week ending yesterday,, were as follow e: Monday, Hostettler, 5G; Tues day, Kobineon, 50; Wednesday, Mrs. Ketchum, 47; Thursday, Ballard, 56; Friday, Sampson, 51; Saturday, Brad- shaw 52; Sunday, Tolinie, 50 The'Dalles Commission Company have their large and complete stock of gro ceries in shape, and their store presents a handsome appearance. The business will in the future be conducted by the old proprietor, Peter Stadelinan, and the Bonn Bros., who have entered as partneru in the firm. The play to bo put on at the Vogt operahouse tonight is a pleasant ming ling of iaree and operatic comedy as well as high-class drama, and for this reason eah be enjoyed by all, and we sincerely hope that sucli excellent shows as this will receive sufficient patronage to in duce them to play in our city. Saturday the steamer lone made her flnal trip on the upper river. Her owners found that to cut rateB and try to take business away from the line of boats al ready established by the p'aple, was not a paying businees. We understand that during the time the lone plied be tween thistuty and Portland, her own-, era lost over $1,000 in the venture,, and as their expense seemed to be oil the ! inereabo rather than on the decrease,' they acted wisely in putting their' boat back on the old run. last night there was a union meeting of the different churches at the Method ist church in the interest of the Crit tenden Refuge Home. Mrs. N. E. lloxter of Portland spoke iu behalf of the home, and so much earnestness and feeling were put into the address as she told of the wonderful work beiug ac complished by this institution in Port land, that a renewed interest was awak ened, and when asked for a contribution tho audience responded willingly. One branch of their work, which has proven V bleesinif. is that accomplished at the jdepot, where a matron Imh been placed 'to caie for young girls who may bo trav- cling alone. A ileligtiltui waten party was neiu ai I the residence of Mr. and 'Mrs. N. Harris Ion Now Years Kve. Numerous games were played, the most amusing of which was fortuue tolling. Tiiu wuh done by each guest pouring molten lead into cold water and then reading their respective I fates for the coining year from tho form tho lead assumed. Kveryone enjoyed the games to tho fullest extent, and at about 11 :U0 the amusements were Hot aside and all partook of an elegant lunch. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Laughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Grout, Dr. and Mis. Tackuian, Mr. and Mre. K. J. ColliiiHi Mrs. 1). M. Freuch, Miss Irene Adams, and Mrs. Sternberg of San Fran cisco. can sell in PEASE & MAYS. I THE FOOT BALL GAME. Tbe Kaiubler Win tiy a Score of Six to Four. The game was lively throughout and well attended, considering the haste witli which it was gotten up, and the uncertainty about the whole matter un til the day before it was played. As is the case in all foot ball games, the en thusiasts crowded the front rows, while those taking less interest remained more in the background, and the fences and housetops were lined with men and boys anxionB to get a free view of the game. The game waft called promptly at 3 o'clock, our boys having the choice of goals. Portland was given the kick oil". During the greater part of the first half the game was doubtful, when Portland succeeded in gettiug a touch down and kicking a goal, which made the score six to nothing at tho end of the first half. In the last half the playing was lively on both sides and the time was almost up when one of the Portland boys made a furnblo which gaveou.1 boys a touclrdown, but they failed to kink a goal, and when time was called the Ecore stood six to four in favor of Portland. The following are the players. I'OHTLANIJ. TIIK DAI.I.ES. P Kelsey center J Fisher W Shoemaker r guard T Smiley D Sutton 1 guard W Brown S Bradbury 1 tackle Jim Ellton A Barger r tackle W Barnett W Joy r end li Fisher L Myers 1 end G Bartell W McAllister r half-back A Clarke, C J Camane 1 half-back II Kellv K Downing, C quarter-back B Barrett C McKinnou full-back W Fields bUHK. G Woodard II Myers A Miller J Maloney G Mays I'KICNONAl. .MKNTION. C. P. Ragsdalo of Moro is in the city today. Dr. II. M. Shaw of Fossil is in this city today. Louie Davenport of Mosier is in the city on business, Chas. Stubling went to Portland on business yesterday. Mr. E. M. Williams' went to Portland today to visit hiti mother. Thus. Purdv returned this morning 'roui a business tup to Pendleton. Chas. McAllister, a prosperous elicop than of Sherman county, is in the city today, Miss Laura Thompson returned from Portland last night, where she lias been visiting for several days. Mrs. C. K. Haight, who has been vis iting relatives iu Connecticut for th.e past four months, returned yesterday. Chas. E. Bui us, chies of police of Or egon City, who was here to identify Messy, the man who was killed by the officers Friday night, returned home on the 0:30 train yesterday. To Cure Uulil Iu Old Day, Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if they fail to cure. 25c, During January and Feb ruary we will givo to eyory person buying One Dollar's worth of goods at our store a chance on a Sixty-Dollar Steel Range, Which was manufactured by the Michigan Stoye Co. Drawing to come off the 28th day of February, 1897. MAIER & BENTON DESPERATE CHARACTER KILLED Barry Hessy lteslsts the Dalles Officers ami Id Shot. Friday morning a man by the name of Williams informed Nightwatcbman Wiley that he had come into town with a man whom he knew to be a desperate character, and whom he suspected from his conversation, was the man who had broke jail at Oregon City j tew days, ago. ' Williams 'said that he met him at Troutdale and traveled with him from that place. Deputy Sheriff Kelly tele graphed to Chief of Police Burns of Ore gon City, and was informed that the es caped man's name was Harry Hesee and his description tallied exactly. About 4 o'clock in. the afternoon Night watchman Wiley, Coroner ButtB and Special Deputy William Spencer went up to where Hessy was camped, near the company's ice-house, east of town. I fepeneer was the nrst to accost turn, and he made him believe that he was a tramp and conversed with him for some time. When Wiley and Butts came up the desperado did not seem to think that they were officers, and it was not until Wiley and Spencer had their guns leveled at hiiajjiat he suspected who they were. When ordered to throw up his hands, he hastily drew a 44-calihru Colts, and wbb about to level it on Mr. Butts, when Wiley and Spencer, as a last resort, fired, and the desperado fell over on ins tace with a bullet in Ins brain, it having entered the left temple and passed through the head, shattering the skull on the right side, hut did not come through. He was takon to Crandall & Burgett's undertaking parlors aud an inquest held, tho tollowing being tbe verdict: The Dai.i.ks, Dec. 31, 1S97. Wo, the undersigned, impaneled as a cononer's jury to Inquire into tho facts surrounding the death of an unknown man, whose body is now before us, find as follows : That tho n ami) of tho deceased, so far as wo are able to ascertain, 5s Harry Hessy, an escaped convict from the O lo gon City jail, and wanted tliero for vio lating the law, being at tho time of his death a felon. We find his personal dress to be as follows: Black stilt, frock coat, black shirt, black fedora hat congress Bhoes; weight about 170; age about 21 ; wore two largo checkered KhirtH anil drawers, brown overcoat, and was light coinplexloned, From the dif ferent articles taken from his person, we believe him to be a highwayman and a desperate character. Wo. find that ho ninio to his death while resisting and undertaking to kill ollicers of tho law while in discharge of their lawful duties iu seeking to arrest him under request of tho chief of police of Oregon City, Or. We aho lluil that the shooting which led to his death on the part of the officers, J. J. Wiley and William Spen cer, was perfectly justifiable on their part, and necessary to preserve their own lives; and we not only exonerate them from all blame for causing the death of the deceased, hut we commend them for their niompt action in saving themselves and bringing to a close the life of one who is a dangerous and mur derous person, and one who should not be allowed to roam the land at liberty, and who was, in fact, eluding ofiiceis of the law of other places, where he was UL1I5017 Mr-yitJ-iatrs And can now supply our customers. The UilsOD is the only Air Tight stove with Outside Tube draft. Sold only by MAYS & CROWE, J REMEMBER. We haye strictly First-Class Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 25. wanted at the time of his death. M. Randall, W. A. Johnston, D. S. Dufuk, Rue Nkwlin, C. F. Stephens, H. C. Nielsen. Chief of Police Burns of Oregon City arrived Saturday evening and identified the pistol, underclothing, overcoat, hat, shoes, and in fact everything that Hessy had except his mask, that being the only article found on his person that he did not have when ho broke jail. Mr. Guise of Woodburn, whose store Hessy robbed, had offered $20 reward for his arrest, which is a small recom pense for the danger our officers in curred in attempting to arrest such a man. His brother, who helped him to commit the Woodburn robbery, is at present in jail in Salem. THE RED MEN'S BALL. Numerous Masker and a Largo Num ber of .Spectators. The lied Men's ball at the Vogt Fri 'day night was a success in every regard. About forty maskers took part in the grand march. Many of the characters were odd and well selected, and a num ber of maskers carried out the charac ters they represented in an admirable manner. Following are the names and characters of the maskers: Rudolph Frank, Washington ; II A Staniels, Sheeney dude; W L Nickles, 'jlew ; W S Norman, elown ; Fred Archer, yellow kid; Dave Lemison, Klondike )dd;G Nelson, courtier; Joseph Stud iiecker, Klondiko gold-seeker; Dr. Soul ier, continental costume (one of Wash ington's lieutenants); A W Robinson, brigand; Julius Ulrich,old minor; Geo Dufur, clown; S 1' Johnston, Spanish count; Robert Teague, summer dude; Fied l.einpke, Jewish raDbi: lid Bnicli torf, painter; Alfred Huott, clown ; W F Burnett, Darkey dude; Martin Nea gle, drummer; Chas Frank, Spanish don; Carey Ballard, arab; Chas Burch torf, Pocahontas; A B King, ordinary Lester Carrol, jockey ; K Waud, George Washington; George Waud, policeman. Ladtce Mrs McCully, old fashion ; Miss Agues Bates, dancing girl; Miss Minnio Julian, cowboy; Mrs A Urqu hart, Japanese lady; Miss L Khrck, brido; Mrs 1) Lemison, stais and stripes; Mrs K 0 Drews, starfl and stripes; Miss Li.zio Buschke, fancy dress ; Miss Alta Brown, school girl; Miss Kiln Neagle, ilor girl; Mrs liinma Ward, night. Among tbo ladles Miss Ague Baton won the first prize, the character repre sented being a dancing girl. Mies Julian won second prize, her charactor being 11 cowboy; while Chas. Hutch torf, as Pocahontas, won tho third prize. The gontlt'inen's prizes wero won by Jon Studnecker. He represented an Alaskan gold-seeker, bound for Klondike 011 a bicycle niado for two of Buchlor'n beer kegs. Tho winner of tho second pi izo was Chas. Nelson, who represented a courtier, while Alfred Huott, as clown, curried oil' tho third prize, NOTICE Bids for the oxeavatlou for tho W'iihco warehouse, according to Hid plans and specifications 011 file at the oflice of C. J, Crandall, will be received up to January 7, 18!)8. Tho right is reserved to reject uny aud all bids. The Dalles, Dec. 31, 1897. J. T. Peters & Co. Business Anaouuceuieut. I take pleasure in announcing to my friends and patrons that George 11. Dufur has this day associated himself with me in the business heretofore con ducted by me. Tho new firm will here after be known as Dufur & Dufur, and transact all business under said name. Our aim will be in the future, as it has been mine in the past, to give entire satisfaction in all matters brought to us, and to treat each and everyone alike. I desire to thank my many friends and customers for their liberal patron age in the past, and solicit a continu ance of the eame with the new firm in the future. Dated this 27th of December, 1897. Respectfully, D. S. Dufur Notice. Notice is hereby given that bids will be received by the county court for keep ing the county charges by the week for tho ensuing year. All bids must be filed witli the clerk on or before the 5th day ot January, 1898, at 9 o'clock a. in. Court reserves tho right to reject any and all bids. A. M. Kelsay, County Clerk. Few persons realize the fact that two thirds of the cigars manufactured are mide in dirty Chinese pest holes and filthy tenement house factories. Pro tect yourself by smoking Fonts' cigars. Kverybodv reads Tun Chuonicli:. What of Your HOLIDAY GIFT? Why not some Musical Instruments? Not oniy makea tho ChristinaH occasion brighter and happier, hut it gives pleas ure all through tlio year. Every good Musical Instrument Is a pleasure tho year round, livery ono of our Musical Instruments aru Christmas values. Holiday Proclamation. Know am. ukn iiv tiikhk ntr.Mi.sv.s: Wo IihvomHuhIiIo a mnvlill lino (if HtiUliuii'iy, U-ather unit Culjulolil (itioiW fur tliu JlolMay tfUMili. Tlio ehnlocht llllii of IIooUh, Jtililen tiiul Alliums, Wo liuvu 11 emaiiluta utook uf.MHvr wiiiu, Wiitono unit JuHt'lry. All nut iirleesnro lower tlliui you IiuiikIiio, The liiti'bl htuiitlurtl liooku. Wo do tliu Iiusliii'fch lit'CHUfcii m cut prices lower Hum oIIiuih. No liner l!ilay ui' Christum iucm'IiIs Iu thueity, ami wo rejoice In HlumiiiK you all tliu latent iliul hctt ult'ts tor tliu I10II1I115 1, I. C. Nickclsen 600k & fllusie Company. "A r'yl - S '3 4. 'A "kf t 1