Th Dttks Oifly Cfamklt. JV onky Republican IhtHy Xew$pnptt on Watco County. EASTERX OFFICE SM to SZl Temple Covrt, X. Y. Vitv. K. KATZ, Agent. MONDAY JANUARY S. 1SSS A CHEER1XG OUTLOOK. Many more good things can be said of ISO" than was possible of its predecessor. The contrast between the year just closinc and the one preceding is a most cheering one. J Jfatute has bestowed a bountiful bar- j vest, and the world is willing to pav . good price for it. Mottles have been lifted, debts discharged and more labor given ernplo.vinciit. Jfo one will den that prosperity is upon us. It may not have come to all; there are some individuals, perha)s, , who feel the pinch of poverty now as much as ever, but it is not in the nature of things that all should be blessed alike. The condition which confronts Eastern Oregon is full of hope. The price of wheat remains at a satisfac tory fignie, while the wool market is steadily strengthening. The immense immigration which will reach the racific coast in the spring will give a j still greater impctos to business and r assist the permanent material inter- j CStS of the country. I Tm - i .. ,i . a ' fe0t by thC IMSl j ga&rd betflrIor the future. Let us ' icaember that economv is necessarv j , . . : . , , ' I Jft all things, and -to him that hath j afcucb shall be given." We need no ' rttnrn of '-boom times," no specula- ... , . ' ' tnre conditions whereby fortunes are n&de in a day and lost almost as ' quickly. We have just recovered from one sickness of this sort, and are in no mood to contract the dis ease again. A healthy business life is wbat the nation needs, and it is to this that every indication points. TEE BEST EVIDENCE. Where are the patriots who but a little over a year ago loudly de claimed that the country would sink to rum if McKinley were elected? If there be any sti.U inclined to the same forebodings, h is time they are making their prophecies good. We fear the task is too much for them. In this connection if the calamity boilers will read the following ex xrepTTrom Dun and Bradstrects re ports, their wailings may be silenced : "The new j-ear opens with condi tions radically different from those which prevailed a year ago. Great pnancial distrust existed then, bul has passed away. After a whole year of entire freedom from disturb ance nr alarm, in which the country has mid foreigu indebtedness, paid Billions for stocks sent from abroad, and accumulated credits against other credits represented by merchandise balances, more than 4i0,000,000 in l& favor for the past four months, with deferred exchanges for more than 20,000,000 held by New York banks alooe, while the great injus tices have been pushing their way into foreign markets with unprece dented success, the monetary situa tion is no longer a matter of anxiety. More than half a million men in a few states, according to official re ports, are employed now who were idle u year ago, and the general ad vance in wages of those employed has gone far to restore the rates pre vailing before the panic. The vol ume cf business through clearing bouses for the week, 1 4 2 ier cent larger than in 1892, has for the mouth been 0 3 per cent larger than in that year. In many industries and branches of business, the latter months ot the year have surpawed all records." Xot only to itself has the Orego uiau done great credit by its mam woth New Year's edition, but the whole Northwest appears in an envi able Hf lit by smim of this produc ties. The resume of the resources which Oregon and Washington pos- cess is presented la manner that canaot fail of being productive of benefit to ctj locality mentioned. Few people, crtn among those who ere in daily contact with the evi dence of it, bad such an idea of the wonderful section in which we are living as can be gained from rending tbc descriptive articles in this excel lent edition. The articles arc judi ciously written, iu a calm, truthful manner, and details are set forth ad mirably. This, edition is free from exaggeration, and is in every wav deserving of praise. The Orcgoinan has given the Northwest a good start for a prosperous career in 1S0S. vT""" , lhc orW aoVC HUicklv. A co- mentioued as more than a possibility. It will be a case of the lion and the lamb over again. ONLY OHK rOM A DOBE. rimsm. carts hcmicm. Orumtim mm ZB cu. 1 box at Urucrinu or br mall m1 rrx, addrw Br. Up Co. PMU. 1. PEARL FISHING. w It ! Mannered ! thr Proprie tor, of thr Innrrtilni. The agent of the Emrlish proprietors ot concession granted bv the Mexi- "u"p flr! J"0"". 01 Iwar fishing m the (julf of California recent- y arrived in San Francisco and pave omc interesting details of the presr- CJlt methods employed in their industry, which. htw continued ver since the oc- eupation of the country in the time of Ili7- , . The whole coast of the Gulf of Cah- fornia al(0uatJs in tarK aa(1 :ht. ctm. cessions conirol the entire territory. Y.ntil 'rithiu thr ,last 'ew -vt'arK natS divers wen employed, and the depth to which thev could decmd did not ex- ceed 35 feet. mtn tne introduction of diving ap- paratus the limit of depth was increaHcd to 30 fathoms. The best divers could formerly remain under water not to exceed two minutes. A modern diver thinks oothinc of a two-hour stop in watr 100 feet In depth, thouph at great er depths the ttiay is neccKRuKh .short ened on account of the enormous pres sure of the superincumbent water. A diver when upon the floor of the ocean looks about for the oyster, which he tears from the object to which it is at tached, and place it in u small bag hnncinp to a rope, which in hauled into the boat on a piven pigttal. Sometimes the numlK-r of oysters wurwi is larj,'e, at other times only a few- arc caught. The diver does not confine himself to the pearl oyntr alone, but if he sees a rtuv specimen of '-oral or a new spe cies of shell ne place it in his Imp and send it to the surface. vh-re it become; ziie property of the concession and the (sources of im larpc income. .Last year the value of the pearls har vested in Lower California was ulone $350,000. In addition, 5.0O0 tons of fihells were exported, which were valued at $1,230,000 mere. Penrl flshinp is the entire occupation of the natives, and La Paz. the bJnuarteri, a city of the peninsula, v. ith pbout2,M( inhabitants, is solely dpTHtem upon the irdustryl The buHneF if one of chance, and the pursuit is a fascinating one to the na tive, who an- born pamblers. Everv ovter does not contain it peari, and only at intervals, and rare j ones at that. i a really valuable pearl discovered. The largest one ever found was about throe-quartern of an inch In diameter, and was sold in Paris to the eznpcror of Austria for $10,aK). Many black pearls are found in Lower California, and are valued higher than the pure white. The large majority ore hwd jwaris. and are only of moderate value. Ban Francisco Call, WALL PAPER! WALL. PAPER1 Jtist Received Rolls of Wall Paper, best patterns. Tlie beautiful colors. New Invoice The ino, of Paints and Oils. Any color or brand supplied. SDipes-Kinersly Drag Co. I KrPeoplerhat ArofMI"l A Ttol WelL" I I LLLlJ Opera House ONE NIGHT ONLY, Monday, Jan. 3d. SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT! THE REIGNING SUCCESS, PULSE OF NEW YORK, AND- 12 BIG SPECIALTIES 12 COMEDY SENSATION with a DASH OF PATHOS. YOU ARE BOUND TO LAUGH. Reserved Seats. 75c; Hack Seats, 50c; Children, 25c. holiday Expenditures. You can make your holiday money co further and make more tutiefdctory purchases by eelectmc from a line euch as ours. Not only druge, but the best line ot desirable articles, the largest line of noveltiee appropriate for the occasion and the beat troode in general. UP-TO-DATE PHARMACISTS 175 Second Street. THE DALLES. j-lolid a- Improuemets. You want paper which makee your holiday enjoymeut greater. You want paper which makeo your home pleatanter at all tiinee. You need Bach shaues and deelgnB ae will give more beauty and more comfort iu your home. We show you styles that exceed any ever Been here at pricee never attempted (or auch quality. D. W. VAUSEL Third St. Harry Liebe, PBACTIOAL WatchmakerfJeweler A.U rk vtomv'M Uj4fl to, 174 VOGT BLOCK. VOBT tfMi I' Nothing BUT THE GENUINE Wholesale. CJUines and Cigars. THE CELEBRATED. ANHEUSER HOP GOLD Anhenser-Bnsch Malt Nntrine, a non-alcoholic "beverage, unequaled as a tonic. STUBLING & WILLIAMS. Closing FURNITURE CARPETS PRINZ f NITSCHKE Are going to clofce out their btiBinecK, and they are oflerlnc their largo etock at COT J'KICKS. Now Ih the tune to buy good Furniture cheap. ; All peruona knowinc themt-eiveh indetited to Haid firm are requefited to call and cettle their account. Jtye postoffiee pi?arma, CLARKE &. FALK, Proprietors. Pure Drugs and JVtedieines. Toilet Arliclc-s and J'erfuincry, jpist ij of Imported Telephone, 333. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer C:( Z. DONNELL, PESCIPTIOH DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williame & Co., THE A LLBS, OR Subscribe for The Chronicle STAND Von will titid ono roupon lnsldu encli two ounce ting ami two couyiiHlnftldo each ft)t;r ounce baeofOlocUwcirn IHirtmm. l)uy a nag of thin colbtirntcil tobucco ami roiiil tho coujoa-wlilch Rive a list of valuable prcuU unci how to gut them. - BUSCH and BEER dd.rnaut,8ohtl.os. Out Sale -OF- ar?d Donestie $iars. . New Vogt Block. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route or TIIK Southern Pacific Comp'y. TraliiN Iravcnml itte nuo to nrrlvc nt I'ortlmirt I.KAVK. AllRIVK OVKUINtl KX-1 Snlom. Kim. I dure, AhIiIiiikI, Sue- fi:tKl I'. M I ruiiit'lito, OKitcn.iiti l KruiiclciHi, MdjHVc, New orleHMN uml l Knxt . . . , Si.TO A. M """l',lllrK wn' ,, I vih WniMllmrn lorl r. m Dnlly exct'iit HiimlHyH. Dnlly excrjit SiiiiUiiyo I Mt.Alipfl,Hllvcrtmi, ! We! Helt, lirnvviii.- vllli'.(iirliiKllfl(l ami L Natron J !";:) A. M. H'orv (KtHtl ('(irrnlllH nm! ! wiij j .wr.M, (inn INliKI'KNDKSri: !'AS.MKS(.i:il. l.xprcxN trnln KnllV (cxi'iftSHliiliiJ). t.Mli, in. ilA'. . IVutliuiil Ar.i K'J.m. in T .)). m. (M M'M!imlile l.. Om.iii. h W i. in, (Ar Imlfiietiilctirf. l.v ) I .On, lit. Dully. (Dnily, oxcojit Milium DIN'INO OAKS O.N (HIDKN KOL'TK. I't'I.UMAN IIUFKKT Kl.KKI'KlEH AND RITOND-CLAHS Hl.KKI'INti ( AUfj Attncli.1 til h11 TlinillKli TralliM. Direct cotiiiectliiii nt mid Frnnrlnrn with Occl Jontiil unit OrU'iitiil mid Fuel lie mnli i-tciuiiKlihi linen tar JAl'A.N ami CHINA. NUUiik ilnttti ou it lillcntllin. Kutcit kiut tlrlcts to Kntturn lxilnti, nnd Ku roiw. ANoJAl'AN, CHINA. HONOU l.U mid A CriTItAl.lA. cnii lie olitiilmil from J. II. K!I'.KI,AND, Ticket Atri-nt. ThrmiRh Tlrkct Otticc, 131 Third itrcct. wher IhroiiKh llckutu Ui nil l(it til ttiu KNKturn .Htnti'K, Cntindu mid Kurojiu emi be (ibtKlnvd t loui'xt rutin (nun J. II. KIHKUND, Tlikit ARcnt. All nbovtt trntim nrrlvu hi nnd dvimrl Irow (irund Coiitrnl Htntlim. FHth mid IrntiB utreet VA.MII1I.I. DIVISION. I'lOfti'iiccr l)ctt, loot of Jt'ticriian utrcct. U-iivu for OSWF.OCl, dnlly, exrci.t Himilny, it Ji) n, m.. 12 .), I M, fi i. fi.ii "s iir. t.. m. (mid II 'M p. in on Mnturdny only, uml U:(K) h, in mid 3..HI ji. in, on HundnyK only) Arrlvti nt i'ortlitnd Qnlly nt fi:J mid h!.10 n in., mid 1 X,, 4 1,1, r:'.ii mid T Ki t. in., (mid lu iKj n. m , 3 U i ll) ji, in. on tiumlnyii oiil) ). Ij'kvp for tihvrldmt, ui-vk dnyn, t 1:30 p. m Arrive nt I'ortlmid, V :) n. in. lifKVe for AtUI.IK on Mondny, Wnlmwliir nnd Frlony utliMOn. in. Arrlv nt I'ortlmid, Tuiti dnv, Thurxdny mid Suturduj it 3.U' i. m. Kxcejit .Hlilidny. Kxceiit Snturdny, II. KOF.HLF.U, Mmnwur, (i, II. MARK II AM, AMit. Ci. F. V I'nuii. Act DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES, FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, LIME, CEMENT, Window-Glass and Picture Moulding. ZEE. GLE 1ST 1ST. J. 6. hCIIENK. Frenldunt. II. M. 1IKAI. , tnnlilor First National Bank. THE DALLES - - - OREGON A General Bunking liuaint-Hfi tranuueted Deposits received, Hubject to Kight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on dav of collection. Bight and Telegraphic Exchange Bold on New York, Ban Francisco and "ort laud. DIKBOTOK8 D. P. TllOMl HON. JHO. B. SCIIKMCK. Eu. iM. Willi amh, Gto. A. Likbk. II. iM. Bkaix. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. rilAJJHACT A OKN'EKA L 1IANKI NG 11U81NKB Lettera of Credit iesued available in the Kastern States. Biifiit J'ciiaujro and TeleKriiphic TraiiHiers hoiu on iuw i ur, umui, St. Louis, Ban Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points iu Oregon mid Wauhlnctou. Collections made at all jiointe on fav orable, terms. LOOP POISON .'rlniurr. Hv oii3flrrurTor I ruirninuntl IUUI VU w w in; "i wwh boneforwtmoprltMandoraaiuoKUitruu- trucilAMrnUfOMl(arcBri(tli(itllilUi.nit ary, foU14 and Mill litvo -iivi anil Mliu. M luwMnuiSSil In moutli. Kor? Throat, iiiiilO) vn r oo Kubrowa rnlllnjl !lttUWH'," lit) world for IIMAM ilM T Sin we Sle4t iUaV i roofii Mtnt wmled OB KKNKu.i .W a n MMbWJ