1? eljc Dalles 4- 'if VOL. X THE DALLES, OREGON. MONDAY, .lANTAKY 1898 NO 3C4 Hi Chronicle. r A Moiioinist Adniinist nit ion r.ulm Established. 4 TBI" S IU Xfi 01? SRn.'P.TAPlP iirlirrnl l.rc mill Other Forrlcu 'liri .rlitntHr. I'rt anil-Wr) Irr'n Ut rl Scrii. s., Jan 1. Many people aHsem bled at the palace today to witness the sweArme in of fecretnry Kit fuel Montero, JtUruitfot Montero; i-enor .Friinciico Zayas and Senor Laurenno llodcripuei, secretaries of the ftavmlonal govern ment. Marshal llhtnco, the captain-cenarnl, eeorted by u number of his Spanish of Ucittlc, the consular corps, army and navy oilieiale, politicians, etc., reached the throne room at 9 a. m. A new Hi Ro.vul makes the lood pure, w hulc.itimc and dellclnui. POWDER Absolute! Pure notAi. Mxma rowi Co., nt io. era of Cuba, setting forth that it ie due to hlB cotiBtant netivity that tho provio ioual vrovornment vo etahlibhed today. For two months Dr. Congosto, who wan formerly Spanish consul at Philadelphia, has hardly slept two honrs a day, and has surprised everybody here, as most of the ofhciala work scarcely three to hie war ;ned on a table,- and upon it I ,our "0UrB "'"'J'. or this constant ac U) mv-v tnries took the oath of fidelity 1,V,,' ullJ tl,,J ,lnnl success it has met t.. . f oneen. the monarch, and the i w,th Dr. Congosto has been most cor- recent, ollerlm; their respects and pledg ing thejr lives to the crown. All is quiet here. The Ollieial Gazette publishes an edict of Captain-General Itlunco raising the r-pm.wi. Kovernment, placing their richt ' diu!l-v i'owntuhted by all parties con- hand the liible nnd kneeling as they Ctr,ll'u- repeated the words required. Senor 1 The tlrtl action by the new cabinet iialvex. president of the cabinet, was t wa9 10 s ml n le niesfiipe to the queen tirnt sworn and then the oath was dminir:red to tlie others. To Marsh! Ulanco's inquiry, '"Do you swear tldelity to Spain, tiie queen and Manih Institution?" all refilled "W do." Marshal Blanco then addressed ,"W on the export of tobacco. The the oflicials, .ayinc decree provides tor the payment of a -Con-ocrated by the oath just taken, dat-v ' 12 in old lM!r 100 kilos on lhu lL.nnin,nnn.n ni nu 1. basis of all grades except Saatinco de continues to pay rovn! ilncr-fi- nf Novum ixr "S. 1S11T names d the places vou occupy and ,"'x'wrl u"ly on nmnuwciureu looac- co, cigars nnu cigarettes is nooiisueti, in- On cut to ut tirt.tii.rit new ; " . irovern- ' Htatnp tluty per kilo. Tlie tui- i portation 01 tonacco trom i'uerto Kico and other places is prohibited. PRESENTATION AT COURT. Wlint llnpiifiio 1 11 Any tinpniirr I'it iiii" Hit piniKiir'o I'linlnliiiirnl. A niornlnp journal, much plven to romancing', unuounccs thnt "the pie cn'itUuM tiila-n by the lord rhnmhcrhiiu 10 preclude the possibility of anyone appearing1 at 11 drawing-room whose punt will not bear the closest scrutiny, Jure yearly becoming more rigorous. l'lils is u farrago of the )iirest fiction, snyi, the London Truth. Asa niatterof fact, the lord chamnierlain takes no ' "precautions" w-hntever, and it is dllll ! 1 nit to conceive how this otlicial could possibly IliU'Htigatc the niiteecdentH of the horiles of nonentities who now go ' to court, unless he w ere provided with 11 large UnlT of detectives. All the re sponsibility of-a presentation is now 1 thrown upon the (presumably) "unim 1 peuchable female" who undertakes It. 11 an "improper person" is presented, I the immediate result is the arrival of n I siioal of anonymous letters at the lord I I liamberlaiu's ofilec. The lady who has made the presentation is then com municated with, and if the ultimate re sult is unsatisfactory she is punished byocing herself excluded fromthecourt for a year or two, or if it is a bad case she receives sentence of permanent banishment. Moreover, if a lady on the state ball or concert invitation list , has been so indiscreet as to make an un desirable presentation, her name is struck oft" forcter. It is only in very ' aggravated cases that presentations are ! publicly canceled in the Gazette. I he 1 usuul courtsc iH for the lord chamberlain to inform the offender that her presen tatlon took place "by mistake." and t that she is to consider it as canceled , Kpisodes of this description are of fre quent occurrence, but they are kept as secret as posxiule, for obvious rea sons. .GHAS. FRANK- Butchers and Fanmcfts ..Exchange.. Kpc on ilmni'lit Uic eclelirntnl COM Mil 1 A UK Kit, nrkliiml eilciil tin- Im-M Uvt III Tlii lliillcn, lit tht- tttinil prlrr Conic In, try It mill lie cm MicihI. Abo the l'imt lirnixU (( Wlnei-, l.linirs nnd CIcKts. Sandcuiches f all KI111H iiIh nj k on tniiul 5 Blanket l Sale i January. t Special January Saless Blanket Sale and Blankets on the Rise. r 'A POT OF THE BEST CHAW ) Cuba tobacco, which V.mr ! l',e rl,l'nK tariir. 1 you occupy and thv iii-tiKU !n tbii-l-i vni, lilnt nri n m - ' Pie guarautees of that libera! licy , dnnE the Wte stamp duty oacco ine ouiv remains ns wnich the government exjtects the regime to adopt. The Cuban ment sbould be inspire J bv blgb, con cilia tory. impartial and jut motives. It is our duty to study the necessities of the inland, and uspeciullv economic 1 qnestious and the means to property destroyed Klrrtrlc Unuil Otrr Chllknot. Pan Fr.ASCthCo, Jim. '2. W. A. Hurk- restore the ! holder, of this city, has cone to Alaska Tlir Karllrat Mrlillua lit Tt- In k Viur IIUC. The earliest mention of tea by tic Knglishman is probably that contain"! , in a letter from Mr. ickhnm, an ugeut 1 of the Kafit India comjiuny, written from I'irundo, in .lupan, on the 7th of June, 10:5, to Mr. Katon, another oilicer of tlie company, asking him u ' send "a pot of the best chaw, nay Upiiincoit's. In Mr. Iiaton's accounth ' of expenditure occum this item: j "Three slher porringers to drink chaw It was ii(-t until the middle of the ' seventeeth century that the Ilnglish bo fare of Cuba form the best propaganda jve tmn mafcu on behalf of autonomy and gahist the revolution, which although t was never justified, will hereafter inn t timi tfii. l HrKt iitititnittioti I'eace ana tbo wei-j to erect an electric transmission plant ,.r,. fr.mi Jnvn nd the price ninget 10 operate an eiecinc roau.over niiKoot from six to ten pouniln sUirling pet paes. Electricity will be generated at pound. In tlie Mereuriu i'oliticus of I)vea and transmitted twenty miles-to Se.piiitnlierjfiSS. uppeara the follow inc the point where it is to be used. At the have no pretext whatever to exist. "May God concede the good luck j which, I sincerely wish, may accompany ( vou in the fulfillment of your noble und j thornv mission, so that we may together , tors will be stationary, and the cars will pass, the telepherace system will he used. In addition to the electric line, the poles will aupjwrt cables froui which heavy cars will be suspended. The mo- restore to this privileged island, for which I hove had great nlTectiou for years, the peace and prosperltory so much needed. To consr srute the carry ing out of our good wishes, let ue cry out ; with hearts full ol loyalty to our insti tutions, 'Long Live Spain? Long Live Cuba, ulwuy Spanish !' " At the conclusion of tlie ceremony, all attended the celebration of mass In the chapel of the palate. at the elevation of the host, except the British and German consuls. When bidding good-bye to the con sular corps, Marshal lllunco shook Gen eral Lee'e hand warmly, saying in bro ken Kiigliab."Thank you." a distinction w hich he did not beelow on the other consuls. At the conclusion of the ceremonies Murhal Blanco remitted the death pen alty imposed upon persoiiB convicted of common crimes. Cablegrams of congratulation were ex changed during tho day between Senor BagaBta, premier of Spain and Geueral Blanco. The new secretaritH have expressed thauka to Dr. Congostu, secretary-gen- It Cures Piles.... riAitl.ASIJ'H HAPPY THOtHill'i' halve li-. We (iiwraiitee It, Ydu lo the Judge and Jury. M. Z. DONNELL Vniir lirunrUt. will cll lttoMJUBtuuetniu. Prlcw 50 he propelled up the eiiulines by cables on a drum. The machinery has already been shipped, and the plant is expected to be in working order in about thrre months, when it is supposed that Chil koot pase will lose ninny of itfa terrors. In Clturgn of the I'nuk Train. Wakiii.voto.s, Jan. 1!. The war dt partm?ut Ins pluced Lieutenant Guy II. Preston. Ninth cavalrv. iu charge of the All present knelt j unu. J)at.. trttB that are to undertake to tict supplies into the Klondike region. I'reston has been in Washington some time. Ills principal assistant will be Liuutenant James Kyun, Tenth cavalry, who gathered up tiie pack truins at Forts Washakie and Bo bin sou. The ndvertisf ineni : "Thnt excellent and b all pin si ion approved ( himi drink called b the Chineuuci Teha. by othei mi t ions lay, or tea. is sold nt tiie Sul tunes Head, a eophi.t"house in Sweet ings Kenta, by the Jtoyal Ivxchange London." I'efiys cittern in his diary on the li.Mh of September, 1000: "I did send for n cup of ten, a (. hi tin drink, of which 1 had never drunk before." This is prool of the novelty of the drink in Kuglanc at thut date, in IfiM it is recorded thai the Kat India company presented flu king witli two pounds and tw o ounce of "then." About this time, however, the com sumption of ten and coffee hecami fashionable und the importations largt in proportion. COLORADO FISH HAVE LEGS. IHnKiilur ( ri'iit lire. Thnt Inhabit tht Mri-lilim of the Ceiitciiiilul State. Much consternation nnd still inori. wonder was created iu the state houst .1.. . i 1 .t... ! ti ..1 animals are already at Vancouver, and 1 ,m uu" ' T3 r , , ' . . . , , 1 , 1 . . ' "fun. by the discovery in the olliee ol will be reinforced by about seventy-live Mw M' A shut..-, wereiurv of the more selected mules from the mountain I HUlW ,mrd of horticulture, of an ax cotiutry, nccustomed to u rigorous cli-j olotl. or flsli with legu, which IiimI be mate. It is proposed not to burden the ; come metamorphosed into a Halamau expedition with wagons. ! der. All kinds of theories to nceonni buck..,.,-. Ar Mi. ! f,or ,HH jToaehed Thebesteulvemthe world for cuts, JnK the day. Of these theories, Uu , , . ' ; titrangest ajiptiars to he the most tcna bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevw , bUl rMii , UuU tht, ,.volulwl UJSoIot. soree, tetter, chapjied hands, chilbluiue, WUH tak,.n up by evaporation from a corns, und al! skin eruptions, and poal 1 mouutnin lake near the City of Mexico lively cuiea pilee, or no pay required where its species is most abundant, U It in guaranteed to give perfect natiafac-! come to earth again in Denver with the Hon. nr monev refunded. Price '2b ceuU afternoon' abnormally heavy rainfall per lx. For sale Houghton, druggita. by Blukeley and $200C Schillings Best baking pow der makes the biscuits light. Schilling's Best tea makes tbem seem lighter yet AfcMMcCMpMr mi In the morning when Janitor Kmiih opened tlie wlndowa iu order to air the otllee against the arrival of Mrs. Shute he beheld it 11 object on the sill outside which caused him to spring buck in horror. Squatted on the sill wau a hideous, dirty-hued greeu and yellow reptile, about ten inches in leugth, with a head like that of a bulldog, an enormous mouth, wide open, aix web footed paws and a tall thftt tapered tc lath and woa curled at th cud. 1 2 Boots and bhOCS JKIade to Order. A Perfect fit gunrnnteed. Kepairinv neatly done at short notice. t union st. Dot. 1st ana 4 Patronize the All klndol ork. White Shirts u tiKTlnlrr. Kumlly work nt rctlucnl rutch. Waili rollected und delhered tree. Trlrphoiip No. ItO 1 . A. B. ESTEBENET, Afet. Joseph shbhhoii HA.i OI'KHED A HARNESS SHOP IN TIIK KART i:SU. In' the Colum tilit IViil Viird, 0iiiilli B:ilttiiiirli"' c Btiivkyitrds. tlatv he lk tendv to Uu All Kinds of flatness Work.1 300 pair Blankets. Direct from the Mills put on Sale at the following extra Special Prices.... 200 pr Grey Wool Blankets, value 2.50, per pr. $1.85. 100 pair Wool Blankets, Wool Warp and Filling. Splcnded Values. Our regular $3.00 Blanket per pair S2.65. 'Nuff Said. A. M. WILLIAMS & GO. Wanted A girl to do general boa work. Address M, care thii office. 28-4t Bbtcrlbt lor Tm Ciuomioui. Tlie Coluiia Packing Co.. PACKERS OF PORKandBEEF MANUKA CTCKKKB OK Fine Lard and Sausages., Curers of BRAND HAMS & BACON DRIED BEEF. ETC. A NEW MARKET. FRUIT, VEGETABLES, POULTRY, PISH AND GAME. Ohiekene Dretaed to Order. I'mint Delivery to any part oi tuu city. A. N. VARNEY, Phone 12. Third and Washburn Stt J' OKNDOKrr UVKDY, Pbysiciaus and Surgeons, Bpeelat attention gliu to nirftrjr, EoowttaMS, Ul.Wt. Vect Sleek. Wasco Warehouse Company Headquarters for Seed Grain ofaii kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds. Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds. Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, Tiia headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle- tOll FlOUI '''8 'our 18 manufactured exjireesly for family use: every pack ia nuaranteed to five eatiufactiou. We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so call and net our prices and be convinced. Highest Prices Paid for What, Barley and Oats. who jfc has the best Dress Goods has the best Shoes has everything to be found in a first-olass Dry Goods Store. C. F. STEPHENS. mm