We have just received Box Calf Shoes. another shipment of S A. A A. They are Good for ALL. GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. The Dalles Daily Ctoonieie. FRIDAY, - - DECEMBER 31, 1897 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Foot-ball, . Ramblers against The Dalles, At fair grounds Saturday, Jan. 1st. Weather-Tonight fair; Saturday snow. Go to the Columbia Candy Factory for fresh oysters in every style. tf ; Wanted A girl to do general house work. Address M, care thia office. 28-4t Call on the ladies at the New York store and get your, pies, cakes and pastry for New Year's day. During the holidays four pounds of candy for 25 cents at Jacobsen Book and Music Co. 'a, Vogt block. . An endless variety of exquisite holi day gifts can be found at the Jacobsen Book and Music Co.'s, Vogt block. ' Be up to date in whatever you do. Therefore, when you smoke try Fouts' Prize Medal, the best cigar monev can buy. 27-tf For the finest styles of candies, bon bons, oranges, and sweets of all kinds, the Columbia Candy Factory cannot be surpassed. tf Choice Shoalwater Bay oysters served in every style at the Columbia Candy Factory. Give us a trial and we will endeavor to please you. Tickets for the Pulse of New York are on sale at the Snipes-Kinersly drug store. Secure them at once as there promises to be a big rash for seats. There will be no evening service at the Congregational church Sunday on account of union service in behalf of the Crittenden Refuge Home at the Method ist church. Passers-by on Second street have been attracted by the neat and cleanly man ner in which the Prize Medal, Guaran tee and Rose Queen cigars are being made by S. F. Foutu. : 27-tf The Pulse of New York has been played in the leading 'opera houses all over the country and has drawn large houses. Don't let the opportunity pass of seeing it at the Vogt Monday night. ..On Saturday, New Year's day, a shooting match for beef, chickens and turkeys will be held on the beach. A. Y. Marsh will have charge of the shoot ing, which will commence at 10 o'clock. 29-3t The case of the Wickham children is still on trial. Up to noon today all the testimony in the case was not in, and as . it was not decided up to the time of go ing to press we are unable tp give the decision of the court. Lutheran New Year's service tomor row in the basement of the new church at 11 a. m. The service will be followed by the annual business meeting of the church and the election of deacons. Sunday service at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 12:05, The ladies of the Good Intent .Society are doing a rushing business in selling Shoe for Wear, Shoe for Bea.1j.t3r, Shoe You'll be Proud of. Service which means pleasure, satisfaction which means a constant friend. If you wear them once you'll always want them. - If you buy them once you'll see where the saving is. Comfort and Good PEASE & MAYS. pies and cakes and other sweets at the New York store today. Frank French has, we understand, made a contract to buy in all they have left, but judfiing from the way the good things are going, Frank will have to go', bnngry on New Years if he depends on what is left. One of the most complete maps of Alaska and parts of the Northwest Ter ritory ever issued was shown to us to day. It was made under the supervision ot Robert A. Habersham, civil engineer. It was compiled from the latest charts of explorers and the most recent infor mation, and is something that everyone interested in Alaska will certainly enjoy studying. Tomorrow being New Year's day,no pa per will be issued. The Chronicle wishes its many patrons the happiest of new years, and hopes they will make and keep all kinds of good resolutions. We hope further that all the good acts which they have performed during the past year will come before them in bold re lief, like the great American turkey which they will probably enjoy at the midday meal, and that their misdeeds wiil disappear, like the same turkey as it goes out of sight to satisfy the desires of the inner man. I. P. Joles is in from his mine on Spanish Gulch in Grant county today. He brought with him about $100 in course gold, wnich he says he got out with a rocker in eighteen days. In one day he took out fifteen dollars, which was the best dayB work he did while on the claim. They have their ditch com pleted and he is in the city after pipe and other appliances for a giant, which he hopes to have ready in the early spring, as soon as the snow thaws, bo that they will have sufficient water. He does not think it advisable for people to rush into thia section, as the small mineral belt is all taken up and they would find very few claims worth any thing that are not already taken up. Will Close at 6 O'clock. The following petition was signed by the leading business men today : We, the undersigned, hereby agree to close our respective places of business during the months of January and Feb ruary at 6 o'clock : Pease & Mays, Farley & Frank, A M Williams & Co, N Harris. A C Giger & Co, J H Cross, W A Johnston, M T Nolan, Jacobson Book and W A Kirby, Music Co, L Comini, Maier & Benton, Jos H Worsley, John C Hertz,. Henry L Kuck, L Rorden & Co, C C Cooper, H Herbring, G A Clarke, A A Brown, Fred Fisher, Dalles Comm Co, J T Peters & Co, C F Stephens,. Dalles Lumb Co, J P Mclnerny, Prinz & Nitschke, W E Garretson, T A Van Norden, Harry C Liebe, H C Nielsen, E J Collins & Co, Surad & Pearlman, As this petition has met with the ap proval of nearly every business bouse in the city, next Monday the stores will close at the stated time. ' To Care a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money if they fail to cure. 25c. 4fe for Wear. A BAD SLIDE. One Man Killed end Two Seriously In ' . Jured. A slide in which one man lost his life and two were seriously injured, occurred near tunnel No. 3, on the O. R. and N. yesterday. The man who was killed was John Joice, a laborer about 55 years of age. He was working with some other men when the rocks fell, and it seems that as he was stooping over some of the rocks struck him on the back of head, fractur ing his skull and inflicting injuries from which he died instantly. He' was dug out as soon as possible, but before the rocks were removed from his body he was dead. - The injured men were Tom Corrol and S. Malcom. They were brought to this city on a special and Dr. Doane was called to attend to their injuries. He found that no bones were broken, but they received Berious bruises from fall ing rock. They were sent to Portland this morning for treatment. An inquest was held over the remains of Joice this morning and the following verdict was rendered : ' The Dalles, Or., Dec. 31, 1897. We, the jury, empaneled by J. M. Fil loon, acting coroner of Wasco county. Or., to sit in an inquest upon the facts surrounding the death of a person whose body is now before us, after having listened to the testimony given by the different witnesses called and sworn, find as follows : That the name of the deceased was John Joice, a native of Ireland, of the age of about fifty or sixty years, and so lar as we are able to learn was a Bingle man at the time of his death and prob ably nas a sister living in San b rancisco, California; that the accident which caused his death happened on the 30th day of December, 1897, at or near tunnel No. 3, on the line of the O. R. & N. Co. in Wasco county, Or. ; that the accident which caused his death was due to rocks falling from a bluff under which he was working, and a rock or rocks falling on mm ana causing instant aeatb. . A. N. Varney A. EVERDING H. C. Nielsen John Burgraf . J. H. Wood John B. Ckate, The Tournament Ended.' Last night . the bowling tournament ended, with twelve games out of the six teen in favor of the Umatilla House bowlers. In the eight games played on the club alleys the club team won but one, while in the last eight, played on the Umati'la House alleys, they won three, which goes to prove that they can do better bowling on the outside alleys than they can on their own or that there was a marked improvement in their playing during the tournament, which is very likely to be the reason, since the members of the club team practiced more and with greater care than they had heretofore. The results for the four games played last night were as follows : Club Umatilla 214 .'. .First Game. 248 263 Second Game 229 207. Third Game ..... . .209 216. Fourth Game .249 We hope that this will not be the last, as well as the first, tournament. The BaCBCIBaBBBlBDBHBalBVHRflBaHBBaVDB B One thousand styles and sizes. B I For cooking and heating-. 9 I Price from $io to $70. H Often imitated. Never equalled. - nest In quality B to "Garlands.'' MAIER & BENTON club boys do not feel discouraged in the least over their defeat, and would readily accept another challenge at any time. PERSON Al. MENTION. Will Staats of Dufur is in the city. Harry Mehear of 8-Mile is in town to day. F. T. Newby of Hood River is in the city. F. H. Stanton is up from Hood River today. Miss Daisy Botefuhr, who has been visiting friends in this city, returned to her home in Portland this morning. W. T. Gardner,-superintendent of the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society, left on the delayed train for Portland this morning. Miss Bertha Burckhardt, who has been spending a few days with friends in this city, returned to Portland today. Misses Etta and Mayme Schnlderman, who have been visiting the family of Mr. Geo. Liebe in this city, returned to Portland today. Hiss jiimuy iieoe, wno naar been vis iting the family of her anclj(Geo. Liebe, in this city .returned homea the Dalles (Jity this morcang. About THig' ) Coats. To good to keep to our selves. Must tell you of the choice things The biz values in Ladies' Coats offered at A. M. Williams & Co.'s. Any Coat or Cape in stock over $10.00 reduced one-third. Fine garments that' you paid $12 and $15 for a short time ago can now be had for $8 and $10. Those $20 coats, which were then too high, are no only $13,34. Not a poor style in the entire lot, but early comers have advantage of choice. Going fast. A Good Dictionary for Two Cents. -. A dictionary containing the definitions of 10,000 of the most useful and import ant words in the English language, is published by the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N Y. While it con tains some advertising, it is a complete dictionary, concise and correct. In compiling this book care has been tAen to omit none of those common words whose spelling or exact use occa sions at times a momentary difficulty, even to well educated people. Ths main And can now supply our customers. The Uilson is the only Air Tight stove with Outside Tube draft. Sold only by REMEZBER We Fir, Oak and . Maple Wood. To "be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Plione 25. aim has been to give as much useful in formation as possible in a limited apace. With this in view, where noun, adjective and verb are all obviously -connected in meaning, usually one only has been in serted. The volume will thus be found to contain the meaning of very many more words than it professes to explain. To those who already have a diction ary, this book will commend itself be cause it is compact, light and conven ient; to those who have no dictionary whatever, it will be invaluable. One may be secured by writing to the above concern, mentioning this paper, and en closing a two-cent stamp. The "Bull Dog" Toe Is All the Go. R Goal every time when it comes to Men's Fine Shoes. We have just opened a new line new styles Shoes that are decid edly seasonable. Patent Leather Dress Shoes; Wet Weather, anti-crack Calf Shoes in the popular, up-to-date, Bull Dog Toes. Wtien you need shoes of any style or price, don't forget A; M. Williams & Co., Popular Dealers. . THE CHUftCHES M. E. church, comer Fifth and Wash ington streets, J. H.Wood, pastor Ser vices as follows : Class meeting at 10 a. m. ; morning service at 11 : Sunday school 12:20; Junior League 4; Ep worth" League at 6:30; evening service at 7 :30. All are invited. Sunday services at the Congregational church, corner Court and Fifth streets, as follows: . At 11 a. m. sermon by Pastor W. C. Curtis, followed by admin istration of the Lord '8 Supper. . Sunday school immediately after the morning service; meeting of the Junior Endeavor at 3 :30 ; of the Young Peoples Society of Christian . Endeavor at '6:30.'' Topic, How to Pray; Luke xi :1-13. . No even ing service. All persons not worship ping elsewhere are cordially in 71 ted. NOTICE. Bids for the excavation for the Wasco warehouse, according to the plans and specmcations on nle at the otbee of C. J- Crandall, will be received up to January ine rignt is reserved to reject any and all bids. The Dalles, Dec. 31, 1897. Cam In loot Checks. All countv warrants registered prior to July 11, isas, will be paid at my office. Interest ceases after Dec. 23d, 10a. u. L.. 1HILLIPS, - b,. County Treasurer. Sabecribe for Thb Chronicle. MAYS & CROWE, have strictly First-Class J. T. Peters & Co. tonslnet Announcement. I take pleasure in announcing to my friends and patrons that George H. Dufur has ' this day associated himself with me in the business heretofore con ducted by me. The new firm will here after be known as Dufur & Dufur, and transact all business under said name. Our aim will be in the future, as it baa been mine in the past, to give entire satisfaction in all matters brought to us, and to treat each and everyone alike. I desire to thank my many friends and customers for their liberal patron age in the past, and solicit a continu ance of the same with the new firm in the future. Dated this 27th of December, 1897. . Respectfully. D. S. Dufcb Notice. - Notice is hereby given that bida will be received by the county court for keep ing the county charges by the week for -the ensuing year. All bids must be filed with the clerk on or before the 5th day ot January, 1898, at 9 o'clock a.m. Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. A. M. Kelbay, County Clerk. Few persons realize the fact that two thirds of the cigars manufactured are made in dirty Chinese pest holes and filthy tenement house factories. Pro tect yourself by smoking Fonts' cigars.' Everybody reads The Chronicle. What of Your . . HOLIDAY GIFT? Why not some Musical Instruments? Not oniy makes the Christmas occasion, brighter and happier, but it gives pleas ure all through the year. Every good Musical Instrument is a pleasure the vear round. Every one of our Musical Instruments are Christmas values. Holiday Proclamation. Know all hbn by these presents: We have set aside a special line of Stationery, Leather and Celluloid Goods for the Holiday season. The choicest line of Books, Bibles and Albums. We have a complete stock of Silver ware, Watches and Jewelry. All our prices are lower than you imagine. 'The. latest standard ' books. We.do the business becaose'we cut prices lower than others. No finer display of Christmas presents in the city, and we Tejoice in showing you all the latest and best gifts tor the holidays. I.CJickelsen - Book fit CQasie Company. Y