The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 30, 1897, Image 3

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    1 ,; - " i '
We have j ust received
another shipment of
A Stioe for Wear,
A. Shoe for Beauty,
A. Stioe Ycrull be Proud of.
Service which means pleasure, satisfaction
which means a constant friend. If you wear them
once you'll always want them. If you buy them
once you'll see where the saving is.
They are Good for Comfort and Good for Wear.
Ths Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Ramblers against The Dalles,
At fair grounda Saturday, Jan 1st.
Weather Tonight and Friday, fair
and cooler.
Wanted A girl to do general houee
work. Address M, care this office.
28 4t
Yesterday evening Dan J. Bell, a 12-year-old
boy, was killed in Portland by
falling from a tree.
Call on the ladies at the New York
Btore and get your pies, cakes and pastry
for New Year's day.
Daring the holidays four pounds of
candy for 25 cents at Jacobsea Book and
Music Co.'a, Vogt 1)lock.
That IX L gun will be given away to
morrow evening, between 9 and 10
o'clock, at C. Berry's gun' shop.
An endless.' variety of exquisite holi
day gifts can e found at the Jacobsen
Book and Mui ic Co.'e, Vogt block.
A meeting of the city council will be
held tomorrow night for the purpose of
issuing licenses for the coming year.
Be 'up to date in whatever you do.
Therefore, when you smoke try Fonts'
Prize Medal, the best cigar monev can
buy. 27-tf
Choice Shoalwater Bay oysters served
in every style at the Columbia Candy
Factory. Give us a trial and we will
endeavor to please you.
All Rathbone Bisters are urgently re
quested to meet in the small K. of P.
hall this evening at 7 :30, to make final
arrangements for the installation.
According to the recently published
statements, the two national banks in
La urande nave ?8o,000 in actual cash,
and cash assets of more than double that
The annual passes for the O. R. & N.
Co. for 1898 are being issued. It is ru
mored that scarcely one-half the oeual
amount of passes will be issued the
coming year.
The service at the Congregational
church this evening will be .preparatory
to the holy communion to be adminis
tered next Sunday morning. Hour of
service 7:30. .
PaBsers-by on Second street have been
attracted by the neat and cleanly man
. ner in which the Prize Medal, Guaran
tee and Rose Queen cigars are being
made by S. F. Fouts.' 27-tf
Fred Van Norden has the agency for
hand-painted portrait buttons. Call
and see his samples, they are elegantly
finished and' are. guaranteed to be satis
factory in every regard. - d27lw
At a meeting of the Methodist S?uS?R
school board last evening," the following
officers were elected . for the ensuing
year : Superintendent, Mrs. 8. French :
first asst. supt., Rev. J. H. Wood ; second
. asst. supt., Miss. Clara Nickelsen; sec
. retary, Mr. C. H. Brown ; asst. secre
tary, John Parrott ; treasurer, W. A.
Kirby; librarian, Clyde Riddell; choris
ter, J. Parrott; organist, Miss Edith
Randall; asst. organist, Miss Nona
Ruch. i
The special attention of executors, ad
ministrators and guardians is called to
Section 1170 of Hill's Code, requiring
them to send in verified accounts of the
estates of which they have charge imme
diately, otherwise the county court will
be forced to call upom them to do eo. -A
man by the name of Hooper at
tempted to board the passenger this
morning when it was pulling out of
Grants, and was thrown to the ground,
receiving serious though not fatal in
juries about the head and face. He was
brought to this place and is getting
along nicely.
A number of reports from the differ
ent road supervisors have not yet been
sent in. Parties having charge of this
matter should send in their reports by
the first of the year, or "by January 5th
at the latest. They have, in all proba
bility, overlooked .this matter, and
should attend to it at once.
Mr. Briggs came down from Arlington
this morning, expecting to meet Mrs.
Briggs and Neddie here tonight. On his
arrival he received word from Mrs.
Briggs, stating that the boy was worse
and could not be moved home. Mr.
Briggs will leave for Chehalis as soon as
A big wave broke half way up on the
beach at Seaside last Friday, after hav
ing carried everything before it. Large
logs were rolled around the grove, and
some of the sea water ran into the Ne
canicum. No serious damage was done
to property, and no one was injured,
but several got a bad scare as well as a
On Tuesday evening the following
officers of Columbia Chapter, O. E. S.,
were installed bv Past Worthy Matron
Mrs. B. J. Russell: worthy matron,
Mrs. Alice Crossen ; worthy patron, Dr.
O. D. Doane; associate matron, Mrs.
Emily Sanders; conductress, Mrs. E.
Burgett; associate conductress, Miss
Salina Phirman ; treasurer, Mrs. Esther
Harris; chaplain, Mrs. Mary Myers;
marshal, Mrs. Sarah Mac Alhster; Ada,
Miss Edna Glenn; Ruth, Mrs. Annie
Kinersly; Esther, Miss Ada Smith;
Martha, Miss Christine Phirman ; Electa,
Mrs. Lizzie BradBhaw; organist, Mrs.
Alice Varney ; warder, Mrs. Jessie Kir
by : sentinel, Harry Clough.
The offering for the Vogt opera house
January 3d is the farcial "Poise of New
York," a time-tried and popular drama.
In accordance with the public liking tor
vaudeville, the management have added
this announcement, "built to amuse"
to this year's production, and have lib
erally supplied specialty features, the
econd act being entirely devoted to an
lio of specialties. In this part of the
'Pulse" are seen Wm. A. Lang, singer
and dancing artist . and all-around
comedian, last year principal comedian
of Hanlon's "Superba" ; Stella Mahew,
mimic and story teller ; the wonderful
hompson tots, Lilian 5 years, Ethel 3
ears; .Madge Matland, phenomenal
female baritone singer; H, V. Band,
Hey Rube ; Edgar Way, comedy sketch
artist ; Gotham quartette and others.
On Saturday, New Year's day, a
shooting match for beef, chickens and
turkeys will be held on the beach. A.
Y. Marsh will have charge of the shoot
ing, which will commence at 10 o'clock.
The Elka tt this city have decided to
give a grand ball for invited guests and
their ladies on Friday evening, January
14th. As the "Best People on Earth'
never do anything by halves, there i
no doubt that this will be the grandeB
event of the winter.
Yesterday Dr. Eshelman was catwa to
attend Chas. Easton, who lives near
Boyd, jn this county, and found him to
be in a very dangerous' condition. He
has been sick for a considerable time,
and Dr. Eshel-aan says that he hopes to
have him up and around in a few weeks.
James Lowry, the -old man who fell
from the Mill creek trestle Sunday night,
Is getting along as well as could be ex
pected, considering his age and the ex
tent of his injuries. The greatest dan
ger seem 8 to be that he is hurt internal
ly. If such is not the case, he will un
doubtedly pull through.
It i3 remarkable how fast the work
ingmen are progressing with the new
railroad bridge across Mill creek. Yes
terday morning nothing was to be seen
but a pile of bents and huge timbers
strewn along the line over which the
bridge Is to run. This afternoon about
half of them are raised into position and
the structure begins to looV nnorfi
what it is intended foi"lne new track
has been laid as far as the bridge on
either side, and in a short time this
new structure will be ready for the rails.
One thousand styles and sizes.
For cooking and heating.
Price from $io to $70.
Often imitated. Never equalled.
next In quality
to "Garlands." .
The Bowling: Tournament.
BEei-rlll's Ramblers to be In The Dalles
Tomorrow JBvenliig.
Arrangements were completed today
with Merrill's football team, the Ram
blers of Portland, and tbfey will be up to
morrow evening on the steamer Kegnla P
tor. lickets for the game, which will
come off at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon,
will be on sale tonforrow, and we sin
cerely hope th at everyone will be liberal
in their patronage, since our boys have
a large expense account to foot. The
price of admission to the game will be
25 cents for both ladies and gentlemen,
while children under 12 years of age will
be admitted free if accompanied bv es
corts. The following is a list of players
in the Dalles team :
H. A. Myers, c. : T. Smiley, r. g. : W,
Browne, 1. g. ; J. Elton, rvt. ; G. Bur
nett, 1. 1. ; G. Bartel I. e. ; R. Fisher,
r. e. ; G. A. Clarke, . h. b. ; Harry Kel
ley, r. h. b. ; BertBarrett, h. b. ; Will
Fields, f. b. ; J. Maloney, sub for tackle ;
Jim Fisher, sub ioi guard. Vic Marden,
Twelve of the sixteen games to be
played in the bowling tournament are
over, and the Umatilla House tam has
an advantage of over one hundred pins.
The first three games of the four played
at the Umatilla alleys last night were
very close, but the last game was de
cidedly against the club team, and the
result was a victory of fifteen, pins for
their opponents.
In the first game the club men lost by
ten pins, but in the second pulled out
victorious, with twenty-two points in
their .favor. In the third game the
Umatilla HouBe lost by ten pins, and
for the first time during the tournament
that team' showed Bigns of uneasiness.
In the last game, however, they did not
allow their fears to bother them in the
least, and succeeded in winning by
thirty-seven points. -
The total for the games were as follows:
Umatilla Club
205 First Game 195
208 Second Game 230
207 Third Game 217
263 Fourth Game 226
The final games will be bowled on the
Umatilla House alleys tonight, com
mencing at 8 o'clock.
What of Your .
Why not some Musical Instruments?
Not oniy makes the ChriBtmas occasion
brighter and happier, but it gives pleas
ure all through the year. Every good
Musical Instrument is a pleasure the
year round. Every one of our Musical
Instruments are Christmas values.
Holiday Proclamation.
The above players are all well adapted
to their places; are stout, hardy and
anxious for a game, and there is little
doubt that they will make it interesting
for the Ramblers.
We have set aside a special line of Stationery,
tber and Celluloid Goods for tbe Holiday
Tbe choicest line of Books, Bibles and
iAibums. Wehaye a complete stock of Silver
ware, Watches and Jewelry. All our prices are
lower than you imagine. The latest standard
books.- We do the business, because we cut
prices lower than others. No finer display of
Christmas presents in the city, and we rejoice in
showing you all the latest and best gifts tor the
j. C. Nickelsen
Book & CDasie Company.
Uil5op A
And can now supply our customers.
The Uilson is the only Air Tight stove
with Outside Tube draft. Sold only by
We have strictly First-Class
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
Phone 25.
J. T. Peters & Co.
Go where you find the largest
assortment of goods.
Gifts for the ladies. Gifts for
Our line is complete and we
defy competition.
you better prices on Pianos and
Organs, as well as Holiday
goods, than any other house in
Eastern Oregon.
Jaeobser; Bool( 0 jTusi; Q
The Dales, Or.
Are going to close oat their business, and they are offering: their large stock at.
COST PRICES. Now is the time to buy good Fnrnitnre cheap.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said firm are requested to call and:
settle their account.
I have re-opened this -well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grcoer
Jfye postoff iee pi;arma(;y,
CLARKE & FALK, Proprie jrs.
Pupe Dtfugs and Medicines.
Toilet Articles and Perfumery,
pirst l$T)i of Imported agd DoTestiG 5i$ars.
Telephone, 333. New,V6gt Block.'
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