Box Calf Shoes "We have just received i. another shipment of A. Shoe for Wear, A. Stioe for Beauty, A. Shoe You'll be JProuici of. Service which means pleasure, satisfaction which means a constant friend. If you wear them once you'll always want them. If you buy them once you'll see where the saving is. They are Good for Comfort and Good for Wear. ALL goods marked in PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. Ths Dalles Daily Chronicle. TUESDAY - - DECEMBER 28.J1897 WAYSIDE CLEANINGS. Weather Tonight and Wednesday, occasional rain and cooler. Wanted A girl to do general house work. Address M, care this office. 28-4t Daring the holidays four pounds of candy for 25 cents at Jacobaen Be ok and Music Co.'s, Vogt block. An endless variety of exquisite holi day gifts can be found at the Jacobaen Book and Music Co.'b, Vogt block. Be up to date in whatever you do. Therefore, when you smoke try Fonts' Prize Medal, the best cigar monev can buy. 27-tf " Passers-by on Second street have been attracted by the neat and ' cleanly man ner in which the Prize Medal, Guaran tee and Hose Queen cigars are being made by S. F. Fouts. 27-tf Fred Van Norden has the agency for hand-painted portrait buttons. Call and see his samples, they are elegantly finished and are guaranteed to be satis factory in every regard. d27-lw A solitary unfortunate graced the city jail this morning. He was charged with being drunk and disorderly, and as he readily put up the required five dol lars, he was discharged. The ladies of the Good Intent will have for sale, in the New York store on Thursday and Friday, all sorts of pastry. All friends -of the society are uivueu 10 comnoue,cooKing, i A report from Wasco states that onNj Sunday night the eafe in Marsh & Med dler's drugstore at that place was blown open and $900 Btolen. No arrests are reported, and nothing definite could ts learned. ' Yesterday one of thoBe disagreeable er rors escaped the eye of the proof reader. In speaking of the Bonn Bros, going in aB partners in the commission house, it should have read that they would do so on January 1st instead of 21st, as the account had it. W. H. Wilson returned from a trip to Baker City this morning. He states that Baker is by far one of the loveliest towns in Oregon, and that he has great expectations from the mines in that vi cinity, and aBks no longer than nex summer to have his statement verified xtev. wm. Jaitz and wife arrivea in this city from Dakota tbis morning. Mr. Baltz is the gentleman who will in . future be pastor of the Christian church in this city, and he will begin his labors next Sunday. He comes highly recom- - mended and there is no doubt that he will give entire satisfaction. Yesterday Constable Hill went out after the children of R. F. Wickham. Their case will be put before the county court, (.nd should it so decree, they will be sent to the Boys' and Girls' Aid So ciety in Portland. It seems that the ' parents have separated and that the children are not getting proper care or training. At the time of going to press Mr. Hill had not returned, and there is a probability that he may have trouble to get possession of the children. Yesterday at Oregon City-, George Gib son had the honor of beating the world's record in bowling, says the Telegram. He bowled two games of cocked hat on a regulation sixty-five foot hardwood al ley, scoring seventy-two the first game and ninety the second, beating the world's record, which was eighty-seven, held by a Tacoma bowler. Last night Nightwatchman Wiley ar rested the man who assaulted John Duf fey with a dangerouB weapon, which which was probably a hammer, and placed him in the city jail. He gave his name as Daniel Barclay, and seemed to think that he was not guilty of any offense. He will have a hearing at 3 o'clock this afternoon before Justice Fil loon. A. A. Jayne appearing for the state, while Roger B. Sinnott will be the attorney for the defense. Mr. Geo. Liebe received from bis son, Theodore, who is attending the Parson's Horological Institute in Peoria, 111., an escapement which was made by him, and required nine weeks careful labor. This is a contrivance which connects the train of wheel work in the clock with the balance, giving to the latter the impulse by which it is kept in mo tion. It is an exceptionally neat and artistic piece of work, the bridge repre senting a steel horseshoe and anvil, while the rest is made of brass, set with jewels, and reflects great credit on the young mechanic. The men who have secured the use of the rock crusher are getting out rock and making other preparations to begin I work in a short time. Property owners who desire to improve the streets can secure this crushed rock at a very reasonable rate, and by each improve ments do a great service To the city. Much has been said about the nseless expense that was put upon the city when the rock crusher was purchased. Give it a fair chance, however, and it will prove to be a better investment than anyone thought, and our city will be benefitted by the experiment. Some fault was found last night at the way the Excelaior Dramatic Co. rendored the "Ticket of Leave Man." We must, however, consider that the company was handicapped in a number of.way8. While in Portland they had trouble with one of their leading char acters, and almost an entire chance had to be made when he was let out. Since .that change they have not had sufficient lime lor practice, so that the plays could not be put on properly. Besides the at tendance was such as to thoroughly dis courage them and keep them from play ing their best. We must admit that last night's play was not exactly as good as it might have been, but allowance Bhould be made for the actors taking parts with which the were not familiar, PERSONAL MENTION." G. F. Guinther of Moro is in the city. T. H. Johnston of Dufur is in the city. William Wurzeweiler is in fromPrine ville today. Rev. Bronsgeest went fcalow on the morning train today. vV. B. Presby, the Goldendale attor ney, is in the city today. J. A. Gulliford of Dufur came in from that thriving town today. Hon. A. S. Bennett went up to Wasco last night to attend to legal business. Misses Agnes Bates and Mamie Goetz of Portland are viaiting Miss Drews in this city. Miss Frances Mann of McMinnville is spending the holidays with relatives in the city. . Mr. Corwin Shank of Seattle was in the city last night, leaving for Portland this morning. t Mrs. Thr 3. Sparks of Portland, who was formerly a resident of this city, is here on business. ' Fred Drews, who has been visiting his relatives in the city for several days, returned to Portland today. . - A. J. Swift of Wamic went to Port land on the boat this morning to have his eyes treated by one of the Portland specialists. " Mrs. D. J. Ccopeiymd her mother, Airs. JEiffiiiy bpulmap', were passengers on the Regulator this morning, on their way to McMinnvnle to spend the re mainder of the holidays with relatives. Charlie - Balch, came in town last night on his way to Portland, where be is going to visit Mrs. Balch, who for a long time has been ill in St. Vincent's hoBpital, but who is at present much im proved and will probably be home soon. Everybody reads Thb Chronicle. In Honor of Fred Drews. )rewsat t One thousand styles and sizes. For cooking and heating. Price from $ io to $yx -' Often imitated. Never equalled. next In quality MAIER & BENTON gour, weakness, fever,; jaundice, flatu lence, loss of appetite, irritability, con stipation, etc. Yes, you have indiges tion. To cure it, take Shaker Digestive Cordial. The medicinal . herbs and plants of which Shaker Digestive Cordial is composed, heip to digest the food in your stomach. When your stomach is strong, care will keep it so. Shaker Di gestive Cordial is for sale by druggists, price 10 cents to $1.00 per bottle. Tbe Ifowllnc C onteat. In the four games of the bowling con test played at the club alleys last night, the Umatilla House team won for the second time the palm of victory by a larger number of points than on Sat urday, afternoon. The totals for each of the four games were as follows: Umatilla Club 213 .... . .First Game 209 217 Second Game . .205 155 .Third Game 233 19 Fourth Game. ...... 187 Making an average of 904 for the Uma tilla Hon 8e and 834 for the club, and ac cording to this the Umatilla House has a ictory of seventy pins to their credit. What of Your . . . HOLIDAY GIFT? A pleasant party was ing in honor of Fred '. dence of nis parentsj The rooms were beautifully decorated with ivy, ferns and flowers. Games were indulged in till 11 o'clock, when a dainty lunch was ssrved, which they an enjoyed. Bean bag and pinning tbe tail on the donkey were played, the first prize for bean bag being won by Frank Sandrock, the booby by Miaa Bertie Glenn. Fred Burchtorf knew where the donkey's tail belonged, and captured the first prize, while Mamie Goetz of Portland won the booby by being the farthest away. nef party broke up in the wee sma hours, all "well pleased and happy. Those present were as follows : Misses Bertie and Edna A31enn, Minnie and Nola Gosser, Cbtiatine. Phirman, Lizzie Ehrck, Lizzie Bates, Mamie Goetz, Agnes Bates of Portland, Pauline Drews, Mrs. j E. C. Dfews, Messrs. Will Van Bibber, Frank Sandrock, Chas. Grip, Harry Rumby, Will Hoering, Frei Drews, Ernest Drews, Don t bolt (your food, it irritates your stomach. Choose digestible food and chew it. Indigestion is a - dangerous sickness. Proper care prevents it. Shaker Digestive Cordial cures it. .That is the long and . short of indigestion.' Now, the' question is : Have you got di gestion? Yes, if you have pain or dis comfort aiter eating, headache, dizziness nausea, offensive breath, heartburn, lan- 1111509 pir-jitjatrs s And can now supply our customers. The Uilsor is the only Air Tight stove with Outside Tube draft. Sold only by MAYS &, CROWE, We have strictly First-Class Fir, Oak and Maple Wood: To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 35. J. T. Peters & Co. Christ mas.... Sugges tions... t Go where you find the largest assortment of goods. ' . Gifts for the ladies. Gifts for the Gentlemen Our line is complete and we defy competition. We claim to be able to give you better prices on Pianos and Organs, as well as Holiday goods, than any other house in Eastern Oregon. The Dales, Or. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened, this -well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every "body'with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Gro cer Why not some Musical Instruments? Not oniy makes the Christmas occasion brighter and happier, but it gives pleas ure all through- the year. Every good Musical Instrument is a pleasure the year round. Every one of our Musical Instruments are Christmas values. Holiday Proclamation. NOW ALL VIM BY THESE FRESEKTSt We have set aside a special line of Stationery, Leather and Celluloid Goods for the Holiday season. Tbe choicest line of Books, Bibles and Albums. We have a complete stock of Silver ware, Watches and Jewelry All our prices are lower than you imagine. The latest standard books. We. do the business because we cut prices lower than others. No finer display of Christmas presents in the city, and we rejoice in showing you all the latest and best gifts tor the holidays. I. C. Nickelsen Book & musie Company. Jfye postoffiee pharmacy, CLARKE & FALK, Proprietors, x Pute Dt ugs and JWedicines. Toilet Articles and Perfumery, pist lj of Imported agd DorestiG 2i$ars. Telephone, 333. New'Vogt Block. Closing Out Sale Subscribe fox? The Chronicle FURNITURE CARPETS i i " - . Are going to close out their business, and they are offering their large E toe's at COST PRICES. Now is the time to buy good Furniture cheap. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said firm are requested to call and settle their account. "st