Box Calf Shoes. We have just received another shipment of A Shoe for Wear, A- Shoe for Beauty, A. Stioe Youll be Proud of. .o. Service which means pleasure, satisfaction which means a' constant friend. If you wear them once you'll always want them. If you buy them once you'll see where the saving is. They are Good for Comfort and Good for Wear. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. Tb3 Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY - - DECEMBER 27,1897 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Tonight "Ticket of Leave Man." Weather Tonight rain ; Tuesday oc casional rain ; Tuesday night cooler. Two daring footpads were captured in Portland last night after an exciting chase. Daring the holidays four pounds of candy for 25 cents at Jacobsen Book and Mnsic Co.'b, Vogt block. John Lindsay of Olympia arrived from Dawson City yesterday. He Bays there will be starvation there this winter. An endless variety of exquisite holi day gifts can be found "at the Jacobeen Book and Music Co.'e, Vpgt block. Be up to date in whatever you do. Therefore, when you smoke try Fonts' Prize Medal, the best cigar monev can buy. 27 -tf Thomas A, Davis, one of Portlands pioneer druggists, died at his home at 380 Morison Btrcet, at 2 :30 Saturday morning. Last night twelve hobos were given lodging in the city jail by Night watch man Wiley, and discharged this morning with the understanding that they move on at once. Passers-by on Second street have been attracted by the neat and cleanly man ner in which the Prize Medal, Guaran tee and Rose Queen cigars are being made by S. F. Foutu. 27-tf Fred Van Norden has the agency for hand-painted portrait buttons. Call and see his samples, they are elegantly finished and are guaranteed to he satis factory in every regard. d27-lw The four boxes of cigars given at the TJuatilla House alleys on Christmas day Jor" the four highest scores, were won by John Bonn, William Birgfeld Louis Comini, andW m. Murphy. Few persons realize the fact that tw thirds of the cigars manufactured are made in dirty Chinese pest holes and filthy tenement house factories. Pro tect yourself by smoking Foute' cigars. The scores at the club alleys for the week ending yesterday, were as follows : Monday, N J Sinnott 59; Tuesday, O. Birgfeld 52 ; Wednesday, N J Sinnott 60; Thursday, C Johnston 65; Friday, C Johnston 55 ; Saturday, Flemming 63 ; Sunday, Cbas Frank 54. The Oregonian announces the engage' ment of ' Miss Laura Knowles and Mr. Frank Somerville. Miss Knowles ia the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Knowles, and is widely known in Port land. Mr. Somerville is a son of Hon. John Somerville of Hay Creek, and has many friends in The Dalles. Following were the high scores at the Umatilla House bowling alleys last week: Monday, W. Birgfeld 56 ; Tues day, Sid Kelly 68; Wednesday, F. Pundt55; Thusday, H. Zirka 63 ; Fri- sre j day, Cbae. Dell 52; Saturday, John Bonn 63 ; Sunday, J. Fleming 58. Friday night the watchman's atten ti on was called to some trouble;in front of Frank's saloon, and when be arrived on the scene he found two lads of about 16 years of age, fighting for dear life. He arrested the two combatants and they were released on bail to appeal before the city recorder today. A pugilistic combat occurred Saturday night between a couple of bloods who Seemed to have had too much Christ mas. They were brouzht before Re corder Sinnott this morning and the ODe who started the row was fined $10, while the other, who it seems was rather roughly handled, and who did nothing more than detend himself to the best of bis ability, was discharged. The Excelsior Dramatic Company will give their last performance at Vogt opera house this evening, the play chosen for representation being tne pop ular and stirring melodrama, "Ticket of Leave Man." The piece is staged under the supervision of P.J.Duggan,of Morosco's grand opera house, .San Fran cisco, and we understand the companv is seen to better advantage in it than any play in their repertoire. John Duffey, an employe of the O. R. & N. at this place, got into an encounter with one of the waiters at the Columbia Hotel, named Story, last night, and to day he is confined to his bad cut in the back of his he says Story infllicted with a batcheM Dr. Hollister sewed up the gash anrthe patient is doing nicely. He 3f emed in tent on having hia assailant pushed to the full extent of the law, but as yet no arrest has been made. On January 21st Joseph and Gus Bonn, two enterprising young business men of this city, will enter into a part nership with Peter Stadelman, the pres ent proprietor of The Dalles Commission Co. Shelving ia being put in the com mission houae today, which will be filled with a stock of groceries that will rank second to none in the city, either In the quantity or qualityj As the Bonn brothers have established a reputation for being able, honest and reliable busi ness men, it is a foregone conclusion that they will meet With their share of suc cess in this venture. Harry Maitel's "South Before the War" drew one of the largest houses of any entertainment that has been in the city for a considerable time, and had it been given on any other occasion than Christmas Eve, tbtfre would not have been standing room. Many who would luavo ?ono on any omer evening, did not care to leave their homes and fami lies on the eve of Christmas to attend an entertainment. . lne musicians, smgerB and comedians were masters in their tp. ispective lines, while the contortionist was eimply marvelous and did every thing but tie himself into a knot. The same old story of how a China man- got the worst of it in an encounter with a mischievous youth was repeated this afternoon. The encounter occurred on the club corner. Some trouble arose and the Chinaman, in order to scare the lad, who was a stout chap of about 17, made a motion as if he would draw a knife, when he received a stunjiing blow on the nose, and the blood on the wall near by and sidewalk told too plainly how effectual it was. The lad made a hasty retreat down Front street, fol lowed by the marshal and the injured Celestial, and according to latest reports, made good his escape. The first four games of the tourna ment between the club men and the outside bowlers were played Saturday afternoon at the club, and resulted in a victory for the outsiders of thirty-six points. Much interest was taken by everyone, and while it was going on the the club rooms were crowded with spec tators, who were anxious to see the re sult of each game. Judge Bradshaw has the honor of making the highest aver age of any bowler who took part in the tournament, it being 41. Tonight four more games will be played on the club alleys, while the last eight games will be played on the Umatilla House alleys Wednesday and Thursday even ings. Don't bolt your food, it irritates your stomach. Choose digestible food and chew it. Indigestion is a dangerous sickness. Proper care prevents it. Shaker Digestive Cordial cures it. That is the long and short of indigestion. room with a r juu KU ui- 1 1 A "X i head, which L'B ' le8i 11 .Toa nave pain or cus- coiniort aiter eating, neaaacne, dizziness nausea, offensive breath, heartburn, lan gour, weakness, fever, jaundice, flatu lence, loss of appetite, irritability, con stipation, etc. Yes, you have indiges tion. , To cure it, take Shaker Digestive Cordial. The medicinal herbs and plants of ..which Shaker Digestive Cordial is composed, help, to digest the food in your stomach. When your Btomach is strong, care will keep it so, 'Shaker Di gestive Cordial ie for sale by druggists, price 10 cents to $1.00 per bottle. A. Serious Fall. ityles and sizes. ana beating. 510 10 $70. IB One thousand s B For cooking h jrrice irom 1 mm Often imitated. Never equalled, ne;.t in quality to "Garlands. i M SEW ma. lpy-mMnmmmjmm 'flMtUMW MAIER & BENTON MRS. NOLAN DEAD. She Parsed Away Peacefully Christinas Morning. . Mrs. Margaret Nolan, widow of Rich ard Nolan, passed peacefully away at 6 o clock Christmaa morning. She came to The Dalles in 1851, making this place her home ever since, and must conse quently be .recognized as one of our early pioneers. She had been failing for some time, but did not eeem to be suf fering from any malady, and her death must be attributed principally to old age. , She leaves one - son, Lawrence, to mourn her loss. She joined the Catholic church and has been a faithful member ever since. Her funeral was conducted from the Catholic church Sunday and was attend ed by many friends and acquaintances of the deceased, who payed their last respects to a kind mother, a charitable friend and a respected neighbor. Everybody reads The Chronicle. What of Your HOLIDAY GIFT? Ui I509 fi i r-Ji I7 t ?a rs And can now supply our customers. The Uilson is the only Air Tight stove with Outside Tube draft. Sold only by t MAYS & -CROWE, REMEMBER. Wo have strictly First-Class Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 25. J. T. Peters & Co. Christ mas.... Sugges tions... '6 Go where you find the largest assortment of goods. Gifts for the ladies. , Gifts for the Gentlemen.', Our line is complete and we - defy competition. We claim to be able to give you better prices on Pianos and Organs, as well as Holiday goods, than any other house in Eastern Oregon. JaGQbser; BooK 0 Husk J The Dales, Or. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer At about 3 o clock yesterday morcings Jamea Lowery, an old man who chops wood for a living, was walking over the Mill creek trestle, when he fell off at aft Why not some Musical Instruments? ;f ),. ;t K.,t tn.t, ,. Not oniy makes the Christmas occasion . . . . .. . j- , " brighter and happier, but it gives pleas- . . . ' ""re ail enrougn tne year, .every gooa cue joint. Alter iaiiing ne lay auoui falling he lay three hours before he waa discovered, by one of the ranroprl nyn who was passing that way.VHe waa taken to the Uma tilla House and Dr. Hollister called to attend to hia injuries. He found his patient in a critical condition, aa he ia about 70 yeata old, and the shock and exposure proved almost fatal . to him. As he has not sufficient money to pay his expenses, be was taken to the poor house today. ' No one being on the spot at the time of the accident, little can be said about it more than that he was intoxicated and probably wandered aimlessly across the trestle to the place where he felL To Care Cola In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. . All druggists refund the money if they fail to cure. 25c. re In usical Instrument is a pleasure the ear round. Every one of our Musical n8truments are Christmas values. Holiday Proclamation. Know all mn by thksb prebkkts: We have set aside a special line of Stationery, Leather and Celluloid Goods for the Holiday Reason. The choicest line of Books, Bibles and Albums. We have a complete Btock of Silver ware, Watches and Jewelry. All our prices are lower than yon Imagine. The latest standard books. We do the business because we cut prices lower than others. No finer display of Christmas presents in the city, and we rejoice in showing you all the latest and best gifts tor the holidays. I. C. Nickelseir Book St CQusie Company. Jtye postoffiee pfyarmaqy, CLARKE & FALK, Proprietors. Pare Drags and Jffedieines. . . ' Toilet Articles and Perfumery, piist Jjt? of Imported arjd Domestic Qiars. Telephone, . 333. .. . New "Vogt Block. Closing: Out Sale FURN ITU RE CARPETS Are going to close out their business, and they are offering their large etoc at COST PRICES. Now is the time to buy good Furniture cheap. All persona knowing themselves indebted to said firm are requested to call and settle their account. . ulascribe for ; The Chronicle