e have just received , ano tlier shipment of .I509 i r-Ji7 1 trs ! (Terry tyristmas jo i ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. PEASE & MAYS. 5vS ths Dalles Daily Ghronicie. - r, AgPECBMBER '2,iS97 FRIDAY", J WAYSIDE ( '-til 1. . Tonight GLEA NINGS. "South Before the War." Weather Tonight and Christmas day, light raid and warmer. Merry Christmas. A. M. WilliamB & Co.'a etore closed tomorrow. ' The Ercelsi'or Dramatic Company at the Vogt t'omorrow night. The postdffice will he open tomorrow between the hours of 10 and 11 a: m. T.iponsn in iroA wan issued this mornOinQade inz to W. L. Ellis and Kate M. Wallace, beginning to end Silver and gold articles' sold by T. "ITI tereBlinK Van Norden will be engraved free of charge. Rev. W. H. Iliff will preach at the Methodist church Sunday morning and evening. The report of the condition of the First National bank appears in another col umn today. During tbe holidays four pounds of candy for 25 cents at Jacobsen Book and Masic Co.'a, Vcgt block. Harry MarteU's company will arrive on the 5 :15 train, and the parade will start from the depot at 5 :20 sharp. "Keep your money at home and en courage home industry by smoking Fonts' choice brands of cigars. ' ' 18-lm An endless variety of 'exquiBite holi day gifts can be found at the Jacobsen Book and Music Co.'S, Vogt block. 1 A fresh line of choice French candies just received at the Columbia Candy Factory. They will be sold at prices so low that it wilt surprise you. ' ' ' The ' Snipee-Kinerely Drug Co. have just received a fine line of Japanese says his name is Paul Bohan, and that he and his father came down from Grants recently, and that he strayed off from him and does not; know where he is. Mr. Kelly will take care of him un til his father is found. Today the Woodmen of the World paid the $2000 beneficiary due to the family of one of its "deceased members, D. H. Thompson.' " This should gladden the hearts of the widow and children, and aid in making the Christmas mer rier. ' ' ' '' " '': - "V .... ,., v, . . .t ones, who were mgni A. jn. varney was laaen inrougu n ,. both degrees, and is now a full-fledged Worktrian.''- D. C. Herrin and others speeches, and the meeting from was pleasant and in- Ons thousand sty. r.nd sizes." ' E , For cnkia.fr anJ hentinr-. .- Pries icrom $iq to CO."" ' 1-' wmmmr- Bfc 1 OftezL-I-.i'.:i :Ttvcrc.-v.r.lIcd. k RMWiBWMwnrriiV j . ' . . And can .now supply our customers. r The Uilson is the only Air Tight stove with Outside Tube draft. Sold only by MAYS & CROWE, ; . . ji - v,- - v---" V "V MAIER & BENTON ware 1 suitable for Christmas presents. dcl3-lw The funeral services of Mrs. Perry Morgan will be held at the home of her father, W. H. Taylor, oh ' Dry ' Hollow, tomorrow at 10 a. m. Interment in the city cemetery. S. F. Fouts, the new cigar-maker, has a fine line of cigars in a suitable shape for holiday trade. Call on hiru and buy your gentleman friend a -box for a Christmas present.' 18-lm : A short program has bean prepared . for the entertainment at the Christian church tonight, which will ' precede' the distribution of presents and the "arrival of Santa' Clans. Exercises will begin at 7 :30 sharp. ' Owing to the fact that no paper will ( be issued tomorrow, Christmas day i The Chronicle takes advantage of this, its last opportunity, of wishing its readers', young and bid, ' big and little, ricb and poor, a Merry' Christmas." ;' v " -t. A little boy about 7 years old was found strolling around town today in quest ot his' father, whose same he says is Mike Bohan, fronr Grants. ; He was turned over to Deputy Sheriff Kelly, and proves' to be a brisrht little lad. He The 'Chinaman who had bis hearing before Justice Fillooh yesterday for sell ing cigarettes to minors, was found uiltv of the offense charged in the in- ictmeht and 'fined ' $15: : It would be well if a number of others who violate this law were treated to a dose of the same medicine. ... Turkeys, chickens, ducks and geese, alive or dressed ; cranberries, sweet po tatoes, celery, cabbage and other vegeta bles ; fresh fish and oysters ; oranges, lemons, "bananas, apples, pears, cocoa- nuts, figs, dates, and other good things for your Christmas dinner, at The Dalles Commission Co.'s store." 21-3t Saturday night "Hazel Kirke" holds the boards at the Vogt opera house! and J it is evident that .every seat will be oc cupied, as the play is excellent in itself and put on by a strong company. They come well -represented, and we hope they will be patronized in a way that will indnce them to return again. . The members of tbe Methodist Sun day Bcbool have decided to have a Christmas tree on Saturday evening at 7 o'clock in the church. . Friends of tbe school are invited to 'place presents on the tree. A committee will be at the church to receive them in the afternoon, and it is requested that they be brought in early. ' ' '-- Editor Donthit, of the Mountaineer, returned from Portland yesterday, where he has been attending' to business con nected with the special edition. He says' the same will be out about January 3d, and is well pleased with its appear ance so far, rrom - wnat we can learn and have seen of it, there is little doubt as" to' its ' being one of the finest, special editions- that has ' ever been gotten out in Eastern Oregon. '. In case good - service is not given in the local telephone exchange 1 today, no one should feel indignant, as a A Domestic Episode, y When Mr. Eastwood arrived at ,he dock this morning prior to the time for the boat to pull oat, everything looked serene. But later a medium-sized' woman, with a look of determination on her face, mixed with a John L. expres sion, bought a ticket for Portland, and then cast her lights on a lanky - farmer from the country south of this place, who, by tbe way, was her husband, and said, with more' determination than politeness, "I want those children!" at the same time pointing to two little standing by the side of their paternal. He refnsed to Rive them up, and in another instant there was an indescribable' mix-np, as his "better' ihalf" proceeded to forcibly take her off sprig,' uttering in the meantime such exclamations as "You can't have my children !" "I'll break your nose !' '"I'll scratch your eyes put!" As the boat gave the final whistle be fore starting, she stopped to take breath and size np the results of the encounter. One glance was sufficient, and when she noticed that the blood was flowing free ly from a' number of 'scars and scratches on the husband's face, bnt that she was anable to get possession of the children, she proceeded up town to get the assist ance of the authorities. We could not find ont bow the matter was settled np, but we can say on thing, that many ( a person has been punished for assault and battery who did not do up his man in anything like the artistic manner'in which she bandied her victim five years the couple . have been permit ted to share life s .joys and sorrown in each others company. . - In 1864 she joined the Presbyterian church, and Bice that time she has identified herself aB a devout christian and a good, charitable, motherly woman. In accordance with Pague's forecast a slight fall of snow came' last night just enough to cover the' ground and make it look a little more like - Christmas. In the appearance of things today we find every indication that Christmas wilf "be upon us before the - delightful jingle of eleighbells reaches our ears, and it looks as if even the elements were throwing themselves into the spirit of "South Be fore the war." Don't fail to see it at the Vogt tonight.' ' - Choice Shoal water Bay oysters served in every style at tW Columbia Candy Factory. Give us a trial and we will endeavor to pleaBe you. Fouts' Prize Medal is made . of the finest Vnelta Abajo Havana, and Klght Mile Debating Clut The 8-Mile Debating Club mit Wednes day night for the first tinre in debate, the question being "Besolved that Cap ital Has Done More for the Human Race than Labor." ' After a spirited contest on both sidesf tne judges re turned a verdict in fator of capital. The speakers for the affiroative were O. B Connelly, J. H. Miller, Fred Drake, Herman McDonald,; Charles Connellv and Monroe Drake : for the negative O, Fi Angell, Squire Fostei1, Frank Hnott, Walter Ryan, Louis Williams, Frtnk Angell. The judges were Willie Mc Donald. Katie Scars and Fanny roster equal to imported goods; 18-lm What of Your Christmas Gifts? After a short recess the following pro gram was rendered. Heading When the Frost is on the Pumpkin Millie McDonald Dialogue "The Smart Bov". Charley Connelly and John Miller Reading The Night of the Prairie Belle O. B. Connelly - The society adjourned to meet again on Wednesday evening, Dec. 29th at 7 p. m. ; . - .- '. Death of Mr. Bradford. We have strictly First-Class ir, Maple Oak and Wood To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 25. J. T. Peters & Co. 9- Christ Sugges tions... t Go where you find the largest assortment of goods. Gifts for the ladies. Gifts for the .Gentlemen. - Our line is complete and we defy competition. We claim to be able to give you better prices on Pianos and Organs, as well as Holiday goods, than any other house in. Eastern Oregon.' Jaeobset? BooK 0 Tu$ic Qo The Dales, Or. PIONEER BAKERY. I have. re-opened this well-known Bakery, and ain now prepared to supply every body with Bread,'Pies and Cakes.. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. G EO R G E RUCH, Pioneer Gro cer Jfye postoff iee parmaqy, CLARKE & FALK, Proprietors. Pate Drags and JWedicines. Toilet Articles and Perfumery,'" pirst ljr) of Imported apd Domestic Qiars. Telephone, 333. New Vogt Block. mistletoe, which ' was brought all - the way from Webfoot, is suspended over the heads of. the operators.- We have every reason ' to ' believe that if some of the Dalles young men are not responsi ble for its being there, they are at least conscious- 'of Us - presence. In 'case a muffled "Hello!" comes to the' ears" of any of the patrons, we ask them' - not to blame the 'phone.:' " '".-'""" ' t , Mrs. Helen E. Palmer Bradford died suddenly at her home in Hood River on piece of 1 Tuesday evening, Decern ber 21. .Mrs. Bradford may well be termed a pioneer as she crossed tbe plains and settled at the cascades of the Columbia in '51, and with. :. other members of the family, passed through the exciting Indian ep isodes which - occur Ad in those early days at that place, one of her brothers being killed in the massacre -in '56. She was nnited in marriage to P. F. Brad ford March 23, '52,- and for oyer forty- Why not some Musical Instruments? Not oniv makes the Christmas occasion brighter and happier, bnt it irtves pleas ure all through the .year. Every good Musical Instrument is a pleasure the vear ronnd. Everv one of our Musical Instruments are Christmas values. Christmas Proclamation Know all ken by thksb presekts: We have set aside a special line of Stationery, Leather und Celluloid Goods for the Holiday season. Tbe choicest line of Books, Bibles and Albums. We have a complete stock of Silver ware, Watches and Jewelry. All our prices are lower than you imagine.' The latest standard books. We do the business because we cut prices lower than others. No finer . display of Christmas presents in (he city, and we rejoice in showing you all the latest and best gifts tor the holidays. , I. C. Mckelsen ' Book fit CQasie Compapy. Closing Out Sal ' OF ' FURNITURE CARPETS Are going to close out their business, and they are offering their large sifcek at COST PRICES. Now is the time to buy good Furniture cheap. ti i-nt,zMn t h Amaol vos i ii rl h t fxt to Bai.l firm ftrft reouested to call and XX 1 1 J I icuj " ' m. vuxu.Hv.Twv. . ' ' ' settle their account, ',,'r ''o u ; . a '.i - Subscribe fox The Ghponiele