The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 22, 1897, Image 3

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Off with the Old.
Practical Christmas Gift
Jackets for an Femininity
A Few Specials.
As the old 3'ear is cast off like
an old shoe, so should you resolve to
carry out the simile by coming in
and selecting a new pair of shoes;
especially as you can have Advanced
Styles at Backward Prices.
Misses' Dongola Button, patent
leather tips, new coin toe... $1.25,
Children's Shoes as above... 1.00
Boys' Lace, coin toe 1.50
Youths' Lace, coin toe 1.25
Infants' Soft Sole, button and
lace 50
Infants' Soft Sole, silk vesting
top io
Of more value becanse of its utility ia the
practical Christmas Gift. It constantly reminds
the receiver nf the giver, ani Un after worn out
is a pleasure from being a street memory, Make
a useful Christmas present of an Overcoat from
our large assortment.
Men's Dark Grey Irish Frieze Ulsters $1.0 00
Men's Dark Grey Irish Frieze Ulsters. 12 50
Men's Brown, Blue and Black Box Coats . . 10 00
Men's Brown, Blue and Black Box Coats . . 12 50
Men's Brown, Blue and Black Box Coats . . 15 00
Men's Light Grey Box Goats, very stylish . 12 50
Boys' Ulsters and Overcoats . . .:. , . .from $3 00 up
V '-A )
o m
,...: ....... - . m
Natural that ladiea should want Jackets
that fit. Natural that they should want those
(hat are stylish. If yon regard fit and style com
bined with low price, you will not miss this sale.
$10 00 Jackets can now be bought for. . . .'. .$ 715
12,50 .." " . "...,; 825
13 00 " " " , " . . 8 45
13 50 " " . -. 9 60
14 50 " ' ' " 10 75
-15 00 " " . " " 11 95
9 00 Capes " " " 7 15
RUGS. Splendid values in Skin Busts
$4 00, $4 50 and $5.00
MISSES' TAMS. Special drive .50
People who buy Groceries are happy in
the opportunity they have in dealing with us.
They know we sell them the best goods pos--sible
and at the best prices possible.
Dehesia Raisins, per pound. ;v .15
Peacock Raisins, per pound . .12
2- Crown Raisins, per pound .... ........... .06
3- Crown Raisins, per pound-'.: .07
Bleached Sultana Raisins, per pound ... .10
Seedless Raisins, per pound.... .. .08J
Cranberries, per quart '.. .10
Sweet Pickles, in bulk, per gallon 1.00
Sour Pickles, in bulk, per gallon .40
Apples, per box ...... .90
Lemons, per dozen .15
Smyrna Figs, per pound.....:......... ..,'.. .15
Gum Drops $ .05 - Walnuts $ .10
Plain Mixed. .. .07 Almonds .. ....:. .10
Taffy Chunk ... .07 Brazil Nuts ..... .12
Jelly Beans...... .10, Filberts ............ .12
Fancy Mixed .. .15 - Pecans ............. .12
French Mixed.. .20 Hazel. Nuts .10
Taffy ....... ...... .20 Peanuts . .10
& May's
All Goods Marked in Plain Figures.
The Dalles
CEMBER 22.1897
Weather Tonight
fair and warmer.
Silver and gold articles sold by T.
Van Norden will be engraved free
During the holidays four pounds of
candy for 25 cents at Jacobsen Book and
Music Co.'s, Vogt block. .
Keep your money at home and en
courage, home industrv by smoking
Fouts' choice brands of cigars. 18-lm
The Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. have
just received a fine line of Japanese
ware suitable for Christmas presents.
Fouts' Prize Medal is made of the
finest Vuelta Abajo Havana, and is
equal to imported goods. 18-lm
An endless variety of exquisite holi
day gifts can be found at the Jacobsen
Book and Music Co.'s, Vogt block.
Choice Shoalwater Bay oysters served
in every style at the Columbia Candy
Factory. Give us a trial and we will
endeavor to please you.
A fresh line of choice French candies
just received at the Columbia Candy
Factory. They will be sold at prices so
low that it will surprise you.
This morning the funeral of M. D. L.
Remmington, the Woodburn machinist
and inventor who died at that place
Monday morning, was held en Silverton,
Marion county.
. F. Fouts, the new cigar-maker, has
a fine line of cigars in a suitable shape
for holiday trade. Call on him and buy
your gentleman friend a box for a
Christmas present. 18-lm
Lost A breast collar and tugs of sin
gle buggy harness, somewhere between
Jefferson street and the flume. - Anyone
returning the same to Dalles Lumbering
Co. will be rewarded. 20-1 w
Professor Wann, late of the Capital
business college of Salem, has succeeded
Professor Miles as principal of the com
mercial . department of the Ashland
state normal school.
The A. O. U. W. will have work in
both degrees Thursday night. ' The
grand foreman of the grand lodge of
Oregon will be present, and a large at
tendance of the members is expected.
The ladies of the Good Intent Society
will bave on sale, Thursday and Friday
in the Vogt building, next door to the
postoffice, pies, cakes, doughnuts and
other things good for your Christmas
; ' Monday night the inhabitants of Col
fax were terribly excited. About 12:30
the electric lights went out, and the
people of the town thought preparations
were being made to bang the murderers
of Orville Hayden.
- The four persons making the four
highest scores on Christmas day at the
Umatilla House alleys will be given a
box of cigars each. There is little doubt
that all the high ..rollers will do their
best on that occasion.
Turkeys, chickens, ducks and geese,
alive or dressed ; cranberries, sweet po
tatoes, calery, cabbage and other vegeta
bles ; fresh fish and oysters ; oranges,
lemons, bananas, apple, pears, cocoa
nuts, figs, dates,-and other good things
for your Christmas dinner, at The DalleB
Commission Co.'s store. 21-3t
In a private letter received from F. A.
Seufert, who is at present in New York
City, he savs that all lines of business
are looking up in a remarkable degree
in that section, and that ' during the
present month more business has been
done than in any month of December
for over four years. He states further
that there are fewer men out of employ
ment and more prosperity among all
claseee than there has been for vears
J. H. Greer, agent for the Oregon and
Asiatic Steamship Line, was in the city
yesterdav. Mr. Greer has completed a
contract with some Klickitat horse-
raisers for a large number of draft and
pack horses to be used in the Klondike
traffic next springMr. Greer says mat!
this is the easiest time to get into Daw
son, as the trails are well broken and
frozen hard, making traveling much
easier than it will be when spring opens.
A pleasant dancing party was held at
the Baldwin last night. The attend
ance was fairly good, and nothing was
overlooked by the managers that would
add to the pleasure of the evening.
These dances will probably be held reg
ularly Tuesilay nights during the winter.
and will be an excellent place for young
people to spend a pleasant evening, as a
select crowd attends, and no one need
stay away through fear of questionable
characters being present.
"South Before the War," which will
appear at the Vogt Friday, Dec. 24th,
introduces a number of eceneB that are
suggestive' of the South in slavery times,
jubilee eongi and dances, buck and wing
a : -
can practicing, w.hich, owing to the fact ptoved obout thirty of forty feet further
that many of them have long working- bp the beach. As there was a nine
hours, is somewhat limited. A practice foot tide on the 20th and one six inches
game will be played at 10 o'clock Sun-j higher on the 25th, the owner hopes to
dav, at the fairground, and .all who de- iftnake ' bis next effort on or before
sire to witness the same will be admit
ted free. .
Miss Mollie Battorff, who for some
time past has been in the employ of
Mrs. Briggs in the milli'i nery business
in this place, left for Spokane yesterday
where she will remain a month or more,
visiting her mother. About the. first of
February Misb Bottorff intends return
ing to this city and opening up a new
milinery establishment, with a larger
and more select stock of goods than has
ever been offered for sale in this city.
Miss Bottorff is ascknowledged by all
competent judges to be an adept in this
line, and there is no doubt that she will
do well m her venture.
A. M. Williams & Co.'s great store is
fast assuming holiday proportions that
speak well for the efforts of this enter
prising firm. Plants and evergreens and
beautiful goods, tastily displayed, tend
to add cheer and beauty, while for the
convenience of shoppers thejdisplays of
merchandise in their numerous respec
tive departments are neatly priced and
ticketed. If you are a prospective buyer
of holiday goods and are undecided as
to what to buy, a few moments could
be well spent looking this store. Their
latest arrivals for Christmas selling are
a complete line of sizes and popular
colors in ladies' $1 and $1.50 kid gloves,
boys' fancy sweaters, ladies' flannellette
wrappers, infants' hoods and bonnets
and ladies' furs. .
Christmas day.
dancing, a camp meeting, introducing
all the characters usually seen there, a
cake walk for gold and silver prizes, and
a Pickaninny band of seventeen little
colored boys. The company presenting
this interesting play is a very large one,
and they travel in their own $12,000
palace car. .
The advance agent of the Excelsior
Company, Mr. A. C. Fox, left for the
East last night, having concluded his
business in this city. On account of
"South Before the War" having occu
pied the majority of the big bill boards
previous to his arrival, it was impossible
to display the pictoral matter that be
desired to, having large posters which
were unfitted for the space at bis . dis
posal. We sincerely - wish to see him
soon again in advance of his company,
giving the people of The Dalles the op
portunity of witnesbing either of the
plays in their reportoire. ,
Our football team . is making a fine
showing considering that a number of
the players are new beginners, and from
present indications will give the Dhfur-
itee a lively game on New Years day.
They are putting in what tuna they ca
A Deserter Captured.
Herbert G. Galteahue, a private of
troop G, Fourth United States cavalry,
who escaped from Vancouver barracks
several weeks ago, while he was held
under court-martial sentence for deser
tion and perjury in enlistment, volun
tarily gave- himself up Saturday night
to the Pendleton police. Sergeant Holt
man and another officer of the Fourth
cavalry at Walla Walla, arrived Sunday
and left that night with the prisoner
for v ancouver. Galteahue says the rea
son for desertion was on account of be
ing in love with a Pendleton valley girl
He says he has the girl now and is con
lent io cerve nis time, since escaping
from Vancouver he has been wandering
over Oregon and Washington, Private
Holsapple, a son of Detective Holsapple
of Portland, escaped with Galteahue,
and left him at Campbell's landing
Galteahue has not seen him since.
The Glenmorir.
Don't be persuaded into buying lini
ments without reputation or merit
Chamberlain's Pain Balm costs no more,
and its merits have been proven by a
test of many years. Such letters at the
following', from L. G. Bagley, Hueneme,
Cal., are' constantly being received:
"The best remedy for pain I bave ever
used is Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and I
say so after having used it in my family
for several years." It cures rheumatism
lame back, sprains and swellings. For
sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
Try Schilling' Best tea and baking powilar
Mr. John Kiernan, owner of the Glen
morag, was in 'Astoria Sunday night
last and stated to a News reporter that
the only damage the vessel had sus
tained in recent storms was the break
ing of a couple of spars. It is true the
cable parted, but the hull is uninjured,
and it is probable that another attempt
will, be made to float her in "the course
of the next ten days or two weeks. Mr,
Pieman tninKS the . Ulen morag was
Physicians and Surgeons,
... f -.
Special attention given to surgery.
Rooms 21 and 22, Tel. 328. Vogt Block
What of Your
Christmas Gifts?
We have j ust received
another shipment of
And can now supply our customers.
The Uilsog is the only Air Tight stove
with Outside Tube draft, gold only by . -'
Go where you find the largest
assortment of goods.
. Gifts for the ladies. ' Gifts for
the Gentlemen.
Our line is complete and we
defy competition.
We claim to be able to give
3rou better prices on Pianos and
Organs, as well as Holiday
goods, than any other house in
Eastern Oregon.
Ja cobber; Boo G'TU5iq
. The Dales, Or
Why not some Mutfcal Instruments?
Not oniy makes the ChriBtmas occasion
brighter and happier, bat it gives pleas
ure all through the year. Every good
Musical Instrument is a pleasure the
year round. Everyone of our Musical
Instruments are ChriHtraas values. 1
Christmas Proclamation
We have set aside a special line of Stationery,
Leather and Celluloid Goods for the Holiday
(season. The choicest line of Books, Bibles and
Albums. We have a complete stock of Silver
ware, Watches and Jewelry. All onr prices are
lower than you imagine. The latest standard
books. . We do the business because we cut
prices lower than others. No finer display of
Christmas presents in the city, and we rejoice in
showing you all the latest and best gifts tor the
holidays. - . .
I. C. Nickelsen
Book & DQasie Company.
Jfye postoffiee pfyarmay,
CLARKE & FALK, Proprietors.
Pare Dtrags and JVIedicines.
Toilet Articles and Perfumery,;, - - K
piQst Ijr; of Imported apd " Domestic 5i$ars.
Telephone, 333. : New Vogt Block.
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