Off with the Old. Practical Christmas Gift Jackets for an Femininity A Fen Specials. As the old year is cast ofi like an old shoe, so should you resolve to carry, out the simile by coming in ,and selecting a new pair of shoes ; especially as you can have-Advanced Styles at Backward. Prices. Misses' Dongola Button, patent . leather tips, new coin toe.. .$1.25 Children's Shoes as above.......... 1.00 Boys' Lace, coin toe. ....... ; 1.50 Youths' Lace, coin toe . .. 1.25 Infants' Soft Sole, button and lace .-. .50 Infants' Soft "Sole, silk vesting top .....?... .7o Of more value because of its utility, is the practical Christmas Gift. It cnn'tHntly reminds the receiver of tbe giver, snd long after worn oat is a pleasure from be ins a sweet memory. Make a useful Christmas present of an Overcoat from oar large assortment. , . Men's Dark Grey Irish Frieze Ulsters . . . . .$10 00 Men's Dark Grey Irish Pieze Ulste-s . 42 50 Men's Brown, Blue and Black Box Coats . . 10 00 Men's Brown, Blue and Black Box Coats . . 12 50 Men's Brown, Bine and Black Box Coats . . 15 00 Men's Light Grey'Box Coats, very stylish . 12 50 BoyB' Ulsters and Overcoats . '. .from $3 00 op () J Natural that ladies should 'want Jackets that fit. Natural that they should want those that are stylish. If you regard fit and etylejjoin bined with low price, you will not miss this sale. $10 00 Jackets can now be bought for .$ 7 15 12 50 -". . .. 8 25 13 00 " " " .. 8 45 13 50 9 60 14 60 " ' '...;.. 10 75 15 00 " " " " ...... 11 95 9 00Capea " - " " .'.7 15 RUGS. Splendid values in Skin Rum $4 00, $4 50 and $5.00 MISSES' TAMS. Special drive : .50 People who buy Groceries are happy in the opportunity they have in dealing with us. They know we sell them the best goods pos sible and at the best prices possible. Dehesia Raisins; per pound .15 Peacock Raisins, per pound.' .12 2- Crown Raisins, per pound .06" 3- Crown Raisins, per pound .07 Bleached Sultana Raisins, per pound. .. .10 Seedless Raisins, per pound.... -08J Cranberries, per quart.. ... .. .............;..... .10 Sweet Pickles, in bulk, per gallon 1.00 Sour Pickles, in bulk, per gallon .40 Apples', per box .90 Lemons, per dozen. ............ .15 Smyrna Figs, per pound .15 CANDIES. NUTS. Gum Drops .05 Walnuts.... . $ .10 Plain Mixed .07 Almonds .......... .10 Taffy Chunk:,.. .07 Brazil Nuts .... .12 Jelly Beans . .. .10 Filberts -.12$ Fancy Mixed.. .15 Pecans .,. .12 French Mixed.. .20 Hazel Nuts ...... .10 Taffy .20 Peanuts .10 Pease & Mays All Goods Marked in Plain Figuree. Ths DallePaily Chronicle. TTiraniv . DECEMBER 21,1897 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. -Tonight and Wednesday Weather fair. Saner kraut I A new barrel just re ceived at Maier & Benton's. . ". .- -' -Silver and gold articles Bold by T. .A. Van Norden will be engraved free of charge. , J During tbe holidays four pounds of candy for 25 cents at Jacobeen Book and Masic Co.'s, Vogt block. Keep your money at home and en- i courage home industry by smoking I Fonts' choice brands of cigars. 18-lm The Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co. have just received ' a fine line of Japanese ware suitable for Christmas presents. dcl3-lw Foots' Prize Medal is made of ihe finest Vuelta Aba jo Havana, and is equai to imported goods. 18-lm ' An endless variety of exquisite holi day gifts can be found at the Jacobsen Book and Music Co.'s, Vogt block. For Xmas eelling, at A. M. Williams & Co.'s, complete line in sizes and col lors of ladies' $1.00 and $1.25 Kid Gloves Choice Shoal vater Bay oysters served in every style at the Columbia Candy Factory. Give us a trial and we will endeavor to please you. A fresh line of choice French candies jast received at the Columbia Candy Factory. They will be sold at prices so low that it will surprise you. Sleds are now being used on the Union-Cornucopia stage line, from a point four miles east ot Medical springB to Cornucopia, in Union county. H . Taylor H ill of Pnneville bagged 120 ducks and a goose in a day's hunting on the Big meadows in Crook connty, says tbe Prineville' Journal. A number of counterfeit dollars, made largely of antimony, have been in circu lation in La Grande, and have been sue ceBsfully passed . in the saloons of that city, S. F. Fonts, the new cigar-maker, has a fine line of cigars in a suitable shape for holiday trade. Call on him and buy your gentleman friend a box for a Christmas present. 18-1 m Today Dr. Esbelman was called to at' tend tbe child Mr. Clark of Hartland, who is quite ill. He left immediately alter dinner and will return tomorrow by way of Centerville. Lost A breast collar and tugs of sin gle buggy harness, somewhere between vcuvaduu outran nuu bilo UUlUOa AUyililtt returning the same to Dalles Lumbering Co. will be rewarded. 20-lw A few loads pf wheat come in daily and since the roads have frozen up tbe amount seems to increase. A large percentage of wheat remains unhauled which the farmers will be forced to hold over winter, in many cases not because they wished to speculate by holding for higher prices, but because their facili ties for . hauling it to market were not sufficient to get it here before tbe roads became almost impassable on account of the unusually heavy rains. , The following officers were elected last night at Wasco Lodge. No. 15, A. F. & A. M., for the ensuing year: S, H. Frazier, W. M. ; M. Z. Donnell, S. W. ; Frank Chrisman, J. W. ; G. A. LiebeJ Tress,; S. E. VanVactor, Secy: W. 8i Myers, Tyler. 'J Tbe Yakima Republican says thattbe population of North Yakima has in creased fully two hundred this year, that there have been not nore than twenty deaths, and that the city schools have gained about one hundred and sev enty-five pupils. Turkeys, chickens, ducks and geese, alive or dressed ; cranberries, sweet po tatoes, celery, cabbage and other vegeta bles ; fresh fish and oysters ; oranges, lemons, bananas, apples, pearB, cocoa- nuts, figs, dates, and other good things for your Christmas dinner, at The Dalles Commission Co.'s store. 21-3t Late reports from Oregon City state that tbe woman who was killed at that place by a train Sunday evening was Mrs. Samuel Roake. She was on her way to church, and as the train was in plain view for quite a distance before it struck her, it is a mystery how she got in its way. She. was 37 vears old, and leaves a husband and four children At present Second street is in as fine condition as any one could desire. Much of the mud had been removed before the cold spell, and now it is smooth and frozen bard as a horn. This morning some bicpele riders who wished a little exer cise, got out their wheels and enjoyed a pleasant ride. Good bicycle riding is more than most towns can boast of dur ing the holidays. Mayee & Crowe have a -new. thing in the way of bowling alleys. It is called tbe reversible parlor bowling alley and is just the thing ior the little folks who cannot go to tbe bowling alley proper, as well as for the ladies who can bowl at home while their better-half is at the enjoying himself in the same diverion. As a proof of the hit that, these parlor alleys have made, we might add. that during a few weeks 2600 have been sold from the factory, which is in Portland, and at present the supply is not equal to the demand, these scenes singing, dancing, and In fact everything that a fun-loving Darkey can do, is done to amuse the audience. The company producing this interesting play is composed of some fifty odd peo ple, including a Pickaninny band of seventeen little Darkies, who appear in several scenes of the play, and also head the parage of the company. Salton's View of the Expedition. Jack Dal ton, the weel-known Alaska i prospector who is at present in Seattle, ''in speaking of of the proposed Alaskan relief expedition, eaid : "The proposal I to use reindeer teams does not strike me as being the right thing. Horses can be used to much better advantage. Instead of using reindeer, the government ought to get together a number of hardy horses, and suffiicient food ' should be taken along to feed them. They can. do much better work than reindeer. I would use sleds for carrying the food for tbe men and provender tor the horses. To handle the reindeer expedition suc cessfully it would be necessary to have relay stations established a day's jour nep apart, with food for the animals at these stations." This would be a rare opportunity . to get. rid of some of the worthless Eastern Oregon cay a see, as hardier horses than these could hardly be found , and they could be purchased much cheaper and would be of more value on such an expedition than rein deer from Norway. Dalton, speaking f the best route by which to take re ef, said that he would go over the Chil- oot pass and then down the lakes and he Yukon river over the ice. "Hazel Kirke." Patrons of the Vogt opera, bouse will have a treat in store in the shape of Wh alien & Martell's mammoth pril ac tion, "South Before the War," which will appear Friday, Dec. 24th, for one night only. . This play will take the older . inabitants over, the road of the buried past to the time when the darkies doings on the plantation were - proverb ial. The piece is made up of four parts, a plantation as it appeared in the midst ot a cotton picking scene ; a landing on the Mississippi, at "which the famous old river craft, Robert E. Lee, arrives, loaded with the staple on its way to the Crescent City. The next scene depicts a camp meeting, held on Frog Island ; also an old-time cake walk. In all of At the Vogt opera house on Saturday '(Christmas) night, the Excelsior Dram atic Company will produce the beautiful drama "Hazel Kirke." This plav is the most perfect piece of play writing of the moaern drama, ihe characters are so widely different from one another, yet so perfect in their characterization that the grave and the gay run. most harmo nionsly side by side. . Mr. Duggati'a rendition of the character "Dunslan Kirke" is pronounced a masterpiece of acting, while Miss Morey, who interprets the title role to "Hazel Kirke," has re ceived the greatest praise through the boutb. Miss Bengee Harrison is with this company, playing the Bsubrette character. She has established a creat reputation wherever she has performed for her wonderful mirthfulness. The whole company is composed of finished performers, an i it is the intention of this company to periodically play The Dalles on the circuit they are establish iog through the North west, so this in itself assures us that a treat is in Btore for us on Christmas night. Appreciated. Especially would hey thank Mrs. J. M. Patterson, who so faithfully and cheer fully performed the arduous task of pre siding at the piano. Employment W anted. '.. A widow with several children would like to move to The Dalles to give her children schooling, and desirt-a employ ment, chamber work preferred.. Ad drees Mbs. Wh. Sharer, Chenoweth, Wash. ' : A social ball will be Riven at the Bal dwin opera house, Tuesdav evening, December 21st. Good music will be furnished and no questionable charac ters will be admitted. Tickets 50c. - A. W. Robison, Mgr. . Notice. All persons haying claims against the tournoment committee, must present tnem to me oetore weaneeuay, tbe z2d inst. - JuddFish.- GEI5KNDOREFEB RUEDI, Physicians and Surgeons, Special attention given to surgery. Rooms 21 and 22, . Tel. 328. Vogt Block What of Your Christmas Gifts? Christ mas.... Sugges tions... 6 Go where you find the largest assortment of goods. Gifts for the.adies. Gifts for .the Gentlemen; Our line is complete and we defy competition. We claim to be able to give you better prices on Pianos and Organs, as well as Holiday goods, than any other house in , Eastern Oregon. Jaeob$ei7 Bop .0 Tu5ic; Q The Dales, Or, Jfe postoffiee pfyarmay, CLARKE & FALK, Proprietors, Putfe Dtucjs and JWedieines. Toilet Articles and Perfumery, piist t)i of Inporced ai)d Dornestie Qiars. Telephone, 333. New Vogt Block. The ladies who had charge of the en tertainment, "Cradle Songs of Nations," desire to express their thanks to those who so kindly took part in the enter tainment, and to the ladies who were so untiring in their efforts to perfect the children in tbe rendition of their parts. Why not eome Musical Instruments? Not oniy makes the Christmas occasion brighter and happier, but it sives pleas ure all through the year. Every. good Musical Instrument is a pleasure the year round. Every one of our Musical Instruments are Christmas values. Christmas Proclamation Know all men by these presents: ' We have set aside a special line of Stationery, Leather end Celluloid Goods for tbe Holiday season. Tbe.ehoicest line of Books, Bibles and Albums. We bave a complete stock of Silver ware, watches and Jewelry. All our prices are lower than you imagine. The latest standard books. We do the business because we cut prices lower than others. No finer display of Christmas presents in tbe city, and we rejoice in showing you all tbe latest and best gifts tor the holidays. I. C:Nickelsen fiook & CQusie Company; PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of .Staple and Fancy Groceries. GEORGE RUCH. Pioneer Grocer Closing Out Sale FURNITURE CARPETS alia Are going to elope out their business,' and they are offerinsr their large etock at COST PRICES. Now is the time to buy good Furniture cheap. All persons knowing; themselves indebted to eaid fiwn are requested to call and settle their account.- , . JSiibcQSjifcc for The Ghroniele