The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 21, 1897, Image 1

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v J-- W v
M r, A sn- j , i ,i Hi. j i C; l- ; I C. --"j,,
the; dalles, Oregon. Tuesday, c ember 2 i : ; . ;;
NO, 295
- l v ly r I I
Interest in the
Event Increasing
Lelter, Sr.t on the Scene--Iecember
Market Strong, Despite More
Beivj Receipts.
Chicago, Dec. 20. Interest in be big
December wheat deal was greatly . in?
creased today by the arrival from Wa6b-
ington'of Levi Z. Leitw,' the millionaire
merchant of Chicago, and 'the substan
tial admission by him tbat his millions
were at his son's command.: in his strug
gles with the'other interests.
' "My son has' plenty of money to pay
for what he has purchased," eaid Leiter
sr. About bis' wheat '.'opera'tpxiB'bd 'baa
informed me fully. I have4been a mer
chant the greater part of my life, and
am much pleased that my son has
broadened out into a? firet-clasa mer
chant. Wheat is a first-class cbrnmodi
ty of universal nee. The quality of the
wheat which he-has parcfc& of" ttife
highest, and I am sure will be indeman'd
at a higher price than be paid for it.
I am well pleased wlVhtb!e,BUualioBi''''-J.
There was another big increase in the
amount of contract wheat in store here
today, over blfJimllio4 blfetat being
added to the stock. Friday and Satur
day nearly 2,500,000 bushels were de
livered here, rjrli olj which) waa fafien'by
the Leiter people. At"' least 3,000,000
bushel B'rrior B" a 'expected to arri vej a rtd
in liquidation 6f-Hhi& " is expected to
come tbe test ot the strength of young
Leiter.? r 2 r? iyj -wo D its V?
The 500,000 bushels dalivered today
had not tija tligbesf weakening effect bh
Decemner wheat7 Oh the" contrary It
sold as high as $1.02
opening".' T' fP .
after the
Government Will Send tbe McArthnr
.-;i-.ii.- f ( ;,orn-f. ' t: -.
' 6axlasd, Call', 'Deci';20lrTbe'ljnited
tstates geodetic Borvey suip McArthnr
has been ordered to'" Alaska, rand with
the opening of tbe spring will head for
the Yukon, there , to-- remain until a
series of important eurveys 'have been
accomplished and a thorough study of
the country'made.: ' f The :McArtbui lies
on the ways at the Hay & Wright ship
yards, awaiting repairs, but wUl soori be
ready for' active service. ' - ' ,; '
Captain I. W. Helms, in charge of the
ehip, upon instructions' from ' the'navy
yard has received bids for towing a
small 8ternwbeel Btearaer to the ihouth
of the Yukon, to aid in the surveying
work and serve for - the' navigation of
rivers too shallow for the McArthnr:'''
' The Mc Arthur will work np the Alas
. kan coast, .taking '.' observations, until
the mouth ot the Yukon fs reached.
Then the stern wheeler 'will be brought
into use, and the crew and officers wilt
' go up the Yukon as far as possible, care
fully surveying the country and making
charts for the; new : government map of
the district. -n ;t it
Bow to Prevent Pneumonia
At this time of the year a cold is very
easily contracted,- and If
course without the aid pt some reliable
cough medicine is liable to result in that
dread disease, pneumonia.. . We know of
no better lemedy to cure a cough or cold
than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
We have used it quite extensively and it
bas always trlven entire satisfaction
Olsgah, Ind. Tor. Chief.
" 'This is the only remedy that is known
r Yon bci"GARLAND'S i
hapy Thought
HALVE and you don't"
like it, yotb will gt your I
oj cents bacfc' tiyoo ask
for it. J We" aTantee it
to euit you.. For sale by
uo:;;iell; Druggist.
Royml makes tbe food pare,
. . "- ' 'wholesome and delicious.
- mi--
Absolutely Pure
t6 be a certain preventive of pneukionia.
Among the many thousands rhbliave
ubed it for colds and la grippe, we have
nbt yet learned of a singlexsase bavingre
sulted in pneumonia. -Persons wbo have
Weak lungs or have reason to fear an at
tack of pneumona, should keep the
rtmedy at handr The . 25 and. 50 cent
sizes for sale by Blakelev & ' Houghton.
II '
: j I. ' M1 1
Strong; Room or'tit.6lty of WanhtfijrtoW
i Bnrsrlarlred. (
New York. Dec. 29, The. Wprld
says : . S C' ! i i ti M V U
;ine wara liner (jity ot wasnington,
that sailed from Vera Cruz December
jst. bas arrived; in' thip port;carrying in
tier strong- room t $603,000 in Mexican
coin. This was not an unuBnall large
ajbiptnen W tracfdrV'-for 1 iWwi&l line
to handle' aridhd 6ti ia(i ailthbrtty'
dreamed: of ; danger, --.rf r, ( -.-fit n :
Nevertheless, during they voyage the
gtrone room, built to stand the attacks
of almost anything but dynamite, and
located so as to be under conatitrit-ob-servarion,
was broken into. Only $3000
raa taken by the robbertbutj rth'e'gen-
eral- impression is that the scheme of
the thieves was toCsmz the eMfrfe'-treas
Every effort has been made to keep
the matter quiet so that the strong force
if detectives put upon" the case by the
company might work to the best'advan-
A. G. Smith, the company's secretary.
admitted that therobbeVyrbk beett&tv
Mr- James JoneB, of tbe drug firm of
Jones & Son, Cowden, 111., speaking of
Dr. King's New Discovery, says that last
winter" his "wife" " was' attacked' with' La
Grippe, and , her case- grew so serious
that physicians ot Cowden ' and Pana
could do nothing for her. It seemed to
develop into Hasty Consumption. Hav
ing Dr, King's New Discovery - in. store;
and selling lots of it, he took a bottle
home, and to tbe surprise of all she be
gan to get better from-. first dose, and
half dozen dollar bottles' cured bet aotfnd
and well. Dr. King's , Tew Discovery
for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is
guaranteed to do this good work. Try it
tree trial Dotuesaif.t5lakel.ey & Hough1
ton's drug 'etoref k"Z ji w" lJ 4-
All Attempts to Form a New Cabinet
Han Palled.
VALPAKAiso.Dec. 20. Politics in Chile
are sadlv.mixed' Sjnce'thff resignation
of the cabinet which"' was drier'to'the' CO"
left to run itsjlition of thn- government Jiberals, the
conservatives ana tber Jbaimacedtsts.
there have . been several attempts, to
form a new one, but every effort in tbis
direction, has gone for naught; ---r rrT-7
Xbe coalition of tbe three parties was
based on an agreement to give to" each
party - two members of -the cabinet
Senor , Ismael Tocorna.- undertootr to-,
form a new. ministry but' failed;' because'
of the failure of tbe government liberals
When you have made your
biscuits' light with1 Schilling's
Bsst baking powder, and have
made Schilling's' z'Best-'tea
"exactly riofht" to gfo with them,
dont-n-We; begj4 olyyouTyspQiJ
thisr ddlicious I 'dombinatloh! by
using poor butter.
A Schilling & Co'rrnarijr'3' :
Saa EfStrfisco ' '
4 --"--? ;
to abide by the agreement,.: they ' being
willing to give only one member- of .the
cabinet eachto ' the ; Balmacedists and
ccnservatives. .,' -;- --r
Then Senor Pedro Montt undertook
to fonri a ministry, but was persona non
grata to certain political leaders; ' there
fore he failed. .. Senor Montt was bitterly
attacked .' by; tbe 1 press, and President
Errazuriz was criticised harshly by eveu
bis own-organizations, for choosing him.
Scheming against, the. interests of jthe
country was charged, and. the: president
was accused of betraying his party',.. '
' The president has had several con
ferences with .the leaders of the. three
parties, but so far as can be learned, be
has arrived-at no conclusion bs to whom
be will eelecect to form his ministry.
A mass meeting of 'workingmen was
neldTHere" topr'6tes '"agai n s t " thepreei
dent's policy of refusing all offers to
build more railway cars and locomotives'
at home. The speakers demanded that
Baeb work be dene in order to give em-j
pldyment td Ihoee who need it o sup-
port them eel ves'and families. :A reso
lution embodying the sense of tbe meet?
ing was forwarded to the government iii
Santiago. v.y ' : !
- After meals you should bave simply a
feeling of comfort and satisfaction. Yoii
should not feel any special indications
tbat digestion is going cn. If you do
vbu have indigestion, which means not'
digestion. This may bo the beginning
ng b
it i
ao many dangerous diseases, that
best to take it in hand at once and treat
it with Shaker': Digestive Cordial.' Fof
you know that indication makes poisonl
which causei' paia and sickness. And
tt?at Shaker Digestive' Cordial helps d in
gestion and cures ' indigestion. Sbatier
Digestive Cordial does! this by providing
the1 'digestive materials in which thb
sict stomach isl: wanting. It also tones
up and strengthens the digestive organs
and. makes them perfectly healthy.
This is the rationed o. its method df
cure, as the. doctors would say. Sold b)?
by druggists, price 10 cents to $1.00 per
bottle. i
Casta. In loir Checks.
All county warrants registered prior
to July 7, 1893,? will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after Oct. 27th,
1897. C. L. Phillips, ,
County TreasnrerL i
Free Pills-
: '-8end your address to H. E. Bucklen
& Co., Chicago, and' get a free sample
box of Dr. King's New Life Pills, r 'A
ti will convince you of heir merits
ruese 'ius are easy in action and are
particularly effective in the cure of.Coh
stipation and Sick Headache. For Ma
laria and Liver troubles tbey have been
proved invaluable. They are guaranteed
to be perfectly jfree from every-deleter-ious
substance and to be purely vegeta
ble. They do not weaken by their
action, but by giving.. tone. to .stomach!
and bowels greatly invigorate tbe sys
tem. Regular size 25c. per box. Sold
by Blakelev & Houghton Druggists. r:(4)
s. Notice is hereby- given., that bids will
bercetved by.:thec$ubty court for keep
ing the county, charges., by. the week for
tbe ensuing year. All bids must be
filed with tbe clerk orf or before tbe 5th
day ot Ja'nuarv,.89oL,-j at'' 9 o'clock a. m
Court reserves the tight -'to reject any
and all bids. A. M. Kklsat,
County Clerk
A. Million Dollar Blaze.
7 Gbast' FoKKsi'ND,; Dee! -iViA' loss
of nearfv, $1,000,000 was caused early
this mornrogv 6r''Thit Hotel Dako
ta,, which post $250,000, was completely
destroy ed,- aa were' .Wife Jiilibl eeale houses
.. -CbmmenciO"g; Monday, ;;.pecerijber 20
the steamer's -of the Kegulator-L'fle .wilt
leave Portland at 6 o'clohk a. m., and
The pattes at 6 :30 a. m.
Sterling; Silver Novelties.
Pease & Mays will bave on display to
morrow, Tuesday, a collection or silver
novelties for holiday gifts that is worthy
of your attention.
tC.4iS4 aim i'l
To Care si Cold in One Day.
' :Take XVxative Bromo Quinine Tab
lets. . . All druggists refund the money if
they fail to cure. 25.i 4
,To rent "our . or,, six
rooms. e-!ntraflv located.
Mrs,3 mJ vBrltfain, gecondi airktiv,) '-near
j UlUII.
Everybody reads Thk Chronicle.
'Sabflcribe'for'THB Che6niClk. '
cor; san.-fl T..rnn8'i ori V.
18 Paces si Vuk.
15ft Papers Tear
It stands first aniDg '"weekly' papers
in., size, irtquency ..f, pub)icatioii
freshness, varie't andrvAiability, of, con ,
tents.', It is praeiically a daily at' the low
price -o"-'' weekly-; a'nd itsJ vast :,li'at'6f
subscTiberB, exiendiuato every state and
territoTy of. thw Hnio.n-and. foreign counr
tries,, will vouch, for the acqnracvj and
fairness of its news columns:'
' It is splendidly illustrated', nnd among
its special features are a nne bumor
page, exhaustive market reports, ajl the
latest , JaaririoBd 10 r women ana a" loaJ
series of stories by tbe greatest living
American and English authors, , . .
Conan Doyle, Jerome K. Jerome, '
Stonier-, Vrymn.-r f-W-arT i. WllfcnsT
Anthony Bre ll'artV, crj'-"' k'"t
Brsnder Matthew. Etc.
We offer t"iis unequaled newspaper and
Tbe Dalles Twice-a-Week, Chronicle to..
gether 6ne year for The n
price of the two papers: le ?J.W.
N THE CIRCUIT cbtTRlCif the State of Ore
gon for Wasco Countjv -.'r
Emma Golden- i!nlutlff: ' . ' i
- : ts '.- - -V .....
Dewitt Golden ,-ttefeniiant:'.' ' .";
To. Jiewltt Golden; tHe above uamed dJendanl:
In the name of tbe State of Oreeon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
Dlaiat filed sarainat yon In the above entitled
oourt said cnuse on 01 :teore-the first dT ot tbe
xt term ofuaid aourt fojjovintr the -expiration
the time uresctlbed rn the ordor fur the Tub
lication of this summons, to-wit: on or before
the 14th day of February,-1898; and if you fail to
so appearand ans wer, r otherwise plead, in said
cause tbe plalmlrT-for Want thereof will .apply
to the Court for the relief prayed for4n the com
plaint tiled herein, to-witr-that the bonds of
matrimony existing netweea piainurx .ana ao
fendant be dissolved; that' the plaintiff be
awarded the custody of the- miror child men
tioned in said complaint," Zola Maud Golden;
that. the plaintiff have and recover her costs and
disbursements made and expended in this suit,
and for such-other and- further relief as to the
Court may seem equitable.
1 his gammons is servea upon yon Dy puouca-
. .' 1. t 1 i I T I .. llr T 1J ...1 . V. ..
judge of said court, which order bears date of.
September 8tb, 1897, ana was made and dated at
chambers in Lalles City, Wasco County, Oregon,,
on tneajtn a.y 01 toptomoei, ia?i! .- .:
1. -v.;f.. :r.ii:l ,i.r .; -i -.r KdU V j-Vf 1X.IS , I
H j 1 n': - .-.Attorneyfor i'lauiUH'.:
vr- V -
. United States Land Opfick,)
. ' Thi Dalles, Or., Sept. 20, 1897. t - :
: Comnlalnt Jiaviner been entered at this office
by William Johnson against Oscar S. Boffsen for
abandoning his homestead entry No. 6594, dated
Bet) t em her 25. 1895. nnon the 8V NE'X. SEi
NWJ4 and NEJi SWti, Section 33. Township 5
Soutn Kange la E, In "Wasco Couity, Oregon,
with a view to the canceiiatibn of said entry,
the said parties are hereby summoned to a-ppear
at this office on the 30th day of October, 1897, at
ill n'nlralc a- m. to retttMind ana turnisn testl-
Tnony ooncerniug said alleged abandonment.
spsj-nj 4 -t , aao, it. suuiu, iiegister-
..GHfls; fMM..
y-- '
'''- Scitsheirs
. Keeps on draught the celebrated
COLUMBIA 3EEK,. acknowl-5
edged the best beer,in Tbe Dalles,
at the usual price. ' Come in, try
it and be convinced. Also the
Finest brands of Wines, Liquors,
and Cigars. ! -...-i" l.
Sanduiiehes 1 "
of all KiudB always on hand.
Patrbhize the'
! -
ii tiiiti.iJ.
All kind of work. White Shirts a specialty.
Famfly Arork' afredueed nrteBr; Wash collected
and; deUnsed tree.- I- i.3 2 i "'.4 ' '"Vi'-'H
Vij t ' " f -"',: v r .'.; ? i . '
, - p c. Telephone No. 301.. -' " '
?X ? ;-BfmmxXkt.
. VO SVC Y.iv-) - ' i.
. t(0 .eilrmwiit K.Mo.r,oi.-,!ns,ws
Selected especially for
"X - 100:'. Embr 'oi&eririd ;Xwn - Hand !
'kerchiefs'.-sorth5 25c. this -week
- - .i;,oj:-?:-f4'J '! K ivfi--.-r: o!.- j -V, ''" '''ti.'.
100 pieces -Fancy Silk Neck:
' Wei and plaids
' -.' '. i-.- ''.y,ynb ii. .finest1- :r J;?;T;r no t?-.-
-Nos' 7"; ; la" and 16, special ..z....
i.l Llto-sr ics'i til J?J .-ir ' ; SV) in Iir-iV .
-'I't.'SlVf ArS. ..rTj-).;: ,:7l1 ,'.'i?.'JL :Tii -.J j ! .Ji ,i.
7 ; Nosv: 40, 50 , and1 60, special. . ,
.-rrr-Our stock- is -complete-.
newest novelties. r.
;Fpr.smal,l boys, with
-' ' collar, ilaced, i'front.
5 i f Colors-orange, white,..
1 f Ii marobm kndiaWI '
and sleeves.
$1.75 $200
For larger .- boys.
Dguble'xibbed?; neck
and 'jvristlet Col
ors gfeeh,"maroon,
navy and white.
r : I . jr
Cf"t x. iJl
. if?.
:l ' ; first-class
Headq uart ers for
Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds:
Headquarters for Rolled Gram, ail kinds,
.!.l ,::,:-, tr.V. 'Vl, - -. . ...
TTnn J 4-n i -Pad
xxcauuuai ici o
' .1 I ' ii t .- t . i U -.- I :.' C. i -!-. .
Headquarters for
.ton si lour.
' We eell onr goods lower than any bonee in the trade, and if yon don t think so
caU.andj gel quijprices ..'a.rM be. conyinredvi' -; - ai - ; "' ' :
Highest Prices Paid for
.- ' - -
J; ,,r ..,. .. ";V - T
'J.J ;
1 i';(iili!W
We:: afe ' showing ' the
e-'call Vspe'Cial' ? attention i6
O's-T 0:f
f'v !v!Ji2fiii TU- OJ PL;:,';,' IC-'i
: : ; Fine Flannelette, j ust
,: ireceivedi : -
;; v $3,oo . : :
: r : $2.50
Fleeced, $1.75, $1.50, U.20,, $1.00 :
': -:' Special values in :
. PnrseSj '. -u. X XX..,-
.:r ...Furs, ,,'r-".
Fans, . ... . ,.,.v ,.
Kid Q-loves
;',.' .Neckwear.
the best Dress Goods
the best Shoes ;
Vfr;! y'.j. 5;; '!":'. " j
everything to "be found in a
house Goipani'
Seed Grain of ail kinds.
T3vnVi' . GSVt -nc and all kinds
cju., , ijlivj, op, pf mu.l, feed
Byers' 'Best" Pendle-
This Floor, is mannfactnred expreBsly for family
na r everv Hack ia guaranteed1 to cive eatiBfaction-
Weat, Barley; and Oats.
f. ;. i ,. ( 5 '' ? ,
- ; - '' .' '' ''''.'' ' : .' ' '