The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 20, 1897, Image 3

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We friave j ust received
another shipment of
i I5017 f i r-Jify t j a trs
3p I
Another year has added its charms to the
goods which appeal to the people. Not only the
goods but the price appeals to you.
but close buyers are just as active as ever. We
shall offer you memorable bargains to start the
new' vear. ' ',
See Our Ad Tomorrow.
' ...
I :
And can now supply our customers.
The Uilson is the only Air Tight stove
with Outside Tube draft. Sold only by
. " We have strictly First-Class
Fir, Oak and
To be sold at the Lowest Market Rates.
phone 25. J- T. Peters & Co.
The DallPagy Chronicle.
CEMBEB 20, 1897
Weather: Tonight and Tuesday, oc
casional enow and warmer.
Saner kraut ! A new barrel jaat re
ceived at Maier & Benton's.
Silver and gold articles sold by T.
Van Norden will be engraved fres
charge. , ,
- Mrs. Samuel Roake was killed by a
train on the Southern Pacific near Ore
gon City yesterday.
Daring the holidays four pounds of
candy for 25 cents at Jacobsen Book and
Music Co.'s, Vogt block. .
A St. Louis jewelry store, which was
the largest of its kind in the world, was
destroyed by fire yesterday.
Keep your money at home and encourage-
home industry by smoking
Fonts' choice brands of cigars. 181m
The Snipes-Kinersly Drug Co', have
just received, a fine line of Japanese
ware suitable for- Christmas presents.
Fonts' Prize Medal is made of the
finest Vuelta Abajo Havana, and is
equal to imported goods. 18-lm
An endless Variety of exquisite holi
day gifts can be found at the Jacobsen
Book and Music Co.'s, Vogt block.
Choice Shoal water Bay oysterB Berved
iq every style at the Columbia Candy
Factory. Give as a trial- and we will
endeavor to please you. ' ,
A fresh line of choice French candies
just received at 'the Columbia Candy
Factory. They will be sold at prices bo
low that it will surprise you.
6. 'F.Foqts, the new cigar-maker, has
a fine line of cigars in a suitable shape
or holiday trade. Call on him and buy
your : gentleman friend a box for,
Christmas present. ' 18-lm
Lost A breast collar and tugs of sin
gle boggy harness, somewhere between
Jefferson street and the' flume. Anyone
returning the same to Dalles Lumbering
Co. will be rewarded. . 20-1 w
The place to buy your Xmas handker
chiefs is undoubtedly at A. M. Will
iams & Co.'s. One hundred dozen em
broidered lawn handkerchiefs put on sale
. today at half price?. See ad.
Are you looking for a Christmas gilt
for your youngest boy? Drop in-at"A.
M. Williams & Co.'s and glance over
. their assortment of boys' sweaters for
boys from 3 years up. See ad.
"South Before the War," which prom
ises to De toe best play: Of the season
will be at the Vogt Friday evening, 8e
. care your . seats as soon aa possible, as
standing room will be at par on that oc
casion. :
' Yesterday Bob Murray, caft boy
the O. R. & N. at r this place, fell and
fractured his wrist. Dr. Logan set the
received this morning, states that th
Hon. A, S. Bennett, Wilson T. Hume
and Frank Williams are spoken of as
candidates for congress for their respec
tive parties.
A social ball will be given at the Bal-
wiu opera house, luesuay evening,
December 21st. Good music will be
furnished and no questionable charac
ters will be admitted. Tickets 50c.
A. W. Robibon, Mgr.
The following high scores were made
at the club alleys daring the week end
ing Sunday : . Monday, Hanawalt 55 ;
Tuesday, Bradshaw 59; Wednesday,
Sampson 50; Thursday, Sinnott 47; Fri
day, Grimes 52 ; Saturday, McCoy 47;
Sunday, W. Vogt 55.
The following officers have been elect
ed to serve in the Endeavor society of
the Christian church for the ensuing six
months : President, Miss Alice Row
land ; vice-president, Miss Edna Brown ;
secretary, G. E. Stewart ; treasurer,
Miss Bessie Rowland.
Mays & Crowe's warehouse on Thirdj
street has been moved into the middle
of the block and a new two-story frame
structure will be put In its place, the
first story of which will be used for a
warehouse, while the Tipper floor will
contain Buites of rooms for renting. J
The following are the highest cfaily
scares for the week ending yesterday at
the Umatilla House alleys : Monday,
Maetz 58; Tuesday, W. Birefeld 57;
Wednesday, W. Nichols 62 ; Thursday,
Fleming 64; Friday, Benton 64; Satur
pay, Fleming 82; Sunday, Fleming 61.
Delos Neer, who has charge of theU
construction of G. C Blakeley'a house.
came op on the Spokane train laat night,
returning this - morning, haying -inspected
and accepted the work as satis
factory. The house is fully completed,
and the Blakeleys will' move in toinory
row. -
Otto Kleman, architect for the ' new
Catholic church, left for Portland ou the
morning train today. Mr. Kleman says
that the gieater part of' the work on the
church building is completed, and he
thinks that everything will -be ready so
that the building can be dedicated early
in February. ,
The Christian church membership of
this city have callrd as their pastor for
the coming year Rev. J. V. Boltz-, late
of Flora, III. jSev.' Boltz comes highly
recommended, both "as a pulpit orator
and pastor. He will be in The Dalles
each told 'what he wished to do wh en
grown. It was nearly 5 o'clock when
they left for homeeach with a Christ
mas card, a birthflay gift from Thomas,
and wishing '. bun many birthdays as
happy as his sixrh.
The following high ecores were made
at the Umatilla Honse ' alleys for ten
games, which . entitled the two gentler
men making them to a box of cigars
each: Fleming made 58,58,59,64,60,
60, 61, 82, 56 and 56, making a total of
614, or an averge of 61 and four pins for
each game. Maetz, who was the next
highest man, made 61, 57, 55, 55, 55. 53,
53, 53, 52, 51, making a total of 545, and
an average of 54 and four pins. TheEe
are very high scores, and there are very
few, if any, bowlers in our city who can
score such high averages.
Mr. A. C. Fox, advance agent for the
two powerful, popular and pleasing
dramas, "Hazel Kirke" and "Ticket of
Leave Man," is in the city today, and
has made arrangements to put them on
at the Vogt on the nights of Saturday,
the 25th, and Monday, the 27th inst.
"Hazel Kirke" had a phenomenal run
of nearly three years in New York City
alone,, and the "Ticket of - Leave Man"
is not behind m popularity. We should
congratulate oureelves at having such
dramas rendered in our city.
sleep in their respective ways.
As each nationalty succeeded in put
ting their babies to sleep, they stepped
back on the stage, and at the cloBe all
joined in the chorus "Sleep, Baby
Sleep," and at the same time formed a
very pretty tableau, which closed the
entertainment. ;
Day Bros, Come Out on Top.
Everyone Delighted With the Pleasing
and commence a series ot revival meet
ings on January 1st, from which date
bis pastorate begins. y, : -
Perhaps the happiest and busiest peo
ple in town last week were the children
of the Kindegarten. Added to tbe usual 1
Christmas work and anticipations, there
were three birthdays', and those cele
brting them shared them with their
schoolmates. Oa Wednesday Mrs.
Hudson gave a surprise for Thomas and
is friends at school. A cloth was
nrAAd nvnr trm kinrip.rcrfirtAn taritaa.
broken- member and at .present the lad L,hich were the birthdav cake.
t I ..... ... i.'M.-.. i l -
icoL.xiS 0Dj-, - u wy iu ro- yith ita lighted handles, and. ether cmorlJ
j y . - ' thintrs which Children eniov. While
A telephone bulletin from Portland the- children watching The tapers burn
The performance of all who took part
in the entertainment "Cradle Songs of
Nations" Saturday night was sufficient
to convince anyone of the amount of
home talent that can be brought forth
by' our town people, not only among
Abe older people, but the children as
well. -
The evening's program was opened
with a well rendered piano duet by
Georgia Sampson and Clara Nickelsen.1
The Reuben trio sang one of their
songs in a way that made all think how
inappropriate their nom de plume- is.
They also answered to an enthusiastic
encore with -a catchy eelecti.on.
"Jes 'Fore Christmas" was recited by
Miss Georgia Sampson in a very credita-
le style, alter whicn tbe ladies' sans
beautiful quartet and were vigor-
usly encored, but modestly refused to
appear tue second time.
The three new Coons were well re
ceived, and in spite of the fact that they
were Coons, seemed to receive a liberal
amount of pleasant smiles from every
one in the audience, -especially, tbe
younger element of the masculioe gen
' The lullaby chorus and nightcap drill
by thirty little girls was very pretty ;
and was executed , without an error
while Constance French's recitation
"Dreamland," would have done credit
to a girl of more mature years.
"Iu Winter I Get Dp at Night" was
sung by fourteen little girls in costume,
carrying candles', after whieb the Scotch,
Russian, Japonese, German, Spanish,
Italian, African, Indian, French and
A.mericap (toothers, sang their babes to
In the case of Hery Smith vs. Day
Bros,, a verdict waB brought in in favor
of tbe defendants.
The Oregonian say a :
' "During the progress of the trial,
Judge Bennett, of The Dalles, one of tbe
attorneys for the plaintiff, attempted to
cross-examine Colonel Day in a rather
unceremonious manner. In return, the
latter fired back such a volley of tech
nical questions that the guns of the
cross-examiner were promptly silenced.
Judge Bennett was unusually severe in
the examination of the witnesees for
the defense, and Colonel Day made the
experiment of having the judge take a
little of his own medicine, knowing full
well that the retaliation would come
when it came to addressing the jury."
In his peroration to the jury. Judge
Bennett hod his turn, nd pictured the
main plaintiff as occupying a high nitch
in tbe glorious hereaf tet , pendant upon
the bent end of a fleecy cloud, while the
colonel was way down in the basement
directing the operations of the stokers
of that department.
Colonel Day, after the verdict had
been rendered, said that when he bad
assumed control of the thermometer
business in the lower region, be would
have tbe satisfaction of having a Wasco
attorney realize-there was a hot time in
(he old town that night.
What of Your !
Christmas Gifts?
mas.... Suggestions...
Go where you find the largest
assortment of goods.
."' ' Gifts for the ladies. Gifts for
the Gentlemen.
Our line is complete and we
defy competition. ;
We claim to be able to give
you better prices on Pianos and
Organs, as well as Holiday
goods, than any other house in
Eastern Oregon. ..
Jaeobset? BooK 0 Ausk
- The Dales, Or.
Jl?e postoffiee pharmacy,
CLARKE & FALK, Proprietors.
Paie Drags an4'.-?.4iP?s''
Toilet Articles and Perfumery,
pirst Ijt of Imported agd Dofnestiq 5i$ars.
Telephone, 333. New Vogt Block.
I have re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply. every
"bbdy with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries.
GEORGE RUGH, Pioneer Grocsr j
Why not some Musical Instruments?
Not oiii v makes the Christmas occasion
brighter and happier, but it (rives pleas
ure all through the year. iSvery eood
Musical Instrument is a pleasure the
year round. Jivery one of our Musical
Instruments are Christmas values.
Book & music Company.
losing Out Sale
Are eoinar to close out their business, and rhey are offering their large slock at
All persons knowing themselves indebted to said firm are requested to call and
" settle, their account. . ' ' - ;
3ul)sci7i'be for