Tfc3 Dalles Daily Gbrctete. THE DALLES, OREGON Advertising Kate. Per inch. One Inch or less In Daily 1 SO Over two inches and under four inches 1 00 Over four Inches and under twelve Inches. . 75 Over twelve inches ... 50 DAILY AND WEEKLY. " One inch or less, per inch 12 50 Over one inch and under four inches. 2 00 Over lour inches aud under twelve inches. . 1 50 Over twelve inches , . 1 00 rCR9NAL MENTION. J. M. Patterson came down from Was co today. J. F. Moore of Nansene ia at 'the Umatilla. J. P. Nolan of Dufar was in the city yesterday. Henry Pitman, the Dafur postmaster, ia in the city today. . A. D. Bolton of Boyd made this office a pleasant call today, A. S. Hudson was over from his home near Centervule yesterday. Ben Robinaon; an enterprising Port land merchant, is visiting friends in the city. Mr. and Mrs. W. Lord left for Califor nia this morning, where they will spend the winter. Horace Lake of Portland is in the city today. He is on his way to Wamic. where he will visit his bi other, A. . Lake. D1EO, At Salem, Or., Nov. 23, 1897, Mrs. Katherine M. Bonuey, aged 49 years, the beloved wife of Elder B. F. Bonney oLTygh valley, Or. BORN. On 3-Mile, Dec. 13, 1897, to the wife of t. . lay lor, a son. Cradle 9ong; of Nations. Following is the program for the en tertainment at the Vogt tonight. It will be unusually good, and aB it has required a great deal of work to prepare it, should be greeted by a ' crowded house : . ' " PART I. Fiano Duet. . .Georgia Sampson, Clara Nickelsen Ree. "When Papa Was a Little Boy Reuben Trio K. Snipes, B. Barrett, W. Frank Rec. "Jes 'Fore Christmas". .Eugene Field Miss Georgia Sampson. Ladles Quartet Mrs. Condon, Myrtle Michell, Nelle Sylvester Mrs. Varney. Reading "My Big Sister's W dding" . . j . . . . Miss H. Johannesen Song I'm Happy, My Honey's Come to Town ...... ...New Coons i PABT II CRADLE SOXGS. Semi-Chorus Lullaby... ' Nightcap Drill Thirty Little Girls Recitation "Dreamland" Constance Freach Bong (in costume) "Ia Winter I Get Up at NJght " Fourteen Little GirlB "Baloo, My-Wee, Wee Thing" Scotch Mothers "Lullaby, My Pretty Baby" Russians "Sleep, Sleep, on theFloor". . Japanese Lul-la-lul-la-by, Hash' My Baby Do Not Cry. Germans "Slumber, Slumber, Darling" '..Spanish --oiumoer, siumoer, uariing Bp '81eep My Baby. Sleep My Darling ' It -"Go to Sleep, My Little Plcauiuny". . . . . Af -"Nic-Nao-no-bhlon na-dy" In . . Italians .Africans i-dv" Indians 'Huh Mv Babv. Sleen" French -J'Rock-a-bye, ba-bv on the Tree Top". Americans Full Chorus 'Sleep, Baby, Sleep". . Ad Nations Admiesion 25 cents; reserved eeata, 35 . cents, on sale at the Snipes-Eineraly drugstore. Doora open at 7:30; curtain .rises at 8. THE CHURCHES "Calvary Bap'tist church. Elder Wil "Ijurtt pastor At 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. tnr regular services : Sunday school at 10 a. tn. ; young people's meeting at 6 :30. Lutheran services in the basement of the new church tomorrow aa follows: Morning services at 11:00, Sunday school at 12:00. There will be no eve ning service. M. E. church, corner Fifth and Wash ington streets, J. H.Wood, pastor Ser vices as follows : Class meeting at 10 a.m.; morning service at 11 ; Sunday school 12:20;- Junior League 4; Ep worth League at 6 :30; evening service at 7 :30. All are invited. , Sunday services at the Congregational church, corner Court and Fifth streets, as follows: At 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. worship, and a sermon by the pastor, W.C.Curtis; Sunday school immedi - ately after the morning service; meeting of the Young People's Society of Chris tian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. Topic, Our eins and bow to get rid of them ; ' Luke xiii :13-30. Meeting of Junior Endeavor 3:30 o'clock in the afternoon. All not worshipping elsewhere are cor dially, invited. . . : " Free Fills Send your address to H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. . A trial will convince you of their merits These Pills are easy in action and . are particularly effective in the cure of.Con stipation and Sick Headache. For Ma laria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly. free from every deleter ious substance and to be purely vegeta ' ble. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowela 'greatly invigorate the eye- tern. Regular size 25c. -per box. Sold by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. (4) After meals you abould have Bimply a feeling of comfort and satisfaction. You should not feel any special indications Daisv Gabs Daisy Cans V1AIER & BENTON that digestion is going cn. If you do, you have indigestion, which means not- digeetion. This may bo the beginning of 89 many dangerous diseases, that it is best to take it in hand at. once and treat it with Shaker Digestive Cordial. For you know that indication makes poison, which causes pain, and sickness. And that Shaker Digestive Cordial helps di gestion and cures indigestion. Sbat er Digestive Cordial does this by providing the digestive materials in which the sick stomach is wanting. It also tones up and etrengthena the digestive organs and makes them ' perfectly healthy. This ia the rationale ot its method of cure, aa the doctors would say.. Sold by by druggists, price 10 cents to $1.00 per bottle. - Bow to PrercDt f'seomoBta At this time of the year a cold is very easily contracted, and if left to ruu its course without the aid, ot some reliable cough medicine is liable to result in that dread disease, pneumonia. We know of no better lemedy to cure a cough or cold than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. We have used it quite extensively and it has always given entire satisfaction Olagah, Ind. Ter. Chief. This is the only remedy that ia knowu to he a certain preventive of pneumoDia. Among the many thousands who have used it for colds and la grippe, we have not yet learned of a single case having re suited in pneumonia. Persona who have weak lungs or have reason to fear an at tack of pneumona, should keep the remedy at band. The 25 and oU cent sizes for sale by Blakeley & Houghton Notice is hereby given that bids will be received by the county court for keep ing the county charges by. the week for. the ensuing year. All bids znut be filed with the clerk on or before the 5th day ot January, 1898, at 9 o'clock a. m. Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. . A. M, Jvelsay,. County Clerk, NOTICE.. Commencing Monday, December 20, the steamers of the Regulator Line will leave Portland at 6 o'clohk a. m.,-and The Dalles at 6:30 a. m. W. C. Alaway, Qen. Agt. Casb In Your Checks. ' t . All countv warrants' registered prior to July 7, 1893, will be paid at my omce. interest ceases after Oct. 2tu, ia. U. L.. Phillips, ' County Treasurer. Sterling: Silver NovAltles. - Pease & Mays will have on display to morrow, Taesday, a collection of silver novelties for holiday gifts that ia worthy oi your attention. . . .... . To Care a Cola In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund tLe money if tney tail to cure. zoc. . -Employment Wanted., - A widow with several -children would like to move to The- Dalles - to give her children schooling, and desires employ ment, chamber work preferred. Ad dress "'. Mes. Wm. Sharer, , ., Chendwetb, Wash. Everybody reads Thk Chronicle. - i Weak If you cous ivhed until the lining mem- braneofyouf throat and lungs & is inflamed", ' m Scott's Emulsion 1 u of God-liver Oil will soothe, m strengthen and protafcly cure, w The cod"-liver oil feeds and & strengthens the -weakened tis- y sues. The glycerine soothes $'and heals them. The hypo- v phosphites of lime and soda p $ impart tone and vigor. Don't w $ neglect these coughs. One i $ bottle of the Emulsion may do r. .. 1 it a. a more lor you now man ueu can do later on. Be sure you I get SCOTT'S Emulsion. 1 All druggists ; 50c and Ji.oo. ! SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York. Don't be persuaded into buying lini ments without .reputation or merit Chamberlain's Pain Balm costs no more, and its merits have been proven by a test of many years. Such letters as the following, from L. G. Bagley, Hueneme, Cal., are constantly being received: "CIhe beet remedy for, pain I have ever used is Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and I say ao after having used it in mv family for several yeara;" Itcurea rheumatism lame back, sprains aud swellings. For Bale by Blakeley &. Houghton. , - ,.'". ;;: J. fj(?ale Boots and ShoCS Jilade to Order. A Perfect fit guaranteed. Repairing neatly doue at short notice. j Union St. bet. 1st and 2d A NEW MARKET. FRTjrr, VEGETABLES, irOULTRY, FISH AND GAME. . , -. ' . Chickens Dreased to Order., t Promt Delivery to any part of the city, : A. N. VARNEY : Phone 12. Third and Washington Sts FRENCH & GO., BANKERS. TRANSACT A QKNEKALBANKINO BTJ81NEB Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. . Sight Exchange - and Telegraphic Transfers sold on New. York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore gon, Seattle Wash,, and various points in Oregon and Washington. Collections made at all pointe on fav orable terms. ; D RS-GEISESDOKEFEB & KCEDT, Physicians and Surgeons, . Special attention given to surgery. ' Booms 21 and 22, Tel. 328. Vogt Block 10BD VA SFEClALTYonTO n Jtlary BLOOD FOJ SON permanently cured la 16 toiio days. Yon can be treated a ty. If TOO prefer to comehere we will traCttODaTrailroadfareandhntnlbllla mnt cochargo, 1 1 we fail to care. If you have taken, laer. eury, iodide potaHb, and atll have acba and pains, Mooongl'atchM in mouth. Sore Throat, l'imples. Copper Colored Spot?, Ulcers on any part of the body, Hair or Eyebrows fallina? oat. It ia tbia Secondary BLOOD P01So5 mrurantee to euro. We solicit toe most obstK Date eases and cnallenge tlie world for a case weeannotenre. ahis disease has always baffled tue Hk ill of the most emiaentpfaysH elans. 50U,t00 capital behind loor nncondl. tlonal (rnaranty. Absoluteproof; Bent sealed 00 application. Address COOK REMEDY CO. . bXiXtMtonie leinple, tiHCAvO, XXJU PQieon Forv more thaD . fifty-six years it has never failed in its -weekly visits to the homes oi larmers and villagers throxighont the United States. IT HAS faithfully labored for their prosperity and happi ness, for the improvement of their business and home interests, for education, for the elevation of American manhood and true womanhood. IT HAS told at the fireside, interesting and instructive stories of the doings of the world, the nation and states. IT HAS advised the farmer as to the most approved meth ods of cultivating and harvesting his crops, and the proper time to convert them into the largest possible . amount of money. - : IT HAS led in . all matters larmers and villagers, and tor over half a century has ,. held their, confidence and esteem. . . . . IT IS THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, and we furnish it with the Semi-Weekly Chronicle one year for $1.75, cash in advance. ' PiOfJEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this well-known Bakery, and, am now prepared to supply everyr body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. GEORGE RUCH. Pioneer Grocer REMEMBER. We Fir, Oak and Maple Wood. To "be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 25. J. T. Peters & Co. Cidsing FURNITURE CARPETS. Are goiDg to cloBe oat their business, and they are offerine their large stock at COST PRICES. Now is the time to buy good Fnrnitnre cheap. All persons kno wins themselves indebted to said firmware requested to call and ' settle their account. M.Z..DONNE PfESCrlPTIOfl DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN. ' ' Four bead of catttle of the lollowing descrption: ' One black and white spotted steer, 3 years old. . One red and white spotted steer, two years old. One red and white spotted cow, about 5 years old. One last spring bull calf, red and white spotted- The first - three are marked with a-swallow fork in the right and andef bit in left ear, and all four are branded g The calf is not ear-marked. Anyone who has, or knows the where abouts of, the above described cattle, will confer a fpvor.on me by "notifying me, and I will pay all' expense connect ed therewith. John Stbgman, decl9-4w f The Dalles, Or. Subscribe for Tax Chronicle. BORN SEPTEMBER 1841. pertaining to the welfare of have strictly First-Class Out AND PERFUMERY. THE DALLES, OR The SarprUe of All. ' . . Mr- Janes Jones,' of the drug firm of Jones & Son, Cowden, 111., speaking of Dr. King's New Discovery, eaya that last winter his wife was attacked with La Grippe, and her case grew so serious that physicians ot Cowden : and Pan a could do nothing for her. - It seemed to develop into Hasty Consumption. - Hav ing Dr.-King's New Discovery in store, and selling lots of it, he took a bottle home, and to the surprise of alJ she be-: gan to get better : from - first dose, and .half-dozen dollar bottles cured her eoond and well.1 'Dr.' King's-- New "Discovery1" ion Conanmptiou, Congha and Colds is guaranteed to do this good work. Try it. Free trial bottles at Blakeley k Hough ton's drug store. 4 1 llo . - Ci-' ' . "f, TO THE EISTI GIVE3 THE CHOICE OF TWO Transcontinental ROUTES! GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY. OREGON SHORT LINE. -VIA- Spokane Minneapolis St. Paul ; Salt Lake Denver Omaha Kansas City Chicago Low Rates to all Eastern Cities OCRAN BTKAMEKS LeiTe .Portland KrerT K1t liars for SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Steamers monthly from Portland to Yokohama and Hong Kong via North ern Pticific Steamship Co. in connection with O.R.&N. For lull detallR call on O. K & Co. Agent at Tne Dalles, or address W, H. HUKLBOET, Gen. Pasa. A(rt - Portland, Oregon TIME CAM). No. 4, to Spokane and Great Northern arrives at5:25p. m., leaves at 5:30 p. m. No. 2, to Pendle ton, Baker City and Union Vacinc,arrives at 12:45 a in., departs at 12:50 a. in. - r No 8, from Spokane and Great Northern, ar rives at 9'20 a. m., departs at 9:25 a. m. No. I, from Baker City and Union Pacific, arrives at 3:20 a. m., departs at 3:80 a. m. Nos. 23 and 24, moving east of The Dalles, will carry" passengers. No. 23 arrives at 5 p. m., . departs at 1 :4o p. m. - Passengers for Heppner take No, 2, leaving here at 12:50 p. m. EAST and SOUTH via The Shasta Route Southern Pacific Comp'y. Trains leave and are due to arrive at Portland. OVERLAND EX-1 press, Bolem, Rose-' burg, Ashland, Sac- I '6:00 P. M, J ramento, Ogden,San ! 1 Franciseo, Moiave, ( A.M. xxs Angeies.biiraso, i New Orleans and I East .. -.. . 1 8:30 A. il. Roseburg and way kta- uous . . . :i0 V. M Daily except Sundays. fvla Woodburn for I Mt. Angel, Silverton, ? West Scio, Browns ville.Sprlngfleld and (.Natron Daily exoept Sundays. t7:30 A. 5J I Corvallla and way stations ( :50 P. M. INDEPENDENrE PASSENGER. Express train . Daily (except Sunday). - " 4;o0p.m. (I.v Portland. .. .Ar.) 8:25a.m 7:30 p.m. Ai..McMiunville..L.v. 5;30a,m. 8:30 p. m. (Ar .Independence.. Lv ) 4:.t0 a. rru Daily. Daily, except Sunday, DINING CARS ON OGDEN ROUTE. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND SECOND-CLASS SLEEPING CARS Attached to all Through Trains. Direct connection at Han Francisco with Occi dental and Oriental and Pacihc mall steamship lines for JAPAN and CHINA. Sailing dates On application. " - , Kates and tickets to Eastern points and Eu rope. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU and AUSTRALIA, can be obtained from - . . J. B. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent. Through Ticket Office, 1S4 Third street, where through tickets to all points in the Eastern States, Canada and Europe can be obtained a,t lowest rates from J. B. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent. V ATI llhnvA rralTi, nrrtvA nr. nnri diniurr fmm Grand Central Station, Fifth, and Irving streets . - YAMHILL DIVISION. Passenger Depot, foot of Jeflerson street. , Leave for OSWEGO, daily, except Sunday, at 7:20 a. ro.; 12:30, 1:55, 5:15, 6:25, 8:05 p. m. (and 11:30 p. m. on Saturday only, arid 9:00 a. m and 8:30 p. m. on Sundays only). .Arrive at roruana aaiiy ar b:4u &nau;m) a m. ; ana 1:35, -a...', - v nun J .m . am., auu lu.w ' ' 1 , o Xit" 5; 10 p. m. on Sundays only). . Ieave for Sheridan, week days, t 4:30 p. m Arrive at Portland, 9:30 a. m . Leave for ATRLIE on Monday, "Wednesday and Fri.iay at 9:40a.m. Arrive at Portland, Tues day, Thursday and 8a turd aj it 8:05 p. m. Except Sunday. Except Saturday. , . R. KOEHLER, .. Manager. G, H. MARKHAM,' Asst. G. F. A Pass. Agt . -.t r ,t He GoliunfiiaFuCMo., PACKERS OF ' ' . PORKanci BEEF MAN U FACTU RERS OF . Fine Lard and Sausages. Curersof BRAND SAMS & BACON , DRIED BEEF. ETC. NOTICE. -1 tave a white spotted calf, about 2 years old, without mark' or brand, at nay farm,' on Cbenoweth 'creek,' foar miles' from iThS 'DaHes. ''Anyone -who will prove property and pay oost of ad vertising, can have the same. , A Y, .Mabsh.