The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 18, 1897, Image 3

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56-inch Bleach d amask .50 Special $ .44
58 " " " .75 " G2h
58 " " " " .85 ' " .69"
70 " " " ....... 1.00 " .79
72 " Satin " 1.00 .82
72 " . - " 1.25 , ' .96
72 " " " 1.50 " 1.23
5-8 Bleached Napkins1.... .80 . " .72
5-8 " . - " 1.00 " .79
5-8 " 1.25 .96
3-4 " 1.50 ' 1.23
3-4 "r " -. 1.75 " 1.41
3-4 " 2.50 1.99
3-4 " " ...3.00 " 2.29
3-4 " " : 4.00 " 2.98
3-4 " ' " 5.00 " 4.07
7-8 " " ., 7.00- " .5.19
Special Values for the Holidays in Smyrna, Axmin
ster, Moquette, Kudistan and Skin Rugs. . -
$ .85 values .$ .70 $2.50 values ...... $1.95
1.25 values............ 1.00 3.00 values... .. 2.40
1.50 values 1.25 4.50 values.... 3,70
1.75 values 1.35 5.00 values... 3.97
A Beautiful Assortment in FIVE BIG PILES
at 22 Jc, 45c, 60c, 80c and 95c. Our better grades of
Pillows up to $5.00 reduced in proportion.
Gents' Black. Velvet Embroidered Slippers
...... 75c grade for $ .50
Gents' Black Soft Kid Opera Slippers
,.;.';. ,......$1.25 grade for "1.01
Gents' Chocolate Stamped Alligator Slippers...'-..
very good values i.25
Gents' Black Kid Turn Sole Slippers .... ............
extra fine and easy 1.50
Gents' Wine Pocket-book Leather Slippers .. ....
handsome goods 1.75
Gents' Black Kid Turn Sole Purhps,.for danc
ing parties ....... ...... 1.75
Gents' Patent Leather Turn Sole Pumps....:......
very swell .' . 2.50
Ladies' Plush Trimmed Leather Sole Felt. Slip-
pers, worth. 75c, for....:..,.. .50
Ladies' Red, Pink and Black Knit Slippers;
very pretty presents...."........ .v '. ,1.00
Ladies' Extra Quality Turn Sole Felt Slippers;
Black or Brown.... 1.35
Ladies' New Grenette Turn Sole Felt Slippers;
the latest thing out...
Alao a fine line of Felt Jnliets for Ladies, Misses and Children, and
numerous other Holiday Goods. '.
' 1 r
All Goods Marked in Plain Figures.
Furnishing Goods Department.
A handsome assortment of Mufflers, Handkerchiefs,
Neckties, Hosiery, Etc.
Gents' Neckties, just the thing for everyda'
wear...............!.,.... ........ f .25
Gents' Neckties, especially good when you con
sider the price ........................ ....... .50
Gents' Neckties, that will make a homely man
look handsome .75
Gents Neckwear, to suit the most fastidious
.and exacting......: ......85c and 1.00
Gents' Neckties; the latest creations of fin-de-
secle conceptions .... $1.25 and 1.50
We have them for 50c that will keep you just as
warm 'as the very finest.
Fine Silk Mufflers, some handsome patterns .75
" in large sizes.;.' 1.00
" ".. . extra good values . 1.25
" " " superb in coloring. 1.50 and 1.75
Colored border or plaini hemstitched $ .25
Silk worked initials, pure white .25
In colors, a large variety to select from .35
" In colors, heavy silk and large size 75c and 1.00'
Our Large Assortment of Fancy and Staple Hosiery
' will "make any man feel good from his toes up.
. New Swell Plaids and Fancy Silk Mixtures ... ....$ .50
Tb3 Dalles Daily Chronicle.
At the Vogt
"Cradle Songa of Nations."
Weather Tonight and tomorrow, fair.
Sauerkraut! A new barrel just re
ceived at Maier & Benton's.
Silver and gold articles 9old by T. A.
Van Norden will be engraved frea of
Daring . the holidays four pounds of
candy for 25 cents at Jacobsen Book and
Music Co.'s, Vogt block.
Keep your money at home and en
courage home industry by smoking
Fonts' choice brands of cigars. 18-lm
The Snipes-Kinerely Drug Co. have
just received a fine line of Japanese
ware suitable for Christmas presents.
Fonts' Prize Medal is made of the
finest Vuelta Abajo Havana, and is
equal to imported goods. 18-lm
An endless variety of exquisite holi
day gifts can be found at the Jacobsen
Book and Music Co.'s, Vogt block.
Choice Shoal water Bay oysters served
in every style at - the Columbia Candy
Factory. Give us a trial and we will
endeavor to please you.
A fresh line of choice French candies
just received at the Columbia Candy
Factory. They will be sold at prices eo
low that it will surprise you."
S. F. Fouts, the new cigar-maker, has
a fine line of cigars in a suitable shape
for holiday trade. Call on him and buy
yonr gentleman friend a box for a
Christmas present. 18-lm
A social ball will be given at the Bal
dwin opera house, Tuesday evening,
December 21st. Good music will be
furnished and no questionable charac
ters will be admitted. Tickets 50c.
A. W. Robison, Mgr.
A Kansas City man who was married
recently, has relatives in St. Louis
named Damm. At the wedding, among
the congratulatory missives read, was a
telegram from St. Louis saying:. "Ac
cept the congratulations of the wEoIbJ
Damm family.
H. S. Turner, of the Dufur Dispatch.ii
in the city today, attending . to business
matters. - lie says that the people of
Dufur are fully asinterested in bowling
as they are in this city. His clubrooms
. have a good attendance, and it is ft
wonder that some one did not think of
building club rooms in that town long
ego. 7-
un me evening ot jjecemDer Z4ttt"Tne
South Before the War" will be put onl
at the Vogt opera house" in this city. 1
This play has been well received in ev
' ery city in the country, and comeB
well recommended bv the press and the
people. It will be here on Christmas
eve, which will give everyone an op
portunity to spend the occasion in the
merriest kind of a way, since it is very
laughable throughout.
The work of putting the fa mace into
the new Lutheran church building is
about done, and it will be but a short
lime until it will be ready to receive the
furniture,' which has already been or
dered. After the furniture arrives it
will have to be re-painted, which, owing
to the condition cf the weather at pres
ent, will take some time. About Feb
ruary 15tb, at the very latest date, this
church will be ready for dedication.
Joseph Knox ot Hood River is in the
citv today. He informs us that a new
road is to be run from Tucker's mill
south, intersecting the old road at Lan
ds' place, and leading into the Mt.
Hood country to Cloud Cap Inn. By
this road several bad hills will be avoid
ed and it will make a difference of sev
eral miles in distance, making it easier
to reach the Inn from Hood River. As
much encouragement is offered, there is
no doubt that the road will be completed
before the summer's traffic begi
One of A. M. Williams' windows is
dressed in a very appropriate Christmas
attire. The shepherds are represented
herding their flocks on the mountains,
and above is the angel informing them
of the birth of the Savior. The back
ground is draped with a beautiful dis
play of handkerchiefs, while the angel,
the shepherds, and in fact everything in
the window, except the sheep, are neat
ly attired in the same articles. Mr.
Jensen, the artist who arranged the
window, is very original in his ideas,
and he uses them to a good advantage.
The small boys and gins are excep
tionally lucky, since toda is Saturday
and in order to enjoy th coasting they
are not forced to play . hookey from
"cbool. We notice orae thing, and that
is that this coasting proposition is some
thing like the circu deal, wheie older
people who want ta see the show, go in
order to gratify yie desires of the chil
dren, as they expess it, when they are
roaiiy goiog lortneir own beneht. So
it is with coastiag; if they want to en
joy this diversion they eay they go to
see that the little folks do not get hurt
L. J. Adams, brother-in-law of Al
Coolidge, jr., recently killed by the Van
tPelts, returned' to Salem yesterday from
jroia iseacn, uurry county. Jde "was
:here a few days, looking after property
ntereets, and. was accompanied by
Joseph Cavanaugh. They report the
Van Pelts are sot and have not been
nfined in jail. On reaching Gold
each at 10 o'clock Sunday night, De-
For the Antecedent of
Pan! Ifranz de
The imperial ; German embassy at
Washington addressed a letter to Gover
nor Lord, making inquiry aB to the "rec
ord and antecedents of the person styling
himself Paul .Franz de Rohun, who is
believed by the German authorities to be
identical with the swindler "who ap
peared about two years ago at Tacoma
and Portland, where he styled himself a
bishop, and subsequently served a term
in jail at Astoria.
It is so long ago since the hogus bish
op operated here that the police
have altogether lost sight of him, and
they are at the present moment, in
no position to furnish any information
concerning this man. beyond that which
is of notorious public record. That he
at some time must have studied for the
Catholic clergy is an indisputable fact,
else he could not have eo successfully
imposed on Archbishop Gross and lesser
officials of the Catholic church. .
He was a man of superior education,
striking personality and a plausibility of
anner which conspired to infuse con-
dence in his victims. But the tnost
ysteriona phase in connection with
is career, when his learning and natu
ral attributes are considered, is that his
rascalities were of the petty larceny or
der, whereas he bad all the requisites to
render him successful as a confidence
operator of the highest order.
It is intimated that this bogus priest
belongs to a noble German family, and
hat at one time be was an officer in the
German army. But what prompted nim
o leave the Fatherland and come to this
country in the guise ot a priest cannot
be ascertained. . "
. However, the fact that the German
embassy is manifesting eo much interest
in the eo-called Paul Fracz de Rohan,
as to institute inquiries respecting him,
indicates that he is a person of more im
portance than he appeared to be here,
or possibly that Kaiser Wilhelm's an
thorities may have more, use .for him
than had the Americans. -
Seal Kstate Transactions.
camber 5. Adams and Cavanaugh were
met at the hotel door by the Van Peltc.
It was found that the Bix Van Pelts and
Hughes, charged with the killing of
young Coolidge, are -stopping' at .the
hotel, at the expense of Curry county,
wbich is Jjo per week each.
r 15 e, W M ; $600.
Fred Zimmerman to Jesse Simonson,
nwj sec 13 n, r 12 e, W M, containing
160; $400.
J A and Elizabeth Gulliford to Lottie
M Watts, block 6 in the fourth addition
to the town of Dufur ; $500.-
Julia A Smith and husband to Ches
ter McReynolde, e4 ewj, sec 33, tp 1
n, r 15 e, containing 8 acres more or less ;
J M Smith and wife to Mrs Tennesen,
lot I, block 53 of the Fort Dalles Mil
Res to Dalles City; $105. . "
In . the trial of Allen Logan in Dallas
lait week, on the charge of murdering
Enoch Sylvester, the head of the dead
man was produced in court. The prose
cution secured identification of the grew
some piece of evidence, and showed the
jury fractures in the back part of the
skull sufficient to cause death. The de
fense, however, produced as witnesses
three of the physicians who had been
present at the post-mortem, and estab
lished that the cartful examination these
physicians bad made was with special
referenca to establish the fact of whether
or not the blow delivered by Logan had
fractured the tkull, and each swore pos
itively that tk the post-mortem no such
fractures were to be found. The bead
turned out to be a booineranz for the
prosecution, and It probably contributed
to the verdict in Logan's favor.
The general admission to the enter
tainment, ".Cradle Songs of Nations,"
will be 25 cents ; reserved seats 35 cents.
What of Yonr . . . .1
Christmas Gifts?
Frank Kincaid and wife to W. Bolton
and wife, ne swj, b swj and sw
eei sec 36, tp 8 s, r 17e, containing 160
acres ; ocnBideratioa $700.- . -"
W S Kelsay and wife to A M Kirch
eimer, nej sec 48, township. 5 s, r 16 e,
W M ; $2000.
Mary J Swift and husband to Josie
Lake, e se, swj se, swj sec 22,
tp 4 s. r 12, containing 160 acres: con
sideration $1500.
Hugh Glenn to E B Dufur and F Men
efee, w nw and sej nw, and nwJi
of swj sec 8, tp 1 s r 13 e.
James Divers to M Randall, lot 3,
block 5, Bigelow's Bluff Addition to
Dalles City; $525."
FA Rees and wife 'to Cha? Kobler,
sej nwj, swj, w) se, sec 19, tp 2 e,
Why not some Musical Instruments?
Not o&iv makes the Christmas occasion
brighter and happier, but it gives pleas
ure all through the year.. Every good
Musical Instrument is a pleasure the
year round, iwery one of our Musical
Instruments are Christmas values.
I, C. NicMscn
Book St masie Company.
We have just received
another shipment of
Andean now supply our customers. .
The Uilsoij is the only Air Tight stove
with Outside Tube draft. Sold only by
mas.... Sugges
Go where you find the largest
assortment of goods.
Gifts for the ladies. Gifts for
the Gentlemen.
Our line is complete and we
defy competition. .
We claim to be able to give
you better prices on Pianos and
Organs, as 'well as Holiday
goods, than any other house in
Eastern Oregon.
Jacobser; Boo G flu$ Qd
The Dales, Or.
yi?e postoff iee pfyarmaqy,
CLARKE &. FALK, Proprietors.
Pare Dtags and JWedieines.
Toilet Articles and Perfumery,
pirjqst Ijr of Imported aijd Domestic 5iars.
Telephone, 333. New Vogt Block.
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