63) . ; - f I DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. TABLE LINEN. 56-inch Bleached Damask $ .50 Special $ .44 " .09 . 58 58 70 72 72 72 Satin .ID .85 1.00 1.00 1.25 1.50 G2A 5-8 Bleached Napkins ..' ;. .80 5-8 5-8 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 7-8 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.50 3.00 4.00 5.00 7.00 .79 1 .82 .96 1.23 .72 .79 .96 1.23 1.41 1.99 2.29 2.98 4.07 5.19 i rtjg-s: Special Values for the Holidays in Smyrna, Axmin ster, Moquette, Kudistan and Skin Rugs. $ .85 values!..... .70 $2.50 values. ....... ..$1.95 1.25 values. 1.00 3.00 values. .. 2.40 1.50 values 1.25 4.50 values...... 3,70 1.75 values..... 1.35 5.00 values 3.97 PILLOWS. A Beautiful Assortment in FIVE BIG PILES at 22c, 45c, 60c, 80c and 95c. Our better grades of Pillows up to $5.00 reduced in proportion. SHOE DEPARTMENT. Gents' Black Velvet Embroidered Slippers .. ... ;75c grade for ,$..50 Gents' Black Soft Kid Opera Slippers.. ........ .-. $1.25 grade for 1.00 Gents'. Chocolate Stamped Alligator Slippers...... very good Values , .1.25 Gents' Black Kid Turn Sole Slippers extra fine and easy..... 1.50 Gents' "Wine Pocket-book Leather Slippers v. ... handsome goods 1.75 Gents' Black Kid Turn Sole Pumps, for danc ing parties ..... 1.75 Gents' Patent Leather Turn Sole Pumps very swell... 2.50 Ladies' Plush Trimmed Leather Sole Felt Slip pers, worth 75c, for .50 Ladies' Red, Pink and Black Knit Slippers; very pretty presents..... 1.00 Ladies Extra Quality Turn Sole Felt Slippers; Black or. Brown... . 1.35 Ladies' New Grenette Turn Sole Felt Slippers; the latest thing out........:........-....... . 1.50 Also & fine line of Felt Juliets for Ladies, Misses and Children, and numerous other Holiday Goods. , PEASE 8t pMYS, AH G-oods Marked in Plain Figures. 50 75 1.00 1.50 Furnishing Goods Department. A handsome assortment of Mufflers, Handkerchiefs', Neckties, Hosiery, Etc. Gents' Neckties, just the thing for everyday wear, ..... $ !25 Gents JSeckties, especially good when you con sider the price Gents' Neckties, that will make a homely man look handsome Gents Neckwear, to suit the most fastidious and exacting ... .........J ..........85c and. Gents' Neckties; the latest creations of fin-de-secle conceptions. ........ .$1.25 and MUFFLERS. We have them for. 50c that will keep you just as warm as the very finest. Fine Silk Mufflers, some handsome patterns .-... .75 " " in large sizes., ................. 1.00 " " " extra good values 1.25 " " " superb in coloring. 1.50 and 1.75 SILK HANDKERCHIEFS. Colored border or plain hemstitched $ .25 Silk worked initials, pure white .. .25 In colors, a large variety to select from L .35 In colors, heavy silk and large size : .75c and 1.00 HOSIERY. Our Large Assortment of Fancy and Staple Hosiery will make any man feel good from his toes up. New Swell Plaids arid Fancy Silk Mixtures .$ .50 I Ths Dalles Daily Chronicle. FRIDAY DECEMBER 17, 1897 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Weather Tonight and Saturday, probably fair. Reserve your seats and hear the little Niggers sing "Alabama Coon" Saturday night. Silver and gold articlea sold by T. A. Van Norden will be engraved free of charge. Keep- yonr money at home and en courage home industry by smoking routs' choice brands of cigars. 18-lm The Snipes-Kinerely Drug Co. have just received a fine line of Japanese ware suitable for Christmas presents. dcl3-lw Fonts' Prize Medal is made of the finest Vdelta Aba jo Havana, and is equal to imported goods. 18-lm ' The Van Pelt gang, held in Curry county for murder, were denied a writ of habeas corpus by Judge Riley last week. ' M'ibb Johannesen, the elocutionist who is now giving lessons in our city, will give a reading at the entertainment to. morrow night. - . ' Choice Shoalwater Bay oysters served in every style at . the Columbia Candy Factory.' Give us a - trial and we will endeavor to please you. A fresh Unto of choice French candies just received at the ' Columbia Candy Factory. They will be sold at prices so low that it will surprise you. Joseph Ell was re-elected chief of the Pendleton fire department for the fifth time Monday night, receiving a majority of seven in a vote of fifty-five.. Teamsters arebaulicg tiofbers for the new school bcilding . in jfcademy park today, some of them beirrg so loDg that it is with difficulty that they can turn the corners. S. F. Fonts, the new cigar-maker, has a fine line of cigars in a suitable shape for holiday trade. Call on him and buy your gentleman friend a box for a Christmas present. . 18-lm The Beardsley and McCoy barber shop - changed hands today, the originaljowner, Tom McCoy, having purchased the Bame, and in future it will be conducted under his supervision. A social ball will be given at the Bal dwin opera house, Tuesday evening, December 21st. Good music will be furnished and no questionable charac ters will be admitted. Tickets 50c. A. W. Robison, Mgr. Christmas turkeys are eoming in at a rapid rate, many of .which are being shipped to other .'places. Large con signments will be shipped to Tacoma and Seattle, and also quite a number to Portland. Reports from Dufur, state that Mon day and Tuesday were model days, be ing warm, dry and beautiful. This had the good result of drying up the roads to a great extent, so that' travel is much easier over them now than a week ago. A crew of men, are at work on Second street under the supervision of Marshal Lauer, and they are putting it ' in firet claBB shape. We only hope that the snow will stay away long enough for the workmen to finish this needed improve ment. The ladies wish to impress upon the minds of the children who take part in the entertainment Saturday, that the final practice will be held Saturday morning at 9 o'clock. . Every child shonld be present dressed In costume, and carrying her doll. , The government Indian school on the Umatilla reservation ' has been placed under strict quarantine regulations oh account of an epidemic of measles among the pupils. There is only one pupil at tending school. The disease is of mild form and ad yet no deaths have been reported. - Wednesday Theodore Durrant re ceived tbe death sentence for the fourth time. The day named this time iB Jan uary 7thi - His attorneys intend making another bard fight, and will leave for Washington immediatety to pat his case once more before the supreme court of the United States. Burglars entered the Monday night, forced drawer and secured (8. several boxes of candy. glare entered the Columbia shoe store and attempted to open a vault, but failed. They took several pairs of ehoes, The police are working on a clue. About noon enow began failing, and at the time of going to press it looked as if it might continue all night. On ac count of the . muddy condition of the streets, it melts as soon aa it falls ; but if it turns a few degrees colder, we had better get our cutters in running order, as everything but Pague's forecast in dicates a fall of enow. ; Fred Burchtorf has completed one of tbe most beautiful things in the shape of a work-box we have ever had the pleasure to look upon. The outside is constructed solely of hard wood, beauti fully inlaid with mother of pearl nicely polished, and is without doubt a won derful piece of work.' The friend whom he favors with this beautiful Christmas gift should certainly appreciate it highly. The election at Harmony Temple, No. 12, Rathbone Sisters, last night, result ed in the following ladies being elected to office for "the coming year; P. C., Minnie Gosser ; M, E.-C, Mrs. tSrad shaw; E. S., Mrs. Kelaay; E. J.Mrs. Rorden; Man., Mrs. Waud : P. of E., Mrs. Driver; ,G. of O. T.t Mrs. Gilbert; M. of Rv C, Mrs. Gavin ;"M, of F., Mrs Walthers ; C. of S., Miss Snell. Everything is . exceptionally quiet around the stockyards the last few days. Spa at Astoria open the cash They also took The same bur- No shipping of any importance is being done, and .from indications the ' stock shipments from Tbe Dalles for this year are about ended. Since early last spring, up to a short "time ago, scarcely a day passed that more or less etock was not shipped from this place, and the ques tion in the minds of many tras where do they all come from. Snow began to fall about 6 o'clock last evening, and continued ; falling lightly during tbe greater part of the night, so that by morning our city, and more especially the surround ing country, had a decidedly wintry ap pearance. About . a half inch of enow remained bn the ground during the day, and at the time of going to press it was snowing. At Dufur and other places of higher altitude there is over an inch of snow. NEWS NOTES. Durrant's attorney, Mr. Duprey, is very much put out about Judge Bahr's action in the Durrant case, and says be will assault the judge at the first oppor tunity. - - . McKenna's name for supreme judge has been sent; to the senate by President McKinley, but no action will be taken in the matter, however, until after tbe holidays-.. Advices from Havana state that the Spanish generals are very much offended at the president's message; also that an infernal machine bad been discovered in the United States consulate at Havan hah. . ' Bates Soper, who murdered his wife and two children at Aschie, Mo., in 1891, and who was recently arrested in Ore gon, where he. married again, was sen tenced at Harrisonville, Mo., yesterday, to be hanged on February 4. A blizzard prevailed in South Dakota and parts of . Minnesota yesterday. Trains were badly delayed at ' Water town, S. D., owing to drifting snow. The thermometer has dropped in St. Paul 16 degrees in two hours. Latest reports state that congress has made an appropriation of $250,000 to send supplies to the suffering miners in the Klondike country. Senator McBride introduced the resolution, and oh Wed nesday he consented to allow tbe resolu tions to be committed to tbe monetary affairs committee.- Mail advices received from Madrid, telegrams and telephone messages on this Bubject being forbidden, say tbe Spanish military journals, especially the most important, ' the Correepondencia Mil it aire, declare that 'twenty generals have come to an agreement to engineer a protest against McKinley's message to congress, which is considered : insulting to the Spanieh army. The general admission to tbe enter tainment, . "Cradle Songs of Nations," will be 25 cents"; reserved seats 35 cents. "Cradle Songs of Nation." Following is the program for the en tertainment at the Vogt tomorrow night. It will be unusually good, and aa it has required a great deal of work to prepare it, should be greeted , by a crowded house : PABT I. Piano Duet. . Georgia Sampson, Clara Nickelsen Rec "When Papa Was a Little Boy . . Ben ben Trio... . . . V. Snipes, B. Barrett, W. Frank Rec. "Jes 'Fore ChriBtmas". Eugene Field , ' Miss Georgia Sampson. Ladles Quartet MrB. Condon, Myrtle Michell, Nelle Sylvester Mrs. Varney. . Beading "My Big BisterB W elding". .....Miss ii. Johannesen Song I'm Happy, My Honey's Come to Town ....New Coons PABT II CRADLE BONGS. Semi-Chorus Lullaby .. -i .-i .. . , Nightcap Drill Thirty Little Girls Kecitation-'Dreaniland" Constance Freach Bong (in costume) "In Winter I Get Cp at Night" U.. Fourteen Little Girls "Baloo, My Wee, Wee Thing" Scotch Mothers "Lullaby, My Pretty Baby" Russians "Sleep, Sleep, on the Floor"-. Japanese Lul-la-lul-la-by, Hush My Baby Do Not Cry. , : ..; Germans "Slumber, Slumber, Darling" Spanish "Sleep My Baby, Sleep My .Darling" Italians "Go to Sleep, My Little Picaniuny" Africans "Nlc-Nac-no-shion na-dy" Indians "Hush My Baby, Sleep" French "Rock-a-byerba-by on the Tree Top". Americans Full Chorus 'Sleep. Baby, Sleep" . . All Nations Admiaeion 25 cents ; reserved seats 35 cents, on sale, at the Snipes-Kinersly drugstore. Doors open at 7 :30 ; curtain rises at 8. -: ' NOTICR. -Commencing Monday; December 20, tbe steamers of tbe Regulator Lone will leave Portland at 6 o'clobk a. in., and The Dalles at 6:30 a. tri. 'i ' W. C. Alaway, Gen. Agt. Special Sale ' j What of Your Christmas Gifts? . Why not some Musical Instruments? Not oniv makes the Christmas occasion brighter and happier, but it eivea pleas ure all through the year. Every good Musical Instrument is a pleasure the year round.., JLvery one of our Musical Instruments are Christmas values. v , I. G Hickelseii fiook t music Cbmpany. I Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., For This Week Only. AIR GUNS i06 AIR GUNS MAYS & CROWE, postbffiee piarmay, CLARKE & FALK, Proprietors. Ptitfe iDviiQs and SediGihes. ' Toilet Articles and Perfumery, pirst Ijr) of Imported arpd Dorestie 5i$ars. Telephone, 333. New Vogt Block. If you peed a 17 Orap, Call and see our KIMBALLS. S40 IB G b Will "buy one of these Organs at J acobsen Book & M usic Co. Leading Eastern Oregon Music House. New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon. M. Z; DONNELL, ; PfESCHlPTIOH DRUGGIST toilet Articles and perfumery. THE DALLES, OR