' I .J.L. . I A. . .1 v,Vi,Kv..'lS ..,IMBJ . DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. TABLE LINEN. 56-inch Bleached Damask .'...$ .50 Special $ .44 58 " " ' ": .75 " ,62 . 58 " " ". .85 . " .09 70 " " ' ......V.: 1.00 " " .79 72 " Satin - " 1.00 " .82 72 " " . " 1.25 " .96 72 " " i go -1.23 5-8 Bleached Napkins 80 " .72 5-8 " " 1.00 " .79 5-8- " " 1.25 .96 3-4 " .. ... 1.50 " 1.23 3-4 "... . 1.75 . 1.41 .3-4 . " " 2.50 " 1.99 3-4 " " 3.00 : " 2.29 s 3-4 "' " .'. . 4.00 " " , 2.9S - 3-4 " ' ::. 5.00 - " 4.07 7-8 " " " ... ........... 7.00 ' " 5.19 RUGS. Special Values for the Holidays in Smyrna, Axmin- ster, Moquette, Kudistan and Skin Rugs. $ .85 values. .70 . $2.50 values ...$1.95 1.25 values 1.00 3.00 values ..... 2.40 1.50 values 25 4.50 values... ... 3,70 1.75 values 1.35 ; 5.00 values ... 3.97 PILLOWS. A Beautiful Assortment in FIVE BIG PILES at 22c, 45c, 60c, 80e and 95c. " Our better grades of Pillows up to $5.00 reduced in proportion. . SHOE DEPARTMENT. Gents' Black Velvet Embroidered Slippers .". 75c grade for $ .50 Gents' Black Soft Kid Opera Slippers................ v $1.25 grade for 1.00 Gents' Chocolate Stamped Alligator Slippers......' very good values '1.25 Gents' Black Kid Turn Sole Slippers ................ extra fine and easy 1.50 Gents' Wine Pocket-book Leather Slippers handsome goods ......... v.. : L75 Gents' Black Kid Turn Sole Pumps, for dane- .'- ing parties ....... . :'... 1.75 . Gents' Patent Leather Turn Sole Plumps.,. . ....... very swell ............ I ....... 2.50 LadiesTlush Trimmed Leather J3ole Felt Slip pers, worth 75cj for........r. .50 ' Ladies' Red, Pink and Black Knit Slippers; very pretty presents 1.00 Ladies' Extra Quality Turn Sole Felt Slippers; . ' Black or Brown.. ; ...;... ,1.35 Ladies' New Grenette Turn Sole Felt Slippers; the latest thing out. 1.50 Also s fine line of Felt Juliets for Ladies, Missea and Children,' and numerous other Holiday Goods. PEASE & IWAYS. All G-oods Marked in Plain Figures. Furnishing Goods Department. A handsome assortment of Mufflers, Handkerchiefs', Neckties, Hosiery, Etc. Gents' Neckties, just the thing for everyday wear .' . $ Gents' Neckties, especially good when you con sider the price T. Gents' Neckties, that will make a homely man look handsome Gents Neckwear, to suit the most fastidious . . and exacting 85c and Gents' Neckties; the latest creations of 'fin-de-" secle conceptions........ $1.25 and 1.50 MUFFLERS. .25 .50 75 1.00 as We have them for 50c that will keep vou ivist - . warm as the very finest. Fine Silk Mufflers, some handsome patterns .75 " " " in large sizes... : 1.00 " " . r extra good values .: 1.25 . V " '...." - superb in coloring. 1.50 and 1.75 . SILK HANDKERCHIEFS. Colored border or plain hemstitched ....... $ .25 Silk worked initials, pure white .. .25 In colors, a large variety to select from .............. .35 In colors, heavy silk and large size .......75c and 1.00 HOSIERY. Our Large Assortment of Fancy and Staple Hosiery 'will make any man feel good from his toes up. New Swell Plaids and Fancy Silk Mixtures...... .$ .50 i Th3 Dalles Daily Chronieie. THURSDAY - DECEMBER 16, 1897 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Bay ojri Genua) trial CHI. street, near dec 11 tera served bia Candy and we will Air guns 60 cents at Maya &. Crowe's. Cream of maize and minute tapioca at Maier & Benton's. 11-15 Reserve yonr seats and bear the little Niggers sing "Alabama Coon" Saturday night.- ' Silver and gold articles sold by T. A. Van Norden will be engraved free of charge. . The- Snipes-Kinerely Drug Co. have just received a fine line of Japanese ware suitable for ChriBtmas presents. dcl3-lw. To rent Four or six unfurnished rooms, centrally located. Apply to Mrs. M. Brittain,' Second Tjnion. Election of offiers for Harmony Tem ple No. 12, Ratbbone Sisters, will take place this evening. All members re quested to be present. Choice Shoalwater in every style at the Factory. Give us a endeavor to please y Just received our second shipment of Garland etovea for' thia fall. They are beauties. Call and see them before buying elsewhere. Maier & Benton. . A fresh line of choice French candies just received at the Columbia Candy Factory. They will Yte sold at prices so low that it will surprise you. A vagrant was the only victim before Recorder Sinnott this morning. He was fined $10, and will be allowed to exer cise his muscles in behalf of the city while he is working out his fine. Dr. Eahelman was called vesterdav to a'ttend the wife of Mr; James Johnston of Deechutes, and found her a very sick woman. . He did all that medicai fckill could do for her and at present she is in a fair way towards recovery. A social ball will be given at the Bal dwin opera house, Tuesday evening, December 21st. Good music will be furnished and no questionable, charac ters will be admitted. Tickets 50j. A. W. Robison, Mgr. Today John Gillvary of Antelpe was brought to this city for medical treat ment, Five day b aeo'a horse fell with him and he received several bruises and had his chin cut open. Dr. Hollister attended to his injuries and he is resting . easy at present. The ladies wish to impress upon the minds of the children who take part in the entertainment Saturday, that the final practice will be held Saturday . morning at 9 o'clock. Every child sbonld be present dressed in costume, ana carrying ner aon In an interview with Captain L.. P. Hoeford, of the Hattie Belle, which be- on xs to the White Star line and makes daily trips on the lower river at present, he said : "We are going to put the Hattie Belle on the upper river to run between the Cascades and The Dalles, and the lone wi'l run on the lower river, connecting: with it at the locks daily." This will give this liue,6 daily boat whicn is badly needed. Last evening the Royal An Masons held a meeting for the election of officers for the ensuing year, in the Masonic hall, with the folldwing results: Chas, Hilton, H, P.; F. GibVns, king; Dr. Siddall, Bcribe; Geo. A. Liebe, Treas. ; Dr. Logan, Secy. ; Geo. C. Blakeley, C. of H. ; A. Larsen, PS. ; John M. Mar den, R. A. C. : EJ C. Phirman, G. M. 3d V.; W. E, Gafretson, G. M. 2d V. ; E. Shanno.jG. M. 1st V. ; W. Sfc Myere sentinel. installation of. officers will take place the first Wednesday in January, and will be for members of the chapter only. This morning Mr. Gardner, assisted by Sheriff Driver, took charge of the two Hawthorne children, Etta and Snla, and will take tbe.m to the Boys and Girls Aid Society tomorrow.- The hear ing of the case will be before Judge Bradsbaw on the 29th inst, and there is no doubt that abundant evidence will be brought forward to prove that the children should be removed from the mothers charge. Their father is in the insane assylum, and one brother is now serving a terra in the penitertiary for the murder an Indian policeman on the Warm Springs reservation. Tbey were living in a deplorable condition, and it is certainly a charitable act to remove the poor unfortunates to a more suitable place for human beings. . . . . - ... The John Day river, last week, came very near adding three mo-e to its an' nual roll of victims. Alonzo and James McWillis, assieted by T. N.7 Fields, were croesing their sheep at the private ferry on tneir rarich, when the cable, broke and the ferryboat was capsized, dump ing its lad of men. and sheep into the middle of the river. Old Mr. Fields, although 76 years of age, was the first to reach land, and James soon followed him there, almost exhausted. Mean while, Alonzo, who has caught the bro ken cable and was trying to stay with the boat, in some -manner became en tangled with the rope in the midst of the bunch of sheep, which forced him under the water several times before he could extricate himself from the rope. Once free, by almost superhuman efforts he managed to surprise his watching relativer by emerging from - the angry waters a living map. Notice. iENRY SMITH'S CASE ON TRIAL. e Endeavors to Recover Day H roe. I3S.OOO from Judge Bennett of this place is at pres- nt trying the case of Henry Smith vs ay Bros., in Judge Bellinger's court in Portland. . The injuries sustained by Smith were received while he was engaged in a game of cards in the cabin of a steamer, tied up to the dock below the government works. A rock crashed through, the roof of the cabin striking him on the head and rendering him unconscious. Smith claims he has been incapacitated for work b since receiving the injury, and alleges that the accident was due to the care lessness of the men employed by the Days in discharging the blasts while a steamer was tied up In the vicinity. The defense is that the steamer bad no busi ness there at the time. The case was first brought in the state court, but owing to the fact that some of the parties drawn into the issue are res idents of other states, a writ of removal to the federal court was granted the de fendants. Judge Bennett is assisted in the case by Attorney F. W. Allen, while Attor neys Gerin , Boise, and Scott appear for the defendant. The damages . which Smith is endeavoring to recover is $25; 000. -.- - .; Dalles Public Schools. refreshments were served, and a good social time followed. Music, conversa tion, dancing' and hypnotism were in dulged .in, the latter creating much amusement. '. PERSONA. MKJITtON- Following is the report, for the quar ter (4 weeks) ending Friday Dec. 10, '97. TEACHERS. A meeting of the tournament commit tee will be held this evening at 8:30 at the council chambers to' discuss the question of raising money to pay off the debts incurred in making preparations for the tournament. . Members of said committee are requested to be present. F. S. Gunning, Chief. East Hill Primary. Miss Nan Cooper .1 and 28 Mrs. Koche . . -. .... ..3, 4 and 5B Academy twa. i Miss rhlrman .......... 1 Miss U Rintoil. .. 6 Miss T. Rlntoul 6 A and 7 B Union street MissRowe .-. ..1 Miss 45. Coouer .2 M Miss Sneli .. 4B Miss Cheese. 4A and 6 B L nton Street Annex. Miss Bali -;..B Court Street. Miss Miehell 7 A and 8 B Miss Hill. . . I High. School 8, 9, 1Q Mr. muaers t ana ila E. C, Murray of . Fulda, Wash., is in the city. H. C. Rooper of Ridgeway is in the city today. J. G. Miller left last night for San Francisco. - D. B. Gaunt is in from his farm near Centerville. . J. M. Johnston ' of Moro was in the city last evening. George Thompson is in from his farm near Moro today. Mrs. T. J. Shaw of White Salmon, Washington is at the Umatilla. John Booth, general manager of the White Star line, lefc on ttio morning train for Portland. E Jacobsen left on the morning train for Portland where he goes to attend to matters or DUBiness. Chas. Boynton and wife of Kingaley are in the city. They are on their way to Woodburn, Marion bounty, where tbey will. spend the winter. This afternoon Dr. ,shelinan was called to Hartland, Wash., to attend the family of E. D. Clarke of that plnce, some members of which are ill. The general admission to the enter tainment, "Cradle Sons of Nations," will be 25 cents; reserved seats 35 cents. Try Schilling's Best tea and baking dowcIo- What of Your Christmas Gifts? Totals... No. days of Bchool, 18. Per cent of attendance on longing, 93. John Gavin, Degree of Honor. The Degree of Honor held an inter esting eeesion laBt night, and the hall was well filled with members. Two candidates mere . initiated and matters of importance disenssed, alter which a short program wa9 rendered. Mrs. Stephens and Mrs.. Young sang a duet entitled "Like the Lark." Mrs. Fil loon gave a humorous reading, and Mesdames Jayne and Groat Bang a duet, "The Flight of the Swallows." After the program lodge closed and I a a ? 5 3 I 3 l" I I.- 41 39 35U 46 43 6 1 58 48 H 5- FP: - , 99 87 8010 Jf'iXJk .55 52! 4!, 3 J - Jifk. 52 45! 42H . - yX I CgClV 46 45 423 I. ' . fM.-' fflff , Jr. -ffffm Special Sale For This "Week Only. AIR GUNS 60c AIR GUNS MAYS &. CROWE, e Postoffiee Pharmacy, CLARKE & FALK, Proprietors. . " Pupe Drags and Medicines. " Toilet Articles and" Perfumery, piist' t)i of Imported apd DoTestiG Qiars. Telephone, 333. "New Vogt Block. number be-Principal. Why not some Mnpical Instruments? Not oniy makes the Christinas occasion brighter and happier, but it eives pleas ure all through the year. Every good Mnsical Instrument is a pleasure the year round. Everyone of our Musical Instruments are Chriutmas values. I. C. Nlckelsen Gook 8t music Company. If you peed Orap, AM b Call and see our KIMB ALLS. Will "buy one of these Organs at Jacobsen Book & Music Go: Leading Eastern Oregon Music House. New Vogt Block, ' The Dalles, Oregon. M; Z. DONNELL, PfJESCHlPTIOfl DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., THE DALLES, OR