3) Satin DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. TABLE LINEN. Special $ .44 " .G2 .69 .79 " .82 -". .96 1.23 " .72 " ' .79 " r .96 1.23 " 1.41 " 1.99 2.29 " 2.93 4.07 " ' 5.19 56-inch Bleached Damask 58 " " " . 58 . " " " 70 72 72 " tt 5-8 Bleached Napkins 5-8 5-8 " "r- . 3-4 " 3-4 " " 3-4 3-4 " " ....... 3-4 " 77 3-4 " " ....... 7-8 RUGS. :.$ .50 .75 .. .85 ..1.00 ... 1.00 .. 1.25 .. 1.50 .. .80 .. 1.00 .. 1.25 ., 1.50 .. 1.75 .. 2.50 .7 3.00 .. 4.00 .. 5.00 . 7.00 i Special Values for the Holidays in Smyrna, Axmin ster, Moquette, Kudistan and Skin Rugs. $ .85 values .70 . $2.50 values .......$1.95 1.25 values 1.00 3.00 values ... 2.40 1.50 values... 3.25 4.50 values..... ,3,70 1.75 values 1.35 5.00 values..... .'. 3.97 PILLOWS. A Beautiful Assortment in FIVE BIG PILES at 22 c, 45c, 60c, 80c and 95c. Our better grades of Pillows up to $5.00 reduced in proportion. SHOE DEPARTMENT. Gents' Black Velvet Embroidered Slippers ..... v 7... J.:...:...-.-: 75c grade for $ .50 Gents' Black Soft Kid Opera Slippers--. ...$1.25 grade for 1.00 Gents' Chocolate Stamped Alligator Slippers very good values 1.25 Gents' Black Kid Turn Sole Slippers .....v.........'. extra fine and easy ....... 1.50 Gents' Wine Pocket-book Leather Slippers .. ... handsome goods 1.75 Gents' Black" Kid Turn Sole Pumps, for danc ing parties .... 1.75 Gents' Patent Leather Turn Sole Pumps........... . very swell 2.50 Ladies' Plush Trimmed Leather Sole Felt Slip pers, worth 75c, for..... .50 Ladies' Red, Pink and Black Knit Slippers; very pretty presents...... 1.00 Ladies' Extra Quality Turn Sole Felt Slippers; Black or Brown 1.35 Ladies' New Grenette Turn Sole Felt Slippers; the latest thing out 1.50 Also a fine line of Felt Juliets for Ladies, Misses and Children, and numerous other Holiday Goods. PEASE & JWAVS. All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. Furnishing Goods Department. A handsome assortment of .Mufflers, Handkerchiefs, Neckties, Hosiery, Eter Gents' Neckties, just the thing for everyday wear... ....... :.: .$ .25 Gents' Neckties, especially good when you con- - sider the price.. .50 Gents' Neckties, that will make a homely man look handsome .75 Gents Neckwear, to suit the. most fastidious and exacting ......85c and 1.00 " Gents' Neckties; the latest creations of fin-de- secle conceptions..............:.. :.....$1.25 and 1.50 MUFFLERS. We have them for 50c that will keep you just as warm as the very finest. Fine Silk Mufflers, some handsome patterns .75 " " " in large sizes... 1.00 " " " extra good values 1.25 " " " superb in coloring. 1.50 and 1.75 - SILK HANDKERCHIEFS. Colored border or plain hemstitched $ .25 Silk worked initials, pure white .. .25 ' In colors, a large variety to select from .35 In colors, heavy silk and large size 75c and 1.00 HOSIERY. Our Large , Assortment of Fancy and Staple Hosiery will make any man feel good from his toes up. New Swell Plaids and Fancy Silk Mixtures........ $ .50 i Tfca Dalles WEDNESDAY Daily Ctironieie. CEMBER 15, 1897 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Weather Tonight and Thursday, fair and cooler. " Silver and gold articles 9old by T. A. Van Norden will be engraved free of charge. Air guns 60 cents at Mays & Crowe'e. Cream of maize and niinute tapioca at Maier & Benton's. 11-15 - The general admission to the enter-, tainment, "Cradle Songs of Nations," will be 25 cents ; reserved seats 35 cents. The Snipea-Kinersly Drug Co. have just received a fine line of Japanese ware suitable for Christinas presents. dcl3-lw To rent Four or six unfurnished rooms, centrally located. Apply to Mrs. M. Brittain, Second street, near Union. dec 11 Choice Shoalwater Bay oysters served in every style at the Columbia Candy Factory. Give as a trial - and we will endeavor to please you. Just received oar second shipment of Garland stoves for this fall. They are beauties. Call and see them before baying elsewhere. Maier & Benton. The Degree of Honor will have initia tion of candidates tonight, also a good program and refreshments. All mem bers are requested to be present. A fresh line of choice French candies just received at the Columbia Candy Factory. They will be sold at prices so low that it will surprise you. Mr. John E. Obriet and MissB. Wolfe both of Wasco county, were united marriage on the loth inst.,' by B. Gorham, at his residence in this city The northbound passenger trairnan into an open switch at Rockiord, in Spo kane county, and struck a special freight standing on the switch. Several -were injured, but none seriously. ' Theodore Darrant was ordered by Judge Bahrs, on motion of District At torney Barnes, to appear this morning and receive his sentence of death for the murder of Minnie Williams. Frank Gaby, charged with the mur der of James Cox, was found guilty of manslaughter Sunday in Everett. The jury was out 24 hours. It recommended Gaby to the clemency of the court. The ladies wish to impress upon the minds of the children who take part in the entertainment Saturday, that the final practice will be held Saturday morning at 9 o'clock. Every child shonld be present dressed in costume, ana carrying ner aon. The timbers for the new bridge are being unloaded today, and as the piling on which they are to rest is being put in shape as rapidly as possible, it will be but a matter of a short time a the workmen will be Teady to raise the massive bents into place. v - .William Teller, who is supposed to have been drowned on the lower river, and whose, ekiff was picked up near Knappton, was formerly in the employ of Seufert Brothers, at their fishery, near this city. He was a foreman at the cannery for a ' time, and was well liked by all who knew him. On Christmas day, the Portland and Multnomah athletic clubs' football teams will again meet on the gridiron. The articles of agreement, which have been the bone of contention for two weeks, were finally arranged to the sat isfaction of both parties, and Monday night they were signed, so that the game is now a certainty. , , At the meeting of the fire department last night, F. S. Gunning was appointed chief of the department in this city. Mr. Gunning was appointed to fill the vacancy made, by George Gibbons, who W . . nas movea out or rown. mere is no doubt that good judgment was shown in the selecting of Mr. Gunning, and for the fire de- intiljj that he will do all in his power advancement of our volunteer partment. The property-owners on the north side of Second street, between Washing ton and "Federal, are having the mud gathered up and hauled away, and it makes a wonderful difference in the ap pearance of the etreet. filTTaBtrtnl&e that some of the othei--property-owners would not profit by their good example and have their share of the streets cleared in a like manner, and in this way improve the appearance of our city in tne eyes ot outsiders. At the annual election of the Eastern tar held last night, the folTowing of cers were elected : WortHy matron. rs. Alice Crossen ; patron, Dr. Q. D. oane; associate matron Mrs. Dr. San ders; conductress, Mrgc A. Burget; as sociate conductress, Miss Lena Phirman ; secretary. Miss Lena Snell; treasurer. airs. HiStner Harris The other officers will be chosen by those already elected but as yet they have not had time to make any appointments.' This morning the reporter noticed, while the workmen were blasting in the Mill creek basin, that a number of small stones and some large ones, weighing probably two pounds, were thrown as far as Second street, near Senator Hil ton's residence, one large stone strik ing on the sidewalk immediately in front of the gate. This is proof of the fact that more care should be taken by the men who have charge of this work, and if they are not careful someone will be injared by these flying missiles. As yet no arrests have been made the perpetrators of the recent robberies nd without any clae it is next to in ossible for our officers to capture the uilty parties.' The" probabilities are hat they left town. Although Mr. Wiley is a vigilant and faithful officer, kt the same time one man cannot watch Jhis city as it should be watched during he night, and for this reason, an assist ant should be appointed by all ' means Even if it does involve more expense for the city this money will be well spent, and the taxpayers will feel satis fied when they see that their property is well protected. Our football players came together Sunday and played a lively practice game, making an excellent showing. We understand that the Dufurites who failed to best us in baseball last summer, in spite of all their brawn and muscle, are going to make an attempt to defeat our boys on the gridiron in the near future. They may be able to do so, but it would not be well for them to be too positive, since our lads are seldom be- Shind in such sports. Next . Sunday an jother practice game will be played, and (anyone who is curious to see it will be .'admitted to the fair grounds free. C. D. Emory, it was learned Monday morning, was arrested in Portland by Detective Kerrigan for the larceny of four typewriters - (machines) from the offices of Attorney Richard Williams, E. Mendenhall, R. R. Giltner and J. T. ilner. As be was caught with one of the achines in his possession, the police stuteiy concluded that he must have tolen it, a suspicion which was strength ened by - bis . subsequent confession. Emory has been employing his time while in Portland committing several burglaries. We wonder if he is not the same fellow who stole Mr. Wilson's typewriter in this city. It seems very likely that he is, as he seems to make that line of goods a specialty. Asks for His Freedom. NEWS NOTES. J la e of b ries fc im- r Governor Lord will probably pardon B. Ringland, sentenced to the peni tentiary October, 1895, for eix years, for aasanlt with intent to rob. Ringland and two companions entered a grain and feed store in Portland, where a boy was in charge at the time of their visit. Ringland Btood guard while one of his companions struck the boy down with an iron coupling pin, rolled up in a handkerchief. For a short time it was feated the bov would die, but he recovered, and posi tively identified the three men at the trial, and there was also other testimony implicating them in the affair. Ring land belonga to a highly respected fam ily in Ohio, the patriarch of which, now a centenarian, is on his death bed, and desires before be dies to see his young kinsman. . Ringland stated at the time of the trial that he had no idea that bis companion intended to strike the boy, and would not have assented to it, had he been previously informed that it was to occnr. He also refused to admit hat he was with the others for the pur pose of robbery. . To Care Colit In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund tLe money ,if they fail to cure. 25c. A report received from Dvaa vester- day states that exceptionally rich placer diggings have been discovered in that section. A Cuban priest says that at the low est estimate a half-million Cubans have perished of starvation during the past twelve months. Reports received this morning state tba the Steins Pass train robber has been captured, but no particulars were as yet received. The latest reports from Oregon City say that 'the locks closed, last evening, ang that the water is still rising. The O. R. & N. steamers, Modoc, Elmore and Ruth, will discontinue service for an indefinite period, until the locks are reopened. The heaviest rain storm of vhich there is any record prevailed at Seattle between 10 p. m. Sunday night and un til 10 a. ' in. yesterday. During the twelve. hours 3.74 inches of water fell. The effect has been - to swell all the rivers and to threaten a freshet. Today's Oregonian will say that a message has been received stating that the senate committee, who were to con sider the Corbett case, ft as postponed its meeting until after the holidays. This will 'keep the senator in Buspenee for Btill a longer time, and probably mar "the pleasure of the holidays for him. or perhaps the hopes he entertains will somewhat alleviate his melancholy feel What of Your . Christmas Gifts? Why not some Musical Instruments? Not oniy makes the Christmas occasion brighter and happier, but it gives pleas ure all through the year. Every good Musical Instrument is a pleasure the year round. Everyone of our Musical Instruments are Christmas. values. I. G. Mckelsen Book fit musie Company. Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., Special Sale For This Week Only. AIR GUNS r 60e AIR GUNS MAYS & CROWE; Jtye postoffiee pfyarmaqy, CLARKE & FALK, Proprietors. Poie Drags and jVIedicines. Toilet Articles and Perfumery, pirst IJi of Imported apd Dorestie 5i$ars. Telephone, 333. - New Vogt Block. If you peed ai) Orap, 1 Call and see our KIMBALLS. Will "buy one of these Organs at Jacobsen Book & Music Go. Leading Eastern Oregon Music House. New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Oregon. M.Z.DONNE PESGIPTIO HV GGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. THE DALLES, OR