The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 15, 1897, Image 1

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    wig p Ite SJ StetEi o
NO .290
Fresh Complications Threat
en Ilayti.
An Attempt to Enforce Payment Not
Improbable ilajtt Likely tj
Offer Resistance
New York, Dec. 14. A Port an Prince
special to the Herald says :
More trouble of a kind similar to the
the recent Luedera affair threatens Hay
ti, and Port an Prince may have to lace
another inenace of bombardment, Italy
has long bad claims against Hayti, and
these, it iB alleged, have never been set
tled. One case that has been pending since
1893 was the case of a merchant at Port
de Paix, whose vessel and cargo, worth
$80,000, it is alleged, were illegally
seized and sold by the government of
The other was that of an Italian fish
erman who was assassinated here last
October, the man who was accused of
committing the crime not haying been
brought to justice yet. Italy, it is re
ported, will push the settlement of these
claims at once, and minors have reached
here that Italian warships are being sent
to back up the demands.
The new ministry is looked upon fa
vorably and it la thought the proclama
tion will have a good effect in quieting
the people, who have been threatening
an uprising ever since the late ministry
surrendered to the demands of the Ger
man government.
Hayti Likely to Fight Before Acceding
to Italy' Demands.
New York, Dec. 14. If Italy follows
the same course pursued by Germany in
collecting indemnity for the murder of
an Italian subject and the illegal seizure
of an Italian vessel, the belief prevails
in Washington that President Sam will
be forced by his people to declare war,
says a Washington correspondent to the
Herald. N
Minister Leger said he had received
no information in regard to this latest
phase of Hayti's international trouble,
but he expected that he would be ad
vised, so that he may make suitable
representations on the subject to this
Mr. Leger has repeatedly asserted
that the president of Hayti would op
pose a compliance with Germany's de
mands, and while the Haytians have no
fortifications, and a navy hopelessly in
ferior to that of Italy, members of the
Haytian legislation expect their govern
ment will not comply with any peremp
tory demand which may be made by
Italy unless it should be saown that
there is justice in the claim.
These gentlemen believe their govern
ment is not responsible for either of the
matters brought to its attention , by
- It Is expected by tbe'authorities that
in case Italy presses her claim against
Hayti, the Haytian government will
ask this government to use its good of
ces for the settlement of the incident.
I was troubled for a long
time with, a sore wrist; some
thing the doctors termed an
open vein. It would break
and the blood would flow in
a stream frpm it, and I could
find nothing that would heal
it until I tried your Happy
Thought Salve. " A small
quantity healed it up nicely.
In fact it has been well and
showed no signs of breaking
for over three months, so I
feel it has done perfect work.
1526 South Ninth St., Spokane, Wash.
50 cents ajar-"
at Donnell's Bfugstore.
Royal makes the food pare,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Pure
Until fully acquainted with the facts,
the president will probably outline no
policy, but should it be shown that the
Italian claims are just, the'ad ministra
tion will not interfere unless Italy should
attempt to make a permanent landing
on Haytian soil-
Free PHIS' -Send
your address to H. E. Bucklen
& Co., Chicago, and get a free sample
box of Dr. King's New LHe Pills. A
trial will convince you of their merits.
These Pills are easy in action and are
particularly effective in the cure of.Con
stipation and Sick Headache. For Ma
laria and Liver troubles they have been
proved invaluable. .They are guaranteed
to be perfectly free from every deleter
ious substance and to be purely vegeta
ble. They do not .weaken by their
action, but by giving tone to stomaetw
and bowels greatly invigorate the sys
tem. Regular size 25c. per box. Sold
by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. (4)
Miners Carry their Point.
St. Louis, Dec. 14. The thirty-five
mines of the Consolidated & Madison
Coal Company in the Belleville; 111.,
district, heve resumed operations, and
3000 miners who have been out of em
ployment for many months returned to
work. The mining companies accede to
the demands of their men and agree to
pay the Springfield scale of 27 cents a
ton. The settlement was reached at a
conference held at Glen Carbon Satur
day night.
- KneKlen's Arises asm.
' The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevet
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively crura piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Blakeley and
Honghton. druggists.
Yellow Journalism In Paris.
Paris, Dec. 14. The government, it
is announced, contemplates the suppres
sion of newspapers 'alleged to be sys
tematically inventing stories concerning
Utes all Accounted For.
Denver, Dec. 14, Brigadrer-General
Otis has received information from the
commanding officer at Fort Duchesne,
stating that all the Utes had returned
to their reservation, there being none
now in Colorado.
He also received information from
Ports Grant and Huachuca to the effect
that cavalry is out looking for the In
dians that were reported to bavo chased
some cow boys the other day in that sec
tion of the country,.. but bad been un
able to find any trace of Indians. The
three companies sent out from Fort
Grant returned yesterday and those
from Fort Huachuca have been instruct
ed to return. '
As near as can be learned there are no
Indians missing from the reservation in
Arizona or New Mexico.
After meals you should have simply a
feeling of comfort and satisfaction. You
should not feel any special indications
that digestion is ' going cn. If yon do,
you have indigestion, which means not
digestion. This may bo the beginning of
so many dangerous diseases, that it .is
best to take it in hand at once and treat
it with Shaker Digestive Cordial. For
you know that indication makes poison,
which .canaes pain and sickness. And
that Shaker Digestive Cordial helps di
gestion and cures indigestion. ShaVer
Digestive Cordial does this by providing
the digestive materials in which the
sick stomach is wanting. It also tones
up and strengthens the digestive organs
and makes them perfectly healthy.
This is the rationale of its method of
cure, as the doctors would say. Sold by
by druggists, price 10 cents to $1.00 per
A Postofflce .Burglarised.
Tacome, Dec. 14. Burglars entered
the Orting postoffice last night, cut open
many letters and stole two pension
checks, one of $30, for A. McKenzie, and
the other of $18, for Charles Lindsay,
both inmates of the soldiers' home. 1
Beware of Olnment for Catarrh that
. Contain Mercury,
As mercury will surely destroy the sense
of smell and c mpletely derange the
whole system when entering it through
the mucous surfaces. Such articles
should never be used except on prescrip
tions from reputable physicians, as the
damage they will do is ten fold to the
good you can possibly derive from them.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains
no mercury, and is taken internally, act
ing directly upon the blood and mucouB
surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's
Catarrh Cure be sure you get the gen
dine. It is taken internally, and made
in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co.
Testimonials free. ' Price 75c. per bottle.
CtySold by Druggists. 4.
Can In X our Checks.
All countv warrants registered prior
to July 7, 1893, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after Oct. 27th,
1897. C. L. Philmps,
" Countv Treasnrer.
Everybody reads The Chronicle.
in prizes to get you acquainted with
money-back baking powder and tea.
Schilling's Best baking powder and tea are
idbecause they are money-back
What is the missing word? not SAFE, although Schilling's Best baking
powder and tea are safe. '
' Get Schilling's Best baking powder or tea. at your grocers'; take out the
ticket (brown ticket in every package of baking powder; yellow ticket in the
tea); send a ticket with each word to address below before December 31st.
Until October 15th two words allowed for every ticket ; after that only one'
word lor every ticket.
If only one person finds the word, that person gets $2000.00; if several find
it, $2000.00 will be equally divided among them.
Every one sending a brown or yellow ticket will receive a set of cardboard
creeping babies at the end of the contest Those sending three or more in one
envelope will receive an . 1898 pocket calendar no advertising On it These
creeping: babies and pocket calendars will be different from the ones offered in
the last contest.
Better cut these rules out.
18 Faa-es a Week.
156 Papers a Tear
It stands first among '"weekly" papers
in size, frequency of publication .
freshness, variet and reliability of con
tents. It is practically a daily at the low
price o a weekly ; and- its vast list of
subscribers, extending to eveay state and
territory of the Union and foreign counr
tries, will vouch for the accuracy aoO
fairness of its news columns. ,
It is splendidly illustrated, and among
Its special features are a fine humor
page, exhaustive market reports, all the
latest fashions for women and a Ion :
Beries of stories by the greatest living
American and English authors,
Conan Do?le, ' . Jerome K. Jerome,'
Stanley Tl'nymsn.. alary E. Wllklns
Anthony Hone, Bret Harte,
Brander Matthew, Ec. '
We offer this unequaled newspaper and
The Dalles Twice-a- Week Chronicle to
gether one year for $2.00. The regular
price of the two papers is $3.00. '
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT of the State of Ore
gon for Wusco County.
Emma Golden, plaintiff,
Uewitt Golden, defendant. : ' .
To Dewitt Golden, tbe above named defendant:
In tbe name of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint fikd against yon In the Above entitled
court and cause on or before the first day ot the
next term of said court following tbe expiration
of the time prescribed in the order for the pub
lication of this summons, to-wit: on or before
tbe 14th day of February, 1898; and if yon fail to
so aopenr and answer, or otherwise plead, in said
cause, the plaintiff for want thereof will apply
to the Court for the relief prayed for in the com'
plaint filed herein, to-wit:. that the bonds of
matrimony existing between plaintiff and de
fendant be dissolved; that the plaintiff be
awarded the custody of the minor child men
tioned in said complaint, Zola Maud Golden;
that the plain tiff have and recover her costs and
disbursements made and expended in this suit.
ana lor sucn otner ana lurtner reiiel as to tne
Court may seem equitable.
This summons is served upon you by pUbliCa
tinn daI K.r aw1 nf Ua. U7 T TJ H, V... ...
judge of said court, which order bears date of
September 28th, 1897, and was made and dated at
chambers in Lalles City, Wasco County, Oregon,
on the 28th day of Sep tern bei, 1897.
ii Attorney for Plaintiff.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned
has been regularly appointed administrator of
the estate of Henry A. Baker, deceased, by order
of the county court of the State of Oregon for
Wasco County, dated the 6th day of December,
1897. All persons having claims against said
estate are hereby required to present tbe same,
duly verified, to the administrator at The Oallea,
Oregon, within six months from the date of
tnis nouce.
Dalles City, Oregon, Dec. 10, 1897.
decll-ii Administrator.
and Fairmeirs
Keeps on draught the celebrated
edged tbe best beer in The Dalles,
-at the usual price. Come in, try
it and be . convinced. Also the
Finest brands of Wines, Liquors
and Cigars.
of all Kinds always on hand.
Patronize the
All kind f work. White Shirts a Specialty. at reduced rates. Wash collected
and delivered free. .
Telephone No. 301.
Child's sets;
Collar and Muff.
al- 1 1 .Tfc s 4 4 r
Muffs and Boas
Ladies' Fleeced Wrappers from ,
Ladies Outing Flannel Wrapper s.richly made,to
Children's Cloaks, ages 2 td 5 years, from
Lace Curtains,
Table Covers,
Sofa Pillows and
Pillow Foundations. '
Figured Draper Silks
Japanese Draperies..
Gent's Silk Lined
Kid Gloves,
Umbrellas and
Mackintoshes. '
"We are busy as Bees opening new goods, dis
playing the same and decorating our store
Xmas like, and to make shopping with us as
pleasurable and convenient as possible.
. has the best Dress Goods
has the best Shoes
has everything to be found in a.
first-class Dry Goods Store.
Jew Yorli Weekly Tribune
Farmers and Villagers,
; FOE ,
Fathers arid Mothers,
Sons and Daughters.
All the Family.
We furnish "The Chronicle" and K. Y. Weekly Trib
une one year for only $1.75.