1 The Original. Xmas Gole's lip Tight Heateps, Handkerchiefs. I "DAISY" AIR GUNS "DAISY" AIR . Holiday Dreams Soon to be Fulfilled. - This store has proved - its advantages as a shopping place for Holiday Gifts. sWhat 3'ou find in the various departments here, too, is priced on the close margin plan. - - - ' ' Today we call your special attention to our display of Hand.kerch.iefs, Fans, Tray Cloths, Scarfs, .Cushions, Cushion Covers and Table Cloths. We will keep adding the good things that we have put away for the holiday trade until they are all displayed. SPECIALS IN ' HANDKERCHIEFS. Pure Linen Hemstitched ...............!. .. ..ioc Initial Corner " ......"8 1-3C. Sheer Linen .Embroidered 25c We carry a beautiful assortment of Handkerchiefs up to $2.00 each. i ALL GOODS MARKED IN I PLAIN FIGURES. I Tha Dalles Daily Chronicle. MONDAY DECEMBER 13, 1897 WAYSIDE GLEANINGS. Elka benefit tonight. McEweu tonight lit the Vogt. Cream of maize and minute tapioca at Maier & Benton's. 11-15 Weather: Tonight and Tuesday, rain And warmer, with Chinook wind. The great McEwen will be at nia best tonight. None should miss seeing him. Silver and gold articles sold by T. A. Van Norden will be engraved free of charge. Walter Norman is ready to serve fresh oysters in every style at the Columbia Candy Factory. 10-tf or six unfurnished To re"nt Four rooms, centrally located. Apply to Mra. M. Brittain, Union. , Second street, near dec 11 Just received our second shipment of Garland Btoves for this fall. . Tfaey are beauties. Call and see them .before buying elsewhere. Maier & Benton. Born, in Portland, Saturday, Nov. 11th, to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Heppner, a daughter. The happy father was a former Dallea boy, and hia frienda here extend their congratulations to "Hep." The Columbia Candy Factory baa se cured the services of an expert candy maker from Portland, and will be pre pared to offer its patrons superior can dies of all kinds at the lowest possible rates. 10-tf. The boom in the cattle business ap pears to be running away with itself, Stockmen are paying from $10 to $12.50 for calves, and one wonders where they will get off at when they come to market such blooded . stock aa 3-year-olds. Union Scout. .following are tne highest daily scores at the Club bowling alleys last week : Monday, Tolmie 57 ; Tuesday, Marden 50; Wednesday, Bradshaw 53; Thurs day, Mrs. B. S. Huntington 42; Friday, Bradshow60; Saturday, Bradshaw 57; Sunday, Porter 54. The highest daily bowling scores last week at the Umatilla alleys were: Mon day, C. Frank 66; Tuesday, C. Frank 61 ; Wednesday, A. B. Estebennet 70 ; Thursday, J. Benton 57 ; Friday, A. B. Estebennet 59: Saturday, H. Maetz 64; Sunday, C. Frank 58 In Bpite or the bad condition of the roads and the inclemency of the wea ther, several loads of grain were brought in today. This is a poor indication that the farmers are their grain oyer until spring for higher prices, otherwise they would not haul it over the roads in their present condi tion. A report cornea from Hong Kong that William Dunbar, who was implicated in the notorious Nat Blum opium-smuggling cases, and who about three years ago surreptitiously left here for China to evade the penalty attached to hia offense, is coining money in the Orient PEASE & MAYS. in legitimate commerce. This, ' how ever, ia no great Bnrprise to those well acquainted with Dunbar, for he always waa regarded as one of the best business men in Portland, and had he not per mitted himself to be misguided into the giganticopium-smuggling scheme which wrecked hia legitimate business, he would have successfully thrived here. Oregonian. Saturday a man named Carlyle waa arrested by Constable Hill on a com plaint made by Dick Brookhouse charg ing Carlyle 'with the larceny of a dog, valued at $10. He is having hia hearing today in Justice Filloon's court, Fred W. Wilson appearing for the defense, while A. A. Jayne is the attorney for the prosecution. Eight members of Dr. Grants' com pany 'arrived from Goldendale today, af ter a bard trip, with one upset, in which they were all treated to a genuine roll in the mud. They say that considering the size of the town they di.d a very good business every night they played there. From here they go to Heppner by way of Wasco. The trial in the circuit court in Dallas Tuesday over the ownership of a hog between neighbors was quite an attrac tion thirty witnesses were examined and it ia said the expenses will reach into the hundreds. The only way for the winner of the hog to get even, will be to take it to Klondike, where pork commands a high price. Yesterday while the, blasting waa going on in the cut across Mill creek, Mr. Healy, who waa coming down Fourth street, across from M. Z. Don nell'a residence, heard a whizzing Bound in the air and instinctively dncked hiB head. As he did so a rock weighing three pounds passed not over six inches above him and imbedded itself in the bank near by ,J From the place the rock struck to where the blast was set off was fully a quarter of a mile, and this provea the danger of passing in that vicinity when the blasting is going on. There is no doubt that had the rock struck Mr. Healy he would not have lived to tell the Btory, since it was going with the force of a cannon ball. Prof. McEwen had a splendid class of ver a dozen subjects Saturday night, id the largest audience of the week. ;arly all his, specialties were . new d as amusing as they usually are. He ade hia Bubjects believe they were in dia taking in the sights and viewing the doings of a Hindoo fakir. He then transported them across from this coun try to London in a balloon, and termin ated their ride by allowing them to fall desirous to holdTnto the Thames, where they were swim ming for their lives when woke up. He also made them engage in a baseball game, which was highly amusing. To night he will introduce more new speci alties. The entertainment will be tor the benefit of the Elks' lodge, and will certainly be largely attended. .'""' After meals you should have simply a feeling of comfort and satisfaction. You should not feel any Bpecial indications that digestion ia going cn. If you do, you have indigestion, which means not digestion. This may bo the beginning of bo many dangerous diseases, that it is best to take it in hand at once and treat it with Shaker Digestive Cordial. For yon know that indication makes poison, which causes pain and Bickness. And that Shaker Digestive Cordial helps di gestion and cores indigestion. SbaVer Digestive Cordial does this by providing the digestive materials in which the sick stomach is wanting. It also tones up and strengthens the digestive organs and makes them perfectly ' healthy, This is the rationale of its method of cure, aa the doctors would say. Sold by by druggists, price 10 centa to $1.00 per bottle. THE NEW LIGHTSHIP LAUNCHED. No. 70 Make Her First Dip From Wolf & Zwickard'a lard. Lightship No. 70 waa successfully launched from the ways at Wolff & Zwickard'a yard, at 11:30 yesterday morning, and ia now moored at the contractor's wharf to receive her boiler, masts and spars. Three thousand peo ple, standing on the East Water-street elevated roadway, the roofa of surround ing buildings and the Madison and M or ison Btreet bridges, saw her enter the water. Not an accident nor a hitch marred the event. An bour before the time ' Bet for the launching the drenching rain which bad been pouring all the morning ceased, as it for the occasion, and . the eun came forth and shown warmly down till noon. .This started crowds of people, across the bridges, and soon every available space Ion the platform about the ship was rtaken, and the spectators overflowed on the river banka and into the torpedo- boat sheds, every crossbeam of which on the Bide toward the ship was swarmed with men and boya. ; Shortly after 11 o'clock, Miss Dorcas Merrell, who bad been requested by the contractors to christen the vessel, mounted the platform at the bow, ac companied by her mother ; ani father, Commander John P. Merrell, inspector of the 13th lighthouse distiict. F. Wolff, president of the Wolff & Zwicker iron works, and a number of invited guests were also on the platform. Taking the champagne bottle, which was suspended by a red, white and blue cord from the J starboard bow, in her band, she made ready for the moment when the ship should Btart. "Meanwhile, both ax and lever had manfully been plied," and in a few mo menta those on board felt the vessel shiver a little and then by watching stationary objects, saw that Bhe had started. When she was a yard out of port on her first voyage, ; Miss Merrell held it high above her head and cast it energetically at the retreating ship. It waa shattered into a thousand piecea and the lightahip was "numbered." A brief summary of her dimensions and equipment follows; . Length over all 125 feet ; beam 23 feet 6 inches; depth, 13 feet 6 inches; dis placement, 589 tons. : The vessel will be provided with single" condensing en- n i Our Stove ia made in three different grades the Dome top line, the Cast top line and the Sheet top line.. Each of these styles have special features, which will enable us to meet all the require ments of the trade. All are fitted with double Beamed sheet metal base, which makes the Stove absolutely Air Tight. You will make no mistake in buying the original Cole's Air Tight Heater. MAIER & BENTON Distribu THE DALLES tors for gine, capable of developing 300 horse power, driven by a 12x12 corrueated firebox boiler. There are also two don key boilers to furnish power to the en gines for the dynamos and wince, when the ship is at anchor. The large boiler and engine will be used only to move her from place to place and to bold her head to the wind during a gale. Two electric lights of 1000 candle power each will be placed at her masthead. They will flash five seconds in fifteen, and in clear weather can be seen for seventeen miles. The Snipee-Kinerely Drug Co. have just received a fine line of Japanese ware suitable for Christmas presents dcl3-lw Christmas. With the lightness and brightness of Christ mas comes the desire for. music, for better in struments and for goods that suit the taste and please the senses. We give you the best values in music, the greatest pleasure io musical goods and the best pi ices you ever saw. Hiekelsen's Book Department Book Thoughts are noble thongnts if you get them from the best books. Cur stock of stand ard reference books and of the works of the best authors was nev- r as large as it now is. We keep everything you want in ths book and stationery line. The Great Pleasure of Life for many is the perusal of the best books. We keep the very latest of works, besides all the productions of the standard authors. liekelsen's Jeuuelry Dept. Sterling Silverware. American Watches. Oaf Stationery Onr assortment or fine wedding and society stationery is our pride. Our Department of Novelties Full of Christmas Gifts. Xias PresBDts REMEMBER We Fir , Oak and Map! To "be sold at the Lowest Market Rates. Phone 25. Jl?e postoffiee pi?a rma (;y , CLARKE & FALK, Proprietors. Pare Drugs and JVIedicines. Toilet Articles and Perfumery first Iji of Imported arjd Domestic 5i$ars. Telephone, 333. If you peed Call and see our KIMBALLS. 40.00 Cash , Will buy one of these Organs at Jacobsen Book & .Music Co. T ' 1 T ' XX ' jjeaaing eastern New Vogt Block, Closing FURNITURE ' PHIH25 & UITSCHKE' -, Are going to close out their business, and they are offerine their large etock at COST PRICES. Now ia the time to buy good Furniture cheap. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said firm are requested to call and " settle their account. PIONEER BAKERY. I have re-opened this -well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply eyery "body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also all-kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer M.Z.DONNELL, PfJESClPTIO DRUGGIST TOILET ARTICLES AND PERFUMERY. Opp. A. M. Williams & Co., GUNS MAYS & CROWE, have strictly First-Class J- T. Peters & Co. New Vogt Block. ai? Orai?, wregon iviusic xiouse. The Dalles, Oregon. Out Sale V CARPETS THE DALLES, OR Wood